Richard Armitage sound from Pilgrimage

It think it definitely helps that he learned some French in school. Although the fact that I can understand what he’s saying is perhaps a black mark against his accent, lol.

~ by Servetus on April 25, 2017.

60 Responses to “Richard Armitage sound from Pilgrimage”

  1. Do not know how to describe my corporeal reaction to this audio without what could be perceived as crassness. I will trust elements of this audience to be sympathetic, even empathetic to my plight.


    • WE understand you — he’s got a great voice. And even a questionable French accent is luscious in his case.


  2. Nice. I can’t really judge his French (although I was thinking the same as you – if I can understand what he is saying, it is less a reflection of my own language abilities but more about his…) Very breathy, the whole thing. Not entirely without attraction coughs.
    BTW, Raymond speaks pretty good English for a Norman. (Pet peeve of mine: I always think it is sloppy thinking of the writers when they give non-native speakers a heavy accent but perfect grammar. That’s not the way it is in reality. Speaking from experience…)


    • I’ve got about a third of it, listening to it three times, probably a lot is still wrong.

      Frere Geraldus

      Si, Raymond

      Nous le p____ pas _____

      Si pourtant pour …. revenir

      Des nombreux hommes resister a venir le territoire gallique … tout le ___

      Vous avez trouvée un souvenir?

      J’ai parlé ___ avec votre pere

      On soit de rencontrer mon pere

      Tres bien

      Je ____




      Mon petit vouleur


      whistle, barking


      Dites moi

      Comme un petit confessit ses peches

      Nous prions pour lui

      Quelle chance d’avoir des amis qui repondez vous si a la fois seul

      –Raymond … something about bien partir

      — un autre fois alors


      • I think he says “territoire gaélique”. And then later, after petit vouleur something like “arrète les…”? Right at the end the other voice says something about “deux hommes”, I think.
        But well, all guesswork. Hoping that Squirrel will shed some light on this.


        • Sorry, I was at the seaside. No bikini bath, outside the cold wind was 10°C during the day, and 1°Celsius at night. I was happy in bed with my special cold weather sleeping bag!


          • I actually think that sounds more worth-while than straining your ears to translate an obscure French dialogue ;-). Are you already practicing for Ireland 😀 ?


            • Yes my husband and I are looking on maps, revue,, etc… But my son will have to attend an engineering school at the beginning of September, whose address will be known only in June or even September. My daughter is thinking about transfering university or in preparatory class in a high school, the decision is in June. Two relocations in perspective. Also the date and duration of our holidays are not certain. I have to change my email address, because I can’t remember the secret code any more. So I’m waiting for my son, to be free on the next weekend. Should we need cold weather sleeping bag at the end of August in Irland?


              • Sounds complicated, coordinating all that. (I have similar issues with this year’s summer holidays, with 2 teenagers…)
                As for the weather in August – I don’t really think you need cold weather sleeping bags. It’s never hot in Ireland – but it is generally mild. And if you are out of the wind inside a tent, it will warm up quickly. I have a normal sleeping bag when I go camping. Mind you, I usually put on a fleece jumper and jogging pants/leggings when I slip into my sleeping bag…


    • But when I am actually in France, I understand about 20 percent of what people say, which makes me suspect that he’s got a pretty severe English accent. Well, no doubt our French friends will have something to say — it can be their turn this time around.


      • Same here. The French speak so fast, and always blend the words, which makes it hard for me to keep up, having only learnt French for 1 year in school.


        • ????=arrète-le (not sure about the spelling).
          My French-knowledge is under pressure:-) – I’m not very good at it and have very little practice. Wasn’t this supposed to be ancient French?


        • I had a semester in graduate school, which was focused on reading it. Which wasn’t hard after Latin and Spanish. However, we spent almost no time on speaking it (we sang a few songs every day, a la peche a moule moule moule … ) and none on aural comprehension.


          • I think the Latin (and Spanish, in your case) makes the difference. I have a broad, general understanding of Romance languages because of that.


            • I took three years of French. Little good it did me. However, I kind of understand the general idea when I listen to it. I can’t read French very well, sadly.

              Liked by 1 person

              • I feel like the nouns are really useful, esp in restaurants. typical Americo-centrist, here 🙂


  3. There’s just something about listening to Richard speaking in a Romance language…


    • we’ve now had Italian, German, Russian and French, and I think there was an Into the Storm promo in Spanish and Chinese … so I think he should move on to Japanese or else something a lot of people speak, like Hindi or Arabic 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. All those skiing trips to the French Alps must have helped school French wasn’t that hot on accent lol


  5. i am french he said

    RA: frere geraldus
    men :sir raymond
    RA: nous ne pensions pas vous voir
    men: c est pourtant le jour que j ‘avais choisis pour revenir
    RA: de nombreux hommes choisissent de revenir du territoire gaélique, peu le font
    RA: vous avez trouvez un souvenir ?
    men: j en parlerais avec votre père
    RA: vous souhaitez rencontrer mon père? très bien, je vous conduirais à lui.
    RA: bâtard
    men: toi
    RA: nos petits voleurs, arrête les !
    RA: dites moi ? un homme sans voix, comment peut-il confesser ses péchés ?
    men: nous prions pour lui
    RA: quel chance d’avoir des amis qui répondent de vous sur la foi seule
    men:raymond rassemble tes hommes, nous célébrons une messe avant de partir
    ra: une autre fois alors


    • Thanks for doing this! Bienvenue!

      Well, I understood some of it anyway 🙂


      • thanks ! i can translate if you need 🙂


        • Once I can read it, there’s no problem. It’s just listening to it that’s the issue.

          Also, am I kidding myself, or does the person who says “nous prions pour lui” not have a very good accent? 🙂


          • yes he have not french accent !
            it’s strange to listen him speak french.It is not said naturally 😉 there are some word who i need listen more time for understand , because he do not pronounce them very well.


  6. Remember “A Fish Called Wanda”? Kevin Kline speaking mock French (or was it Italian?), and what it does to Jamie Lee Curtis? Hillarious 🙂
    Richard’s voice and French accent – wauw! Does exactly the same to me.


  7. I’m gonna have to make myself a loop of him saying “Constantinople” over and over.


  8. Love that deep voice, hmm swoon


  9. As I’m French, I might be of some assistance on this topic (thanks by the way for sharing the link!)

    Here is the transcription (let’s say 95% accurate…)

    Frère Geraldus
    Sire Raymond
    Nous ne pensions pas vous voir
    C’est pourtant le jour que j’avais choisi pour revenir
    De nombreux hommes choisissent de revenir du territoire gaélique, peu le feront (font?)
    Vous avez trouvé un souvenir ?
    J’en parlerai avec votre père
    Vous souhaitez rencontrer mon père ? Très bien, je vous conduirai à lui

    Toi !
    Nos petits voleurs

    Un homme sans voix, comment peut-il confesser ses péchés ?
    Nous prions pour lui
    Quelle chance d’avoir des amis qui répondent de vous, sur la foi seule

    Raymond ! Rassemble tes hommes. Qu’ils célèbrent (?) une messe avant de partir
    Une autre fois alors…


  10. He sounds HOT! and foreign….le sigh.


  11. So, any conclusions? Can RA pull off the ancient French native speaker?
    It just sounds incredibly sexy to me.


  12. Reblogged this on Better a witty fool.


  13. For me RA sounds very good although he has a strong accent. He pushed himself to pronounced the words in a right way. It is the same like in BS with the german words. He pays attention to speak precise so he lost the intonation.
    The first man is a french speaker also the last one (rassemble tes hommes…) The man who said nous prions pour lui has a massive english accent. Who are these actors?
    The french here is a little bit stilted, overblown phrasing
    So I am more and more curious to this film.
    RA has to spend much more holidays in France to exercise the language, lol

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think you’re right about the precision — there’s a point much later in the film where he says a sentence and he cuts up the rhythm of a sentence in a really strange way, and I thought, that must have been about precision with the subtitling.

      The guy who says “nous prions pour lui” is Brother Ciaran (John Lynch), so he’s supposed to be an Irish monk who speaks French b/c he’s traveled somewhat.

      Maybe we can get you a job as his French dialogue coach. The film had something like five for different languages.


      • What an great idea! Without hesitation I would say yes to this job offer if i wouldn’t be knocked out of my hyperventilation or timidity to have to speak to him. What’s about you? A job as a historian aide for his next project?


        • historical consultant is a job that drives historians mad … but I could definitely be one of the caterers 🙂


  14. […] Perry has also been to the movie and has given her impression and Servetus provides a link to a Richard Armitage in Pilgrimage soundbite. I’m sure there’s more info to be found, but even I haven’t read it all yet, I […]


  15. Je suis contente d’être partie quelques jours au bord de la mer et ceci en dehors des périodes d’affluence (cf: LadyButterfly).
    Cela permet de prendre du recul, chose utile et nécessaire par les temps qui courent (surmenage, stress/ mes ados en concours ou réorientation, fan-attitude/ blog, élections).
    Cela m’a évité d’être une fois de plus ridicule sur ce blog, aussi bien en français qu’en anglais. Mon prof d’anglais actuel me dit de ne pas m’en soucier. Mais la peur du ridicule peut parfois tuer toute velléité d’écriture. C’est mon cas actuellement. Je laisse la place à Céline et Machenka pour un temps…
    Sorry, Guylty!
    Je prends de la distance, une fois de plus. Je comprends le terme “overwhelmed” car je partage certains états d’âmes que vous aviez eu précédemment, Servetus. J’y verrai peut-être plus clair, dans quelques temps. Dommage!
    Stanley Weber est un acteur d’origine française, son accent devrait être impeccable. L’interlocuteur de Richard Armitage a un très bon accent. Est-ce lui qui parle dans: “Raymond ! Rassemble tes hommes. Qu’ils célèbrent (?) une messe avant de partir. Une autre fois alors…”?


    • I hope you had a nice time. The sea landscape is often prettier in the off-season, I find. “Celebrate mass” is the English idiom … maybe not the same in French?


      • Weird, odd word “celebrate mass”??? I do not understand.
        New email adress but not effective yet, now.
        Not on holiday on 1st May! I am still here blogging, because of the festival “series mania”.
        I am trying to translate, in few lines, a great french interview about “Violence of the series, Violence of the world?” With Dominique Moïsi, political scientist and geopolitician, author of “The geopolitics of the series”, specially for you and Guylty.
        It helps me to understand the chaos of the world, politic, fear / addiction, he spoke about becoming addict, binge watching / reality versus fiction / the place of series in the history of literature …


  16. Be66 Seltz, je suis d’accord avec vous, l’accent n’est pas terrible, mais l’élocution très appliquée rend le texte fade. Il reste la splendide voix GRAVE de Richard Armitage, addictive…


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