Look quick before someone notices

~ by Servetus on June 27, 2017.

27 Responses to “Look quick before someone notices”

  1. Thanks!


  2. Thanks!


  3. Thank you so much!


  4. OMG what a surprise! I’ve just watched the whole film, thank you so much.


  5. Thank you so much!


  6. Thank you. You beat Netflix 🙂


    • I’d have some sympathy with them if they hadn’t sat on it for several months. Every film gets pirated eventually, but this had been in theaters for two months before it happened.


  7. Thanks Serv! Much appreciated. Will see him in Crucible again on Sunday here in Calgary. This is like a veritable RA feast. Blessings.


  8. Thank you.


  9. Yay! For once I got to something before it disappeared! Thanks!


  10. Thank you!

    Not sure what I think of the film. Not my favourite I’m afraid, there was something missing in the plot and production as a whole to keep my attention and interest 😕


  11. Thank You for the chance to see the movie. I think this is my least favorite RA performance. Seems he was falling back on all his old tricks. Way over used the hands over the face bit, which I found so moving in North and South. My biggest pet peeve, which is so silly, is his baseball hats with no teams on them. Can’t imagine a New Yorker walking around with a hat like that. Maybe they didn’t have the budget for a Mets, Yankee or some other NY team hat. 🙂


  12. Glad everyone is enjoying it. I’m amazed it’s still visible, though.


  13. Thanks so much, I really thought I would never get to see this.


    • I’m starting to wonder, too, now that it hasn’t been planned in the US by Netflix. It’s quite strange.


  14. Hurra I have had the chance to watch it yesterday and now I wanted to see it again but it is over. Thank you for the possibility


  15. Merci, il reste visible sur plusieurs sites en VOST.
    J’ai bien aimé ce film qui veut être un témoignage. C’est un film descriptif, sobre, non larmoyant, pas trop complexe. Il montre au jour le jour les perturbations causées par l’apparition de la maladie de l’ héroïne dans sa vie, dans son travail et dans sa famille. Cela ressemble beaucoup à ce que je côtoie. Je regrette juste la fin en queue de poisson. Le traitement et la convalescence auraient mérité plus d’attention et de développement.


    • I think that’s more or less what the film was supposed to accomplish, according to what the director said in Toronto, so that’s good.


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