Fellow Richard Armitage fans’ writing news

@Rob — Amelia Dellos has just won a Watty award for her first novel, Delilah, about the adventures of a woman who suddenly learns she’s a witch.

Jen Rasmussen (who was more a Hobbit fan than an Armitage fan, probably, and who you may remember did an enjoyable trilogy of novels about demon hunter Lydia Trinket) has a new series coming out: Forsaken Kingdom.

If you’re interested in other Richard Armitage fans who write, many of them directly inspired by Armitage, there’s an interesting blog / archive here.

As NaNoWriMo begins, congratulations and best wishes to all Richard Armitage fans who are writing!

~ by Servetus on October 31, 2017.

6 Responses to “Fellow Richard Armitage fans’ writing news”

  1. They should write Richard a screenplay!


  2. Thank you! Good luck to all the NaNo people. I’m shooting for 100k this month, so I will need lots and lots of caffeine.


    • Wow — that’s 3k words plus a day, no? That would be amazing. I can do 3k words maybe once a week. I hope it goes well for you.


  3. Aw thanks Sev! I was just checking in and I saw this. xoxo


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