So this was funny

Adrian Schiller played Reverend Hale in The Crucible.

Meanwhile, I’m off to see Ocean’s 8 two more times on cheap day, and then the latest NT Live transmission, the play adaptation of Mark Haddon’s book.

In the spirit of Guylty’s challenge:

Amount of money I’ve contributed to Chris Pine’s entire career: $25.

  • 3 Star Trek films seen on cheap day at the theater. He’s okay, but he is just mimicking William Shatner, not really performing a role himself.
  • Wonder Woman: Why was Captain Kirk in this film? Also seen on cheap day. Annoyed because people kept telling me it was feminist, but it was the same old same old.
  • A Wrinkle in Time: This film sucked eggs. I can’t even remember him. At least Oprah was in it. Love Oprah.
  • There’s free popcorn on cheap day for rewards members, so no multiplier effect.

Amount I’ve spent just on seeing Richard Armitage in Ocean’s 8:

  • 3 premiere night tickets @$14 = $42.
  • 2 cheap day tickets @5 = $10.
  • Free popcorn = same on cheap day.
  • One order of french fries, one order of onion rings, one large soda = $17 total.
  • In the words of those 1990s MasterCard commercials: PRICELESS.

~ by Servetus on June 12, 2018.

21 Responses to “So this was funny”

  1. I’m going today too! We will enjoy it together (sort of). Have a good time!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. French fries and onion rings yummy!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. That is hilarious!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. French Fries! I’m jealous – but do you get jalapeños with your hotdogs? I spent $2.00 on Chris Pine in Wonder Woman, because that’s what films in Mexico cost and we mostly get that sort of blockbuster here. I found his other films elsewhere on line or TV. A stopped watching A Wrinkle in Time after 20 minutes. I think he has nice eyes. He’s right up there with the long eyelash crowd. I avoided spending between $ 50 and $ 75 on a driver to see Ocean’s 8, because last minute a friend agreed to drive, but I treated for tickets and popcorn/drinks/hotdogs – so overall, I spent $ 10.00 on Ocean’s 8 so far, for three people. I will check out Guylty’s challenge. Haven’t so far.

    Liked by 2 people

    • We do not get jalapeños with our hotdogs. However, the fries come with chipotle ranch dipping sauce. We can also order deep fried cheese curds.

      Wrinkle in Time — there were a few bright moments, but by changing Meg’s fundamental issue from her struggle to deal with her intelligence to fears about her appearance / body, they ruined the whole thing for me. I so identified with book Meg, and while this Meg was very nice (and I thought the casting of an African American girl and using her to illustrate Meg’s “hair” issues was brilliant), she didn’t have the same relatability to me.

      I hope the film makes it to your local cinema pronto.


      • Hard to tell when it will come. Jurassic seems to be next big one, but the smaller theater is still promising Ocean’s 8 soon. I can walk there and there will be a show in English every day at 3:30. These are the times I wish I had a car because it was really easy, though it took just under an hour, to drive to the mall where the theater I chose is. My friends here, as a rule, just don’t think of driving to see a movie they want to see if it isn’t playing locally. I may lobby to change that but we have a person here who has connections ( or talent) and provides digital copies of every film out, though a little later. People here get used to waiting. I’m not that good at it when it comes to Armitage.
        I never read A Wrinkle in Time, so I had nothing to judge. I loved the animation, I had a legitimate on demand version, so great quality, but it was too fanciful for me.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. It is. Very nice of his colleagues to support.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I saw Captain Underpants today – along with every child at a DayCamp nearby. Potty humor and freed Skittles all over. Super cheap! Under the circumstances, I found it oddly appropriate.

    I have spent 0.00 on Chris Pine. Really. I plan on seeing Oceans 8 at the matinee on Friday,

    Liked by 1 person

  7. LOL – the Chris Pine calculations and comments are priceless!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Two of my favorite parts of this post:
    *sucked eggs
    *priceless reference
    It’s the little things that make me smile lately. Thanks🤣

    Liked by 2 people

  9. The only movie I’ve seen with Chris Pine in it is Wonder Woman on Netflix. Subscription is AUD9.95 per month, so if my maths is correct, for a 2.5hr movie, my CP expenditure comes to 3 cents. Less when you consider he wasn’t on screen for the whole movie. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • Great you could get through Wonder Woman. I stopped watching it 20 minutes in when he emerged naked from the hot tub/spring, just felt ugh..

      Liked by 1 person

      • I confess to knitting and playing word games on my iPad while the movie was on so it wasn’t exactly holding my interest! 😉

        Liked by 2 people

        • I heard the reason that they wrote that character in was that they didn’t think anyone would watch a movie that had a female superhero as the lead. He had to be in it because Wonder Woman wasn’t strong enough to headline a movie. Be that as it may, they more or less ensured that a lot of people won’t watch the second one. If I’m going to watch that movie, I want Wonder Woman running the show — not Captain Kirk who makes smarmy sex jokes.


  10. I love that Adrian Schiller jumped in to lighten the mood a bit


    • Indeed — this is an example of an effective self-deprecating joke. That said, there are probably relatively few people in such a good position to evaluate Armitage’s work as Schiller.


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