The Lodge Trailer #richardarmitage

~ by Servetus on April 17, 2019.

10 Responses to “The Lodge Trailer #richardarmitage”

  1. […] Hier kann man einen Blick riskieren. Danke an Servetus bzw. Moose Turds fürs Finden! […]

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  2. that does look good for that type of film, not sure if its my thing..

    Liked by 2 people

  3. The discordant bits of soundtrack in the first 40 or so seconds remind me of parts of Hannibal, and as I did for Hannibal, it’s a fangirl cut for me. There’s nowhere near enough RA for me to put myself through this, but I agree with Rachel – if you like the horror genre, then it does look worth a try.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Well, it definitely falls into the category of films I’d never see if Armitage weren’t in them — but still undecided about seeing it.


  5. Whoa. I am glad I have seen the trailer. It allows me to make the decision that I will definitely not sit through horror to see Richard framing the action for 10 minutes. I am too much of a coward for horror.

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  6. My son and I would probably see it. It really doesn’t look like there’s much Armitage in it though.

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  7. I’m becoming a bit of a broken record, but previous posts on The Lodge didn’t seem to have much of an audience and the comments above seem to make some assumptions that I don’t think match the film. While there are probably some people who would not like The Lodge and should not see it, it is not a horror film in the classic sense. The recent podcast called it “psychological horror”. I liken it to a roller coaster ride — very intense while it is happening and then suddenly over and everything is back to normal. The audience left the film chatty and happy, which is never how I felt after watching Hannibal.

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    • I don’t think you’re a broken record. I do think how people process things labeled “horror” and “suspense” is a bit like the way we process fanfic — in genre fiction, tastes are fairly particular and highly specialized. So it’s good to know that apparently there’s not a lot of gore. (I can’t say that I felt happy after watching Hannibal, though.)


  8. I want to link csprof’s review here, in case anyone missed it (it arrived in the midst of a tumult of RDC 5 stuff) — she’s the only person I’ve talked to who has actually seen the whole film:

    [guest post] A Richard Armitage fan saw The Lodge on February 2 — her impressions! No spoilers.

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