Is my tulpa reappearing?

Esther made this cap. Anyway, it was a long, awful day, such that I almost didn’t look at the Internet (off to bed immediately) for fear I’d see some huge turnoff. But this? Armitage smiling while dressed in my favorite color? THIS is spectacular. I’ll go to bed on the strength of this one and hope for more beauty tomorrow.


~ by Servetus on September 8, 2019.

30 Responses to “Is my tulpa reappearing?”

  1. I’m sorry…but what was he thinking?!!! All I can think of is Jack Nicholson as The Joker circa…what? 1982? Nothing against purple….but what kind of outfit is this? Weird checked matching tie, shirt and suit? Is it some sort of invisibility cloak? I seriously cannot take him seriously in this get up. (I’m sorry you had a bad day and am glad he wore your favourite colour though).

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I was at TIFF today but missed RA on the red carpet due to traffic jams, although I did see Julie Delphy. The movie certainly raises a bunch of ethical issues. It is being billed as a psychological thriller, which I don’t t think it is. The Q and A was interesting and Richard seemed very relaxed (or jet lagged) and was very gracious as usual.

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  3. I’m sorry you had an awful day Servetus 🤗

    But what was he thinking when he put this outfit on? I honestly thought it was a manip until I went to Esthers blog and saw all the other photos. Even if the colour has come out a bit differently under the lights it’s just terrible ( and this from someone who liked the blue waxed cotton suit and the Prince of Wales check). It’s not just the colour – it’s the texture and the decision to go with a matching shirt and tie.

    Please tell me this is a prank or a dare or wearing a colour to raise awareness for a rare disease or something…

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    • I think this is an Ilaria Urbinati special. I liked the Japan waxed suit, too, and I wasn’t opposed to the check (just thought the suit was a bit tight).


  4. It is such an audacious choice. It’s befuddled and dazzled me. On one hand I don’t think I like the suit but on the other, he looks so good in it.

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  5. Oh my. A man! A man in kinky attire! After a long time I want rip his clothes off again. And not to look at the labels. Well, not only.

    Liked by 3 people

    • I felt that way too — this suit just gives him such a great energy and it’s been quite a while for me. The last few photos in particular have been pretty destructive for me. I still don’t like his hair this way but the rest of the package was perfect for me.


  6. Thanks for the link-love. And yeah, liked the purple too. 😊

    Liked by 2 people

  7. They are loving it on Instagram. And he confirmed it was purple on there so I can’t even hope the lighting was deceptive and it was actually blue.


    • I think I’ve seen a picture of it in outside and it’s an even more purply purple. It looks better in this picture, though. Definitely a night time suit.


  8. Une très belle tenue pour se faire remarquer!


  9. The fabric is beautiful, I only wish it had been contained to just one piece – shirt or tie or suit – I’d love to see it as a jacket with beautifully tailored black trousers.

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    • I was thinking the jacket might look okay with jeans and a shirt Mezz. But it is never going to be one of those outfits he can mix and match and get loads of wear out of. You just can’t unsee that weave.

      Unless, as Sparkhouse says, his next gig is as The Joker! 😂😂


    • That would have been good, too. Although I think that would have been more of a “dinner jacket” type look.


  10. I love this suit.


    • me, too — this picture has had an effect on me like the striped suit in May 2010 and the bearded picture in Feb 2011 and the Wellington premiere look in November of 2012. I’m really thanking the universe.

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      • For me it’s like the waxed cloth leather look one from Tokyo. The hair is a good color on him, too, and really works with that shade of purple.


        • it’s a similar style choice to that. I liked that but it didn’t knock me over. To be fair — what he wears at these liminal points in my life is as much related to the threshold problem as it is to what he wears.

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  11. My absolute favourite colour is this type of dark purple. I’ve got curtains this colour in my bedroom. However, one thing is curtains another is clothing.

    Although purple really goes with our man, Feel free to wear purple anythime, Richard. This…is just too much. Too much of the same pattern/fabric at the same time – way too flashy. Illaria usually does a good job with Richard, but this time I take the liberty of questioning her choice – and brown shoes to go with this colour – a definite no, no in my book.

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