Still alive

I apologize for the long disappearance here. There’d be a lot to say but no time to write at the moment. Basically (a) the Yom Kippur synagogue shooting kicked me in the solar plexus (b) US politics and (c) UK politics and (d) more drama with dad, this time around the clothes washer. Today we had our first conversation with him about conditions for staying in the house / reasons to move to assisted living. It could have gone worse I suppose. Anyway, I promise I will be back. For now I have 300 pp of essays to grade by Tuesday, so. Hopping to it. What’s up with y’all?

~ by Servetus on October 21, 2019.

22 Responses to “Still alive”

  1. Very glad to hear that you’re still here Servetus’. My word, I didn’t realise that there had been a shooting – I thought from the image that just the door had been attacked, which was bad enough. I can see the bullet holes now. Unspeakable. And thank God no one was killed. 300 essays? Cripes. Good luck. As for me in the UK, I’m waiting with bated breath and slowly becoming asphyxiated …


  2. Thanks for this.
    Glad you are okay under the circumstances

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Angry and offended by the turkish attack in north Syria, T*ump’s incapability and/or depravation and really annoyed by Brexit. Ah, and exhasperated by Eu general myopia about a coherent foreign policy. Good luck whit your Dad, at least you have faced the topic.

    Liked by 1 person

    • In total agreement with you about all of that stuff. We deserve better from our elected representatives. Seriously, if I was as bad a professor as most of these people are politicians, I’d have been fired years ago.

      It was a really clarifying conversation — put some things into perspective and helped me see some things differently. I don’t think the day to day will change in the short term but at least my brother and I have put ourselves on record in terms of what we can deal with and what we can’t.

      Liked by 2 people

      • That was exactly what I was thinking Servetus. Most of us would find ourselves out of a job if we carried on like some of our elected politicians. It’s disgraceful and I really don’t think most of us have the governments we deserve at the moment.

        Good to hear from you.


  4. I am on holiday, currently, in Edinburgh, and visiting North and South filming sites, and ignoring politics in order to get my mojo back. I’d heard nothing about the Yom Kipper attack – how awful. Good luck with all those essays. You’ve got it!


  5. Glad you’re chugging along as best possible under the circumstances, sending hugs xx


  6. I’m still catching up on blog posts after the fair. Good to hear from you. hugs


  7. I hear you. Federal election day here in Canada. (Curls into fetal position). I just can’t bear the news anymore, it’s all too much.


  8. Glad you’re still alive and kicking! I hope you managed to get the essays all graded. I feel a bit desensitized to all the madness going on in the world, unfortunately. Sometimes it all just seems so ludicrous. I’m glad you and HL had the conversation with your dad. I hope it’s had some impact. Hang in there!


  9. Oh gosh! Good luck with the essays! And dad!


  10. Good luck with all the work.


  11. I am still reeling from yesterday’s shock 39 people were found frozen to death in the back of a refrigerator lorry in the south of my county.
    Enormous risks are taken by desperate people


  12. I think we are all increasingly depressed by politics both at home and abroad. The attack in Halle has unsettled me as well. Right wing extremism has been ignored far too long and there have been many warnings…
    I can’t begin to imagine how you are coping with your dad. There doesn’t seem to be any respite. I worry about you xx


  13. Oh my goodness, the news, yeah, utterly depressingt! Hang in there with your dad and also with all the work!!


  14. […] GCM came and we had a meeting to discuss assisted living with dad. It was revealing. I realized while listening to dad talk about […]


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