Let us love nobly, and live, and add again / Years and years unto years

Hard to believe.

~ by Servetus on February 26, 2021.

34 Responses to “Let us love nobly, and live, and add again / Years and years unto years”

  1. Congratulations! And many more???

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations! Hope you continue to blog awhile. I’d miss you if you stopped.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks, and thanks for sticking with me this whole time. The remainder of this year is shaping up to be tough but I’m not sure what I’d do without the blog. I suppose that makes sense after a decade of this. It’s a serious habit!


  3. Well, happy blogiversary/anniversary! It‘s quite a number!


    • Thank you! It’s all a bit bizarre.


      • Haha, IKR. I feel the same about my number. I never expected it to last this long…

        Liked by 1 person

        • I used to think a lot about reasons I would stop and at one point I thought it would be that Armitage and my fascinating with him didn’t seem worth it anymore. Then I thought that my inability to handle certain fan activities might be the reason. But I figure in the end, if the whole Cybersmile affair didn’t turn me off, what will?


  4. Happy anniversary.
    I’m proud of you that you’ve kept going through it all.
    Hope to celebrate more blog anniversaries with you.


  5. Congratulations! Also thanks for the reminder that I might have missed my 10 year anniversary… I’ll have a look directly.


  6. Happy Blogiversary! Eleven years of blogging is a real accomplishment, well done and here’s to many more ❤


  7. Happy blogversary! I really enjoy reading all your entries!


  8. Happy blogiversary! How times flies. Very selfish I wish you much more because I like to read your posts and thoughts.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Happy Blogiversary!


  10. Happy Blogiversary! I’ve been around for eight of those years, which in itself is hard for me to fathom! time flies and we live and we learn, and I have certainly learned a lot from your posts and our interactions. I thank you for the lessons, and I hope to keep learning 😎


  11. Happy anniversary ❤


  12. Happy blogiversary Servetus! Thank you for all your wonderful writings over the years – and for providing RA sustenance. Here’s to many more years and to blogging continuing to be an outlet for you.


  13. Wow. Those years went by like a blink of a lovely lashed RA eye. I am still lurking around and your blog has remained interesting, fun and heart wrenching (not in order). I hope you will want to continue write for a good long while. Much love, your devoted fan, Kathy

    Liked by 1 person

  14. 11 already! Happy blogiversary, Servetus! Here’s to many more.


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