Hello, you

Richard Armitage, Uncle Vanya rehearsal photos

Picking up so many pieces these days. Trying to pick up career, friends, real life — crush.

I think I paused you at January 2020, thinking I’d have time to catch up. Reality hit me like a ton of bricks after I returned from London. Even had the world not turned upside down then, I’m not sure I’d have had time to process. So now I have so much stuff to look at for the first time. I’m not entirely sure I want to, honestly. London was so great, you were so great, you revived every positive feeling I’d felt about you for years, and I don’t want to be disappointed. On the other hand, I need more of you and the lessons you have taught me. Is it too much to ask you to change my life again?

~ by Servetus on June 15, 2021.

18 Responses to “Hello, you”

  1. Sending a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig hug <<3 Hang in there, Serv! ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Take it gently. Meditating on those curls would be a good start… 😘

    Liked by 2 people

  3. What is it about him with curly hair, the beard and looking tiredly annoyed that I find so appealing? I think he can do so much more than he shows. Perhaps he’s protecting himself, maybe that’s what I admire.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hello you! As you put it: it has been a relentless year and a half….. and I`m in an ongoing ‘state of confusion’ or whatever that is. I do miss some people whom I can’t visit and see and I miss the one and only, The Man …severely. It really had started so wonderfully in Jan 2020. One of the most joyous weeks in the last years!!
    Vigorously waving at you…… Hope you soon find an end to all the packing and clearing. Hope for some peace and comfort, and that you easily find your way around your new home. Best wishes, S.!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I still remember how joyful we felt in Jan 2020 at that stage door. In a way it really seems like that was th elast point at which time was passing normally. Thanks for the encouragement. I actually got the pantry halfway put together this week, so the house can start functioning normally.


  5. That’s a great picture to pick up the crushing again. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • of that series, I liked his look in the one with Ciaran Hinds in the foreground, but he was kind of blurry. Although maybe that would have been appropriate for this post, too.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Another virtual hug for you from me. Our minds are incredible at keeping things together whilst we need to get things done. Emotional burnout can happen when we pause or rest afterwards. But sounds like you’re doing all the right things to minimise risk of that – going back to hobbies you used to enjoy, such as crushing on Richard? Be kind to yourself whilst your mind processes all you’ve been through and are still going through. Best wishes, you’re amazing! 🤗❤️😎


  7. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that you’ll find your way back to the muse and crush. Hang in there ❤


  8. You are sort of a red ribbon – connecting all kinds of people – and not only fans of youknowwho! Take me – I’ve stopped crushing on the muse some years ago … but I still drop in here occasionally, because you and your frank way to muse about all sorts of things have grown on me.
    Well some things can’t be simply picked up, after they were laying low for a while. You are the only one to decide in which way you’d like to continue on this journey.
    I still like the Armitage and I wish him well, but I moved on. You are the person that I still feel connected to in some totally other way after ‘knowing’ you for almost 7 (omg is that really so?) years.


    • I think this can be picked up again, but I have to find a way to write more frankly than I have. At some point my defense mechanisms as a fan sort of squelched the creativity. I started writing mostly spoofs when I had something serious to say (I know, counter-intuitive, but that is sort of how my brain works) as opposed to saying things. I suppose the question is always whether it’s worth the effort.

      I think most people move on — usually within about 18 months if the pattern holds. So those of us who kept the crush warm are the oddballs. (Whereas I stopped reading Rob Brezny faithfully a few years ago and have become a casual reader.) I appreciate that you’re still around after all this time. Seven years ago was the summer of The Crucible. Bizarre.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh yes, that was a one of a kind sumner. I was literally on fire. Now I’m following in Rob Brezsny’s footsteps with my own oracles. And I also appreciate that you are still there, doing your thing. I really admire what you have created with your blog. This is a universe of its own.

        Liked by 1 person

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