The Big Five Oh

It’s an hour before midnight in London, so it’s almost Armitage Day! Happy fiftieth, Richard Armitage!

Here’s his “accidentally” distributed in advance birthday message — loaded elsewhere for security, in case you missed it three days ago.

This is my eleventh post of this kind. In honor of the occasion, I will make a donation of £1 (GBP) for each person who comments on this post from now until I close comments when I get up on Monday morning, 8/23, my time). A person is someone with a unique handle, email and IP address who leaves a comment HERE at my wordpress blog. Limit one comment per person. Lurkers and first-time commentators are welcome. There is no limit on the donation. I will not be sending separate notice to Richard Armitage about this activity, nor do I expect any acknowledgement from him. This is just for fans, really. Because I’ve been doing it forever. My little Richard Armitage birthday hobby.

This year, the money will again be donated to LOROS in honor of Margaret Armitage.

Those in a giving mood may also want to give separately to a charity that Richard Armitage has supported.

Your comment does not have to have any particular content. If you would like to say something, you could discuss your reaction to the birthday video!

~ by Servetus on August 21, 2021.

100 Responses to “The Big Five Oh”

  1. You’re wonderful for doing this. I got a good chuckle (and a little misty eyed) watching the video. Think he really misses his mum.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Look forward to this every year. Richard is right. Curiosity is one thing that keeps us young.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Hey Serv, today it’s 7 years since I joined Twitter for the occasion. So much has happened since then. Funny enough all the RA related entries on my blog from 2015/16 still have an active audience. Might check out his birthday chart tomorrow to celebrate. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. that was a very cute video!


  5. the way he reads the card is very ‘CBeebies’ -like 😛

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Thank you for sharing the Birthday video Servetus! I too got a little misty eyed watching it. I have followed Richard’s career since 2005 so find this day special for so many reasons. I’m not sure if at 83 I am the oldest “well-wisher” but possibly one of the oldest? I shall continue to do so for as long as I am able.

    PS I have to say I love his silver hair. Helps me forget the large gap in our ages! 😉

    Liked by 6 people

    • I think it’s good for him to acknowledge his age at least a little.

      You just keep going on and on, so the longer you persist, the more likely you are to win the “title” of oldest fan?

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I’ve been following/checking in with your blog since Aug 2013 and I remember that bc I found one of your North and South posts the night after I had surgery and I laid awake reading through your analysis of the series to distract me. I don’t blog myself so I don’t usually comment but I just wanted to say that I’m glad you’re still around, I enjoy your personal posts just as much as I enjoy your Armitage thoughts and opinions ❤️ I can’t believe he’s 50 already! I think I’m at that age where I feel like everyone stays the same and then I’m surprised when time has passed LOL

    Liked by 4 people

    • Thanks for the many kind words!

      I have a similar sensation of a weird sort of inertia around 50. Just recently it occurred to me that most of the talking heads are no longer older to me — they’re my age now — we are actually responsible people. How did that time pass?


  8. Thank you so much for doing this! I had hoped on getting something from the auction but as a student most things were out of my price range. So thanks for doing this! I absolutely loved this video he posted. I think he should do a weekly video lol!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Hello Servetus, you’re the best! Happy Birthday Richard Armitage!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Thanks for reposting the video! I managed to catch it right before he took it down, so it’s great to watch again. And thank you for the great bday gift for him!

    Liked by 2 people

    • I’m still trying to talk myself into believing he is that much of a tech incompetent. But in any case, someone is always watching these days.


  11. Oh I love the video! (Is it a filter though that makes him look like there are no lines around the eyes, do you think?) Thanks for doing your donation again!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Thank you for doing this, and for sharing the video! I hadn’t seen it before.
    Wishing you the best, Serv ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Somebody downloaded it before he could delete the tweet. Armitage fans are resourceful! Thanks for the good wishes.


  13. May I join you in wishing RA a very happy half century. Best wishes to him in England or wherever he may be. 🌈🍰🎁🎂💥🥳👏


    • I was thinking England, but when he tweeted last night it would really have been the middle of the night for him. Wo who knows?


  14. Thank you for doing the birthday donations again this year. Also thanking for sharing Richards birthday video. I think he looks a bit different, but maybe due to him having the beard for so long. Well a happy 50th birthday to Richard.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Thank you for doing this once again Serv. I love the video, love the silver in his hair!

    Liked by 3 people

  16. Thanks, Serv! Happy birthday, Richard! 🎂🎉🥳😊❤️


  17. Wonderful that you’re doing this again, Servetus. 🙂 Happy birthday, Richard!


  18. Happy birthday, Richard, and wishing you a fab day! ❤

    Thank you, Serv – sending you a big hug. ❤


  19. Such a generous thing to do, Servetus, thank you. Thanks for the video (I love the way he weilds his sword!) Happy Birthday Richard!


  20. Thanks for holding on to that tradition of yours Servetus ❤ and a happy birthday to Richard!


  21. Thank you for not breaking with the tradition regardless of your personal circumstances. Sending you much love Serv; and of course Happy Birthday to RA (who I still prefer in his current beardless state 😉)


  22. Yay! Thanks Servetus for your part in this year’s birthday charity fundRAising. I might end up commenting more than once here, but of course, only one donation from you is required, using your generous criteria! I will try to donate too according to how many comments I make.

    Firstly thanks for posting The Original video link. In case it’s not been mentioned previously, he has uploaded an HD version 2nd time around, and he has tweaked the ending, to thank the fundRAising efforts this year.

    Al little bit of unsubstantiated speculation has been if he would match the jacket bid, or the total raised. But in the end of this video he writes ‘over £18,000 raised for Loros’ so, Ivguess he’s just matching the jacket price. Fair enough – I never thought the fan activities could beat the jacket bid, but they have, wow wow wow!

    Also, (trying to stop my pedantry but I can’t help myself), your previous post is a great round up of charities he supported as if that time. There are the two Christmas 2020 giving pages too as well to Magic Breakfast and Homelessness (iirc).

    Bravo for your efforts too. 😘👍


  23. Happy birthday to Richard! Cheers to the next fifty years! I can understand his feelings to celebrate birthday in general, I have the same ambivalence.
    His gray hair suits him very well.
    Thank you Servetus that you keep on this awesome tradition. All the best to you


    • Yeah. Although frankly it’s a bit weird because his reticence around his birthday was usually expressed as not wanting to think about aging as opposed to being embarrassed by the attention. It’s a bit difficult to know what to do, I suspect, if thousands of people want to mark your birthday but you don’t. It’s definitely a luxury we have, to be ambivalent.


  24. Thank you for doing this. I hope you are doing well. I stumbled over to your blog when The Hobbit came out, and I’ve been a lurker and sometime-commentor since. I hope you are doing well and having a great day on Richard’s birthday!


  25. Happy birthday to RA from me too!


  26. Oh Happy Day!


  27. Thank you for sharing Richard”s birthday video. I was quite moved by it. I like that he honours his family and also acknowledges his fans. I have been a fan since first seeing him in on the tv in North & South back in 2004. Frankly, I am somewhat amazed that I remain a fan some 16 years later….
    Many happy returns Richard. Xx


  28. Awww! Happy birthday to Richard! I love his incredible, demure personality…but the spark of childlike fun- cutting his cupcake with Orchrist!!!😊🤪 Is it me? Or has there become a sense of heaviness…the somber acknowledgement of the pain of loss (I adore his love for his mother), the wise reflection on his years and what a birthday truly represents. This man. A beautiful heart and soul. Hope his 50th…and his curiosity…brings him immeasurable joys.
    Thank you, S, for your consistent support of all things RA!!!🎉🥳🎶❤


    • I think it’s hard to get to 50 without some kind of loss (given western generational structure) but i hope he’s managing it okay.

      Nice to see you here!


  29. Happy Birthday! Mr. Armitage


  30. I would like to join in wishing Mr Armitage a happy 50th birthday. I hope he is healthy, happy and will be continuing to be the inspiration for all his well wishers.

    Thank you Servetus for arranging this. Your generosity and kindness are very much appeciated. I’m a lurker that have been folowing your blog for sometime and enjoy it a lot. I’m looking forward to finding your next postings!


  31. Thank you for posting this as I would have missed it. It reminds me of what I like about the man.


  32. Hope still on time, 30 mins more to go. At least I made it before the day was over here. Sweet… he made me cry and smile and very unexpectedly…hope. I like the thought of having something to look forward to as long as one is still curious. Who knew, hope would come from Richard. It’s your birthday Richard, but I’m the one having to say a big thank you. Happy birthday and thank you S for marking it as always. There is much comfort in these anchor points.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m totally with you, Hariclea!! Feeling so emotional myself with this message and our annual virtual come together.

      Liked by 2 people

    • So I’ll tell you a “dad” story — after our last trip to emergency (he went in an ambulance), after they revived him, dad said, “I’ve never been inside an ambulance before. That was kind of neat!” So yeah, curiosity may have killed the cat but I guess it keeps us alive!

      Liked by 2 people

  33. Lovely Richard, a bit wistful settled back in someone’s “Man cave”. Greying temples really suit him although ++ with full beard even more.


  34. Nearly missed your post. Gotta say his video was really fun to watch. Partly because of the hints in the background. It was nice to see he kept two mementos of The Crucible.
    Thanks for keeping up the “birthday hobby!!


    • I’m less and less interested in “fan forensics” as time goes on, but I’m sure they kept people chattering!


  35. Step by step…


  36. Thank you for doing this. Wishing Richard a very happy birthday and much success with his ventures and ideas. I am missing the hair and beard!


  37. Happy 50th birthday to Richard Armitage!

    I’ve even so busy, forgot to write a commemorative story. Oh well.


  38. I had a lump in my throat when he mentioned he thought his mom would celebrate with him.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, you can tell he got very emotional. It’s obvious again and again that he was really, really close to his mother (and still is!)

      Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah. I’m pretty sure most people don’t anticipate their parents being absent for such big moments of their lives. Although, thinking of it, my mother missed my fiftieth, too.

      Liked by 1 person

  39. Happy 50th to Richard Armitage. This is such a lovely gesture. Thanks.
    Serv, I hope you’re doing alright.


  40. I am soooooo late! Sitting on an island on Chiemsee. Quite offline!! But Richards birthday and Servetus’ ritual shout out are mandatory. Thinking of you!!

    Liked by 1 person

  41. Thanks to everyone who commented. I counted 38 individual commentators participating. I will respond to comments tomorrow, I hope.


  42. […] “The Big Five Oh” (August 21). Annual Richard Armitage birthday post. His fiftieth was probably the biggest […]


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