Things I thought of

This is just a list of stuff I thought about while writing the main post and then cut out because they weren’t directly relevant.


  • Fights that preceded my appearance and continued for quite a while after about raunchy Guy of Gisborne fanfic, in the wake of Armitage’s request — in turn provoked after a group of fans complained to him about the fans who wrote the problematic fiction — to keep them away from the eyes of young people. (They led to the creation of a protected site where those of us who weren’t worried about the children could cultivate our more explicit fantasies — and that still has updating authors, but has been mostly forgotten except among people in the know a decade ago.) From my perspective, the disputes on this issue bordered on insane: one fan threatened to report another fanfic author for copyright violation; the author published a very popular fanfic that has now been rewritten for a non-fan audience.


  • Arguments that erupted intermittently for years about whether Armitage only did Between the Sheets for the money and professional (cough) exposure (discussion in comments). Press at the time he made it reported he had no regrets, said he hadn’t really read the script, and told his mother to make some tea during the parts of the show she didn’t want to see — although he later made a comment somewhat agreeing with the idea that he did it to be working, not because he loved it. I wondered when reading his comment about sex before intimacy coordinators if he was specifically thinking of Between the Sheets. Armitage’s alleged self-distancing from the explicit parts of Between the Sheets may be drawn into question again after Obsession. Who IS Richard Armitage, anyway?





  • The whole discussion about RPF that recurred here repeatedly and was eventually unmasked as hypocritical after it turned out that while other people were okay to write RPF, I was specifically not supposed to do it. And then A03 made everything everywhere okay all the time anyway.

~ by Servetus on April 3, 2023.

24 Responses to “Things I thought of”

  1. […] a bridge and a weapon. Some resonances certainly came to mind (there are probably more), and this stuff is what my friend knew she wouldn’t […]


  2. I’m new to Armitagemania, so forgive my ignorance if I’m missing the point. I read the Porter post just now and was struck by two things: 1. You clearly state upfront your intention for the blog. Anyone who dislikes the topic or feels uneasy should just move on. 2. I read much more explicit fanfic on tumblr everyday.


    • I’ll just say things have changed a lot since then (and tumblr wasn’t the big Armitage mecca then that it became with the announcement of the Hobbit films). The point here was just to list the things that my friend was probably thinking of when she said she wouldn’t want to go through Obsession with the fandom.

      Liked by 1 person

    • It may help to say that the standard for discourse back then for many fans was either C19 or Armitage Army, and they both had sets of rules that prevented explicit postings and discussions of Armitage’s personal life. That was challenged a bit on LiveJournal but LJ was always more about fanfic than blogging. So when the first gen blogs emerged, their lack of boundaries that had been standard for several years in the fandom was unsettling to a lot of people.


  3. I remember that post on “Porta” and these photos, the viral vid even if I discovered them later on and not immediately I agree this is, hum, “much ado about nothing-bad-” strange how people “report” others actions though…unless they are obviously illegal or dangerous I don’t see the point in doing so…all the more so when the pos clearly indicates its “harmless”purpose. Well, nevertheless it leaves (tiny I hope) moral scars since the new sexy fiction to be on air triggers these memories. Time has changed, certainly, in 10-15 years but maybe towards…more censorship on some issues….yet less on others since “tumbl”, you’re right. However If a restricted access is needed just to deliver harmless fantasy thoughts, well it’s a strange world we live in sometimes I think….


    • I think the scar for me is not in the area of sex or discussion of it, but that I tend to have low(er) trust for fellow fans than a lot of his fans do. I really bent over backward not to put potentially offensive material in people’s faces (for instance, by using the passworded posts) but it still wasn’t enough for some.


  4. Aw and ah.. the memories.. has it really been this long? 😉 Time does put perspective on some of these things. As i age i personally feel more and more liberated from other people’s opinions; one life, to be lived on one’s own terms as much as possible.


    • it’s weird to me, but November 2024 will be the twenty year anniversary of the first BBC broadcast of N&S.

      And I agree, I do feel more liberated about other people’s opinions; but my position on Armitage has changed a lot, too.

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      • That’s a very fair point, i feel mine has changed too. I feel personally for me on balance, theatre projects have and will probably delivery way more and over and above any on screen projects in recent times.


        • Indeed. Although this also confuses me. I was listing the projects of his that I haven’t looked at (most of Castlevania, My Zoe, Space Sweepers, The Stranger, The Man from Rome and the vast majority of the audiobooks) and there is just nothing there that doesn’t feel like it would be a chore to watch (Harlan Coben projects in particular, and there’s another one of those coming up too). As opposed to going to the theatre every night for a week to see him. So now I’m only a fan of theatre Armitage?

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          • I must confess that I bought and watched/listened to all these projects too and liked them. I felt “bad” after watching My Zoe but it had nothing to do with RA, it was just that kids illness or death issues are too hard to bare even in fiction, I know it’s just fiction but I’m too sensitive sometimes. I hope I won’t feel too uncomfortable with Damage/Obsession, I’ll see. I did it, even after the “shock” I felt after your post about his shoes and…hum hum, well you knw I catched up a bit late with “this” item, so it did not stop my fangirling, somehow changed it slightly I guess and I still don’t understand fans report(s) to his agents : saddening rather than anything else (would I dare add silly actually and “vichissois” toute proportion gardée). You probably saw this , but just in case : Have a nice day all RA fans. Take care


            • I think a lot of people like them (as evidenced by the chatter on Twitter).

              re: fan reports — I wasn’t the first fan it happened to in this fandom. I think it has something to do with the “reporter’s” strong identification with the crush. If their emotional life is threatened by something, they have a strong need to engage in protection. The fact that every now and then, a fan does engage in behavior that might have justified greater watchfulness, is fuel for their fire.


          • Firstly, chag Pesach kasher vesame’ach!
            And yes, projects are challenging to engage with, especially when i find I have so much less desire to watch series or sadly time to listen is also not very available. I miss the olden days of longer, streched out series where characters could be developed slowly and yiu could study them and get to know them. I’m not cut out for this fast paced, binge watching, adrenaline fuelled media world i fear


            • thank you, and I assume it’s Palm Sunday for you this weekend — hope it’s a gorgeous day in England!

              I’m with you on the binging. When it emerged, it was inconvenient to do it, and then when I had the space and time, I discovered I don’t really like it. It turns out that if I have infinite choice, I almost always choose nothing. I can easily turn on Netflix, flip through a list of 100 titles (of which I have put most in a queue “to watch”), and then just turn it off and read a book. Decision fatigue. There are even series where I watched and enjoyed the first season (or didn’t hate it) and then never even opened the first episode of the second or subsequent seasons. And you’re absolutely right about characters — I can’t think of a single character I’ve seen on the TV screen in the last few years where I think about them after the episode ends. And you know, character is probably the main reason that I read long series of genre fiction.

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  5. Fascinating. People reported you to his agents? For writing fantasies? Protection mode at its “finest”. Glad to see you posting again.


    • Those people felt that I was an active danger to his person. (Shrugs) At least one of them has died in the interval, and another has more or less disappeared from the fandom. But it really used to be such an active field of conversation. There are probably a dozen posts on this blog (and on other blogs that have since stopped updating, too) asserting that it’s okay to appreciate Armitage, and his characters’, physical qualities in a way that involves sexual fantasy presented openly.

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      • I definitely was not just in it for his acting abilities. I appreciate the ability to express the fantasies openly. It’s not something I personally would feel comfortable doing, in part because I have friends and family reading my blog. And if I wouldn’t feel comfortable talking about fantasies with them, then I wouldn’t write it. But I’m glad there are people who do.


        • When I think about that time now, it really appears as a different world. Both The Hobbit and later Hannibal really diversified the demographic of Armitage fans. To me, N&S as the vehicle of Armitage’s emergence on the media scene was decisive. There were certain things that the main body of fans who loved that production were just absolutely not up for, and which triggered fight after fight. So the admins of the main venues (back then, the forums) were insistent that they didn’t want their fan lives clouded by drama and they were successful for quite some time in keeping those topics out of the mainstream of the fandom. If you wanted to talk about these things, you had to go elsewhere (mostly LiveJournal and certain anonymous sites that weren’t devoted primarily to Armitage). And then the wordpress / blogpost blogs emerged. Judiang’s blog had a lot about this at the time and I suspect this discussion was a or even the main reason for the subtitle of Zee’s blog (“proudly perving on British men …”). There was just a lot going on back then.

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  6. I’m commenting just for the last sentence. slow clap niiiice.

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    • It really had a big effect on the Armitage fandom, I am convinced, mostly because many of the authors were not otherwise visible in the fandom. So they had their own stronghold. And something that had long been absolutely normal in other fandoms got a little bit more permission in ours. (There’s also a certain amount of hostility to RPF in the Armitage fandom that was inherited from people who were angry about things that happened in the LOTR fandom and grandfathered their feelings (esp about what they saw as slash written about the characters and then as RPF bleeding into or influencing the RL careers of the actors) into their perception of Hobbit stuff.


  7. Ha, I just realised that the post that got you reported by another fan was actually THE RABBITHOLE that had me falling into Armitage – World! (even though I read it years after you originally posted it and quite out of context because the picture used in the post came up on a google image search for camo fabric patterns I actually did for WORK at the time… ) 😲 happy easter! 🐇


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