Final Fanstravagance!

Richard Armitage as Guy of Gisborne in Robin Hood. Source: Czech TV promotional photos download

Source: Czech TV promotional photos download

First, I’d like to say how much fun this was for me. Aside from learning a lot more about how wordpress works, I had the opportunity to watch “Vicar of Dibley” another twelve times (grin)! I met a bunch of new fans and learned a great deal about the attitudes and spirit in the “Richard Armitage Fan Club.” I didn’t have one single negative encounter. Y’all are delightful!

Second, I’d like to say how grateful I am to Nat for the invitation to participate. At the time she asked me I’d been blogging Mr. Armitage for a little more than a week! She was gracious and worked really hard to bring this event off, and everyone should go over there and thank her for her efforts.

Third, I’m grateful to my fellow bloggers, who are linked for one last time below. You are a great group of people and I’ve loved getting to know you better and hearing your perspectives on things.

and finally:

I’m really thrilled at how well this event showed off the creativity and personality of some fans we all wished we knew a little better. Eli of the AA and bZirk were featured on my blog, and a number of other fans who have created memorable work about Mr. Armitage were featured on the other blogs. These people are all testaments to the serious and fun, lighthearted but mature side of Armitage fandom and I hope they are inspirations to us all. I will continue doing periodic fan showcases if I run across something that affects me particularly. On your side, if you’d like to be interviewed about your fandom, please contact me about that.

Ok, now it’s back to my weird, maudlin, wordy, detailed, strange reflections on our hero.

Yours in gratitude,

the “me + richard armitage” blogger

The Fanstravaganza Blogs:

The Spooks Fan Blog [blog defunct, Spring 2015]

~ by Servetus on March 24, 2010.

One Response to “Final Fanstravagance!”

  1. Thank you for all the great posts during the ganza….first “encountered” RA as Harry so I enjoyed your polls!
    Looking forward to future posts!


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