Armitage details, or funny search engine terms

So, I always swore I wouldn’t do this, as it’s a staple topic in a situation where the blogger can’t think of anything to say, and that’s not really true. I’ve just got lots of stuff to do today, including teaching my research seminar. But this search term pushed me over the edge this morning:

“richard armitage snores”

Really? I’d actually like that person to write in and TELL US MORE.

That’s probably why Jenny (Fay Gifford) looks so unhappy in this scene from Cold Feet 5.4. Source: Richard Armitage Central Gallery.

The search terms that relate to having sex with the man are also extremely interesting, but for reasons of discretion I think I’d better not detail all of them. Still, I now know at least a dozen fairly specific fantasies people have about various types of sexual intercourse with the man, none of which I’ve ever attempted myself and most of which would never even have occurred to me. Armitage blogging as a means to sexual enlightenment?

For instance, someone who shows up here regularly is apparently fascinated by what he does with his toes, though I sincerely doubt that there are any extant pictures of what that searcher envisions. At least no public ones I’ve ever seen.

Richard Armitage, promotional photo from Cold Feet. Source: Richard Armitage Net

For the purposes of this ever-fascinating realm of human existence, I’m pride myself on being a firm defender of both chacun à son goût and humani nihil a me alienum puto in combination with as long as no one gets hurt, but the toes are not my favorite part of this picture. I always end up focusing on that little crinkle toward the bottom of the jeans leg.

And if you searched for either of these terms, I apologize for poking fun at you. We all have our little preoccupations. Have a great day with Mr. Armitage’s toes — or at least with this picture of them.

~ by Servetus on August 30, 2010.

237 Responses to “Armitage details, or funny search engine terms”

  1. I can’t believe you’re going to make me resurrect my high school Latin. sigh…


  2. I have been so tempted to make a post like this, but some of the search terms I wouldn’t dare post. LOL!

    @Ann Marie,

    Both idiomatic phrases in French and Latin, respectively.

    chacun à son goût — more or less means: to each his own

    humani nihil a me alienum puto — This is a fairly well known quote, but I’m going blank on who said it. more or less means: I am a person and nothing that makes me a person is alien to me, i.e., off limits to me and therefore may be explored or embraced fully by me or worn proudly by me no matter how offensive it might be to others.


    • Not least because then you’d draw traffic to your blog involving just those search terms.

      I think it’s Terence — I should google it but I am too lazy. Need to look at my teaching notes. Out, damned screen!


      • No kidding! Just putting up the Yorkshire Wench post with the bits about ‘sl**h’ have brought me all sorts of cr*p. Phew!

        I just looked and it is Terence. I spend so much time teaching Ecclesiastical Latin that I don’t get into as many secular readings — apart from Caesar’s commentaries, et al — as when I took Latin. In fact, teaching “Church” Latin has been a bit of a stumbling block. I originally learned Classical Latin, so I’ve had to catch myself on the pronunciation.


        • Although I don’t know why it bothers me that those searches would end up at my blog — it’s not like they write to me asking me to provide evidence or anything. But it does.

          I had a weird education in Latin — year long grad reading knowledge class in classical, but professional work in late medieval ecclesiastical and “neo-Latin” of the humanists. Pronunciation learned in the US but cultivated in Germany. I’m all over the map.


          • I’m just glad one of my majors was history and that I had a considerable amount of Latin before I started teaching it to my kids. I think it would have been a real pain in the rod rumpus otherwise. I love languages but sometimes I don’t, kwim? And my son is just like me — more into math. However, he does love ancient history and has been happy to read the writings of Cicero and others, and he adores philosophy, or anything that might mess with someone’s head. LOL!

            As far as the searches go, some are a little disturbing, but I laugh it off, and most of the time I don’t pay close attention to it unless it’s really bizarre.

            One thing I have learned is how often ‘g*rlfr**nd’ pops up. It’s pretty much every day and several times a day. But I’m sure that happens with most celebrity searches. I just wonder what knowledge people really hope to gain by finding out if he has one. No, that was not a question. LOL! Just sharing my thoughts. 😀


            • Yeah, I’ve used that word once on my blog, quoting something Lucas says in Spooks 8.4, and it’s one of the most common searches. I purposely don’t use that term to avoid deceiving people, but they get here somehow anyway.


        • I feel so ignorant, or more like I need a decoder ring, but what on earth is “Sl**H”? sloth? slash? ????


          • The latter.


          • @Ann Marie,

            You feel ignorant? Try writing that stuff. LOL!


            • I missed that titbit on YorkshireW post or what U referred to, don’t quite understand how these search engines work on your blog but noticed one word in a tweet can attract a follower you may not want! Looking for Team Leather I stumbled upon my first / 🙂


            • I’ll come out as someone who enjoys that stuff or at least doesn’t mind it if it’s done well — I don’t like it all, and it’s one of those “when it is bad, it is horrid” things for me — but until I decide I’m prepared to have that discussion I am trying to keep the use of that particular word under wraps.


              • I was referring to typing things like sl*sh or g*rlfr**nd. It feels ignorant to do that. I only do it here so you won’t get more cr*p. 😉 On my on blog, I don’t care. I’m going to say it. I figure if I’m going to be anonymous, I’m going to say whatever the h*ll I want — or nearly. LOL! Oops, I forgot to type p*ss*d earlier. 😆


              • Well, I think you know I occasionally write some of “that stuff,” although not of the rather dark, disturbing, violent variety. Don’t care to go there, but I know some folks really enjoy it.


                • well, the consensus of experts who study this phenomenon (yes, your U.S. tax dollars are at work on this!) is that sl*sh is most often written and read by well-educated heterosexual women. There are several theories about why this should be the case, but the people who study this don’t see it as a manifestation of male homoeroticism.


                  • Ah, America!Gotta love it.

                    I think the characters in these stories do not generally fit the homosexual stereotype, either. Tend to be “macho” fellows.


                    • I read some of the scholarship about this years ago, and IIRC one of the theories was that sl*sh was about female resistance to gendered heterosexual norms of relationship development. There’s also the complication — diagnosed by a number of literary critics that predominant gendering of heroes in children’s fiction encourages or indeed forces girls to identify with boys rather than girls in such narratives. So it’s not surprising that women would be writing fictional narratives that transgress gender norms, I suppose.


            • I had to do research. Honestly. My husband thought I had lost my mind.


              • That’s really interesting . . . I have discussed with my friend (who actually got me started writing sl*sh with “Lost and Found”) why it appeals to us.

                I used to love adventure novels like “Kidnapped” as a child and did find myself identifying with male protagonists in stories. I was a girlie-girl and yet–part of me wanted to be one of the boys, too.

                Thank you, this has given me a new perspective on my impulse to write sl*sh!


          • Though I like the idea of “sloth” Armitage fan fic. In this genre, Armitage and his characters would never do anything; they would just lie around on the couch all day. 🙂


            • Eating crisps and drinking beer and occasionally belching and scratching their stomachs, do you think?


              • yeah, the tension in such narratives would be created entirely by arguments over who got custody of the remote control. Every now and then someone would stumble foggily to the bathroom.


                • I envision Guy wanting to watch the pay-for-view adult movies and snarling a bit when John Porter switches it to a football match.


                • LOL!

                  Have you ever read one of my usually light-hearted LadyWriter pieces where one or more of RA’s characters stops by my house for a chinwag? I am sorely tempted now to write one where I discover them all lazing about in my den . . . *giggle*


                  • actually, the fact that you have them meet each other is one of the most intriguing parts of TAC for me.


                    • Good point. The thing is, Richard made Guy and Lucas each such distinct and memorable characters that it was easy for me to imagine them as two men with an amazing physical resemblance to one another, separated by centuries.


    • This was my poor attempt at humour, I can translate the quote (they were 2 VERY good high school Latin courses, some day I will regale you with all I know about Caesar and Gaul :))…plus I’m Catholic and still say my prayers in Latin when it is very noisy around me.. it is simply Monday and I’m lazy today…


      • If you know a little more than the average about Caesar and Gaul, I’m sure it’s necessary to have a sense of humor. 😀

        I do know that one must have a sense of humor when dealing in Ecclesiastical Latin but not a Catholic. LOL! No offense intended.

        Actually, my cousins are Catholic, and I went to mass with them quite a bit when I was a kid. Those were the days when all were done in Latin. I guess that dates me a little.


        • In class, i often remarked that if Caesar wasn’t already dead I would be wiling to do the deed myself.

          No offense ever taken.

          You dated me with your comment as well…:)


        • For a while my parents insisted on taking us to Latin Mass – I quite liked it actually. I learned Latin at school (and Greek) but we just pronounced it as it was written, except some people insisted on saying ‘w’ for ‘v’ – it depended which teacher you got I think.


      • impressed that you say your prayers in Latin. Very meritorious.


  3. If he intends to point out how unsexy he is (after emphasise on DIY hasn’t had the desired effect) in an upcoming interview he could well reveal that he snores – but as far as I’m aware he hasn’t done that yet. 😉


    • That would be a very personal detail. And of course then intense discussions would take place about whether it could be blocked out with ear plugs, etc., and suggestions for remediating snoring would be discussed by bloggers … 🙂


  4. At least One of them has a good profile!

    Lo! Is that a bunion I see yonder? (Nooo!)

    @RAFrenzy – I learnt classical Latin, too, and got quite annoyed when my husband, whose family were Catholic, used to correct my pronunciation. Church and Classical are a wee bit different…


    • It’s really irritating when my kids correct me. LOL!


    • Is it just me, or is RA often prettier than his female co-stars? Yes, being shallow here, sorry . . . well, I never studied Latin (although I really do wish I had, but it was taken out of our school system before I got to high school)and I’m not Catholic, so I can’t offer much in that line . . .


      • sometimes he is, although of course it depends on the costar.


        • I think I may be prejudiced against the co-stars I dislike, actually. Julie Graham, for one. I’ve only watched her in two roles and didn’t care for the character in either. Don’t find her attractive. Didn’t care much for Diane as written in SB. OTOH, I think DDA, DF and LG are all adorable; love Shelley Conn (although I didn’t think much of her thinly-drawn character in SB and am remedying that in Truce) and I think you know how I feel about Layla. *grin* Layla’s my girl. Love me some Jodhi May. Sorry, totally gotten off the subject.


    • I think it’s the shadow on his foot, or maybe the shadow plus a bunion.

      Your post reminds me to do a few searches of my own 🙂


  5. Ladies — THANK YOU for the laughs!!! I needed it between the snoring, the toes and the interpreting Latin I got a few! I am getting ready for a week long visit with my in laws. Yay for me!!! Thanks for the levity.


  6. On more thing — do ya think they had him posed without shoes or socks bec the show is called “Cold Feet?” He looks really irritated in this picture — do ya think they were going for sexy or pissed off?


    • I think he looks pissed…In my heart of hearts I don’t think he’s a big fan of the “beefcake” pictures….I think he has too much class for that…


      • It is heartening to think he he doesn’t relish being treated like a piece of meat.


        • I think the line between hot and angry in photographic convention of male beefcake is hard to draw …


          • Agreed. I was looking at the cover of my Rolling Stone magazine with the three stars of True Blood wearing nothing but blood spatter, and “Bill” looks more unhappy to me than hot. Of course, that might be because “Eric” is about a half a foot taller than he is and much sexier IMHO and he’s on the other side with Anna Paquin as “Sookie” sandwiched in between.


            • This is a good opportunity for me to plug pi’s statement about this recently on Nevermind Mr. Armitage. Link in my blogroll. It deals directly with whether beefcaking benefits Armitage or not.


        • And he is SOOOO much more than a piece of meat, bless him. The world is simply a nicer place in which to live with the talented, intelligent, intuitive, gracious, charming, modest and sweet Richard Armitage in it.


  7. To return this discussion to the level of sublimity, I’ll mention that for me the most interesting thing about this photo is the way that the lighting casts shadows that cause a repeated impression of geometricality. Look at the way that the shadows and the legs when viewed together create a series of triangles and cause one to notice other triangles and near triangles in other parts of the body arrangement of the figure. Mmmmmm.


  8. When I saw this pic a couple of years ago, the first thing I thought was that the photographer was trying to make a statement about RA, Lee or actors in general, or he was a poor photographer. Look at the big head on that shadow. Something going on there. LOL!


  9. Seriously, I think this is not a very good photo. If nothing else, the photographer should have “photoshopped” some of that shadow out. That was really my initial thought when I saw this, and the second thought was about the statement on RA, Lee, etc.


    • maintain that I still like the repeating triangles in the main figure, which are highlighted by the shadowing, but I do take your point about the head shadow.


      • Yes, yes, of course. Hmmm. Don’t look at the arms, look at the triangles beneath them. Don’t look at the arms, look at the triangles beneath them.

        I give up. I’ve got to look at those arms. Have I ever mentioned I have a thing for his arms? 😀


      • Have to agree about the composition I like the lines, the triangles, and most of all what’s hidden in the shadows.

        If only he had relaxed in this pose even just a little —perhaps the photographer said one time too many:

        “Make love to the camera”


        • Thanks, I’m glad to have at least one person who doesn’t think I am batty 🙂


          • As an art ed major, I do see the distinct harmony of the composition, definitely. As a newspaper photographer, the huge shadow behind his head is distracting. And as a woman, I really like those big, gorgeous hands and those amazingly attractive feet (not a foot lover in general). Chest isn’t bad, either. As an RA fan, I think it fails to capture the essence of the flirtatious, charming, faithless yet night-to-irresistible Lee. Wow, so much from one beefcake photo.


            • I hereby declare you are a graduate of the Servetus hermeneutical studies program. What I most want people to see is how multilayered representations are, how occasionally our perceptions of representations collide, and what that in turn does to our judgments about things.

              Great work. You are now entitled to enroll in the M.A. program associated with the John Porter chair. MillyMe will be your supervisor. 🙂


              • Many thanks, professor! My high school art teacher (and now my dear friend and fellow Humane Society member) would be proud of her former prize pupil. I shall happily enroll in the MA Program.

                MillyMe will be delighted to supervise me, I am sure. *wink*


  10. Yes, that’s a bunion THEN. Goodness knows how big they are now. Strange, because they’re still very beautiful feet (and I’m not a feet person). And . . . with that nose, do you think snoring is a possibility? Could it be??? That’s the problem with someone who doesn’t put it about and generally keeps a low profile in his personal life: we can’t mug an ex-lover and hold her to ransom in order to force her to tell us every little tiny or great bit detail. Life is sad, isn’t it?


  11. haha! I’ve had a search word post in draft mode for yonks. It’s all part of fan fervor resesarch!


  12. TO what part indeed, bunion and all, are we not all partial? Actually, I really, really, like the mouth.


    • I haven’t found a body part of his yet I don’t find appealing, including those big, lovely feet. And no, I don’t think he much likes the beefcake stuff, bless him. His mouth, oh, that delicate Cupid’s bow of an upper lip, the slightly fuller lower lip . . . his lips look very soft. As if he’s heavily into Chapstick use. *grin* He has a very expressive mouth, a classical mouth.


  13. LOl, people are fruitloops….well some people are. I had a search term once that read “Dirty Guy of Gisborne”…I wonder what this person was actually looking for!


    • a picture of Guy after the episode where he spends the whole time either tied up or fighting with Robin … of course that’s what s/he was looking for.


  14. He does have it all, and yes, he really came into the all in his thirties. Features which need to blend came very much together then. Nose, eyes, mouth and physique. Voice.

    Definitely looks a bit teed-off (toed-off?) in that pic. Not a fan of posed or “beefcake” pics, I prefer all but those. Well, the posed etc. are part of the publicity territory.

    Ouch, I’m waxing shallow. May we return to the subject of Classical vs. Ecclesiastical Latin now? No? No punters?


    • He is a late bloomer, our RA, but boy howdy, did he ever bloom once it happened. All those unique features now work in harmony–so glad he didn’t succumb to the notion of having rhinoplasty on that magnificent sniffer when he was younger. I despise it when men have such work done and end up with effeminate noses (former Olympian Bruce Jenner springs to mind. He now looks like a transvestite to me).

      I’m tired and achy and in a shallow mood frankly. So I have no complaints, by the way.


      • Bruce Jenner looks like a freak, but then look at the bunch he’s hooked up with. Maybe he is a freak. LOL!


        • Oh, honey, you ain’t kidding! Keeping up with the Kardashians? Not me, but I can’t avoid them, they pop up on magazine covers and in commercials and ads . . . yeeesh. Love how stepdaughter Kim rose to fame and fortune on the basis of a raunchy sex tape. And claims she hasn’t had any plastic surgery. Please . . .


          • The Kardashians happened while I was living o/s of the U.S., and things that happen while you are away, well, it’s like they didn’t happen.


            • I wish I could do an “I Dream of Jeannie” arm fold and nod (oh, yes, I am old) and make it so they didn’t happen.


      • Hang in there. 🙂


        • Oh, I am, thanks. After the doctor and X-ray techs got done with me yesterday, the knee was worse than ever today; came in late to work. I just popped another half a Lortab and I have both a brace and ice pack strapped to Even Worse Knee, so it’s–manageable. I just find myself talking myself through everything I am doing . . .


    • It is *so* hard to keep people on topic here, fitzg, you wouldn’t believe. This was really a post about Terence.


      • Yes, Terence. Ahem.

        Oh hang, Terence! I can’t even gut it up for this post. I want to look at RA, BUT I’m generally with OML about the Cold Feet posed pictures. The one of him sleeping is much sexier. He does look kind of pissed in the posed pictures, but I think it’s more, “Man, do we have to do this crap again?”


        • LOL that’s what I was thinking, Frenz. “Do I have to do this? I mean–really? I just want to be a good actor!!”


        • Again? I’m blanking on details but this is early on in his career. I’m blaming it on the photographer not being able to get him to relax. Or maybe he was practicing his smoulder which misses it’s mark. Or this the hundred shot cause all that photographer cared about was those lines and triangles and played around with his lights to get those shadows. While Ra is thinking hurry the * up!!


          • Eye expressions are hard to figure out in still photos because they are so fleeting.

            My hs graduation picture has a really peculiar look in my eyes. The photographer called it “fire” but my mother called it “outrage”. 🙂 Even then I hated having pictures taken.


            • My sister hated her graduation portrait so much she hid it in the closet but my mother found it and hung it back on the wall. Mine was pretty awful. I was kind of a late bloomer, too, come to think of it. *wink*


      • I can really feel I’m being manipulated when I look at that posed picture. Whereas I’m sort of aware I’m being manipulated when I look at the sleeping picture, but I don’t feel it quite so keenly.


        • I want to pick up this theme elsewhere — I had that feeling wrt the SB publicity photos.


          • I think it goes back to the idea of selling–and that’s what these publicity stills are supposed to do, right, sell us on this show, this movie, this actor?
            And all advertising is a form of manipulation, isn’t it? I listen to the ladies here in our sales department (we’re just one big happy family here, no walls) talking about ads and I’ve actually helped write some of them (silver-tongued devil that I am . . .)

            So I knew I was being manipped re SB . . . and yet I only wanted MORE.


            • I wonder if the writers of Spooks and SB actually try to figure out ways to showcase “his peaches.” I know we all despise Sarah, but their love scens, I felt sorry for her, woman after 30 should never be flimed like that it was sad and explotive.


              • I’m sure they do. They want to keep his core audience watching, and the vibe from the center of the audience is “give us more.”

                I am absolutely neutral on this — he should do what he wants and what he thinks will best advance his career. But for me it’s also absolutely not necessary.


                • I’m with you, Servetus. I just want Richard to be happy and successful in his career and perform in the kind of roles and productions he desires. I certainly don’t object to seeing him with his shirt off–he is very nice to look at–but I would watch him again and again if he never exposed an inch of skin.


              • I’ve wondered whether that dream sequence was supposed to be sexy as well as surreal. For me it was creepy-surreal. Didn’t care for GOR in that role to begin with (OK, I hated her in it) and no, it was NOT a flattering angle, to shoot her from below like that. Just not sure what the director was trying to achieve there.

                As for the “peaches” display, all the leading men in Spooks have at some point gotten their kit off in a similar way in at least one of their story lines. I’m assuming the people at Kudos figure, we’ve got these hot male actors, might as well play up the sex appeal angle.

                Maybe all Spooks male leads have to agree to nudity?? Hmmmmmmm . . . .


                • It has just occurred to me that what I think of as “peaches” may not be what you all are thinking of as “peaches”. Thus, I may not be understanding the “kit” reference correctly. Would anyone be wiling to clarify the usage of those terms please?


                  • peaches= fangrrl code language for Mr. Armitage’s gluteus maximus.

                    kit=British for clothing, outfit, gear.


                    • Yep, I was wrong, completely different side of the body…now it is less….insert appropriate word here). Thanks for the education I’m getting here servetus. 🙂


                • I think it was supposed to start sexy and turn surreal. I’ve been meaning to write about how they light him in that scene.


  15. I never write “Richard Armitage” in the body of my posts or in the title unless I decide it is Ok to have the traffic particularly if I am going to write something a bit controversial. I remember writing a hugely subtle post about fan funding with reference to a certain ill prepared director and the ploy (encouraged by a few fans) to fan fund his movie although the lead actor’s casting had never been officially confirmed … “he who shall not be named” (director) had threatened legal action if the investment opportunity idea was published on websites/blogs and because I was very suspicious and needed to vent by writing a post, I didn’t want any attention drawn to said post by mentioning the actor by his full name. Most of my hits are for the images posted, I think … or if I mention Spooks. I wonder how many searches are for the other Richard Armitage and I also wonder what those searchers must think when they encounter a blog about a UK actor …lol 🙂 …. bunions and snores? Perhaps that’s the non actor Richard Armitage 🙂

    Thanks for shedding some light on the bare chest pose. I’ve seen another one where he is in a suit which is open to reveal chest. They seemed so out of character given what I feel is RA’s dislike of the beefcake pose and sex God image. If they are promos for a very early work, then I can understand.


    • Haven’t thought about that one, that some of the search word might be ‘directed’ to find something about the politician not the actor.

      I’m amused when write RA’s name on the search bar at Twitter and lately is more usual that when the tweet is about the politician they put “(politician)” besides the name, which is very useful I might add. At first I read one about a RA disussing somethign about ecology, I found it weird but clicked on the link to realize it was the other one and the same happened to me on YT…

      LOL about ‘g*rlfr**nd’ as search word, when you type on Google his name, between the suggestions given by the search bar, that word comes up.

      OML 🙂


    • This was for Cold Feet (2003) in which he plays a beefcake character (as others have mentioned in the responses here).

      It’s something I wonder about as well: the difference between being a commentator (I’d like to be) and an opinionmaker (not interested).


  16. He hasn’t done any (I think ?) bare-chested photo-shoots since, that I can remember. Of course there are screen-caps. And I think that the Cold Feet ones are ‘in character’.


    • I have to confess I am pretty sure I’ve seen every photo shoot he’s ever done now, and the Cold Feet ones are the only ones I can recall with the bare chest. As you say, karprekar, he was in character as flirty-girty babe magnet lifeguard Lee–and not as Richard Armitage. Because as we’ve said, that isn’t really the modest, self-effacing fellow we all know and love.

      I do happen to really like the ones of him in the white crinkly shirt taken during the same shoot. He’s quite beautiful in that shirt, methinks. OK, OK, I think he’d be quite beautiful in a crocker sack (burlap bag for the uninitiated. A crocker sack would be awfully itchy, though–still, he’d look good in it).


    • His character is a charmer and good at disarming. That might have appealed more ~ might ~


  17. I don’t like the Cold Feet pics, I always found them ‘imposed’, the posses are too ‘stereotype’ for sexy and so doesn’t result as that, IMO.

    OML 🙂


    • I just feel like it’s not the “real” him we are getting here. I love the stills where his hair is wet . . . his eyes and mouth in those are very beautiful. I really think he has grown more comfortable over the years with the photo shoots and with interviews . . . so more of the real RA seems to come through–or more of what he wants us to see as the real RA? Hmmmmm . . .


      • the thing that the CF still photographer missed, IMO, was the eyes. Most of the other still photographers have gotten that much of his energy seems to lurk there. Yes, he makes Lee’s body sexy, but even in CF the energy of the chracter comes from the eyes.


        • He’s just more of a generic (and very) pretty boy with nice muscles in the CF publicity photos because they don’t do justice to those amazing eyes. Which in the series he used to great advantage . . .


  18. Checked out Twitter a couple of times some months ago, now bored with it, and found a funny tweet which was said like this:

    “People said I´m not the real Richard Armitage, but it´s my name!!”


    • yeah, there are other Richard Armitages. Poor guys, to be saddled with two namesakes.

      One of my graduate students is going through this issue as we speak. He has the same name as a relatively well known academic but is no relation. I think he should pick a professional name (which he has to do soon as he is about to publish his first work) that includes a middle initial or his middle name so as to distinguish him from this other guy, but he hates his middle name.


      • I first heard about people taking professional names in a biografy of Michael J. Fox, he was just Michael Fox but there was another well known person with that name (sorry, I don’t know who he is) and so added the ‘J.’
        If your student doesn’t like his middle name, adding just the initial might be the best solution.

        OML 🙂


  19. I onced worked with a woman, who when she was younger was a dancer. We shared an office and got into a conversation about dancing and how hard it was on your feet. She then took off her shoes and showed me her feet. Dancing is brutal on your feet. I will leave it at that.

    In the snoring pic, his hair really bothers me. It seemed like he had some” bad hair” years, but has finally worked it out. I hope this isn’t rude to point out, bec I know we are here to build up not tear down.


    • Yes, good point. When you read especially what ballet dancers do to their feet it is horrifying. Dancers also often develop wildly disordered eating patterns — makes me glad to read that Mr. Armitage likes food and seems at least some of the time to be thinking about nutrition.

      I think it’s weird that his hair is so organized though he’s supposed to have been having sex and sleeping. It’s like somebody sneaked in to comb it before this shot.


      • I actually have firsthand experience of what healthy eaters many writers are. I attended a teachers’ course at Covent Garden Opera House in London a few years ago. The Bolshoi Ballet dancers were visiting from Russia, a rare treat to see these elegant dancers. In the canteen at lunch-time, I expected both male and female dancers to pick at their healthy food selections, but they all seem to load their plates with chips and ordinary food. Their explanation was that they put their bodies through so much physical exertion that they burnt it off easily.

        I can also attest to the dancers’ feet. Not a pretty sight, often bandaged and in pain!


        • Many writers are probably healthy eaters, but in this case, I meant dancers! 🙂


          • LOL Not the lot of writers around here . . . bring on the junk food and let the grazing begin! Well, at least we don’t drink like fish, the common stereotype of the journalist and only one of the three of us smokes.


            • Most of the people I know who write regularly have severe oral fixations. Me included.


              • I have to confess I still bite my nails sometimes(but not at work, just when I am working at home and feeling stressed). And sometimes desperately need gummi bears or some other junk food to snack on while I am trying to meet a deadline. Interestingly I have noticed we all drink a lot–no, not bottles of whiskey tucked in the desk drawer, but coffee, soft drinks, water. We are constantly drinking . . . hmmmm.


                • I am a writer too. I used to smoke. I like to eat esp crunchy things. I always have a big glass of water on my desk. I love gum too but now the artifical sweetners give me a tummy ache. 😦 So yes, lots of oral stuff happening. I also chew on the inside of my cheek esp when stressed.


      • Or maybe Lee nips out of bed while his ladyloves are still sleeping and makes sure he is all in apple-pie order before coming back to bed . . . *giggle*


        • I know there are women in Texas who do that — wear their makeup to bed — but I never heard tell of a man doing that before.


          • Ah, Texas. Lots of cosmetics and big hair-cause the higher the hair, the closer to God *wink*

            I’m trying to remember–Mary Kay Ash didn’t actually wear makeup to bed, did she, she just made sure she was fully made up before anybody saw her . . . FYI, folks, she was the founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics.

            I am a stickler for cleansing my face before bedtime. I had a roommate in college briefly who had rather bad skin. So she slathered on lots of foundation. Then she’d go out late, come in even later and fall into bed without cleaning her face. She also didn’t wash or change her bed linens the entire quarter. Honey beige foundation streaks coated her pillowcase.

            Now, I am a very girlie-girl type and I do like my makeup, but you gotta take care of the canvas, you know what I mean? *grin*

            Just kidding about Lee. He’d probably think he looked absolutely divine all mussed up . . . and he’d be right, the gorgeous bugger.


            • I never knew anyone personally who did it either, but my first college roommate would not leave the room without her thick mask on. About two months into the year she woke me up at 6 a.m. to walk to the drugstore for her because she was missing some vital ingredient in the mix, which she needed so that she could attend her 8 a.m. chemistry lecture. Ugh.

              I myself am a fresh-faced gal. I had very little sympathy.


              • I used to work with a woman who absolutely refused to go outside without full makeup. She wouldn’t even answer the door if she wasn’t done up. I am so fair–hair, skin, light eyes, not much natural color in my lips–that I really need the mascara and lip color to wake my features up (you know how washed out some actresses look without their warpaint? That’s me).

                That being said, I am also a firm believer a pair of big sunglasses, a cool hat and some lippy will go a long way in a pinch. Poor you being asked to do that at 6 a.m.!!

                I am not at my best in the mornings as it is, I would have been quite stroppy if she had done that to me.


                • yeah, my *first* college roommate. Not my last. My second one was really good, but she joined a sorority and moved into the house. My third was just mental — she got a boyfriend and they had sex in the room at nights when they thought I was asleep. My fourth year I sprung for the additional cash to have a room to myself.

                  To be clear, I am sure that these roommates all had complaints about me, too — so it’s not like I was the good girl and they were all creeps.

                  This is something I always appreciated about German student dorms — no expectation that you would share a room.


                  • Oh, the stories I could tell about college roommates. Moved out of that dorm room made for two with three of us in it after that first quarter. My other roommate and I had a chance to move into an on-campus apartment with two other girls and we jumped at it.
                    Well, one of them turned out to be a nymphomaniac. Seriously. Made for some interesting situations. *sigh*

                    Later we moved to a different, deluxe apartment, found a new third roomie we were copacetic with. The fourth one–always a problem.

                    Ended up with one with sticky fingers. If I was missing jewelry, hair care products, makeup, clothes, all I had to do was look in her room. If only she’d asked. If only she could have actually fit into my clothes. She wore one blouse and all the lovely buttons apparently burst right off. I found it stuck in the back of my closet with some el cheapo buttons sewn on. My roommate found her Fair Isle sweater with holes under the armpits and makeup around the yoke. She also once wanted to use the T-bone steaks I had brought from home as stew beef.

                    Come to think of it, I was really quite happy to live all by myself in my “treehouse apartment” (second floor of an old Victorian house)when I got my first teaching job!


              • Shock of shocks. I have known someone who did that and even tried to say it was scriptural. Needless to say she wasn’t one of my favorite people and I’ve since blocked what she said about it from my memory.


                • Scriptural?? To have your makeup on at all times?? Was this Tammy Faye Bakker by any chance, Frenz?? I grew up with a friend who would not wear makeup, jewelry, slacks or cut their hair as doing any of those things was not considered scriptural.


                • That’s in one of the footnotes of Proverbs 31, right? A virtuous woman who can find?


              • ROTFL! I’m sorry, to wake you up at 6am for that sounds so absurd that can’t help but laugh.

                @Angie You just have reminded me what my mom always told me ‘cleanse your face if you’ve been wearing make up’. Sometimes at the end of the day you can barely notice I have put some on that I forget too, so I don’t. *right hand up* I promise I’ll remember to do it.

                OML 🙂


          • So you are in Texas, servetus. I don’t think I knew that before. I visited Dallas once (and hope to do so again as we have close family there).


            • Hmm, I’ve either said it or hinted at it very strongly a few times. Yup, definitely in Texas! I’ve lived here for about a quarter of my life, off and on. LMK if/when you are in Dallas.


    • I’m not sure I want to get started on dancer’s feet. LOL! One of the little SOs danced for YEARS, and I bought pointe shoes at a minimum of once a month. Yes, I said once a month. I did not realize until she was into it that pointe shoes can go “dead” within several hours of use. When you’re dancing five days a week, that doesn’t take long. Phew! And do I even need to tell you what her toes looked like? Yeah, I didn’t think so. LOL!
      Seriously, I wonder what aches and pains professional dancers have later in life. Someone slap me; I really don’t want to talk about this.


      • Slap. This picture was taken after he had stopped dancing professionally, so no further dance-related damage to the feet, right?


  20. In the beginning, searching for info on RA, and turning up the politician, who doesn’t much resemeble his namesake 😦 I reverted to the old Boolean search terms – Richard Armitage and actor. Still use Boolean, it seems to work…


    • you can also use the search term “-“. Someone comes here regularly via a search “Richard Armitage -CIA”.


  21. Regarding the ‘other Richard Armitage’ – and I confess I only know of him at all because of namesake, hasn’t he also been water-boarded? That’s quite a coincidence isn’t it. Richard’s recent acting roles with Spooks and Strike Back and their flavours of international politics seem to be further recipes for confusion.


  22. Ah, the media. For those trained in research and librarianship, good journalism, etc., a never-ending search of sources. “Don’t believe everything you hear, Laurie, even on the BBC.” Even family history research is a challenge; Researching my Norman-Irish ancestors, I have to take Burke’s with a large grain of salt. How much depends on what the family gives Burke’s? Indeed, what even credibility can be placed on the family papers and letters?

    With the Internet/Twitter-Twatter/YouT/Wiki etc, the plethora of information can be confusing. Trees and woods…

    @Servetus, thanks, for “-“.


    • I am constantly telling people not to believe everything they read on the net. Some of the emails that get forwarded to me, also . . . “Please, folks, go to and check it out–it’s not true!!”


  23. I like this site… Nice design and cool images


  24. Well, he’d have a lot better chance of making the bunions less buniony if he didn’t wear boots with heels, frankly. His little G of G flat boots were healthier for the foot structure, I think.

    He’s done with beefcake? What about that oiled, crucified scene in Strike Back? Strike Back wasn’t beefcase? Coulda fooled me! I’m not complaining, because I’m a shallow person with my tongue hanging out during some RA shows. Oh, the shame.


    • Oh, it was so much beefcake I’m sure some us had dry tongues. This is one reason I DID NOT watch Strike Back with my SO. At least not the first time.

      If we keep going with SB, I may break down and post my negative critical review just so I won’t feel totally shallow. LOL!


    • Gee “negative” was supposed to have a line through it. Oh well, I don’t want to be negative about SB because there is positive about it. Just not positive I want to broadcast. Oh, this discussion is making it clear to me why I went anonymous.


      • Oh, there were definitely negative things about Strike Back (the writing, anyone? Lack of character development”) and I sincerely hope some of those will be addressed in the second series. However, the shallow part of me who bows at the altar of My Hero John Porter still loves it to bits.


    • But THOSE heels he wore at the BAFTAs. *swoons*


      • He was gorgeous from the top of his glossy dark head to the tips of his designer heels that night. Movie star . . .


    • According to OH who is an orthopaedic surgeon the European foot isn’t made for totally flat shoes. The heels of the BAFTA boots were just right.

      Oh, and yes, that ioled crucified scene…*drool*


    • No complaints from me, either. I suspect TPTB know how RA’s fans like to see him . . . shirtless, oiled and at our mercy. *wink*


      • @Angieklong, now you’ve gone and made me lose my concentration…”shirtless, oiled…” oh my, I’m done!


        • So sorry, @Ann Marie, I’ve been known to do that to people with my fan fiction, too. *giggle*


          • @Angie, yes, my dear you have! I know, I’ve read it…in fact, I think I’ve read all that you have online! (RA related that is)


            • Well, pretty much everything I have online is RA-related, come to think of it, @Ann Marie. He is endlessly inspiring to me . . .


  25. @Aaa, Absolutely, on all counts. Do not underestimate the chap’s intelligence, and publicity learning curve. He needs HEELS?!

    Which is not to denigrate at all, that he comes across as a very decent man in interviews, both print and vid. But, it does help to be a bit objective about one’s fandom, to remember that he is a human being. Bunions and (maybe) snores et al. Ambition, and a publicity learning curve. Doesn’t stop me LIKING whatever I perceive, on and off-screen.


    • Actually, the fact he does have ordinary human faults and foibles, whether it be bunions or snoring or an awful fashion sense or whatever, just endears him to me all the more. I’m with you, @fitzg, I really do LIKE the fellow, on-screen and in RL.


  26. I have to say I’m in the minority I don’t like the wet look and I’m not a fan of the Guy look in any series I think the short hair of Lucas or Porter shows of his face to perfection. OMG here I am 45 and lusting after a younger man.

    I first thought RA was gorgeous was when I saw Macbeth in the retold stories and then after I entered fandom and discovered Alec the rest is history


    • OMG Here I am almost 50 and doing the same thing, Khandy. It happens.
      I actually thought the long hair in RH S3 framed his features beautifully when he was in Glamour Guy mode. And I still love the way he utilised that long hair as part of the character. But I also love him with his Lucas and John P. hair. Oh heck, I just think the man’s to die for.


      • I like all facial hair. All of it. I even thought John Standring was cute *before* his haircut. 🙂


        • I thought so, too, Servetus. I know there are people out there who don’t like Sparkhouse because he was “ugly” and “dorky” but I disagree. I thought he was appealing even in the early part of the show; a diamond in the rough. And such a sweetheart. The gentle giant with a heart of gold. Not to mention seeing him as John S. after experiencing Guy, John T. and Harry–his mad skills just blew me away.


          • Seriously. He could have some strange disease where all of his face was covered with hair and I would find that attractive. I REALLY LIKE facial hair.


            • Something about the scrape of stubble against your soft skin. *sigh* Benny had a beard for a while. . . finally got tired of tending it and it got hot in the long summers here. I certainly have no problem with facial hair (well, except for what has decided to sprout on my face in recent years. NOT sexy. Let the waxing and plucking continue!).


              • In the cold climate where I grew up a lot of men had beards from hunting season till Easter. *sighs*. In this climate, if I were a man, I probably wouldn’t want to have a full beard.


  27. It’s all about the facial bone structure. Natural expressiveness, etc. Bunions?, voice and all, it’s that facial structure (and voice) that first made me totally shallow. And yes, though I’ve always liked longish hair on men, the shorter style emphasizes the features.

    Gad, we’re descending into shallow; who cares? Anyone? 😀


  28. Oh, humor me and dare to saying something less than positive about Strike Back. I’d love it if it had been great TV, but the truth is that I think most RA fans would never have found it watchable if RA hadn’t been in it. I’m so tired of pretending that I liked it . . . I like a whole whack of RA’s work or I wouldn’t be a fan. I could go into pages of praise for N & S, Sparkhouse, Between the Sheets, Clarissa and some other recorded work, and that’s just what I can think of offhand. But though I had my tongue rolled out some of the time in SB, I also thought “Enough with the graphic violence! I’m a girly girl! Ouch ouch ouch mot needed!” I think “What’s wrong with me? I don’t like much of it!” And Danni–least plausible job title (Comfort worker and intelligence officer?) of all time?


    • I liked it, but not because it was great drama. Or rather the things I liked about it tended to make it not great drama …


      • Thank you @ AAA I agree with you 100%!!! I must say that the vidders actually made me like it a lot more maybe they should edit the actual show.The only reason I’d watch the show is bec our man is in it and I wouldn’t re-watch it.


        • I find fascinating how the vidders see Mr. Armitage and agree with you that often it seems like they understand how to edit better than the people working for the show!


          • Btw the vidders and your post then reading the comments I have a new appreciation for SB that I didn’t when I watched the show. Seriously, the vidders are so talented and I do hooe they are working editors and their videos help them get work. Editing can make or break you.


            • It’s like they distill him down into this wonderful visual elixir.

              Agree about editing.


              • @ servetus and Rob,

                I have to say that the phrase,”distill him down into this wonderful visual elixir” is one of the most appropriate I have read that conveys his innate sexiness and appeal. Well done, servetus, well done or if you prefer, “brilliant”, quite.


                • Agreed. That is a great phrase. The vidders (we have to come up with something that sounds better–video artists? Video crafters?) create mini-masterpieces with their work, combining techno savvy with real artistry. Their work is a wonderful way to get a quick RA fix, that’s for sure!

                  And yes, they are fabulous editors and I sincerely hope they are earning some money in RL from their amazing skills. I bow to them for the hours of pleasure they have brought to me. And hooray for RA’s “innate sexiness and appeal,” Ann Marie. What a find . . . now let me go and finish that chapter of “Truce,” now.


                  • @servetus, those fan videos have made many a not so great day bearable. They also allow me to “share” Richard with friends I am trying to “turn” into RA fans as well.

                    Enjoy Truce I will wait awhile until I get a better sense of John Porter before I read it. I don’t have him quite solidified in my mind yet, e.g. his language, his “isms” etc. Guy, with all of his layers and shadows and contradictions, was much clearer for me in my head before I started to read the fanfic.

                    I am hoping the next series of SB will allow for more character development than the witty one liners, e.g. “Calm down, Braveheart.” Let us know what you think of Truce and the character of JP…


                    • Ann Marie,

                      That was me(Angie) that posted that last comment about “Truce,” I actually meant I was going back to finish writing the latest chapter(these headaches are, well, a headache in getting things done, frankly).
                      It will be waiting for you to read whenever you are ready; Servetus, OML and iz4blue are all fans, I am happy to say.

                      And I am all for more character development in SB2, I have done my best to add some to “Truce.” RA and John are definitely deserving of more than witty one-liners, although he has quite the savoir-faire in delivering them. (-:


  29. @servetus, I like facial hair too, stubble, even beards.

    @Aaa, I wouldn’t watch SB when it’s aired here in November, either, except for interest in what this actor does with it. I’m not entirely girly-girl, or entirely anti-battle films, (“Brothers in Arms” was worth it), but really don’t like graphic violence, or John Wayne stuff,either.

    Just lengthening my list of What I Want to See RA play: Anne Perry’s two murder series. Both Thomas Pitt and William Monk. Perhaps they would be back to stereotying the actor; but he’s perfect for either!


    • William Monk, oh please, please, yes!!! I have thought this before, too. Pitt would be fine also–but I can especially see him as the proud, mercurial Monk who has lost his memory and is on a journey to reclaim his life–discovering things about himself along the way that are not always so pleasant. And of course, he is sartorially quite splendid in his mid-19th century garb, is he not?

      And I do dearly love John Porter, all due to what Richard does with the character. Heroic, flawed, capable, haunted, ruthless and tender. This is awful to say, but I’m an American and so violence doesn’t seem to bother me onscreen the way it does some people. *blushes* I grew up watching westerns and cop shows.


    • Facial hair: yes. yes. yes. Love to kiss a man with a beard, stubble, whatever. Rug burn here I come, love that feeling on my face.

      (ducks head)


      • Jon Hamm has the best stubble, he gets that 5 c’clock shadow thing going..vry sexy. Do you ladies stay up all night? When do you all sleep? I feel like I am the last one at the party…


        • @Rob, I have been fighting with really bad insomnia of late, that’s why you will sometimes find me posting at ridiculous times. Mr. Naughty Knee is causing a lot of it.


          • @Angie — sorry to hear that I have struggled w/ insomina over the years, that stinks! Athou I enoye waking up and reading all your comments. 🙂


  30. Oh I loved Strikeback I thought he did a brilliant job he gave that SAS killing machine so many layers.I still cannot believe that the man who played John Porter also played John Standring, John Thornton, Monet, Peter MacDuff.

    Confession time I have to say I don’t like Guy I know it is a great preformance but he does nothing for me


  31. @Angie, don’t blush, I played cops’n robbers as a kid. With cowgirl costume. (And, blush, I really like “The Quiet Man”. Still blushing…)

    So, my jury is out till November about Stike Back. I still think it is very good for dedicated actors to NOT become slotted. Does nothing for their development (some must get royally bored?)


    • I had one of those horses on springs on a stand and I “rode out” on many an adventure as a child. My older sisters used to play Wagon Train, which was a little before my time. I like “The Quiet Man,” too!

      Oh, I would think playing what is basically the same character over and over again would be so boring to someone like RA who is so versatile. As lovely as he was as John Thornton, for example, I think some fans would be happy for him to play variations of Thornton over and over—and if that was all he was capable of, it would be one thing. But he’s capable of so much more . . . just my two cents’ worth.


  32. @servetus, please don’t worry about your errant commenters – I find them all so funny, witty, and good-humoured, because you have set the tone.


    • oh, no worries. The trail of comments is so witty that if I tried to curtail it I’d be destroying high art! 🙂


    • Hmmm, I’ve been called a grammatical terrorist (affectionately, of course) but never an errant commenter…I like it! 😉


  33. I also loved SB, but I admit I am biased. I think that something like SB relies so much on the lead actor it’s hard to separate it, so as to whether I would have liked it as much with someone else in it – well it would depend who that someone was.


    • well said. I’m really waiting, though, to read what RAFrenzy has to say about this, as I think it would be a good time to have this discussion, while they are still writing the scripts for the next series.


    • It was loving John Porter as crafted by Richard that certainly drew me in to SB . . . but I’m not saying I wouldn’t have at least given the first couple of eps a watch since there were many other actors I happen to like attached to the project. Now, if it had been your typical one-note “action star” in the lead role . . . probably wouldn’t have stuck with it. Like you, Kaprekar, it would have largely depended on who that someone was.


  34. Bunions are a sore point (no pun intended, well, not much) which is why I wondered in that pic, because I have them. Very bony feet and hands. Lots of ballet and gymnastics in growth years. But ballet, and shoes of recent years really kill you. Despite height, never, ever wore high, let alone stiletto heels, which, IMO, mean you really have come along way, baby. NOT. If the top of my head just about reaches the shoulder of a 6ft. 2 man, his problem, not mine. But not a good photo op/optic. Not a child, so not a good memento. But possibly I could do with 2-3 more inches inches? 🙂 Not in the cards. Just keep dealin’ ’em.


  35. Well, I’m annoyed. I spent all last night googling “Richard Armitage toes,” “Richard Armitage clavicle,” “Richard Armitage naughty bits,” “Richard Armitage dirty pictures,” “Richard Armitage dirty mind,” “Richard Armitage dirty clothes,” “Richard Armitage gerbil,” “Richard Armitage left knee,” “Richard Armitage lust another anonymous academic” . . . nothing! YOU SENT ME ON A WILD GOOSE CHASE!


  36. But everybody get your credit cards out! If you google “Richard Armitage bunion” up comes a site that offers tote bags that say “I love bunions” (not real promising) and “Mrs Richard Armitage.” It’s the cafepress site; I’m not joking.

    I don’t want a photograph of Richard Armitage, and I REALLY don’t want either of those bags.


    • ROFLOL!! That’s what I adore about the Web. LOL!


      • The Web is like life, which is like a box of chocolates . . . “you nevah know what you’re gonna git” . . .


        • Oh, you’re so right, Angie. Makes things interesting.


          • And you meet the most interesting people on here . . .


            • Definitely. What did we do before all of this?


              • LOL! I’m not sure, actually, but I doubt it was nearly as much fun . . .


                • I think we stewed in silence.

                  When I was a twelve-year-old, I wrote a couple of stories about the crew of Starship Enterprise visiting my town. I’m sure they are in a box somewhere. But I had no way of knowing anything about fanfic, or that other people wrote it, I didn’t know about cons, etc., etc. I had a poster of Spock on the back of my bedroom door until my mother decided that this was not appropriate art in the bedroom of a Christian.

                  So I sublimated, sublimated, sublimated …


                  • I love the fact that you are a Trekkie, too. My sister and I had quite a crush on Spock back in the day.

                    Your poster anecdote reminded me of the poster my oldest sister had of David McCallum as Ilya Kuriyakin from “The Man From UNCLE” TV series.

                    David sported a soulful glance that did seem to follow you around the room. Well, my sweet little grandmother, wife to a hardshell Baptist minister and a very modest lady, was staying in my sister’s bedroom during her visit.

                    She asked my mother one day if the poster could be taken down. “I feel as if that young man is watching me undress every night . . .” The poster disappeared for the rest of the visit.


  37. One other thing: PI HAS A BLOG! And no one told me?!


  38. Well, as we guessed he’d rather no expose his body…

    “The tattoos also help me avoid the “gratuitous torso shot” as they take about two hours to put on, so “getting my kit off” has to be carefully planned!!!”

    You can read here the interview (about S9 of Spooks):
    I find amusing he uses the term ‘gratuitous torso shot’ because that’s how fans, I think, refer to those. Or it might be added by the journalist.

    OML 😛


    • I think it goes back to him being uncomfortable with the whole sex symbol image, preferring to focus on his acting skills. Miranda from Spooks said something to the effect she’d never seen a man more uncomfortable with his own good looks. As I have said elsewhere, I think he still does tend to see himself as the gawky, geeky beanpole of his youth. I think it is part of what makes him so sexy, is that he really doesn’t try to be.


  39. […] 2. Emotion typically moving across the face from left to right; […]


  40. […] of this interview. But though some interpretations may be more persuasive than others, divergent readings never have to exclude each other; what’s interesting about them is how they collide, how we doubt and undermine a particular […]


  41. […] has turned a joke Ann Marie and I made about sl–h fic into a new genre: sloth fic. Explanation here. Examples here. I […]


  42. […] the stuff of which conventional feminine dreams are made. Though in an odd twist of fate, it may be just what Servetus has been fantasizing about.) Even if it doesn’t end up being a definitive role for him, though, one hopes that it will […]


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