Give me grizzly Guy

Posting this now because we need some cheer and things may be about to get heavy here.

Have I mentioned that Servetus loves facial hair? Oh I have, have I? You say I’ve referred to it dozens of times? Well, then, one more time can’t hurt.

Guy of Gisborne (Richard Armitage) and Robin Hood (Jonas Armstrong) in a screencap from Robin Hood 3.10, “Bad Blood,” subtitled “the backstory that explains everything.” Source: Richard Armitage Central Gallery

~ by Servetus on November 28, 2010.

94 Responses to “Give me grizzly Guy”

  1. You don’t mind the scruff burn after either? LOL
    The Mulligan scruff with that twinkle is pretty wicked too in my book.

    I love the look but alas when it comes down to business I’m a delicate flower I’ve been told.


  2. He looks so haunted there! Sometimes his eyes look red-rimmed, (like in early series 7 Spooks). If it is makeup it is very well done!


    • I am not sure it is, but I felt like RH got a lot better at makeup very suddenly in S3.


      • Well, they obviously increased their budget for costumes, perhaps for makeup artists as well? (and hair, to keep Mr. A in his extensions ( 🙂


  3. I love Guy’s facial hair, no…I love Guy of Gisborne!! all of him!


  4. I love, love, love Guy. As if you didn’t know.

    Love him with his long hair and love him with the heavy stubble (I thought he was gorgeous towards the end of S2 with that beard growth).
    Even if it hurt a bit in–ahem–certain delicate areas, I could get over that. For Guy. For me. Also loved the Mulligan look. Very charming and sexy, indeed.

    Guy–wild, savage, full of self-hatred, proud, humiliated, grieving, brooding, redeemed– broke my heart and stirred my libido in S3. I longed to comfort him and, well, do other things.

    Guy will always be my favorite.


  5. I’ve always been partial to facial hair, too. I think Guy looks distractingly gorgeous with the heavier stubble!


  6. His eyes convey that his soul has been run through with a sword.


    • RH itself may have been a cheesefest in many ways, but Richard as Guy? Sublime. He made us keep watching and he transformed the conventional evil henchman into a flesh-and-blood complex creature . . . full of shades of light and dark. Capable of brutality and gentleness. Of proud swagger and self-loathing. Calculation and naivety. Greed and generosity. A big, strong,angry man, a damaged soul, so very much in need of love, family, forgiveness. A beautiful disaster.

      How could I not love him?


      • @angie,

        lovely phrase, “beautiful disaster”


        • Thanks, but I stole it from Kelly Clarkson (someone made a great Guy vid to that song). The phrase has stuck in my head ever since. It seems so perfect for our tortured, gorgeous, damaged soul. *sigh*


          • @angie and Ann Marie
            Yes. It’s my favourite fanvid. It was made by Sooth. It’s no longer available on Youtube — so I had to download it from RAfanvids.
            It’s the perfect song for Guy. He is such a Beautiful Disaster. It makes me want to cry!


            • I need to download that one from Elvira’s site. I have several downloaded from there. My internet stutters when I try to watch YT–I have to let everything buffer–so I often resort to watching the ones I have downloaded here on my laptop. Sooth has some great vids.


    • We felt Guy’s pain and torment. I never really felt Robin’s. I just felt like it was “acting,” especially when they had him doing a 180 and suddenly flirting like the Robin of early S1 instead of behaving like a more mature, hardened man who had lost his great love. I really did hate Robin’s smugness and self-righteousness when he cut Guy’s cheek after telling him to “stay there” when Guy admitted he lived in hell.

      So not a Robin fan . . .


  7. The “G- Factor” only seemed to get stronger in season 3 didn’t it? Drunk, dirty, disoriented running around in tight black leather with greasy long hair and smudged guyliner…let’s not forget the stubble and those side burns. Only to finally fidn redemption. *swoon* **double swoon**


    • I really do think Richard had fun pulling out all the stops with Guy that third series.

      He ran the whole gamut, didn’t he, from the drunken, dirty, wild-eyed (and dead sexy) mess at the beginning, to the proud princely figure returning on horseback from his time with Prince John, to the contrite tortured soul in that dungeon with Meg, to the brave knight facing the executioner, who begged for mercy for this innocent girl–and ultimately the brother in arms who made us laugh and cheer him on and then cry like babies when he found that redemption he sought after.

      Very, very, very swoon-worthy indeed.


      • Not to mention he looked gorgeous in his own way in every phase . . . dirty or clean, tangled or lustrous, boozy and staggering or striding with purpose, those spurs jangling . . . whooooooaaaaaaa.


        • Stop it! You’re making me cry…

          I do hate the stringy hair.

          Also agree with everything you said above and above. RA made him operatic.


          • Sorry, Pi, Guy makes me wax rhapsodic, as you may have noticed. He’s the only RA character I have actually written poetry about. And he makes me cry. *sniffs*
            Yes, brilliant operatic intensity amidst the general silliness of RH. Even when he was only in an ep for a brief time and had limited dialogue, every moment he was on screen was so powerful. As we’ve all said before, even if he’s in the background, or he’s saying nothing at all, he’s speaking to the audience . . . thank you, Richard Armitage. (And notice how sorely his presence was missed during those two eps when he was “visiting Prince John?”)


            • those were also the two worst scripts in the entire 3 series — which was saying a lot.


              • Agreed . . . let’s see, we had Ruthless Rufus with Irritating Kate (ever time I watch “I’m Not Going Out There” on Cbeebies, I think of her LOL) performing the most ludicrous dance I’ve ever seen–and was it the gladiators story for the other one?


          • Normally I hate stringy, greasy hair on male or female. But for Guy, I will make allowances.


          • pi, crying? (Servetus sits down heavily)


      • “embrace the pantomime,” as he said in that one radio interview.


        • Exactly, which is what I think Keith also did as Vasey–oh, I love writing Vasey!–and Toby did with his over-the-top Prince John. You sensed they were having fun with those roles.


  8. Has anyone else ever wondered why Lucas (sorry, am going off Guy-topic but am still on facial-hair-topic!) was only clean shaven (I think) in 7:2. I found it really striking in that episode, whereas the rest of the time he has stubble. Is it to do with characterisation (which we know the Spooks writers are SO good at) or is it something as simple as being easier for continuity if he is always more or less unshaven?


    • I think the bottom line is Richard doesn’t like shaving and to stay clean shaven through a long day’s shooting, he would have to shave twice!


    • I think Pam is right; it allowed Richard not to have to shave twice. Also, considering The Mysterious Case of the Moving Tattoos, I don’t give much credence to their concerns with continuity.

      Of course, I was almost at the point where I expected the next twist to be he’d never spent that eight years in prison, he’d just been running to the local parlor for temporary tats and sometimes he and the artist had been smoking joints and forgot where to apply them . . . or in some cases, to apply them at all.


    • My exBF had skin that was a lot like Mr. Armitage’s looks to be, so I often wonder if he has the issues with his beard that my ex-BF did — namely, that if he shaved cleanly every day, he was liable to get ingrown hairs in his beard that were painful and looked like pimples. Just a very brief stubble was a lot easier to manage — less pain, looked better, and if he ever needed to be completely cleanshaven, he could.

      Of course, Mr. Armitage may also just not like to shave. I think he said at some point that he had a tendency not to do so when left alone.


  9. I love him with stubble or without, with long or short hair, but I think the stubble gives the beautiful lines of his jaw, of his facial features, extra definition. With Guy I think the stubble added both to the “bad boy” image and to the feeling there was a damaged, but redeemable, soul underneath.


    • Agreed. The stubble plays up that lovely lower face. Emphasizes his masculine beauty.

      I think it also worked well for John Mulligan, the wolf in sheep’s clothing, eyes twinkling so merrily, disarming grins, and yet–hmmmm. Can you trust him?


    • KiplingKat said that on this blog — that he could essentially change the shape of his face via the formation of the stubble.


  10. Don’t know what it is with Guy, but he is the only RA character I can smell. He smells of leather, sweat, booze, somehow a little fishy, and tobacco (anachronism). Like the rest of you, I can feel the stubble (and everything else of him). I can feel his heat. Maybe in one of my former lives (ha ha) I really knew him


    • I think it’s the sensuality of Guy. The hair, the leather, the way he rides a horse, the panther-like swagger, the way he eats and drinks with such gusto–all so palpable.


    • Fishy??? Come on! I don’t know about the booze either because black knight or no, he’s still a knight and to some degree a noble…but fishy? ewww…


      • Well, in early S3 I suspect Guy smelled quite boozy, judging from that drunken stagger and the very hungover look he wore, bless him. But he was in such pain–a lot more than Robin seemed to be (started playing tonsil hockey pretty soon after his “wife’s” demise, didn’t he?)

        Can you tell I am not keen on our “hero??” *wicked grin*


        • I wouldn’t go near Robin without a hazmat suit.


          • ROTFLMAO

            That’s the way I felt when he was chatting up Isabella in the pasture, seeking her jewels . . .*rolls eyes* I absolutely cringed at the thought of him touching me. I mean, OK, Guy was off limits since he was actually Izzie’s brother, but–Robin??
            Oh, I forgot again, he’s the hero. Right.


            • Heroes should not be “skeevy”…I think its rule #2 in the hero handbook. 🙂


              • I agree. I am trying to remember how one critic described Robin in this incarnation, can’t remember the exact wording, but it fell along your “skeevy” line and “I can’t believe this little emo boy is supposed to be the hope of England” ( ;

                Honestly, the way he was always playing “peeping Tom” with Guy and Marian drove me nuts. It was easy for me to turn him into a less-than-savory character in “Dangerous to Know.” He’d given me plenty of ammunition.


                • Daffy Duck was a better Robin Hood. I’ve been trying to write a fan fic with Robin dreaming of himself as Daffy but can’t make it work…anyone who wants that little bunny can have it.


                  • I imagine Daffy saying, “That’s dispicable” as only Daffy can…


                    • The little flurry of spit flying from his bill . . . (love me some Looney Tunes, I do).

                      “Oh, Marian . . . I love you like a love–my bow!”

                      Smarmy and his chat-up lines stunk to high heaven.


                  • LOL!

                    Oh, you guys are cracking me up! I love it. I just hope that [Jonas Armstrong fans] don’t get wind of these comments. […]

                    [Edited slightly to avoid risk of perception of ad hominem. I deem ad hominem not to apply to fictional characters, only to real people. Thanks for your understanding. Servetus]


                    • He really was a [poor] choice for the role. Especially up against someone with as commanding a presence as RA.
                      Should have been a gang member, not the leader.
                      But you know, [some fans think that] it’s Richard Armitage’s fault somehow the show ended. […] *sigh*

                      [Edited slightly to avoid risk of perception of ad hominem. I deem ad hominem not to apply to fictional characters, only to real people. Thanks for your understanding. Servetus]


                    • [Those fans] should bring it on! I still have some “unresolved issues” regarding the Lucas debacle that I could purge.

                      [Edited slightly to avoid risk of perception of ad hominem. I deem ad hominem not to apply to fictional characters, only to real people. Thanks for your understanding. Servetus]


                  • What a fantastic idea, jazzbaby1!


        • tonsil hockey?


    • A lot of the Guy fanfics specify that when he kisses someone she can taste the sour flavor of spiced wine in his mouth. What a detail!


  11. Oh dear, I think I’m in the minority here. I can’t stand stubble on men – to me it looks unkempt. (Bah humbug, I hear you all say. I think I’m showing my age …. and I’m in the hospital field which I think would frown if professionals turned up to work unshaven). For GoG it worked, (and yes, Mary Lou above, you can almost smell him … horrible thought 🙂 lol ). I’ve often felt it would be lovely to see GoG have a bath and wash his hair! Sorry, not actually watching the bath but seeing him nice and clean …… but it was entirely in character for Guy to be dirty….except when he appeared with Prince John. I liked Lucas in the suit – 7.5? JT was only occasionally unshaven. At least RA won’t have to worry about shaving as Thorin 🙂


    • Usually I don’t like stubble either but Richard is one of the few men who can pull it off, even when he’s dressed up for the BAFTA’s and not playing an unkempt character. I think one reason is that it accentuates his jaw very nicely in a way that is more flattering than clean shaven and the other reason is that there is a clearly defined “border” between the stubble and the cheek. It looks like a shaven border but I don’t think it is. Some men have a bit of stubble everywhere on the cheeks up the the cheekbones but he hasn’t. It still looks kind if tidy.


      • Agreed, Jane, his jawline is very attractively accentuated by the stubble in a way it isn’t when he is clean-shaven.
        It appears he has a very tidy natural beard line as you noted–not a scruffy one with hair popping up here, there and everywhere.
        In contrast, someone like Brad Pitt can look positively terrible with stubble/beard. The one he was sporting for a while made him look like a cross between a goat and a vagrant (sorry, any Brad fans. A handsome man, but not my cup of tea).


      • so lusciously described, Jane!


    • mulubinba, I think a lot of women would agree. I remember when what we called “the Don Johnson look” came in in the 80s, how awul many women found it.

      I’d like to see GoG IN the bath.


      • Not only would I like to see Guy in his bath, I am constantly getting him wet–in the bath, in the pond, in the time-traveling pieces, the shower–in my fan fic. Guilty as charged. Blame it on that scene with the armour where he ended up soaking wet. And those photo shoots of him with the wet hair.


  12. All the dirtiness indeed worked for the character, as did the fine “hair acting” Richard did with his extensions. It’s funny, but there are many things I formerly did not find particularly attractive in men that I find alluring in RA characters: tons of strange tattoos, long hair (dirty or clean), loads of black leather . . . he’s a Magic Man. (( :


    • It happened to me too, those things I sweared I didn’t like in men, in Guy I find sexy/can accept. To start, I always cheered for the good guy, I didn’t like stubble or beard or long hair *or* tattoos… Oh Mr. Armitage, what have you done to me! Hehehe

      OML 🙂


  13. Am I abnormal then? I have to confess…. I haven’t watched all three series of RH yet. Mainly because I was quite busy at uni at that time and only discovered N&S a few years ago. I know, excuses excuses! I shall now slip away quietly before I get rotten eggs thrown at me.


    • @Riv,

      Just think of all the yummy goodness you have in store for you, all the great RA ahead of you!


      • Thanks Ann Marie. The strange thing is I have watched most of the others, even The Impressionists!! Somehow, the timing for RH didn’t work out for me, guess I just need to buy the dvd.


        • As Ann Marie said, you have lots of RA yumminess to look forward to, @Riv. the fact is, you have three series of 13 episodes each (although he is sadly missing in two eps of S3, due to Spooks) of RH so, yes, it’s a time commitment and RL does have a way of interfering with the fun stuff.

          I am very partial to Guy because he introduced me to this fab actor and led me to start researching someone basically unknown here in the States. Which lead to purchasing and viewing in quick succession N&S, VoD, and Sparkhouse, and other roles collected on DVD as time passed. And I was completely and totally HOOKED.

          What he does with the role of the evil henchman is petty amazing. As Servetus has said, one of his most complex characters in many ways. And he really does get hotter with each series, IMHO. Great acting + general gorgeousness + The Leather and later the Floppy Pirate Shirt & Trousers That Are a Marvel of Engineering–well, how can you go wrong?


  14. No way on the facial hair (on my part)….but it looks ok on RA, although I would rather see him fuzz free.
    Good photo you posted.


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