Lucas North saturation? [Spooks 9 spoilers]

Still working on the video. Have now picked out and integrated all of my clips; all that’s left is to fine tune the editing (cuing clips precisely to music, for example). Just discovered that iMovie 8 has almost no effects included, and that’s what I have, so it’s going to be a story video rather than an eye-candy one. Actually, this is embarrassing because since I’ve talked about it so much I’ll have to show it even if I am not totally satisfied with the result. I know one issue, already, will be that it’s not going to look as nice in youtube compression as it does on my screen. Oh, well, it’s been an interesting learning process in so many regards. I’m not really a visual thinker, but it turns out that my narrative impulses fill in for that somewhat. Also, I got the feeling that Spooks is filmed with a lot of camera techniques used in music videos, as in some places these clips just seemed to lay themselves down into the music. (Did I mention this is a Lucas North video?) I guess we’ll see when we see, huh?

But what I wanted to say is that watching these tiny pieces of Lucas North over and over again while looking for the perfect excerpts has made me realize how much I loved this character, especially in season 7 and parts of season 8. He really was a hero in my eyes, and anything I learned about John Bateman’s pre-MI-5 days does not mitigate my respect for Lucas North’s sense of ethics and will to self-sacrifice after his return from Russia. I was reminded again of everything I loved about the person I thought was the real Lucas while doing this project. After his re-emergence, John Bateman (in 9.8) says to Ruth that he’s in credit as far as killing people goes. That statement is intended to sound cynical and self-serving and it does; and maybe I am too empathetic at the moment toward the devastation created by broken dreams and the malaise that descends upon one after having been misunderstood or mistrusted or taken for granted a few times too often. Or maybe I am too ready to believe in the possibility of redemption. At the same time, I did end up believing that John sought — and found — redemption as Lucas North. Perhaps not intentionally. But the point of something being a mitzvah is that it is done by divine commandment, not necessarily by human will. And trying as best we can to perform good deeds can make us better people, even if the past is always with us and we remain flawed.

A promotional photo for Spooks series 8; Lucas runs back toward the hotel to try to save Ros and the Home Secretary. Source: Richard Armitage Net

I think I’ve posted this photo before in a post about how I’d missed Lucas in the break after season 8. Do you know what always gets me about this photo? The shoelaces. You can see the outline of the body, the strength, the exertion, the stress, the hurry, and the way that the dress clothes are contorted by wind and by Armitage’s muscular to accommodate the bidding of his body. But the detail out of control is the shoelaces. They’re just whipped around in every direction. There’s a metaphor, there, for the vulnerability of Lucas, the little boy hoping for affection, which I also saw in my reviewing of these video clips. It’s Armitage’s power in this role that he manages to get both the hard man, the hero who mustn’t stop to consider his feelings, and the vulnerable, lonely one, into the same body and the same gestural repertoire. I often had tears in my eyes today while watching, and yet I never tire of seeing Lucas.

~ by Servetus on December 23, 2010.

37 Responses to “Lucas North saturation? [Spooks 9 spoilers]”

  1. I loved this sentence, “And trying as best we can to perform good deeds can make us better people, even if the past is always with us and we remain flawed.”

    I watched a recent pre-9 Lucas video recently and it had clips of the bomb blast that killed Ros and the Home Sec-e-tree…i thought perhaps that blast reignited the memory of the Dakar blast and that this time, HE lost someone he cared about…there is still so much I will never understand about S9 but not for lack of trying.
    I loved the character of Lucas and he will ALWAYS be Lucas, the hero, the one you want next to you in the foxhole. So let it be written so let it be done!


  2. I cannot wait!


  3. Lucas was and is a hero for me. As I have said before, I fell in love with him in that first ep. The mixture of the cynical, prison-hardened man with more than his share of demons, and the vulnerable soul desperate for love and acceptance and a return to some sort of normality, to feeling as if he can still make a positive difference in this damaged and flawed world, captivated me. (I still feel contempt for the writers for what they did to such a wonderful and promising character.)

    I look forward to seeing your vid and my hat’s off to you for creating it. I have such limited technical skills that I leave the videomaking to others; I think I’d best stick to writing, although I do want to sit down and draw some of the characters at some point. I also think you’re right about the show being shot in a sort of music video style. Sadly, there haven’t been a lot of Lucas vids made recently . . . I think the debacle of Spooks 9 sort of took the wind out of a lot of people’s sails. Another reason for me to hold a grudge against TPTB . . . Lucas, we love you and always will.


    • Well, it’s going to have Maya in it, so you may not like that part. What’s been interesting is that I always think of myself as a technical skills moderate. I’m not an early adopter (my parents are, but not me, and one reason is that I hate the debris from broken early versions of technology cluttering the house), and there are some technologies I resisted unreasonably (got my first cell phone in the US in April). I learn stuff that I think is going to have a value. What was weird about this was that I started wanting to make these videos and learn to use the software although I can’t think of any particular use for the relevant skills. Sucked into yet more creativity by Mr. Armitage …


      • Oh, I can deal with Maya. For whatever reason the poor man really loved her. Not that we were ever given a very good reason why . . .
        Mr. A is very good at pulling those creative impulses out of us. Re techology, I once wrote an award-winning column entry on my TIS (Technology Impaired Syndrome). Unlike hubby, who does computer repair on the side and is over there working on a wedding video at this very moment, I have no natural affinity for techy stuff.

        Singing, writing, drawing–these are my sort of things. But, as you say, certain things do have a value, even if it’s simply the pleasure of creating them, I suppose. Benny has tried to coax me into learning to use computer software for artwork, but I haven’t yet done it. Hey, the fact I am doing as much as I am re computers is pretty much amazing for me! I have come a long way, baby.
        And now I have my Kindle, with the complete works of Shakespeare, Austen, Franzen’s new book, North & South and Jane Eyre all loaded on it. Why do I feel as if my conventional books are looking at me with sadness?


        • Because they are 🙂

          (still don’t own a Kindle, though I am starting to be tempted)

          and re Maya: can’t resist that kiss. Close your eyes, you’ll remember.


          • I often feel as if inanimate objects have feelings. Must have watched too many Disney movies. I also think animals should be able to talk. And that Characters lurk around my house. Oh well . . .
            I resisted the Kindle for quite a while, and then finally submitted. One of the things I love is being able to adjust the font size and how easy it is on my eyes, unlike the computer screen. I showed it to my visually impaired sister, and she was thrilled to discover she could read without needing a magnifier.
            She has spent quite a lot of money on large-print books, as the local library is limited in what they offer.
            There is also a text-to-speech feature which is not bad to listen to–of course, if it sounded like RA, I would use it all the time!
            I wondered if that kiss was included in the vid. One of the best lines of the series. And he looked a treat in that blue shirt . . .


            • ahh, the blue shirt!! Wait, I was replying to the Kindle thing. I’ve looked into it also but can’t commit. Maybe I will. But the feel of a book in my hands…I just don’t know if I can give that up. And the satisfaction of looking up at my bookshelves to see my favs sitting up there, all lined up straight, according to subject (tho not alphabetized)…there’s just something wonderful about those books. But I’m still open for now. Maybe as my eyes get older?!


              • I think I will always love my regular books, too, NB. But I, Low Tech Woman, have found the KIndle surprisingly “friendly”–perhaps because it looks so much like a regular printed page, rather than what you see on a computer screen? And quite frankly being able to purchase the complete works of the Bard and Miss Austen for 99 cents each to have at my disposal was quite tempting, I must confess. Also love having 3G and wi-fi at no extra cost. Very convenient.

                Re eyes, I have had to wear glasses since the second grade and contacts since I was 15, and now wear readers on top of my contacts, so anything that is kind to these weak aging eyes, I appreciate!!


                • I hear ya on the eyes, Angie. 99cents?!!!!! Good grief! The cheap side of me says this is GREAT! Must ponder this some.


                  • Newer stuff is more expensive, of course, but I don’t think I’ve seen anything over $12 or %13 and that was a recent bestseller. So yes, I am hoping in the long run to save money. Also, they are working on a service where you can lend and borrow books from other Kindle owners. So if my sister gets one, we could share books just as we did growing up. Awwwwww . . .


      • @servetus,

        The “use for the relevant skills” is simply that you wanted to do it OR, crazy thought, you enjoy the fanvids and wanted to make your statement. You are allowed to have FUN!!!!!


        • Ann Marie,
          Sometimes it’s simply the joy of doing for the sake of the pleasure and satisfaction it brings us, isn’t it?

          I sing because it makes me happy, I have fun doing it. It–stretches my soul.
          My artwork on the Christmas card envelopes for my coworkers was a hit today. A simple thing, served no real function, but it made them smile and pleased them I made the effort to do it. Yes, Dr. S, Ann Marie is correct, we are all allowed to have FUN! And should do so on a regular occasion.


  4. I can’t wait to see your video 🙂


  5. Has anybody looked at the Barnes & NOble Nook? It is supposedly more versatile (it accepts more e-book formats) than Kindle…I started researching them but I can’t yet part with paper and wondered what y’all thought if you’ve looked into them?


    • I’m hearing good things about the Nook vs. iPad and Kindle. Plus, it’s cheaper than either.


    • Plus, the Nook is, I think, part of the InterLibrary Loan system so you can get library books as well.


      • I looked at the Nook, too, but decided the Kindle would best suit my purposes. Mine with wi-fi and 3G was $189, no tax or shipping and the version with just wi-fi is $139. Also, they have WhisperSync technology so I can pick up where I left off reading if I want to on any device or computer I have equipped with Kindle (such as this laptop). iPads are way too expensive for me-more than double the price.

        And I like the fact I can read this screen with ease while outside in bright light. Can’t do that with backlit screens. I do need to get some sort of light for it, however, to read at night.

        There is a color version of the Nook which is pretty cool, but it’s considerably more expensive and unless you are looking at lots of magazines online, I wouldn’t think it worth the extra money.


        • Stupid question here..why do you need Wi-fi? (If you think you’re Low Tech Woman, I’d have to be the Bottom of the Pile Tech Granny!)


          • NB, that’s how you order the books from the Kindle Store or have your newspaper or magazine subscriptions delivered to the device–wirelessly via wi-fi. The 3G gives it wider coverage area, so I could travel to other parts of the country and even other countries snd still be able to use the device. Of course, if you told me little elves lived inside (very little ones, as the thing is quite slim) to make it work, I’d sort of believe it LOL


            • Well heck, I thought them little elves snuck up thru the telephone wire and got books inside that way…or wrote the books on teensy tiny pieces of paper…nevermind. So you don’t get the books thru a USB connect to your computer? And the 3G now makes sense. Wow, my grandma would be so amazed. OK, back to “Sloth”. I am SO glad hubs isn’t here to witness my fits of laughter as I read! Plus, I can stay up as late as I want to! 😉 Thanks for the info.


              • Sloth Fic–I actually have started the Christmas edition of that. *grin* Harry is whipping up some egg nog even now . . .

                Actually, you can also plug the Kindle into the computer via the USB port to charge it and use it (I charge it with the wall outlet) but it’s ever so much nicer to just have it on hand alone. I just cot a case for it today– green camo with bright pink trim.
                When the cat’s away, hey, NB? LOL


        • Last time I was checking these out, the Nook was cheaper than the Kindle. But I see things have gone down in price. In fact, I’m sure the Nook has made the Kindle come down.

          I do like the book loan feature on the Nook, and that its architecture embraces epub. Can’t get that with Kindle, but maybe the “walled garden” will change now that Nook is opening things up by using epub.

          Also, it’s my understanding that neither Kindle nor Nook are backlit. But I could be wrong.

          I do not own any of these devices, but I have friends who own all three (Kindle, Nook, iPad) and have let me play with them. LOL!

          I’m not sure if I’m going to buy any of them, but I travel enough that it might be worth it.


          • I think that the marketplace competition is definitely making the prices come down in general on the e-readers. And I suspect more and more features will become available, too. Seeing the price drop below 200 dollars made me decide to more strongly consider buying this year. I think last time I checked the basic Nook was, like, 10 bucks more than the basic Kindle. Pretty comparable.


            • Yep, they sound pretty similar. I just don’t know which one to buy! LOL!

              But I definitely don’t want to spend money on the iPad. Can’t justify it.


              • I feel like lately Mac’s concept is to trap you into a whole series of products — laptop or desktop machine, iPhone, iPad. I know people who just keep being these things because Apple keeps putting them out. I actually like technology that does less and doesn’t take over my life. At least in an ideal world.


  6. Shoelaces! Your attention to detail is as impressive as always 🙂


  7. […] unit in my thinking — the thing that shapes my reactions and my judgments — is often the pregnant detail. So the role Armitage played in all this was unique and never arbitrary — Armitagemania was […]


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