You’re just so beautiful

~ by Servetus on January 24, 2011.

72 Responses to “You’re just so beautiful”

  1. Truly, truly, truly…..


  2. No argument…


  3. Yep, he’s gorgeous, and yes, it’s a Porter cap. If I were stuck in the horrible situation Katie was in, I would certainly hope for such an angel to appear to rescue me, murmuring “brave girl, brave girl” in a dark, husky voice, and cupping my face in those big, beautiful hands.
    What a comfort he had to have been, and no wonder she didn’t want to let go of him when she was on the gurney . . .


  4. Some times it just pours out of me, this feeling.


    • I know what you mean. The emotions just well up inside you . . .


    • @servetus. You have no idea how often I have said exactly the same words!! This is the adjective I use more than any other when I look at pictures of him. When he appears on my screen from my “slide show” or I see him on a website or blog, I have the same reaction as Margaret Hale did at the station when John touches her arm (well I presume that is what he did) and says “You don’t need Henry to explain”, and she has this sharp intake of breath! Oh my!! Makes you weak at the knees! His beauty just gets to me and I just have to sit and gaze at him. I know there are many of us who have never used the word “beautiful” when describing a man before but in his case it is so very very appropriate.


      • He’s the only man I’ve ever said it about, I think.


        • Words like “beautiful” and “stunning” and “alluring” aren’t generally used to describe men, but then Richard isn’t your typical handsome man. There is that quality that sets him apart, that captivates you and makes you yearn for more . . . a beautiful addiction.


  5. On the subject of beauty, and the beauty of expressive acting,the Domodevedo Airport bombing today replayed in the mind the Lucas of S7 returning to Moscow. The tension in every expression, the sense of watchers, the reliving in the mind of Lucas 7 of his gruelling, inexpressible experience in Russia.

    Angie, are you feeling any better at all today?


    • The way he looked back when the taxi passed the Lubyanka. Minimalist acting at its best. His neck muscles tensed, his eyes widened a little, that was all.

      Gosh, I’ll miss you, Mr. Porter. No dwarf king can ever fill this gap.


  6. No physical aches and pains, but the weariness of January inertia faced by a mountain of tasks! Such a beautiful respite for those winter blues.


    • January is the worst. Armitage is definitely relief from that feeling that there’s nothing to look forward to.


  7. I’m at home suffering from a virus and so have taken the opportunity to re-watch this episode. The tenderness shown by John to Katie is a thing of beauty.


  8. John Porter to Katie: “There, there brave girl.” *Swoon* *Melt* *Thud* It only JP could drop in for a rescue and a pep talk, I would be goood to go.


    • I was frustrated with myself for loving that scene but I had the same reaction. Something about having your travails recognized and acknowledged.


      • Esp when the person in question looks like and sounds like that. When I am having a bad day, I would love a little Porter pep talk to keep me going. So often, much of “this women’s work” goes un-noticed.


        • I need one of those pep talks with a gentle smile and warmth and tenderness in those blue eyes right about now. *sigh*


        • Yeah: I think it’s the acknowledgement that’s key. Just saying: I see you.


        • Am I correct in saying that in an interview Orla Brady talked about acting these scenes with Richard and how disorienting it was to have that black bag over her head? I think she said that if she was on the verge of panicking that he would just “get her” with his eyes and in doing that, helped her regain her composure. It seems to have been quite the experience for her to go through all that with him. Can you imagine being in her shoes – not the terrifying experience part and having to act as though they really HAD cut her hand off, but just having him being so wonderfully tender and caring. How do those women who act with him keep their feelings in check I wonder? I guess that is all part of the craft! Not sure if I could be that objective!


          • I watched the scenes Teuchter referred to 2 days ago and was wondering the same things. How do these women keep themselves together? The only answer I can come up with is he has really bad breathe? 😉 The scenes he has with Ms. Brady are at the top of my favorite scenes list. IMHO, the connection between RA and Ms. Brady is profoundly more evident, believable and moving than any in Spooks with the possible exception of the scenes between Lucas and Ruth after he abducts her. Maybe more. I just can’t recall them right now. I really like this first set of Strike Back episodes.

            I’m sure y’all discussed Strike Back months ago, but it’s new to me. Sorry! I watched all 6 episodes a couple of weeks ago and hurriedly went thru them. Now I’m picking up on the details but if I’m remembering the other eps correctly, these first 2 are my favorites.


          • I didn’t read that interview, but what a wonderful description of Mr. Armitage’s professional work.


  9. I have no words.


  10. OMG, those blue eyes 🙂 I have the impression that he looks straight into the soul.


  11. Oh – bless!!


    • I appreciate the sentiment, but: I’ve wondered for awhile what the object of this exclamation is. Harry says it off and on in Spooks. Bless me? Bless you? Bless Mr. Armitage?

      Thanks for anything you can do to enlighten me 🙂


    • Here I’m meaning, bless all of you for your sweet expressions of Armitage-love. I don’t remember Harry saying it in Spooks – it doesn’t seem like a very ‘Harry thing to say’.


      • I just saw it again the other night — I can’t recall where exactly but it must have been in Spooks 7. I’ll get back to you.


        • @servetus. Last night I watched (for the umpteenth time) the last two episodes of Spooks 7 and then watched the “Extras” at the end of the DVD and those commenting had the most wonderful things to say about him, and especially about his amazing eyes; how you could see all he had “experienced” even in close up shots. Great to hear all that stuff. Hermione,”Ros”, said he was “sublime” as Lucas North. Who would disagree??


  12. May I thank Mrs. Armitage for discouraging her son from having a “nose job”? Assuming that the references in interviews etc. are accurate. (I feel obliged to qualify any statement based on such material, relating to the actor’s private life) Pax, please.


    • Seriously, if he says in public that he worried about it, I think it’s fair game for comment. I actually wrote something about this yesterday and decided to pause before publishing it. I was disturbed about events on the weekend.


      • I recall him saying he had wanted a nose job, and I am so thrilled that never happened. He just had to grow into the magnificence that is his aquiline nose.


  13. Siiigh. His beauty is striking precisely because it’s not the cookie cutter variety. More please.


  14. BTW, since you already visited, can I be totally uncouth and say I’ve finally started daily posts? I’d love for you and anybody else who is interested to stop by and get me to thinking.


    • Yes, I’ve been feeling guilty that I didn’t answer your answer, which was really helpful to me. Will give you a plug one of these days soon when I do another “around the web’ post.


  15. To have someone this beautiful be so much present in the present and look into your eyes, and be there for you… sigh. Thud.


    • To have him show up for you in prison. Thud.


      • I would have truly been tempted to assume I was having some sort of hallucination—imprisoned and going through the horror of my impending death, and here is this tall, dark-haired, beautiful creature, with mesmerizing eyes and a rich chocolatey voice and such capable hands, soothing and comforting me.
        Or that my guardian angel had shown up without his halo and wings.


  16. […] why I didn’t write anything under the picture I posted yesterday, beyond the caption. I wanted to. I wanted to write a paean to all things lovely, of which Armitage […]


  17. It is valid to posit that unconvential looks are more compelling then the cookie cutter variety. Audrey Hepburn, with a somewhat substantial acquiline nose and square jaw, was my youthful icon.

    As for males, strong facial contour, rather than pretty. Strong noses welcome to our village. Which is not to say that male/female comparative strength is the issue. Great admirer of Helen Mirren and Cate Blanchette, and Liam Neeson and Colin Firth. None of whom appear to be processed.

    And Mr. Armitage does not appesr to have been processed. Just rather good genes…


    • Indeed. Let’s hope he passes them on …


    • Far too many processed actors out there already. Honestly, and this could in part be a sign I am getting old, but so many of the younger actors and actresses look alike to me.

      I always thought Sophia Loren was such a beaury, and in her early days as an actress, the studio wanted her to have a chin implant and a nose job, but she didn’t (she has been processed in her later years, as her chin was not that firm in her younger years). When Ingrid Bergman, who was positively incandescent in so many of her films, came to the US to work from her native Sweden, they wanted her to change her name (“too ethnic”), her nose and her teeth. Miss Bergman informed them she had done just fine in Europe with her original name, nose and teeth and would go back here if they weren’t satisfied with her appearance in America.
      She got to keep all three.

      There is something to be said for keeping one’s own individual, perhaps unconventional appearance. I have to say I really detest seeing overly Botoxed faces. It’s not normal when a person reaches a certain age not to have a few expression lines at the very least.


  18. Joy – received a Strike Back DVD this week! Had watched on TV back in November, and it repeated once. But it’s not possible to register all the detail this way.

    I doubt if I’d have watched if it hadn’t been for Mr. A, but now I can see the merit in the performances of Andrew Lincoln and Johdy May more clearly. There’s reminder of the Ros/Lucas relationship with Porter/Layla. It’s a pity that won’t have the opportunity to develop in SB 2.


    • Hooray, Fitzg!!! Enjoy!! I think some folks haven’t wanted to give Strike Back a chance because it wasn’t their usual cuppa tea, but there truly are some strong performances by more than just Mr. A.

      I am becoming a real fan of Jodhi May and have started collecting her films. I’ve been impressed with her performances in everything I have seen so far. I think there was real chemistry with Jodhi and RA just as there was with Hermione and RA in Spooks.

      Watch those scenes in the prison–and the exchange at the war memorial.

      Oh course, I ended up making them a couple in Truce (sorry, Danni, but the whole honey trap thing just didn’t work for me as a viable long-term romance–and the character was so underwritten). I would have loved to have seen a stronger relationship of some sort evolve between Thompson and Porter, but alas–only in my fanfic. *sigh*


      • And I should add Andrew Lincoln is winning rave reviews as the zombie-fighting sheriff’s deputy in The Walking Dead–which is a lot better than it might sound.


    • yeah — it really improves upon repeated watches, I think. Not just because I like Mr. Armitage, but also because the script is a bit more complex than one immediately realizes.


      • I think Strike Back proves we don’t need to be too quick dismissing any genre as something we just wouldn’t watch. If you have the right actors playing compelling characters and an involving storyline, whether it’s a period drama, an action adventure, a spy thriller, fantasy or some other genre–it can be enjoyable and entertaining and certainly worth our time and attention.


        • Yeah. Assuming the violence doesn’t drive you away. This is an issue for me. But I’m trying to get tougher!


  19. Well, being snowed in (or rather voluntarily so, as there are buses- I think, and the car does have snow tires) DVD Strike Back and S8 arrived same day this week. Maybe winter isn’t SO bad. If you plan for it. Whatever.

    This is what makes some RA blogs worthwhile – the catalyst to provide a more critical (and enjoyable) perspective on wider areas. Even SB. And, yes, now I want to see more of Jodhi May, including the costume dramas. She has such an individual face. And watching and appreciating the whole production. Maybe someday even S9. Production, and all the behind-the-scenes play/TV/movie/script elements of design are so fascinating. Keep bringing on the DVD extras!

    And I do hope for Mr. Jackson’s swift recovery, for his sake, and also for his own sense of his relationship to film-making. We can wait, but he must feel his internal pressure/identity to the production.


    • I have this tiny hope that they’ll write Armitage out without killing him, the series will go on for years, and he’ll appear in two or three episodes per season. That would be fine with me. I’m not quite ready to give up John Porter.


    • I agree, Fitzg-Jodhi’s face has a lot of character. Not a conventional beauty, but then, neither is Mr. A, and I quite like individual faces.
      She has amazingly expressive eyes and I love the slight crookedness of her teeth. She has an appealing impish smile you don’t get to see a lot of in Strike Back, and I like the timbre of her voice. Her character in Daniel Deronda quite breaks my heart and she is very good in Tipping the Velvet and The Aristocrats, to mention a couple of her period dramas.

      I enjoy all the behind-the-scenes stuff, too. Being able to see that aspect of filming Honeydripper here was such an absolute treat for me–we don’t get a lot of films made right here on my home county–so it was a great learning experience and, heck, just a lot of fun. 😀


      I dearly hope your tiny hope turns out to be true and John Porter lives on to take on other missions. Because I am not ready to give him up, either. (Of course, hard-headed person I am, he will NOT die for me no matter what happens in Strike Back 2, but achieve SND status.)


      • I’d love to see more movies in which Jodhi May stars. I know I can get Daniel Deronda through Amazon but can you tell me where to obtain the others you mentioned, please? I too hope and pray they won’t “kill off” John Porter. There’s GOT to be another way. I really like the idea of the series continuing and John being able to come back for other episodes, Servetus! Not sure if I could take another “death”. Still haven’t got over losing Guy not to mention Lucas. Like you, Angie, I just have to think of ALL his characters as having the SND status!! At least we can take comfort in the fact that RA in RL is safely in NZ and no doubt hoping Sir PJ makes a full and speedy recovery – for Sir Peter’s sake and not just for the making of TH.


        • Teutcher,

          The other JM movies are also available through Amazon. They have a pretty large selection of her movies between Amazon and When I get ahead a little financially, I am going to use my monthly bonus to buy several more on DVD.

          Oh, if any of you want a hauntingly romantic and lovely period film to watch that doesn’t feature Mr. A, may I suggest “Firelight” with Stephen Dillane and Sophie Marceau? I had caught it on TV once or twice and really liked it. It was made in the 90s and is a little tricky to find, but worth the effort.

          I found it through the Amazon Marketplace at AmazonUK brand new and in my region and in the original English, but with Chinese subtitles LOL I watched it last night . . . excellent performances all around and Marceau is positively luminous in her role.

          I do have to remind myself periodically that Richard is indeed safe and sound and, I hope, having a perfectly marvelous time in NZ. And yet, certainly hoping that PJ is recovering well from the surgery. It’s been such a struggle to get this film started, I am sure he is champing at the bit to get it underway–finally!!


  20. Oh thank you for all that great info! Will have to check Amazon out again! Just wish silly things like budgets didn’t get in the way of buying everything we want! I’ll just have to be patient and add to my collection gradually. At least my Series 8 of Spooks arrived on Monday and I’m now waiting for Lords of the North and Sylvester to arrive!! I’m hoping they don’t take too long to make the next season of Downton Abbey although it did say at the end on Sunday that it is in production. They sure left us dangling!!!!


  21. […] played in all this was unique and never arbitrary — Armitagemania was not originally about Mr. Armitage’s beauty, though of course I realize more clearly now that it could not be denied, and indeed, was […]


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