OT: I’m not sure exactly what this is and I’m trying to attribute it to misallocated blood sugar

John Bateman (Richard Armitage) and Maya Lahan (Laila Rouass) do something, I’m not sure what, on top of a table, in Spooks 9.3, and Bateman looks at them in Spooks 9.7. Source: RichardArmitageNet.com

The first week back is usually hard and for some reason, although the day’s end was in sight from its very beginning, and I kept saying to myself, “only x more hours,” today was especially difficult.

I leave my office and it’s like a very taut tarp strap that originates somewhere in my loins snakes up through my abdomen, catches on the nape of my neck, and eventually hooks up on the frontal lobe, where it digs into my grey matter. Everything the cord moves through starts to itch and ache and bother me. The cord’s already tightly wound, but as I become more conscious of it, it seems to seize up even more, and my shoulders and my jaw clench and my brain starts to ache persistently with a certain kind of need. I know of only three good ways to address this problem quickly, only two of them are availableat present, and only one’s acceptable (except under extreme duress). Unfortunately, the thing that’s acceptable, you can’t do in a coffee shop, which is where my after-work Internet connection is. Well, I suppose I could, but they’d arrest me, and I go on purpose to a shop that attracts a lot of cops so that I’m comfortable staying as late as I need to to write. It occurs to me that I should go home and do it and then come back. But I struggle against giving in to this particular need. I resent being a slave to this feeling — I can’t tell if it’s physical, or emotional, or neurochemical. All I know is what it makes me want to do. Badly. Intensely. Inevitably.

I can’t think. I drive home, apply solution #3, and come back. What (snort) amazing virtue.

When this feeling used to surface, as it did often during my first four years of grad school, I’d come home and assault the physicist boyfriend, who exerted a kind of sexual pull on me that I’ve never experienced before or since, right then and there. I’d burst through the door and if he was home, I’d rip his and my clothes off immediately and simultaneously. At the beginning he thought it neat to be wanted so intensely in this way, to have such an eager girlfriend, but as our relationship wore on, my needs started to make him feel like an object. “This is not about you wanting me, or even about the expression of desire,” he said, not only once, “it’s just about relieving your built-up tension.” Men with emotional scruples. Sigh. I admit that I was 23 and though I understand now what he meant, at the time, I didn’t really get it when he complained that I was using his body to self-gratify. Though he wasn’t my first, he was 30 and had several more intimate relationships behind him than I, so he had better data for comparison. The only thing I really regret any more about that relationship from my perspective now is how (relatively) little tenderness he got from me. I’m not an especially tender lover, but I can see, in retrospect, how much he sought that and how persistently I ignored his needs.

This feeling of coiled up tension desperate for release has reemerged since the move and it’s a bit foreign. I was so exhausted and so down for so long that I just didn’t feel this sort of thing. Now that I’m on the upswing again I’m experiencing sensations I’d forgotten, but it’s a weird thing, because the physicist was right; it’s not the same thing as desire. It’s just some kind of physical or emotional or neurochemical combination that manifests itself as a burning tension and causes me to want to — well, you know.

[This is kind of a building block, so please be patient. I will get there.]

~ by Servetus on January 13, 2012.

120 Responses to “OT: I’m not sure exactly what this is and I’m trying to attribute it to misallocated blood sugar”

  1. I can’t remember seeing Lucas/John ever holding such a photo so I obviously need to re-visit “Spooks” series 9!!

    How I wish I could put my feelings/thoughts into words as clearly as you do!


  2. I captioned that a bit poorly — this is a scene from between 9.3 and 9.4 that we don’t see, but we see photos of it in 9.4 and here again. At the time we were all joking that this was logistically impossible as a sex act.

    Thanks for the kind words.


    • Hmmm….yes!

      Also….how on earth did the producers expect a 6′ 2″ man to perform on top of a 3′ square table anyway….let alone poor Laila’s discomfort?!?!

      Where did you discuss this previously? I reckon some of the comments would have been quite funny and worth a read!


  3. I can see the bloody table toppling over as I sit here giggling like a complete nutcase!


  4. I wrote a scene between Guy and Marian in one of my fan fics in which they do the deed on a very sturdy and large table at Nottingham Castle–and it still ended up caving in. 😉

    That puny piece of furniture in Spooks did not stand a chance.

    The whole Maya/LuJohn sexy time seen in the photos was ludicrous–which fit right in with so much of series 9, come to think of it.


  5. Now, Angie, you’re towards the east coast??? so it might be around 9.37pm Thursday for you?

    It’s 1.37pm Friday for me


    • kathryn gaul,

      I am in the Central Time Zone here in Alabama–so it is 8:47 p.m. here.
      Mezz teases me when I am stricken with insomnia and we are online at the same time and it’s 3 a.m. here. 😉


      • Thanks for letting me know the time. I am used to adding the correct no. of hours on for Louisville, KY, and Oceanside, CA, and then going back a day… so that I Skype Melanie at a decent time!

        I have the good old sleep disorder from FMS, too! It’s really difficult to get to sleep in the first place and then even harder to stay asleep, isn’t it? But we manage somehow on about 4 hours sleep gleaned over an entire night, don’t we? 🙂


        • Yep, Been there and done that.

          I have almost always had difficulty falling asleep quickly, and now when I wake up during the night sometimes It’s like “Boom! I am wide awake and it’s only 2:30 A.M. Grea-a-a-at.” Well, it often turns out to be a good time to work on my novel, or make a video or watch a DVD–which I have a stack of (watching Bleak House right now. I actually do have more than just RA vids). Beats staring at the ceiling. 😉


          • I make good use of the audiobooks from the library! It’s easy for me as I’m single….don’t know how a partner would cope with my stereo playing at all those odd hours, though!!!!!!

            I’d love to get a hold of “Bleak House” – I missed it when it was on our ABC (like the BBC) and I’ve been a fan of Gillian Anderson since her “X-Files” days. Must have a look at the latest Amazon.co.uk newsletter as there are quite a few television shows on sale at the moment.

            Firstly, though, I’ve decided that it’s time for “Spooks” series 7 to 9 again. Bought myself a television set for my bedroom – never had one before and I’ve recently turned 65! – and it has an inbuilt DVD player.


            • I wear earbuds when Benny and I are in the same room sometimes–he is watching TV and I listen to audiobooks (I have some on my Kindle and on my laptop) or watch videos on the laptop. “Bleak House” is probably one of the best of the period drama adaptions over the past decade or so. Big Gillian Anderson fan myself. Loved her as Scully and this is a very different sort of character, the enigmatic and rather ethereal Lady Dedlock. Lots of great actors in this: Alun Armstrong, Carey Mulligan, Charles Dance, Denis Lawson, Nat Parker, Ian Richardson and so on.

              I just rewatched Spooks 7 and will watch 8 in the coming week. I still can’t bear ro do 9, except for the first one or two eps. That’s it. 😦


          • kathryn, if I’m curious, I just google “what time in…?” and up it pops!

            angie, it’s getting late, I hope you’re getting some sleep!!! *grin*


  6. Holy Moly, Servetus…is it 2.37am at your house? I thought I was a night owl!!!


  7. Hi Servetus. Sorry for once again going OT. I haven’t forgotten what your post is about but I don’t know what to say, unfortunately, well at least not on the internet!!!

    I realize you were probably just venting rather than looking for someone to solve the question, so I won’t act like a typical male and immediately dive in (guns blazing!) to put forward my solution!

    Oooops, that might sound as if I was a man-hater but I’m certainly not!



    • KG,

      You hit the nail on the head when you said that about men immediately wanting to give one a solution instead of just letting the person vent sometimes. Even my husband, who is not a stereotypical male in many ways, has a tendency to do so, bless his heart.

      Sometimes we just need to get it all out, and we don;t necessarily want or are asking for a solution.
      And I can’t voice too much more on the subject at hand here, either. 😉


  8. I’ll just say that I have felt that way myself at times! I joke that I’ve become a born-again virgin over the past few years!!!! Unfortunately there don’t seem to be a whole heap of available, acceptable men in my age group in Canberra. Ah well, I’ll just dream about that beautiful younger man we all gush over!

    When I say “acceptable men”, I mean to me…. men who are manly but not sexist. I’m not even sure that such men exist but I couldn’t bear to go back to dating men who seem to think I should wait on them and be grateful to do so! And with some of my former male acquaintences, I still had to have the condom discussion!

    I envy you…but in a nice way. Benny sounds delightful.


    • He is very delightful indeed, my Benny. He is, thankfully, a very self-sufficient person who does not need anyone to look after him, which is good when your wife has busted her tailbone and can’t do much of anything for herself for a while. 😉 I literally couldn’t have managed without him that first couple of weeks.


  9. OOOPS, I hope I didn’t disgust anybody with what I said above. Sorry if I offended.


  10. Hi Serv and other gals,

    Here is my “Grati After Dark” comment warning before you read further(Ha!):

    Regarding the picture of Lucas/John and Maya supposedly doing “The Postman Always Rings Twice” table sex moment in Spooks, I think I’ve said before elsewhere regarding my opinion with regard to my own desired comfort levels during making love:

    “There should be only one thing hard in making love–and it’s not the furniture.”

    Cheers! Grati ;->


    • I don’t know — getting pushed up against a hard surface can be really intense. A bed that’s too soft is sort of exhausting for the man especially.


  11. I don’t think I could do anything on a table THAT size. Not even with Lucas North. My back would kill. Look at that thing, it is too small for anything but breakfast. That cannot be comfortable. You need a big dinning room table for that sort of whoopie. LOL

    @angie, Benny sounds wonderful.
    @Kathryngaul, nothing wrong with discussing safe sex.


    • Gratiana, I agree with your philosophy 😉

      Kathryngaul–better safe than sorry!

      I imagine Richard taking one look at that table before they shot that scene and thinking. “No way in hell is this going to work . . . do they think I really
      AM a hobbit?!” LOL
      And Benny is pretty wonderful. 😀


      • It makes you wonder sometimes just how much input an actor really has, when a scene as implausible as this appears finishes up in the final cut. I wonder if Richard actually commented about folding up all 6’2″ of himself onto that table. Both his feet are off the floor for crying out loud.


        • The whole thing gives me the giggles. They both look extremely uncomfortable and awkward in that shot IMHO.
          Didn’t Laila say something in a print interview about Richard reassuring her that they weren’t REALLY having sex on a kitchen table?

          So I wonder if they did shoot an actual scene and then realized not even the fabulous talent of RA (the less I say about my opinion of LR’s acting, the better) could make it work.


          • I don’t have time to hunt it down, but yeah. The director wanted him to attack her on the table, basically, and he disagreed with that as a stage direction and told her he wasn’t going to do it.

            Frankly, reading stuff like this makes me wonder how much some of these people actually know about real people having sex. In a situation like this, I’d assume the normal impulse, no matter how badly you wanted to, would be an equal measure of attraction and extreme self-consciousness / hesitance / fear. In the end I thought that what we saw played it out well — even if they did egg us on with references to a steamy scene on a kitchen table. (Which may not have been their fault — they may have filmed in and then the editors decided wisely that it was too ridiculous for words.)


            • That is what I assumed happened after we finally saw that goofy photo–a scene had been shot and even these clowns were able to see it just wasn’t going to fly so it was left on the cutting room floor.

              The kiss, very slow and hesistant at first, gradually increasing in intensity, yeah, I think that worked. These two had not seen each other in years and hadn’t exactly parted amicably. (That is, of course, assuming all this happened and there WAS a John Bateman, which of course is poppycock and balderdash 😉 )


            • Someone, I think Nicola Walker (?) commented they didn’t air that scene because it was too hot, but it seems much more likely it was too awkward! Their state of undress certainly isn’t too hot – and I don’t think it was Richard’s fault, after all a similar scene in SB did actually work (I assume not literally!) and was hot.


              • Exactly. The dream/fantasy scene with Danni and John was extremely well done with that state of semi-undress and believable chemistry between the actors. Very sexy AND plausible. (I didn’t feel
                Richard was doing all the work manufacturing chemistry as I did with his scenes with GOR).

                Whereas the Lucas/Laila tabletop scene–er, no.


                • In the SB scene, he was standing on the floor. The ergonomics were more credible.


                  • Yep. Which made it very doable. Imagine if I had made Porter climb up on the kitchen counter with Layla , trying to figure out what to do with those long legs, instead of the way I wrote it? People would have been laughing which is not the response I would have hoped for in that type of scene . I suspect people were giggling over that Spooks scene, too, before they decided to cut it..


              • Jane, I agree it probably had more to do with the awkwardness and the scene not working. Spooks presented “hot” scenes in series 7 without any qualms, when Adam was having an affair with an asset. Chemistry is certainly everything and yes, that dream scene with Porter and Danni was HOT.


  12. I leave my laptop for a couple of hours to get the hair ripped out of my legs and you girls get into a verrry interesting discussion!

    I may be happily married, but that table scenario conjures up all kinds of Lucas fantasies *cough*


    • Happily married women are not immune to the charms of Luscious Lucas, my dear. And remember, what happens in Armitage World, stays in Armitage World. 😉 As for the hair ripping–ouch!! I only have my brows and upper lip waxed. That’s painful enough LOL


      • angie, I’ve only just started back with the waxing after many years of shaving, which I’m heartily tired of. Always had my brows/upper lip done. Actually, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I think the hair on my legs has diminished with age, even as it’s sprouting elsewhere it has no business being LOL! 😦

        Just as well that what happens in AW stays in AW! *blushes*


        • Because I really could not manage to do it and wasn’t going to ask poor Benny to attempt to shave them (he did repaint my toenails for me for Christmas–holiday red!), my legs went unshaven for quite a while after my accident. I joked that the people who do the reality show about looking for Big Foot (a big hairy monster of legend and lore) might show up at our door. 😉

          I don’t think the hair on my legs is thinning out yet, alas. However, it has started growing in odd places. I like the quote–can’t remember who said it: I refuse to think of them as whiskers. They are just–stray eyebrow hairs.

          I have a few of those, I have to admit . . . and what’s with the DARK ones? I’m a natural blonde and it’s turning white on my head, so what gives?? Oh, well, I know I am not the only one in this boat. 😉


        • Hello Mezz, I’ve been pondering the reverse question — how long will I keep on waxing 🙂 I hate shaving with a vengeance. @Angie I’ve read plenty fanfic at the beauty parlor to be happily distracted 🙂
          As far this pic – things may start on a table but unless a table is VERY solid which is doubtful this day & age ..

          @servetus it’s been too long .. The human drive is fascinating & complicated – that’s all I’m gonna say :))


          • I gave up shaving my legs when I started grad school and never heard any complaints — and I have dark hair. IMO it’s all in what you’re used to. When I moved to Germany I discovered that most of the women I knew didn’t shave at all except if they planned to wear a sleeveless top. That’s changing obviously, and I tended to associate within a certain social circle, but somehow people manage to have sex even when women aren’t removing all their hair …


            • I don’t like the imagination that (nearly) everybody under 40 has to have a hairless body, besides loads of hair on womens’ heads and beards on mens’ faces… For some time now, it’s apparently also quite common here in Germany. I can’t help, it keeps me reminding of baby dolls and having sex with immature grown-ups. Despite, it again puts so much pressure on everybody on how they have to look. This whole body rasure thing makes me feel “a bit older” now, as I seemingly missed that whole trend already when it started. 😉
              Yeah, Servetus it’s wonderful that even today people somehow manage to have wild, untamed sex yet unshaved…

              BTW, I wouldn’t have objections to see that kitchentable action scene… Since it’s so hard to picture RA on top of such a tiny table doing acrobatic practices, I’d allow myself to be convinced of another hidden talent of our dear Mr. Niceguy…:D Or is it really just too embarrassing?


              • Some boys made great fun of me as an early adolescent for my hairy legs, as I had not started shaving them at that time. Let’s just say that has always stuck with me. The hair was light but there was an awful lot of it and for some reason it has always been darker and coarser on my lower legs than my thighs. : (

                Truthfully, I have a lot of body hair-on my arms and peach fuzz on my face (blonde) which I have never thought about trying to remove. I have heard of celebrity males who have all the hair-and I mean ALL the hair–on their bodies waxed. That’s a turn-off for me. A little too metrosexual. I confess I love my husband’s arm pits, hair and all.

                And I have never waxed “down there.” Trimmed up a bit, yes–but no wax for me, thankee. 😉


                • angie, I’ve shaved/waxed legs and armpits since my mid-teens because the hair was dark, much more so than that on my head, and I simply feel better because of it. Each to their own, but I’m not keen on the completely hairfree look for women “down there”.
                  I don’t mind a hairfree chest on a man especially if it’s Porter’s! 😉


                  • Mezz,

                    If I didn’t shave my underarms I don’t think I could stand myself. When I was still unable to get in the shower and was washing out of a basin sitting on the side of the bed, I managed to shave my underarms. I have to use that clinical strength antiperspirant because I don’t work up a warm glow, (as southern ladies have traditionally done)–I SWEAT and I would not want to offend anyone, including my sweet spouse, with my stinkiness. Of course, he doesn’t shave his underarms, and I like them just fine. 😉

                    Yes, we all have our customs and comfort zones and I would never tell somebody else how they should groom themselves. Like you, I just happen to feel better with shaving and waxing certain parts of the old bod. Just as I feel better having my color touched up or simply washing my hair. The first time I really washed it after the accident–not a dry shampoo, but glorious hot water and suds–I felt like a new woman. 🙂


                    • I think it’s a bad idea to raise expectations at the beginning of a relationship. 🙂 No one who dates me should ever get the idea that I’m going to be constantly plucked, shaved and waxed on a day to day basis.


                    • Good point, Serv. Let them see the real you, 😉

                      I have to say Benny is very good-natured about my hirsuteness when I am unable to complete my toilette.LOL


                  • You’re right lasses, I also do shave my legs and armpits (especially) in summer on a sort of regular basis, as I’m more the skirt and dresses type..But not everyday!! When I talked of hairless bodies before, I meant primarily what Angie called “down there”. 😉 I utterly understand, that it must be a sensational feeling to get one’s hair and body shampooed and washed after a lenghty ailment phase. Life has it’s pleasures. 🙂

                    Serv, I do so appreciate what you said about raising expectations. Presumably I’m still not as consistent as you seem to be.


                    • Well, I am not typically so coy in phrasing things in RL (oe my fanfic for that matter) but here on the world wide web I thought I would be more discrete.


                      Trust me, the legs don’t get shaven every day and sometimes I skip the underarms just because I do have sensitive skin and daily shaving would irritate it. So I have to slather on a lot of moisturizer just to be comfortable, especially this time of year. I would say I shave the old legs more frequently in the spring/summer when they are more likely to be bare.

                      As for “down there,” well, hubby has seen it in its natural state for more than a quarter of a century, and if it ain’t broke, why fix it? 😉


                    • Dead sure it’s perfect the way it is. You know, when we start to tamper with something it rarely amounts to anything better and why the heck should it break?? 😉


  13. I’ve just watched this vid over on YT, stunning combo of music, poetry and film. It’s mainly from Spooks S9, which is still too painful to watch, but I find small doses like this are becoming a little more bearable. Maybe I’ll eventually be able to endure the whole series.


  14. How feasible and satisfying doing it on a table is really depends on the weight of the female and the inseam of the male, as well as the height and sturdiness of the table. When the equation works, OMG. Many tables in the U.S. are made to a standard height that would be too short for a 6’2″ male and I have seen tables on the Continent that were shorter still.. Certainly the table in the photo is too short, too small, and too flimsy, leading the observer to think it was photoshopped.

    As for problems and solutions, the tension is a function of that fight-or-flight reaction, and solution #3 resets the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems to a more balanced state. It’s a pity that more people don’t understand that giving their partners this kind of release is a gift, a kindness. The same type of reaction can be brought on by fear, grief, and anger — all stressors that raise the fight-or-flight chemistry.


    • Honestly, you gotta wonder about the life experience of the people who were directing this scene. The point of sex on a (stable) table is not for both partners to be ON the table. If you just want to have sex on an extremely hard surface with both partners prone, you can do it on the floor and not have to worry about falling several feet while in medias res. Ideally, one partner is on or against the table, and the other is standing, no? It’s not like I ever made a habit of doing this, but the few times I have done it, I was braced on the table and the man was standing on the ground. It was fantastic because the table was immobile. My assumption was that people do this because it makes it easier for the man to thrust harder because he doesn’t have to lift his body up and down or deal with having to counter the momentum from a shifting and / or potentially not especially firm mattress. He’s pushing against a firm surface for purchase and so are you.

      Anyway. I might have to start labeling these things NSFW.

      Thanks for the explanation of where the tension comes from, and also of how solution #3 works. That’s exactly what it feels like — a “reboot”. (Also explains why I’m always so crazed for it after a funeral.) To be fair to the physicist — some men seem to need much longer to recover their desire than women do. If he was being jumped to satisfy my needs in the early evening, but he really wanted to have tender sex later, doing what I wanted meant he had less likelihood of being able to do what he wanted later.


      • Serv, any minute I expect you to start diagramming this picture like you do those in your anatomy lessons. I can’t believe the word “ergonomics” got worked into the conversation. We are an intellectual bunch, aren’t we?


        • Well, Cindy,

          When you’ve got a college professor leading the charge and an engineer (Leigh) amongst other bright women, putting in her thoughts, it does result in a more high-toned discussion. 😉

          I think a diagram would be dandy, actually. 😀


        • Some things may be better left to the imagination. I’m at a loss as to why people are so amused by these diagrams, though. They’re just prosaic.


      • This isn’t even a normal table but a kind of breakfast counter with stools, one would think they choose that to make it easier for a tall guy, without requiring him to climb onto the table.


        But them, when confronted with the pic by Vaughn(?) John said it was passion and Vaughn doesn’t understand that, so what do we know? 😉


        • Somtetimes when it comes to Spooks, I think I don’t know anything. 😉

          But I did find it slightly amusing that Lu-John speaks of this great passion over a woman he had apparently completely and utterly put out of his mind for all those years. A woman who mostly stands around looking sulky and a bit bored and who can’t seem to make up her mind which man she wants. And acts inappropriately in hospital corridors. You would think I didn’t care for Laila, wouldn’t you? 😉


        • I think that table is still too low for him, assuming that’s what he was doing.


  15. @Mezz: Thank you,it was painfully beautiful. IMO JulietDOO1 is incredibly sensitive and talented.
    A propos the table: ..discomfort!?..with Lucas!? ..are you kiddin me!?


    • it would be one of those situations where you discovered later that you had developed bruises and wondered where you got them.


  16. You lot are hilarious!! Serious discussion of the functionality of tables! A man’s “inseam”! Waxing and waning! 😀 In hysterics here!! Joanna, I’m sure we could figure out a solution to Lucas and the table – a variation of postion, perhaps? 🙂


    • Yes,Fitzg;) and if not…to hell with my back, let them hurt!:D


      • I downloaded this last night whilst multitasking and finally watched it today.
        As always with Juliet’s work, it’s wonderful. The black and white images give it a film noirish quality very appropriate to the subject matter and the editing is excellent. I love the incorporation of the poetry with the starkness of the images and the music.

        Heartbreakingly beautiful, like the character himself and painful to watch.

        I still want to cry about Lucas, even when I see only brief glimpses of him from S9. I think it is going to be a long, long time before i can actually watch that series, if I ever do.


      • I think it would just be easier and probably less uncomfortable to say, “Hey, let’s move to the floor, sweetie!” 😉


  17. (Into the second day of an ice storm here – how long before the power and {please NO} the internet go out?)


  18. Ok, a little off topic here, but this has been driving me crazy. Does anyone else think that Lucas started to look different as he became John (well, as S9 went further along). I’ve been trying to figure it out, because he doesn’t look the same in the last episode as he did in the first one of the series. Shorter / longer hair? Rounder face? Did RA gain weight over the course of the filming?

    Or maybe I’m just nuts. Can somebody help me out here?


    • Cindy,

      You are not crazy. I saw a metamorphosis in his appearance and even in the way he sounded. His hair was longer–he had that floppy fringe–and he might have gained a little weight. his face did seem fuller.

      But more than anything, I think it was Richard’s chameleon-like talent that allowed John Bateman to take over the body of Lucas North. He actually seemed to become younger, more impulsive. By the time of the showdown with Harry on the rooftop, the years seemed to drop away and I saw and heard this immature, whinging man-child talking to Harry. The mercenary fellow with fluid morals . . .


      • Hair was certainly different because he needed to grow it for a CA forties style. But I agree, it was mostly RA playing to distinctively different characters. With the help of similar, but still different clothing, which was rather clever. I don’t think we are supposed to think he did change cloths before he went to see Maya and became John, he was just meant to appear somehow different.


        • Ah yes, that light blue western type shirt, not like anything we had seen Lucas in before, yet not, as you say, dramatically different. We didn’t see him and think “Wow, he suddenly looks like a different person!” The subtle changes to the wardrobe worked. I wonder if RA had any input in the choices that were made?

          One more thing that really impresses me about RA’s performance and the transformation into JB is the fact many scenes were not shot in sequence. So he might still be Lucas in one scene and very much into the Bateman personality in the next. It had to have taken a lot of concentration and focus to keep it all straight. I despise that whole storyline, but my hat is off to Richard for a bravura performance.


          • angie, what you’ve said is the reason why I would love to be able to rewatch S9. In not doing so, I’m denying myself the opportunity of watching Richard’s powerhouse performance. The above video brought home to me too just how much Lucas morphed into John, it’s even recognizable in stills. I need to rewatch the interview, but I think Nicola Walker commented that it was interesting to see Richard trying to get his head around the constant switching between characters because the scenes weere shot out of sequence.


            • Yes, it is a brilliant performance. Richard took on a demanding role–essentially playing two different characters–and pulled it off, although there are little moments where I think I see him feeling the strain of it.

              And to think of doing it out of sequence! Lordie, what an actor.

              I wish I could re-watch S9 (I have it on my computer, I just haven’t been able to buy the DVDs yet and now that I am unemployed, even less likelihood of it) just to appreciate all the nuances of an incredible performance by my fav actor (and on a shallower note, how smoking HOT the man looked—the badder he got, the tighter his clothes, I swear!!) but I am just not there yet. 😦

              And it is amazing how simply looking at stills of his face, we can tell whether it is Lucas or John we are seeing.


            • Thank you!! I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who noticed the physical changes. I caught on to the differing clothing styles, John clothes were definitely distinct from Lucas clothes, but it was the facial features that were bugging me.

              I think you got it right, Angie. He seems younger as John, more baby-faced and even a bit less masculine than Lucas. This may require an anatomy lesson, Serv, as I can’t figure out how RA did it. His face truly seems to look different when he is John versus when he is Lucas.


              • I also thought it’s possible we need to give the makeup dept. some credit. I remember Richard complaining about them always touching up his hair and his wrinkles, and I wonder if they gave his laugh lines an extra touch-up in some scenes?

                Still, a lot of it I do attribute to his ability to use that incredibly expressive face and body in subtle ways to create this illusion Lucas is morphing into another person entirely–someone who resembles Lucas but is clearly not Lucas. Yes, I think we might need a diagram comparing his pre-John and John facial expressions.


  19. Speaking of body hair…I couldn’t resist! 😉



    • LOL! I feel guilty over finding a session of torture so–well, you know. But isn’t that the response they were hoping for when they had him take off his top? 😉


    • Mezz, that was just what I needed after a hectic day at work – shirtless Porter. Yum!!


    • Thank you, Mezz – I just love those shots of Richard’s chest to bits! I’m always amazed at how pale those underarm hairs are! And the fact that you can almost count the chest hairs is utterly delightful! Man, I’m drooling all over my keyboard!!! Sorry, ladies, but I like Richard’s chest hairless or almost so – his skin looks so smooth and strokeable.

      I go away from my computer for a few hours and come back to all this wonderful discussion – love it!

      I had a “Spooks” marathon yesterday evening and night – decided to watch again from Episode 1 series 1!!!!!! I love the very early Ruth – she was so loopy and such a klutz – very endearing. It’ll take a while to get to series 7 but….oh, the anticipation is something else entirely!!!!!


      • kathryngaul, I don’t think Richard has a great deal of his hair on his chest even when he doesn’t wax. He mentioned in some interview when he was younger drawing hairs with black markers on his chest to give himself a few LOL But I think it was appropriate for John P. to at least have that tuft of hair we see–just can’t see that character waxing, can you?

        I must confess to a great fondness for his chesticles. That one screen cap of Marian extending her hand towards his bare chest in the firelight–uhhhhhh. Me LIKEEE!


        • Me, too! 😉 😉

          I have never been attracted to bald men – except Sean Connery and Yul Brynner!!!

          Luckily, my ex did have hair on his head when I married him and went bald gradually over our 12 and a half years together so I got used to the baldness. Unfortunately, he had hairs on his back and I had to shave the ones high up on his shoulders as he didn’t like them poking above his collar!!!!

          Richard has exactly the right amount of hair IMHO – he’s one of the few guys who can still look good with long hair. Loved his Guy of Gisborne hair, especially when it was clean!

          I have an oily scalp and don’t feel clean unless I shampoo every day or almost every day. And before anyone says that I’ll dry my hair out or damage it – I’ve been doing this for over 40 years and I still have soft, shiny hair, so there! And it’s been every colour from platinum blonde to Cleopatra blue black….although blonde or light reddish blonde suits me best. 😉

          Richard can dye his hair or not – I don’t really mind whatever colour he naturally is. Black does really suit him, though, doesn’t it? Like Elvis.


          • I really love that, while obviously fit with well-defined muscles, Richard does not look like some gym rat, spending all his spare hours pumping iron.
            John’s muscles are believable, not bodybuilder muscles. He has said he will be glad when he can stay out of the gym and get fat, but I suspect his roles won’t let him do that for a while. One thing about him, he does not seem to be a vain man.

            My hair is getting drier as I get older–the texture has changed somewhat since it has gone almost completely white, although I keep it blonde–so I don’t need to wash it more than every two or three days. In fact, I just washed it not too long ago and am enjoying the pleasant scent of rosemary and mint from my conditioner.

            Sean Connery and Yul Brenner? Yummmmy. 😀 I have to say I am not a big fan of the bald look as it reminds me of skinheads. However, I suppose for men who are really balding heavily, it beats a Donal Trump combover. *cringes*

            I encourage Benny to keep his hair a little longer because I adore the ringlets that form at the nape of his neck. I remind him at 52 a lot of men would be thrilled to have a head of hair such as he has. Actually, some women would be, too. 😉


            • IMHSO Richard has the perfect body; muscular without being too bulked up and hairfree or with a smattering of hair, I adore his chesticles!

              PS the “S” stands for shallow LOL


  20. @Mezz: this image came to my mind,before I did *click*:D


  21. It is almost 5:00 in the morning (Central Time!), and I haven’t been to bed yet. I was on my way, but stumbled across this group conversation and HAD to see it through to the end. You guys have made my day (morning?) This may be the best post ever just because of the open conversation among friends. There does seem to be a true sense of community in the RA circle of friends. You guys are great. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


    • Hullo, Kate.
      Greetings from someone else who hasn’t been to bed yet in the Central Standard Time Zone. Yes, I would say we do have a wonderful little community as part of the United Nations of Armitage. 😉 You really don’t ever know where we will go next with some of these posts.But we certainly have fun doing it. And learn a lot! Hope you have a great weekend, too.


      • Angie and Kate, I hope you are both able to have a sleep-in in the morning once you do finally get to bed!

        This post has been a lot of fun, I certainly didn’t mean it to go off on such a tangent though when I mentioned the ripping of leg hairs!! *grin*

        Off to watch the Graham Norton show with Gerry Butler in it.


        • Hey, Mezz, didn’t you see that entire Graham Norton show on YouTube a couple of days ago? I decided not to watch it tonight and got back into my “Spooks” marathon instead. I’ve missed reading one or two of these latest comments but I might leave that until tomorrow morning now – it’s already 11.18pm Saturday night here so I’ll watch another couple of episodes of “Spooks” before I call it a nght. Am also re-visiting “The Lords of the North” audiobook for my night-time listening slot.

          ‘night ladies – enjoy your Saturday and I’ll see ya tomorrow, Kathryn


  22. kathryn, I didn’t see it, only the excerpts over on Frenz’s blog. I missed it by two hours anyway (forgot the time change with the channel change!) so will have to look at it on YT.
    I’ve been working on another vid since the comments went quiet here.

    I’m also revisiting LOTN, this time I’m listening to Richard on my iPod as I follow in the book at the same time! I want to hear how the text I’m looking at is pronounced, the place names etc. I love the way Richard gets his tongue around the Saxon language!
    I’ve read all six books of the Saxon Chronicles of which LOTN is the third one. For some reason Uhtred looks like a younger Thorin in my head! 😉


    • Only Richard would be good enough (and gorgeous enough) to portray Uhtred if the books were ever to make it onto the screen IMHO – so, yeah, Uhtred is amazingly like Thorin to me, too!

      When i listen to audiobooks, I “see” the words passing before my eyes as well as the action, even if I’ve never actually read the book for real!! Some of those odd Saxon words “look’ very weird indeed in my imagination – you should see how I’ve spelled them – totally bizarre! Might enquire if the library has any of the books in the series next time I pay a visit.

      I have given my darling grandbabies quite a few books with CDs so that they can have books read to them at times when their parents are busy doing household chores or whatever. Even almost 2 1/2 year-old Lachlan “reads” the text while he listens!! But, very recently, he decided to take my old castoff portable stereo into another room and plug it in there instead! Oh, dear, the mutinous look he gave Mummy when she told him he wasn’t getting to listen again until he agreed NOT to touch the plug!!!!!!


  23. I came to this party WAAAY to late. I used to write a Mommy Blog and did a post on waxing. I wanted to share it wity you. You might think it’s funny?

    Let’s Bring Hairy Back

    Well, as the days grow longer and much warmer I have been thinking about getting ready for bathing suit season. Nope, I am not talking about loosing weight that is an ongoing battle in which my fat cells are kicking my ass literally and figuratively.

    I have been thinking about the good old bikini wax. I want to start a movement to bring vaginal hair back. I am fairly certain that I am one of the few remaining American woman who does not wax her vajayjay. Yes, I have hair on my vagina. I mean don’t get me wrong I shave it’s not like I show up at the kiddie pool hairy. My friends tell me that I just have to get a bikini or go all the all the way and do the Brazilian wax. But I haven’t worn a bikini since the mid-90’s!!!

    So here are my reasons for not getting waxing:

    1.Time — to be honest, I have a hard time finding time to tweeze my eyebrows, get a pedicure, get my hair cut and colored let alone manage my vaginal hair.

    2.The expense — In my mid-30’s, I am starting to go a bit grey, well grey enough that I need to plop down $200 every two months or so to keep my hair chestnut brown sans those grey hairs that are creeping up around my brow line. Then add in another $30 for a brow and mustache wax. Plus, another $60 for a manicure/pedicure. How can I afford it?

    3.It’s painful & I’m a prude–I draw the line at pouring hot wax on my vagina and having someone rip the hair off. And, I really don’t want anyone other than my husband and my doctor all up in my businass.

    4.It’s a Feminist Thang — I remember a comedian doing a bit on bikini wax, saying can you imagine if men started waxing their pubic hair? You tell them that you are going to place hot wax on their balls with a Popsicle stick and then rip off the hair with a piece of fabric. And ladies, we are supposedly the smarter sex! Even if we told men it would make them sexier, they would be like no way, not in a million years. Yet, as women we buy into this crap hook line and sinker.

    5.I’m a woman therefore I ‘m hairy –Yes, please pour hot wax on my vagina and rip all the hair off so I look like a pre-pubescent girl or a porn star.

    6.I don’t want to spoil my husband –kindly told me that he likes that I have hair down there because it means that I am a woman. A grown woman, with a mortgage, a child and a job. We starve ourselves so we look like children, we smooth away our wrinkles, and we walk around with bald vagina’s. This is a nice sentiment but I also don’t want to spoil him either once you wax you can’t go back.

    7.Don’t we hate ourselves enough? –We starve ourselves, we buy expensive creams and potions, and now we have been sold a bill of goods that hair on our vagina is not sexy.

    We are not children, we are grown women. So bring back hairy with me. Let’s all reclaim our womanhood. Let’s bring hairy back. I want to have an afro down there that I can create topiaries with. Let’s stop the madness right now. Let’s decide as a group that we are no longer going to hate our bodies but celebrate our bodies.


    • LOL!!! I read that with a grin on my face that got bigger and bigger . . . my sentiments exactly. Cause I really don’t want anybody but my doctor and husband all up in my business, either.

      Women (and men to a lesser degree) have certainly gone to extremes throughout history to fit whatever the culture’s definition of “beauty” and
      “sexy” is.
      Want a porcelain-like white complexion? Use a cream with arsenic. It will leach into your system and kill you eventually–but you’ll be a great-looking corpse!! *shakes head” Stop the madness!!

      Thanks for sharing this, Rob. It’s funny and oh, so TRUE.


    • @Rob I subcribe to all your reasons. Fantastic comment. I would never describe myself as prude but I prefer some of my personal matters to stay private affairs. In this sensible issue I don’t want to follow any kind of “down there” fashion dictations. At least a good thing with getting older is, we are becoming meeker with ourselves and can let loose a bit the urge to absolute perfectionism.


  24. 🙂 SInce I wrote this I did get a bikini wax, just bikini, and I could see the benefits. It def lasts longer.


    • I think a bikini wax is different –I have, as I said, trimmed and shaved things to tidy up down there when I knew I would be wearing a bathing suit and didn’t want to reveal too much–and I am sure such a wax does last longer. That is part of being well-groomed.

      No, it’s the idea of, as you said, stripping yourself hairless as if you were some prepubescent (that goes for male or female).

      It’s a weird world when adults are trying to look like children, and little girls in those glitz pageants are wearing fake hair, fake eyelashes, fake tans, fake teeth, fake smiles and sometimes padded bras (on a four year old?) topped off with a ton of makeup and some provocative outfits.

      They look like an army of miniature Stepford Wives. Fascinates AND creeps me out all at once.


      • I had a sort of weird moment last spring when I’d heard repeatedly about how industriously Kate Middleton exercised to keep her figure very spare — and then the designer who made her wedding dress admitted that they had padded its hips. The Duchess should do as she pleases, but it strikes me as strange that you work so hard to maintain essentially a boyish or childish figure that you have to have your clothing designed to make you look more womanly? I was confused.


        • At one point they said Kate was down to 100 pounds–and she is a tall girl.
          I saw ohotos in which it appeared as if Kate would disappear if she turned sideways. and I don’t believe they were photoshopped.

          Now I fully realize some people are naturally thin and of a more boyish build. There is room for all sorts of body types and builds in this world, I think. But when you are exercising so hard it is taking away one of the characteristics that marks you as a woman . . . I personally think it is crossing a line.

          Someone else who seems overly obsessed with being thin and lean is Madonna, who has so little body fat left that she is having to put all sorts of fillers and implants in her face to keep it from looking hollow and gaunt.
          She is starting to look like one of those puppets used in British satire back in the 80s, I believe it was.


  25. What is that quote “at some point a woman has to choose btw her ass and her face and she sits on her ass.” It is one thing if you are built with a boyish figure, but why kill yourself to look like that? what’s wrong with having curves and looking like a woman?

    As for the Dutchess,I wonder if all the media attention and nerves account for her dwindling figure. She is too thin. But what is that other quote, you can never be too rich or too thin?

    As for Madge, she had a great figure and now is sickly looking.


  26. When I was ygr, yes, now, no. It is quite the opposite!


    • My mother went through a period of depression a few years before she passed away,, and she lost weight. I, on the other hand, battled depression and gained weight. And my metabolism is lousy. I know I have gained back some of the weight i lost before the accident. It does not help when your husband bakes sinfully rich brownies with Eagle Brand condensed milk, walnuts and extra choccie chips.

      I honestly thought a one point a few years ago that Madonna was battling some sort of illness when I saw a televised concert of hers.. It appears she is just an exercise junky and, I suspect, terrified of getting older. She seems to keep dating younger and younger men.


  27. […] Didion, despite her different socialization). Let alone “harder” stuff — although the physicist, who is seven years older and grew up in a more permissive atmosphere about recreational drugs, […]


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