Richard Armitage keeps me shining

Day started poorly, and isn’t there always a subtext? But here’s the reminder:

Richard Armitage as Thorin Oakenshield in preproduction vlog #6 for The Hobbit. Source:

Be in the moment, be focused, be your best, be it fully. Do it now, do it correctly, do it beautifully, do it completely.

“Keep shining.”

~ by Servetus on March 3, 2012.

12 Responses to “Richard Armitage keeps me shining”

  1. Imagine if this man knew how much he gives to people by merely existing. I won’t go as far as saying he keeps me sane, but he’s definitely a touchstone for the idea that life isn’t always a slog.


    • I suspect he has an idea (if he reads his fan mail), because so many people have told me their stories, and I can only assume that some of them also have written to him to thank him. But I think about it almost every morning. If you knew what you did for me, Richard Armitage …


  2. Here is wishing you a good weekend.
    With these new pictures, I am now spiraling into a thorin addiction. lol


  3. I wish you, that your day is turning round, Servetus. With that picture of RA it certainly did for me and my headake (‘Föhn’ in Munich) just vaporised ;o)


  4. Yes, RA can be really inspiring and I’m sure you have the light and strength to overcome the bad moments. Wish your Saturday finishes in a very different way and if it doesn’t, tomorrow is a new day!!!


  5. Hope your day gets better.


  6. He seems to have a joy of ife and a pride of work that I think we all find appealing. After all, it seems he is living his dream. Hope your day picks up 😉


  7. Hi Serv,
    Very inspirational quote and subject!
    Cheers! Grati ;->


  8. […] to procrastinate, I’ve been reminding myself of the caps from the latest Hobbit vlog and how they inspired me. But I do also have that experience of looking a picture and starting to feel my frontal lobes […]


  9. […] which lifted me up on a bad day. I reiterated it again as a shorter reminder post to myself — Richard Armitage keeps me shining. And then I talked about how to know if a picture of Armitage was going to push me in the direction […]


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