Richard Armitage and a [ETA: compass! not a] protractor

My laptop charger died, necessitating a wild dash across town, since I write one on of those luxury brand laptops, you know the ones, and then there was a power outage, and my writing project for today isn’t going to get finished.

You may wish to discuss the banner picture change, which will be referred to in the post I’m hoping to finish for tomorrow, I hope. Or: I leave you with another cap I made the other night, a beautiful thumbshot. Can’t promise I haven’t posted this before but it’s so beautiful I don’t care. You may also discuss the beauty of the thumb and / or hand. À demain.

John Porter (Richard Armitage) plans a breakout from Chikirubi Prison in Strike Back 1.3. My cap.

~ by Servetus on August 31, 2012.

41 Responses to “Richard Armitage and a [ETA: compass! not a] protractor”

  1. I used to work on one of those luxury brand desktops, great computer, but it died on me awfully quickly. In fact, an office full of them did, one by one. Bad batch, you think? 😉

    Anyway, hope your tomorrow goes better. Love the new banner pic. I NEVER get tired of looking at that photo. It grabs me every time. *thud* Bedroom eyes, really. Alluring. And wouldn’t you say his eyes were more green here than blue?

    I never thought I’d fall for a hairy old dwarf or find thumbs so attractive and sexy. Life sure is funny sometimes, you know? Ah, Mr. Armitage. You break all the rules for me.

    Hang in there, servetus. The weekend is coming! 😀


    • actually, I’m a fan of the luxury brand. I was in three bicycle accidents involving cars with my last laptop of this brand and it held up better than I did. My last employer bought the desktop ones for me, and the ones I had were tremendously durable and hardworking and above all fast. So this was a bit of a fluke in my experience. I think, actually, that I somehow caused a short in the cable — there’s a weird puncture mark on it.

      You hang in there too. I have a faculty mtg tomorrow but after that it’s go for broke!


  2. I’m kind of curious…about how many of your followers do you think (or know) are university teaching faculty? (myself included…9:30pm, just finished my last class…yawn…not looking forward to hour commute, but going to listen to the end of Venetia on the way home).


    • my analytics aren’t that great, so unless people identify themselves as such I don’t know. On that basis probably a dozen or a dozen and a half people that i know of. But I don’t know the vast majority of people who read here. Some basic calculations based on probabilities suggest that only c. 5% of visitors have ever left even a single comment.

      I am not complaining, lurkers! Love you too!

      Hang in there on the commute — I love that last disc, with Damerel in a drunken stupor and having to be chivvied by Venetia, and then the comic stuff with Aubrey!


    • oh — it occurs to me, I could also check by querying IP addresses of commentators, but I don’t really have time for that level of intensity with this 🙂 I’m happy to get the comments answered most days.


      • No worries…I had just noticed a fair amount of comments from people who seem at home in the academic calendar. Having just “found” RA over summer break, I’m now struggling with how to work my necessary Armitage fix in with my ridiculous course load, dissertation writing and kids who insist in being fed EVERYDAY! 🙂


  3. Dude, I brought my pocket protector and my sliderule and this has nothing whatsoever to do with protractors. I’m so disappointed.


    • you still have a sliderule? The nieces were looking through a drawer for something this summer and ran across one that my father had in high school (I think that’s where it came from) and asked me what it was. They had never seen one before — and I had to think for a second, lol.


    • wow, that’s a COMPASS. *headdesk*. Geez. Am I out of it.


  4. *picks self up off the floor* I LOVE your new banner, oh yes, indeedy! 🙂


  5. Looks like someone is in need of a manicure…rushes off to get creams, soaker etc ready!! LOL


  6. *gasps at the new change* You’ve gone all Thorin! Mmmhmm, told ya so. 😉


  7. Delicious thumb shot, beautiful hands *guuhh* Can’t help wanting to touch. I hope that your computer issues get resolved well. I realize I’ve had my T****** laptop for four years now and it has survived plenty, including kitten teeth on the cable. My only complaint is that it’s heavier than I would like. Banner *guuhh* will wait for tomorrow’s post.


  8. Excuse me a moment …
    *picks self up, smooths down clothing, attempts to breathe again*

    You’re trying to kill us, right? *chuckle*
    Seriously intense banner, serv. Wow. I have the full pic as part of my rotating monitor wallpaper (what? you all do, too) but this focus on the eyes is heart stopping.

    And who doesn’t love to see his hands, doing whatever. *deep breath*

    My thanks for a delightful way to start the day. 🙂

    P.S. You and Judiang are conspiring to have us all *thudding* today, aren’t you? *giggle* Not that we mind!


  9. The banner freaked me out a bit until my eyes adjusted, and I realised it was Thorin LOL!
    It was one of those moments when everything was as it should be and yet something had changed, and I needed a second LOL!
    I like the lashes, they seem almost girly, but don’t tell Oakenshield, becuase he’ll thump me for saying that 😉


  10. Crikey what a gorgeous banner love it!!


  11. We are in Florence for a wedding so after a long journey we are in our small hotel room and I have found the wifi and had to stop that noise that my body makes at the moment with your new banner and his hands my cup runneth over!

    Hope your weekend is a good one and the laptop improves xxx


  12. Yesss, love your new banner, Serv!!


  13. This time, for the first time, I was all too fast, as I already left a comment re your new banner on yesterday’s post. Confusion hit me upon first sight….LOL


  14. Just LOOK at those gorgeous hands! OY! THOSE THUMBS!!! That man is 100% mouthwatering, I simply cannot get enough . . . .


  15. HA HA HA!! The thought just occurred to me – I wonder if he has ever read any of our post about his hands/thumbs . . . . what he might think of our obsession over – not just him in every way, but – his hands and specifically his thumbs. How random. 🙂


    • I’m sure he has read some of what the Internet has to say about him, but I hope not often and not much. And if he reads this, I hope he is amused. I’m sure he has his own … preferences … in terms of the physicality of his crushes, too.


  16. I can’t wait to read more about the change of banner 🙂


  17. […] We already knew he was great with a protractor compass. […]


  18. […] reasons. I’ve also written about the expressive way he uses his mouth in fight scenes. And the beauty of his hands in this episode. So, really, it’s not all about the naked Armitage. And frankly, the man’s got some […]


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