Legenda 46: Stuff worth reading

[Legenda offers a brief, non-inclusive index of stuff I noticed and enjoyed since the last episode. It doesn’t usually include materials presented on the major fansites, which I love dearly, but which are linked in the sidebar. Because I always forget or just miss stuff, please add additional pieces of interest via link in the comments.]

Ahem! Important announcements.

First: anecdotal reports suggest that a larger portion of the RA fandom than usual got hacked this week. None of us are unhackable, but remember — if you get hacked via an email link, odds are that it will spread throughout your contact lists and put others at risk, so we’re all responsible for helping each other to maintain security. So this is a reminder to be careful with passwords, internet presences, and anything you click on, especially when it’s delivered via email, FB or Twitter. I’m sure everyone knows these things, but just in case, some basic tips:

  • Don’t duplicate passwords for different accounts; avoid connecting different accounts (FB and amazon, for example) unless absolutely necessary.
  • Give FB as little as little “real” information as possible and don’t send meaningful private information using it, even by private message. (This week FB was accused of inadvertently posting private messages on people’s timelines, although there’s some disagreement about what actually happened.)
  • Verify devices with both Google and Facebook — this means you will be notified if someone logs on from a machine other than one of yours.
  • Text message users should consider using two-factor verification for Google accounts (explained under “Account Security”) or for FB accounts (under “Account Settings”). The account texts you a PIN for each logon, which expires after usage, meaning no one who has your password can access the account unless they also have the correct PIN.
  • Always use an alphanumeric password, with special characters, if possible, which makes casual hacking harder. This is not as hard as it seems — you can do something like interspersing a number that’s important to you with a word that’s important to you. Let’s say — “1947” and “love” could become “1l9o4v7e” and then add a special character like “$” and you’ve got a relatively strong password.
  • Use secure sessions to surf the Internet wherever possible.
  • Delete dormant email or other accounts you’re not using.


I very much use this blog as a diary of my obsession in its intersection with my life and the ongoing search for flow — so I don’t spend tons of time on housekeeping (fixing typos, link rot). I do, however, try to do what I can to keep the analytical entries readable, especially the ones that illustrate points about Armitage’s acting. So (first) you may notice that some videos linked on this page are changing hosts. If you guessed why, you’d probably be correct. And (second), as the blogosphere changes and some blogs fall dormant, I am moving them to a new sidebar category called “Resting at the Moment.” (Only blogs / sites that are deleted and no longer visible have been totally removed from the sidebar.)

Where are you all going?

Speaking of change! This week’s landmark event for me was bccmee’s announcement that she doesn’t intend to post on her blog any further. All I can say is I’m sad. Until I started reading her blog, I always thought that the graphics / photo editing part of fandom was something elite, for artists and tech freaks, not something the average fan could do. A lot of people started using photoshop because of her. Her blog was the most broadly democratic and participatory of all the Richard Armitage ones I read. So, I’m sad, even if I know life is short and she’s on to other things. She got a much more gracious farewell from Grati.

The hype:

And finally: We also got a few more Hobbit images to enjoy. Fabo presents a video game image of Thorin — breathtaking. Yesterday, as well, Jas alerted us to a new scroll for the film with a new Thorin image. It’s discussed here by Heirs of Durin. Despite those built up eyebrows, he definitely gets the full payoff from the Richard Armitage sclera there! It strikes me that this scroll (along with the new poster that appeared this week) are trying to familiarize us with the faces and identities of the dwarves. I, for one, think that’s a great marketing strategy. I’d been thinking Thorin and all those other guys, but I’m now starting to have visual favorites among the other dwarves and will be able to follow the movie much more easily, I suspect.



[A reminder that this section only includes fics I read and enjoyed. This was a slow week b/c of the religious holiday — no time. If you have suggestions I’d love to read them — leave in comments!]

  • Finally — and worth every second of the wait — TrudysTattle’s “In Consequence” goes to chapter 16. Scones were never so alluring.
  • GB’s “One Last Try” goes to chapter 7. I don’t know which girl I like the way he writes Sir Guy with more — the little one or the big one. So sweet.
  • At RAucous: “Hot August Night,” part 1 and part 2. RPF, and likely to become explicit.


[Ditto on: leave links at tumblr you liked in comments. I have a hard time keeping up with it.]

OT, collateral attractions, and stuff I think about:

~ by Servetus on September 29, 2012.

19 Responses to “Legenda 46: Stuff worth reading”

  1. Hi Serv,
    Thanks for the timely reminders about online safety and account security.
    And I loved your great round up of activity in Armitage World and beyond! I, too, was eager for Trudy’s Ch. 16 of “In Consequence”.
    Finally, thanks also for the links to my blog.
    Cheers! Grati ;->


  2. Thanks for the shout-out, friend! And, as always, this riveting collection of good things to read — such a lovely diversion from reading for class.


  3. Thanks for the laugh, Servetus!
    I’d heard about the sock puppet scandal. Seems a little egomaniacal to me. I love getting real reviews from strangers.


    • How much of an issue are sales to you? (You don’t have to answer that). I think that’s what drives this kind of thing.


  4. Ghehehe, Gisborne in a tutu isn’t that scary. Thanks for mentioning my blog. ^^


  5. Thanks for the mention. I should reply:

    The instability of your remark leaves me with several contradictorily layered responses whose interconnectivity cannot express the logocentric coherency you seek. I can only say that reality is more uneven and its (mis)representations more untrustworthy than we have time here to explore.


  6. Thanks for the reference and all the other interesting links. I’ll always look forward to your legenda 🙂


  7. Thank you for all links, also to my posts.:) I love fanfic, so thanks for informing about the next chapter “In Consequence”. And I can’t wait for the next one.


  8. Hey, thanks for the shout-out Servetus! 🙂
    I, too, lurrrved the new chapter of “In Consequence.” Made my week, it did!


  9. […] offers a brief, non-inclusive index of stuff I noticed and enjoyed since the last episode. It doesn't usually include materials presented on the major fansites, which I love dearly, but […]


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