Just plane smiling Armitage

At FB, via Jas Rangoon. Love this one.

~ by Servetus on November 27, 2012.

40 Responses to “Just plane smiling Armitage”

  1. Me too! I’m sitting here with my heart filled to bursting at how proud I feel of him at this moment.


    • Yeah, he looks *really* classy here. Maybe he’s finally figuring out a style.


      • He looks simply wonderful.


      • somewhere between casually cool & sleek and hot…and he’s just perfectly beautiful whichever side of the continuum he falls anyway. *sigh* 😛


        • Thanks for the comment, ange, and welcome. He was quite a bit more formally dressed than most of the people in the shot, wasn’t he?


          • Yes, he was. But it’s about time for him to start standing out. No more hiding in the background for him!


            • I wonder if it also has something to do with the all the grousing after ComicCon.


              • Would he have known about that, or really cared? I suppose it’s time for him to take everything up a notch when it comes to his visibility and really start paying attention to his attire.


              • I think there are people who are paid to care about it now. That is — it’s not that I think *he* read the publicity (although there have been signs from time to time that he’s generally aware of what fans have said about him), but that there’s a publicity machine that tracks what people are saying, not just about him, but about everyone in that cast.


  2. i think my ovaries just clanged together. He looks so good in that outfit, favourite so far.


    • I won’t mention what my ovaries are doing at the moment, but yeah. I’m sure someone picked this shirt out for him, as apparently he has a stylist now, but she did a great job. As far as I am concerned he can keep paying her.


  3. Whoever is dressing him is doing very well!
    Can’t stop feeling happy at how happy he looks. I think it’s finally hitting him how big this is going to be. Or is it just hitting us?!?


  4. He looks handsome, happy and classy. He looks like a movie star. Be still my poor heart. *sigh*


  5. Besides happy, handsome and classy he looks definitely self-confident and as if absolutely enjoying the here and now.


    • yes — he’s not fighting with his clothes in the way he has sometimes been seen to do. That is also key in fashion — you have to feel comfortable in what you’re wearing.


  6. Aww, a great pic. Opinion on the suit cut please?


    • I liked the blazer. I think because he’s often been seen in a blazer, so it’s clearly something he’s comfortable wearing and would choose for himself, even if it’s a bit formal in comparison to what most others are wearing.


  7. After the past few days, I may die of excessive squee. It’s a good way to go.


  8. Reblogged this on the armitage effect and commented:
    Just in case you haven’t see this . . . Mr. Tall, Dark and Toothsome again!


  9. Oh how far we’ve come since the sartorial disaster of Comic Con!! Great look–I particularly love what appears to be a zippered sweater under the jacket. And besides shoes, which Servetus has correctly identified as something he consistently gets right, he knows he was born to rock a big manly watch. I generally don’t like skinny jeans on men over 25, but I agree with the comment on the other thread that they are a nice contrast to other parts of the ensemble which could be seen as “middle aged”. Yummy all around!


  10. Check out this picture and you will see his vest/waistcoat has buttons. I took a really close look, i.e. magnified it. 🙂


  11. Like this outfit very much. This is the stylist:


    I have no idea if she choose those outfits from the airport or just for the red carpet, but he might have learned a few things. I think the cloths from the animal sanctuary are more in line with Comic Con.


    • Oh we know how well he cleans up!!!! Omg, I can’t wait to see how he dazzles on the red carpet. I think she definitely had an influence on the outfit he wore in the plane shots. And, it looks like ‘plain’ Richard at the wildlife place.
      I’m really pleased he’s got a fab stylist to make him look the part of the movie star he is!


      • I agree — what he wore in the plane shot is like an especially nice variation of something he might pick for himself.


    • Thanks for the comment, Jane, and welcome. Good to know name of the stylist.

      I’m sure he wasn’t dressing for the wildlife sanctuary with the idea that it was going to be a photo op. It’s not like he looked terrible in that picture, anyway, either.


      • It wasn’t a press event, at least I have seen no coverage, just the pic on twitter. I think they were there as tourists.


    • I was wondering if this was the stylist in question – I was reading an article of hers the other day (it’s a couple of years old, but still seems salient) and thought it must be. She was talking a lot about simplicity and tone on tone, etc. that seemed to be exhibited in what we’ve seen from New Zealand.



      • also the white T that skims the biceps. Hmm, where have we seen that recently?


        • Just fine tuning a lot of little things I think – with delightful results – he looks really comfortable in his clothes and his own skin. It makes me smile 🙂


        • and work shirts (snaps optional 🙂 ) and “good, solid, worn-in” boots – maybe a midnight blue three piece on the red carpet?


  12. I liked the shoes and the jeans- as for the shirt… well, not so much.. 😉 A touch too stuffy, reminded me of his look as Philip Turner- definitely not a favourite outfit of mine.


  13. […] the singular here — came on November 28, 2012. It actually started a day earlier, with all the deplaning pictures, and the press snippets that showed a newly confident Richard Armitage, and of course, those jeans! […]


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