Legenda 60: Stuff worth reading

[Legenda offers a brief, non-inclusive index of stuff I noticed and enjoyed since the last episode. It doesn’t usually include materials presented on the major fansites, which I love dearly, but which are linked in the sidebar. Because I always forget or just miss stuff, please add additional pieces of interest via link in the comments.]

Some more Richard Armitage silliness:

Morrighan’s Muse followed up her earlier silliness with this, pointing out that Mr. Armitage now seems to be flirting with the chicken in the lower right hand corner. Look how jealous the chicken in the lower left is getting.


To which Guylty then added this. I think they have similarly large sclera. And there’s a real resemblance around the tip of the nose. Too bad Gonzo isn’t taller. Then again, we saw Armitage play a dwarf — so perhaps Gonzo could play Armitage …


Everybody has an opinion!

Richard Armitage Archive:

Fanvids, ausnahmsweise:

  • In a vid by Faboamanto, one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen — Armitage at sword practice.

  • I also loved this, for reason that are probably obvious to readers by now.

Best New Year’s gift, ever:

  • Trudy updates “In Consequence.” Ch. 17 is seventeen pages of pure delight as the Thorntons set out on their wedding journey and learn the pleasures of the marital estate. Will have more to say about this eventually.

Still collecting fan fic links — don’t give up on me, fic authors. (I feel like I spent the week driving.)


It remains exciting to see people discovering Armitage in realtime — check out the Richard Armitage tag on tumblr for the latest. Keep in mind that the tumblr atmosphere is friendlier to everything rough-and-tumble, point-blank, explicit, profane, etc., and don’t go there if you’re easily offended by such things.

OT, collateral attractions, and things I think about:

~ by Servetus on January 5, 2013.

17 Responses to “Legenda 60: Stuff worth reading”

  1. Love these Legenda posts! The videos are especially fine–I hadn’t seen the Thorin Be Proud one yet . Thanks for highlighting good things to read in blogland.
    And as always, you’re very kind to link one of my posts above.


  2. Phew. Thanks for that. I’m glad you liked it. I’ve recieved curiously few comments and was beginning to wonder….
    I know you’ve been busy. 🙂


    • I was driving — and cursed with poor internet connections in the evenings. I just loved it and thought it would be unfair to wait to comment on it until I had time.


    • Trudy, I saved your wonderful story for a more quiet moment the next days, as the recent ones were packed with all kind of activities. Looking really forward to it, but I have to go back a bit in the story as it is a while since your last instalment. The two of them had been buffeted with such strong emotions for so long and John was more than often on or over the edge that I have feared for his wellbeing.. 😉


  3. You are a life saver with your Legenda posts and the wonderful videos, Servetus!
    I would have missed almost all of it this week. Totally went under with t*x #@* arghhh…Two more files and forms tomorrow and I am hopefully through for last year.


  4. Thank you for the double mention!!! Appreciate it muchly!

    Glad you agree he is beautiful at sword practice.


  5. Thanks to you and your readers for your support!


  6. Thank you for the mention Servetus, I had fun putting the list together. I could probably add another thirty reasons but I didn’t want to get too carried away! 😉
    Thanks also for the link to Trudy’s new chapter. I loved it, so beautifully written.


  7. […] offers a brief, non-inclusive index of stuff I noticed and enjoyed since the last episode. It doesn't usually include materials presented on the major fansites, which I love dearly, but […]


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