Two Richard Armitage headcanons, or: Things we negotiate via behind the scenes emails

1: It looks a lot like Standring hair, was that not his?

2: re: Standring, I think we don’t know / have definite evidence. For me a lot of this was shaped by Guy of Gisborne, who clearly had hair extensions. Also Sarah Smart had hair extensions in Sparkhouse (she referred to it in the press pack).

1: I just imagined him sitting in a salon getting extensions for Guy … somehow, I see him as pretty fidgety. Especially in a salon, for hours, with lots of women or I suppose they could have done it on set. I wonder why I’m wondering about this? Dang him.

2: Oh, I know. All the things you end up wondering about him. Wet razor or electric? What kind of moisturizer? What size bed?

1: Minimum king … MINIMUM. Has to be. How could he sleep otherwise? Is a he cuddler or give me my space guy? Socks to bed or not? Up and at ’em or slow to wake? Soap or cologne?


1: Please stop me.

2: Very big bed. Duvet, sleeps with his feet sticking out in the open. Not a cuddler. No socks. Boxers. Possibly a t-shirt. Slow to wake. Soap.


2: Stumbles to bathroom. Bathroom is a bit dirty except when he knows company is coming. Not a morning showerer. Comb, hair wax / product. Doesn’t spend a lot of time on morning hygiene b/c he’ll just have to get made up anyway.

1: Right side or left?

2: What do you think?

1: Left.

2: OK, I agree. But if sleeping alone ends up in the middle. Active sleeper.

1: Don’t we all? Falls asleep reading, snores (lightly), not a sleep talker.

2: Flails with arms.

1: OUCH! Doesn’t like tight pants, curses stylist every time he see something that looks like leather trousers, wears it anyway. Keeps wine chiller in bedroom in NYC apt because it won’t fit in kitchen. Keeps a goblet on his night stand, rinses it in the bathroom. Only has Coke in fridge, choc ice cream in freezer. Looked at Thorin fan art on Tumblr, hasn’t recovered yet. Personal favorite character he’s played … Lee …. wishes he was more of a user. Prefers waxing. You are so better at this than me.

2: No, you are good! I think he likes leather trousers. Agree re: wine and goblet next to bed. Also agree strongly re: wishes he could be more aggressive, assertive, exploitative AND re: waxing. Now let’s see. Likes to read but not compulsively, prefers relatively middle to high-brow reading with lots of imagery, or high fantasy, to any kind of trash or action novel. Disliked first reading of Strike Back way more than he will ever say in public. Less adventurous personally than he is physically; goes on benders occasionally, but feels serious remorse every time. Worries about what he eats / how he looks and wishes he didn’t. Admires heroes, but not super masculine, violent men.

1: I like him in leather trousers … but that’s gotta bind? Hmmm, agree agree agree with all of that. Solitary when not filming, talks to himself when home alone, sings in the shower (that makes the mouth water a bit), eats snacks in bed, doesn’t have TV in bedroom, does have one in kitchen, has a guest room that rarely gets used (London). Hasn’t yet bought his French alp ski lodge, will buy one in Utah instead.

2: He said once that he wore leather trousers long after they were out of style, in the 90s. Also said in 2012 that he doesn’t sing in the shower. Yes, solitary when not filming, likes to go out with friends IF he can do something like drinking / dancing that doesn’t make a lot of personal demands on him. Agree re: TV. Apartment is messy, so he can’t have just a one night stand with anyone he wants to come back. Is a good friend, but intense, episodic, doesn’t just hang around; however, will show up to do something for you if you ask. Is a bit tense about how much he drinks / likes to drink, but enjoys the release / euphoria / liberation of a buzz. Has tried rave drugs but does not use currently b/c too hard on the workaholic’s body. Foodie, but not a picky eater at all. Frequently hungry / eats a lot. Agree re: eating in bed. London place is sublet or sold, b/c his young adult life let him to be very worried about money. He was either almost homeless once due to professional or relationship problems, or knows people who were. Has very little good kitchen equipment but one pretty decent knife. Eats / cooks in ways to let dishes pile up without attracting pests because he hates washing them / getting his hands wet. Lets mail pile up; begs his mom to read it. Lets dirty exercise clothes pile up; notices body smells but doesn’t mind them too much. Very silly sense of humor when you get to know him and he trusts you.

1: Agree, re: friends / drinking / dancing without personal demand but afraid those days are rapidly coming to an end. Yes, good friend, willing to help. Yes, enjoys drinking, finds it difficult to do in public because of desire to keep tight hold on private life, cannot allow himself free reign. Re: drugs, he was the right age in the 90s. Yes, worries about money … if pressed couldn’t name a number that would end his worry. Easily engaged in conversation, especially with glass of wine and quiet corner, not so good at introducing / carrying said conversation. Bit more innate ability to read people’s faces / body language than the average person. Has hammered left thumb more than three times. Secretly relieved when people actually show up to something he’s doing / made. Patiently waits his turn when in queue. Would consider trading sexual favors with someone who could keep him supplied with fresh, wood-fired, brick oven-baked bread.  Mmm, crusty on the outside, flaky on the inside. Prefers sourdough.

2: Speaking of bread …

~ by Servetus on October 11, 2013.

77 Responses to “Two Richard Armitage headcanons, or: Things we negotiate via behind the scenes emails”

  1. I so enjoyed this!


  2. Okay I’m just going to have to give all that some thought because it is all over the place and I’m not sure how much I agree or disagree there. A lot of questions that could be asked of the man but probably would be considered too private though truthfully many aren’t all that private. I’d say electric shaver by the way, that much stuck out for me, man’s just not the razor blade type to me. More later….


    • he actually stated his razor blade preference in 2006 (wet), but he may have changed his mind since then.

      But the point of this is kind of that it *is* all over the place. I don’t know how much you know about fanfic, but “headcanon” is the list of things that a fan adds to a story that aren’t inherent to the story or written down or recorded somewhere.


  3. It is all over but you know it is simply fascinating too. Okay so see I already am wrong about the shaving. Wonder if he still has time to shave the old fashioned way but then again how often are we now seeing him with the beard or stubble. I love this stuff. See you have all this information to add in that could be or might be or that has occurred to you and of course it just keeps rolling along as you go because as you say one thing another comes in to keep it going…. How do we choose the side of bed to sleep on? I go both ways myself but in a full size bed you could end up in the middle. Likes wine, keeps at least one bottle in the fridge I’d say, definitely a foodie but watches the weight. Okay I’m stumped on the personal demands part of dancing and drinking, must be my age. We seem to think he loves dancing and such from his early days but wonder if that is something past now, likes parties but prefers others start conversation not him, still worries about money, being an actor is like that for most, one reason willing to do any photoshoot, audio, ad, etc., good reader, enjoys research a lot, wishes he were more adventurous and I’d say he does like reading about such people


    • just that if you go dancing and dance a lot, you don’t necessarily have to talk.

      yeah … you get in a conversation with someone and you toss out all these possibilities about your picture of the guy …

      Enjoys research: yes. Particularly into the lives of people who are dramatically unlike him.


  4. Lots of fun to read. 😉 Re the bed, my husband is a couple of inches shorter than RA and every time we visit relatives and have to share a standard double bed, the poor man almost hangs off of it at the foot. I forget the difference between a standard and queen (all our beds are queens). Surely RA does have a nice big bed whenever possible–for whatever activities. *giggle* Now, back to getting ready for our out-of-town trip for the bar mitzvah this weekend. 😀


  5. Fun speculation. The mind boggles. Kindle or paperback? Rockies or Sierras? Blondes or brunettes? Clear or sparkling? Paper or plastic? Your
    place or mine?


    • guessing: paperback, Sierras, blondes, sparkling, either.


      • Bah humbug, Sierras….Rockies I say…skier, remember! Rocky Mountains, all. the. way.


        • Sierras are great for skiing, and super close to LA if he has to be there in the winter, hour away (by private jet) and awesome verticals, dude. With all due respect to the fabulous Rockies, of course.


          • private jet? No way! 🙂 ( Remember, he has ONE watch,Kathy! He is stingy 😉 )


            • You knockin’ the Rocks? Thems fightin’ words. I was born and raised in the Rocky Mountains… LOL


              • Oh, Rockies and Sierras, both are beautiful *sigh* least from what I saw on Discovery and Travel Channel 😉


            • No worries there. I’ll fly him and his one watch on my private jet anytime. It’ll have to be the Rockies though for I hear Aspen has some awesome double black diamond trails…


            • I didn’t mean it would be his private jet. Someone would give him a ride on theirs, corporate or whatever. Oprah could help him out, although she doesn’t ski, perhaps plying him with hot toddies after a hard day on the slopes would make the flight back to LA go faster. Ummm, this scenario is verging slightly on fanficlet territory. Substitute corporate minion being rewarded by corportate boss with a day of skiing at Mammoth Mt., she boards jet and who else happens to be on board ? Mr. A? Snowy romantic shenanigans ensue. Works for me.


  6. I agree with Angie, that was fun to read. I can see this. I think I see where there might be one exception – I’d think he’d showers in the mornings right after a work out. And on set, I think he would shower just to wake up before going into make-up. The Hobbit was probably at least two showers a day, with the other at night to clean off make-up residue and excessive Dwarf everything.

    Sadly, I think I could talk about Richard and showers all day, if you gave me a chance. You see now what you’ve done?! I’m already miserably worked up as it is.


  7. That kind of speculation is really fun, I agree – and made even more fun when you can bounce it off someone else. If I am really honest, I do not even want to have the truth corroborated by him. That would be one less topic to speculate about and to think up elaborate stories around. The whole mystery of it all is so delicious, the wondering and the guessing, and the possibilities of it all. Dreamboat, totally.


  8. Right or left side? Oh, you meant what side does he sleep on? Otherwise I would have said right.


  9. I can go with everything you say–except he is a manly man. When with a friend he sleeps on the side closest to the door–protective.


  10. This post has one fundamental flaw… too short 🙂


  11. Very funny. My speculations always end up with him snoring very lightly with a glass of red balanced precariously somewhere.


  12. I feel like his guest room would be a storage room for his books,with several shelves he built himself.


  13. I’d say shower man, morning most likely, Sierras if in U.S. but Alps otherwise, nothing wrong with Rockies though, can envision second shower with company (wet being good mind you), agree not quite as slovenly as he would have us believe but like any guy not really that finicky either, Sadly I’d say brunettes, only blondes I’ve seen him with are in series never real life but maybe he just hides them well. He just has the one watch but hey it is a $10,000 watch afterall. Definitely no futon, likes his comfort. Likes company but doesn’t mind being on his own either, still he is a Leo but chose acting so he could play a being someone else.


  14. He has a $10,000 watch ? Holy cow


  15. This is getting very heavy… Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.


    • I’m not sure what’s heavy about this conversation (expensive watches? showers vs baths? Sierras vs Rockies?) but the enjoyment of picking something apart and thinking about what it means is a primary one for me 🙂


      • It started to freak me out when someone was worried they weren’t a good person because they never had a pet…I sort of felt like we lost the fun part of the stream..JMHO


        • oh, that’s a different post. I see. That’s all about identity struggles, though. And the whole question of how people draw inferences.


  16. Giggles! Should I mention that I just bought some nice soft Vienna bread yesterday? Ha!


  17. Oh no, that would make it much too heavy if someone believed that just because they’d never had a pet they weren’t good. That is silly. There are millions out there who probably never had a pet who are truly great people. They love animals but perhaps never had the chance to have one or even never wanted the responsibility of caring for one. It doesn’t make one bad. Loving animals is one aspect and having a pet is another. I agree one can lose the fun of the whole thing if it gets too deep and things aren’t really explained properly, too many languages as well.


    • Everyone’s entitled to the fandom level that works for her — but I want to ask again, politely, that no one criticize any discussion on this blog for being “too deep.” It’s a type of fan policing that depresses me, I covered this several months ago. Every time I hear a discussion is “too deep,” I want to scream and/or quit blogging. Too deep for you — just read something else for a while. Thanks.

      Armitageworld is for everyone


      • I’ve been mulling this post stream over since it appeared Friday, knowing something wasn’t sitting right with me but taking some time to figure it out.. For me, this crosses way over the line into private life that we can never know about and that is, frankly, none of our business. Its fine to do the speculation among friends in private, but I don’t believe it belongs in a public place.

        Put yourself in the position of being a celebrity because of what you do for a living. You are a private person, and you give out what you are comfortable with giving out, trying hard to keep focus on your work and building your reputation based on that work, knowing because of that work there is interest in you as a person. Are the topics in this post what you would want to see discussed about yourself in the public domain?

        I’ve been reading this and other RA forums for several months, before coming out of lurk mode last month, but I’m taking a break. I don’t think this is respectful of RA and his work. I know you may not agree with me, and I’m OK with that.


        • Actually, Gadfly, lots of people in my RL speculate about what I do in private. It’s the consequence of having a public life. They also write mean things about my RL activities on websites, imagine that. Again, the consequence of leading a public life. So, although I’m not a movie star, I know what it’s like to read things I’d rather not read about myself on the web that make unpleasant speculations. Again: consequence of living a public life. And I haven’t even mentioned the many mean speculations that have been posted about my RL by fellow fans who don’t know much about it.

          What’s annoying to me about your comment is not that you disagree with us — plenty of people do — but that your tone implies that none of us have ever bothered to ponder this question. Please see this post, if you think we haven’t had this out literally dozens of times.

          Meanwhile, for you: Different strokes for different folks, and you’re entitled to your fandom. I suggest you join one of the forums, which absolutely forbid this kind of speculative discussion about Armitage’s private life, and you might have a better time.

          But I also have to insist that you *not* moralize to fans here. Every woman who comments here has spent a lot of time — in my case, years — thinking about what she does and why. Every one of us has a conscience which we are clear about following. You have yours, so you will hopefully understand that I have mine and others have theirs.


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