*ooof*: Midnight

What a fantastic year to have been a fan of Mr Armitage. Hardly a month without new photos and interviews, culminating in December with the expected onslaught of interviews and live appearances all over the world. Without getting into a retrospective here (that may be something for my own blog), I would just like to say that I have thoroughly enjoyed this year. Mr A has certainly kept me very busy with his prolific and ever-sexy challenging photographic output. And so have you, dear readers. And now the last day of the year is upon us. The highpoint of the festive season is coming to a close and a time of introspection is bound to follow. Let’s finish this very formally and very beautifully – as befits “our man”.


Dressed up to the “twelves”?
Richard Armitage in a shoot for Esquire UK
by Blair Getz Mezibov, 2013

Poised, alert, composed. A man as elegant as the surroundings he is pictured in. Mr A is dressed up in a tux. Styled by Gareth Scourfield and photographed by Blair Getz Mezibov for Esquire UK, Mr A is posing in the distinguished architectural grandeur of the Town Hall Hotel, Bethnal Green, London. A classic case of an organic shoot where everything comes together: the aesthetic quality of the Art Deco hotel, the exquisite clothes and the handsome model. I am aware that this shoot is not a paticular favourite within the Army. Yes, Armitage poses somewhat artificially in these images. And this particular shot is a case in point: Our model is placed at the bottom of a large marble staircase. With strong geometrical shapes dominating the composition, he is standing very stiff and erect in the centre of the frame. His body turned slightly towards the right, he is gazing off-camera to his left. His arms are stretched along his sides, his shoulders drawn back. A look of concentration – or is it a tiny frown, a hint of a sneer? – on his face. He is lit from his front left which creates some shadow on the right side of his face but at the same time manages to light up all the important bits.

He’s not quite out of place – but there is an air of artificiality in the images. The one that works best of the whole shoot (at least when it comes to the sensibilities and preferences of the Army) is the seated profile shot – it looks least forced to me. All other shots are characterised by obvious posing: standing alone on a grand stairwell, lonely leaning against an empty doorway, slouching on his own beside a pile of wooden chairs, resting lonesomely in a chair. The keyword here for me is “alone” – he has been artificially placed in an environment that is devoid of life. There is a certain feel of alienation in the images, however nicely they are composed, and the facial expressions of the sitter add to the alienated impression. Apart from the cover spread of the editorial, the sitter avoids the viewer’s gaze and demonstratively looks off-camera. And in the one shot where he *does* connect with the gaze of the audience, he frowns heavily, almost angrily. No wonder that the Army feels alienated from the object of their affection man – we do not like to be ignored and we want to feel the warmth of a human gaze. We may enjoy the heat of a smoulder or shudder lustily under the dangerous glint of a lascivious lech, but we feel chastised by the anger of a grump.

But let us not jump to conclusions. I neither believe that Armitage was unable to control a possible feeling of uncomfortableness (which we are quick to assign to himself whenever our expectations are not met or when the notorious APM kicks in), nor do I think that the grumpy look was unintended by the photographer. This shoot, I am afraid to say, is simply not aimed at us. As much as we are the perfect audience for any Armitage shot (for the simple reason that we like lusting over looking at the man), this shoot was not made for drooling females but for fashion-interested males. Specifically for the type of man who buys a magazine like Esquire, aimed at style-conscious, well-to-do men of the 30+ age group, or in the words of Esquire themselves “successful men and men who want to be successful”. Would those men like to see a seductively smiling consexual, exuding vibes of hotsexhotsexhotsex? I doubt it. A rival for the affections and attentions of females is never welcome.

So Mezibov decided on the grump look deliberately, in my opinion. On second thoughts, that is – because I have previously argued that the spread was a fashion editorial that did not focus enough on the fashion. I stand corrected. This, my second analysis comes to a slightly different conclusion because I have now considered the audience that this shoot was made for – not the fangirls, but the fashionboys. Mezibov directs his model in such a way that the clothes take centre stage. And yes, they do that even in those shots where they are obscured by a sitting pose. By making his sitter avert his gaze, he takes away the emphasis from the model and avoids an emotional connection between the model and the audience. He puts an air of arrogance and nonchalance on the model by making him ignore the camera – which *we* may not appreciate because we want to see him connect with us and exude warmth. However, undistracted by a connected gaze the intended audience can roam over the appearance of the model and focus on the clothes without fearing a potential rival for female attention. There’s the POV of a male photographer for you – he probably got that one right while Hassler, Dunn et al push the button much more effectively for the leering appreciative female audience…

Will Mr A be sporting a tux tonight? Is he clinking champagne glasses in the distinguished surroundings of an up-market hotel? Or is he sleeping into the new year with a top-secret script under his pillow, biro stains on his thumb from writing copious notes on the latest character to attract his attention? Or maybe he is cuddling up on a couch somewhere, with a loved one who is keeping him warm and happy. I magnanimously grant him some personal happiness sans moi tonight. But I will engage my imagination one last time in the old year and make him do what would make me happy…

11.20 pm on New Year’s Eve. He had flown into town from his holiday back home the day before. After the festivities with his family, he had been looking forward to a quiet, calm New Year’s Eve. No obligations, nobody to entertain, nobody’s expectations to meet. Noone to meet, full stop. Just himself and a bottle of Pinot Noir. Perfect company. At twentyfive past 11 he was not so sure anymore. The bottle was already three quarters drained, and the apartment felt decidedly empty with just himself in there. “I could go to bed”, he mused. “But that feels a bit boring…” He scratched his head.

His eyes came to rest on the pile of unopened mail that he had dumped on the dining table when he had arrived the day before. He had briefly registered an unusual envelope addressed to “Richard Armitage, Esq.” with bold, flowing letters before he had discarded the mail. His curiosity got the better of him. Reaching for the envelope, he noticed how stiff the letter felt – containing a card, maybe? Impatiently he ripped the envelope open and pulled the ivory card out.


Ten minutes later he was on his way out. A bit of wax in his hair, a quick wash of his armpits and that delightfully tight tux that he had bagged at the end of that grumpy shoot in the summer snugly fitted on his lean and slim body – he silently thanked his ancestors for the good genes they had bequeathed to him. He waved down a cab and settled into the back seat. “The New Yorker Hotel, please”.

He whistled to himself as he strode through the brass doors into the hotel foyer. “Classy.” Brightly lit by a massive art deco chandelier, he almost felt blinded by the reflection of the light on the marble floor and the golden panelled ceiling of the hotel lobby. “The Crystal Ballroom?”, he asked a hotel employee on his way to the stairs. “Second floor, Sir. Just follow the music!” He nodded and strode up the stairwell.

Soft music greeted him when he opened the door to the ballroom and stepped in, nervously checking the appropriate straightness of his tie. “Maybe I should’ve put on the bow tie”, he mused. Straining his eyes to look down to that unreachable spot under his chin to fuss with the tie knot, he did not notice the hush that had suddenly settled over the assembled guests. And neither did he notice that there were hardly any men in attendance. A phalanx of ladies, dressed in ball gowns in all colours of the rainbow, was slowly making his way towards him, as yet unnoticed by the handsome newcomer. It was only when the his gaze fell to the high-heeled feet on the floor in front of him that he became aware of someone standing close.

“We are so glad you followed our invitation, Richard”, a soft voice purred. He raised his gaze in surprise. “We have been a bit short for dancing men”, a second voice said to his right. And before he could look to the direction of the second speaker, a third voice chimed in, “You’ll be in much demand, Richard…” Before he could say anything, he found himself in the middle of the dancefloor. “You are just in time”, the warm voice of a woman said to him. “Only ten minutes to make a lot of women happy, Richard.” The deep brown eyes behind the dark specs twinkled full of warmth and humour. “But you will Serv us well…” He blinked uncomprehendingly and automatically swayed her to the music. The careful placing of a hand on his shoulder made him look to the left, and before he could say anything, the owner of the hand had replaced his dancing partner. “I had been hoping for a red carpet encounter, Richard”, a clipped English accent said to him, “but I’ll take this patterned carpet encounter any day… Szczęśliwego nowego roku…” He opened his mouth to ask her what language she was speaking, but before any word came out, a new lady had taken the place of the tall stranger. Brown eyes twinkled at him beneath blond tresses… “So it is true what they say – you *are* even more handsome than in my edits. Tell Sir Guy that Angie sends her love”, she breathed, as she left his embrace with a twirl. Before he could take a breath to thank her, a new dance partner took his hand. Ms Gigglepants swayed her hips tantalisingly, a trained dancer for all he could tell, and they fell into an easy rhythm together. “Remember to smile, Richard” she whispered against his cheek with a soft giggle. They danced for a minute before they were interrupted by a tall brunette. Richard sighed with relief “I know you, I finally know someone. Prof Obscura, long time, no see. What is going on here? Can you enlighten me?” Obscura winked conspiratorily. “You are making a lot of dreams come true, Richard, just keep dancing…” and with a flourish she vanished from his embrace.

He had no idea where they were coming from. They seemed to appear out of nowhere, but rather than feeling disconcerted or alarmed by it, he just fell into an easy flow of following the music and welcoming another softly feminine form in his embrace. He smiled when he recognised the shape of the brooch his dance partner was wearing. “You hold the key to Erebor”, he offered with a smile. “No, *you* hold the key”, Linda60 said. She sighed deeply, and with a regretful glance passed him on to the next lady in waiting. He did not know their names. Nell. Chaifreak. And he did not need to. Richardiana. Micra. His eye settled on a bright, glittering stone on his latest partner. “The Arkenstone”, he breathed. “That’s me”, she smiled… Blondes. UtePirat, Mezz. Brunettes. Lady Oakenshield. Siriusly. Exotic beauties. Morrighansmuse. Mujertropical. Lamaruca. Gratiana. Antipodean. Bollyknickers, KatharineD, Groovergreene. American. Crystalchandlyre, Perry, Kelbel, Marieastra. Katie. “Have I met you before?” he asked, recognising the long brown hair and the bright smile on his partner. “Yes, we have. Armitage Army cannot keep calm!” she said enigmatically and danced out of his arms. European. Kathrynruth, Joanna, i.f., Herba. He closed his eyes, being danced into the new year by a whole alphabet of admirers. Kathy, Leigh, Peggy, Teuchter,Verbosa, Zeesmuse.

He opened his eyes. The music had stopped playing. His arms were empty. The ballroom was deserted. “What???” He blinked in confusion, incomprehension. Had this been a dream, a figment of his imagination? He could still feel the whispering breath of his dance partners on his cheek, soft fingers in his own, the press of a hand against his shoulder, the faint memory of a floral scent in his nostrils, the echo of music. His legs moved out of their own accord. With big strides he made it to the door, into the corridor, onto the empty stairwell. He stood on the bottom step – surveying the empty lobby in front of him. The clock struck 12. From the corner of his eyes he noticed a swish of a ballgown, a billowing swirl of tulle, vanishing through a door to his left. His gaze fell onto a see through, high-heeled slipper, lost and forlorn on the wide expanse of the lobby floor…


Thanks to Mr A for ongoing inspiration, good humour and enduring creativity.

And thanks to Servetus for having me.

~ by Guylty on December 31, 2013.

70 Responses to “*ooof*: Midnight”

  1. Great Ooof, happy new year to you Guylty, and looking forward to all the new photos and stories in 2014 xx


  2. No wish left for 2013…

    Thank you, I´m smiling like a “Honigkuchenpferd”.

    Happy New Year 2014!

    Guten Rutsch, liebe guylty!


    • Hehe, only 34 minutes left in 2013 for you, anyway, no wonder that the wishes are all fulfilled. I am going to sit down for Dinner for One now. Guten Rutsch and lots of love to you! xx


  3. Dear Guylty, how beautiful! And thank you.
    For the trip through this year. And for the promising photoshoots of Mr. A. (hopefully) to be bestowed upon us the coming year that will perfectly be reflected by you.
    I wish you a wonderful 2014. All wishes to come true.
    And I really would not like to have dance with him. Two left feet. But I would kick a few Thorin cocktails with him and tell him some naughty jokes. Hope that you and Mr. A. will have a brilliant start into this new year, surrounded by love and happiness.


    • No two left feet when it comes to dancing with Mr A, I am sure. But your alternative programme sounds quite fun, too.
      Thanks for engaging with the *ooof*s, i.f. It’s great fun discussing the photos with you.
      Have a great 2014 and talk next year 🙂 xx


  4. There are still six hours and forty-five minutes left here before 2014 comes ringing in but I want to wish a happy new year to everyone here from Servetus and Guylty to all the other posters. I’ve really enjoyed reading this blog and occasionally posting.

    Happy 2014!


    • Thanks Little Red – it’s been great reading your comments and engaging. I look forward to more discussion (and, let’s be honest: drooling) in 2014. Happy new year!!! xx


      • Forgot to mention the ficlet. Love the “meeting up in a ballroom” fantasy since I like ballroom dancing even though I can’t dance myself. But if RA knows how to lead then I would be able to follow and have a wonderful time out on the dance floor with him. I can certainly dream.


  5. Guylty, how could you push so many of my buttons in one post? I am a ballroom dance instructor (Oh, I could teach that man a few things) and only 30 minutes from that hotel. You’ve given me 7 hours notice. Time to start dressing…. Happy new year to everyone. May the fun continue in 2014!


    • How cool is that??? And I am kicking myself that I have missed mentioning you, too :-(. Apologies. Before this fantasy ever becomes true I will be calling on your services – I am entirely uneducated when it comes to dancing… Have a great 2014 and thanks for commenting and taking part in our community! xx


  6. * THUD. *
    What a luuuuuurvely fantasy! See you soon. 😜^_^


  7. Fantastic! I especially loved the fic and almost fainted to see my name there! Now I’m part of the fantasy! 😉 Thanks a million Guylty! Now I really have something wonderful to dream about as we leave 2013 behind and wait expectantly to see what 2014, Richard and you, has in store for us. 🙂 Lots of new “ooofs I hope!

    Wishing each one of you a happy and healthy New Year!


    • Glad the ficlet finds your approval. I tried to work all my lovely readers in – as a little thank you for the attention you have lavished on me.
      Have a great 2014 – talk soon 🙂


  8. Thank you so much Guylty. That ficlet is simply divine. Wouldn’t that be a real kicker to be able to get Richard all to ourselves just before midnight New Year’s Eve for even a few seconds of a dance. I think he’d actually enjoy that one. He wants to get his Army all drunk does he? Well his Army would just like that one moment in his arms to dance and tease, turn the tables so to speak. How delightful that would be, a memory forever for us and certainly one for him. Now that is a ficlet that I’d love for Richard to see. I think you’d see a very big smile on that handsome face. You certainly made my New Year’s Eve with that one guylty. Happy New Year and thank you so much for all your stories and photos.

    As to the tux photo, I agree. I like the seated one better. This one though is like a James Bond ready to rumble one. He is so handsome of course but looking rather stiff for the reasons you mentioned. Esquire has excellent articles for all but the fashion is definitely for the men.


    • Hehe, the fantasy certainly tingles me… Partly because I like to imagine a big Army meet-up with all you ladies. As for the man himself – not sure how freaky that would be 😉 you know the way: One ladybird is really cute when it’s landing on you arm, but when there’s hundreds of them crawling all over you, it becomes scary… And believe me, I know that from experience. But since we are all such decent, harmless, sweet ladies, it would all be fine. And who wouldn’t like to be the centre of adoration, admiration and attention??
      Glad I entertained you on this last long evening, Peggy! Happy new year to you!


  9. My snide side can’t resist throwing this in. When I first saw that photo, I thought “1970s After Six ad” — yech.

    I like your version much better. Thank you for writing. (See, this is how we help each other!)


    • Oh Cod… *wipes tears from her eyes* nooooo 🙂 mind you – I’d love to see RA rock some outrageous 70s gear! Bell bottoms and massive lapels, concrete curls and the like. Now there’s another project, Mr A!!!


  10. What a wonderful present! Thank you, guylty, for everything you’ve given us. 🙂 I wish you a happy and peaceful new year. Happy New Year, everyone!


  11. Guylty thankyou for all your posts , I read all of your and Servetus posts.You are both amazing ladies and I wish you and all RA fans a wonderful new year .THANKYOU for sharing .xxxx


    • Janiehere – welcome! Great to hear from you, and thank you for commenting! I hope we can continue to entertain you next year. Happy new year!!


  12. Oh Honey, that’s the best carpet event I could have! Twirling around with Richard whispering sweet Polish nothings in his ear, surrounded by my RA friends 🙂
    This post is the cherry on a wonderful *ooof* cake and I hope many more will follow in 2014.
    OK, now I’m off to iron my ball gown and dust off my dancing shoes. I am NOT getting upstaged by the rest of you at the ball in front of Richard 😉


    • LOL! I am glad you spotted yourself, Agzy! The disco ball will be spinning when we dance the carpet down to shreds. The world is ours 🙂
      (Off to consult Ilaria now on best evening wear options for vertically challenged German Brunhildes *ggg*)


      • I’m off to consult Kanye because he does such a great job dressing Kim… OK, I jest!
        Yes, I spotted myself, then again I may have a god complex and just think everything is about me! me! me!
        The world is indeed ours but I should start doing push-ups in case this ball actually takes place next year. I really don’t want Richard gripping flabby arms 😉


  13. This is lovely! Thanks so much for putting up with me and providing this kind of reading!

    I found your reflections on the shoot (revised) interesting as I bought the magazine in question and got a really different reaction from seeing the images on paper in the magazine than I had from the screen. It also make me think about the “uses” of a medium.


    • There’s an interesting post in the discussion of different media, Serv. I occasionally touch on it when I talk about composition and how some images are clearly not made with hhe internet in mind. I can imagine what you mean re the Esquire shoot. It looks so editorial to me, right down to leaving space in the individual composition for inclusion ox text, it probably comes across quite different on paper.
      Looking forward to more shoots and more visual challenge! I’m ready for 2014 🙂


  14. Happy New Year to you too, Guylty. What a great story. I will put my ballgown away til next year’s party. Can’t wait to see what adventures await us all in the coming year.


    • Ballgowns at the ready and let’s get those glass slippers polished. It’s only 365 days! I hope there’ll be sime entertainment along the way! Happy new year, Kathy!


  15. That is true Guylty but I think Richard is strong enough to take all of us on and he would be so surprised he wouldn’t be able to do much else. Do you think he might run away? I think perhaps he might just be drawn in by the originality of it all and once he recognized at least one well he’d be fine. It is a lovely fantasy though and perfect for the end of the year. After all remember he wanted to get us all drunk on Thorin’s cocktail….


  16. Only a few minutes left of 2013 here, but what a wonderful way to go….Good friends, good cheer, dancing and hopes of much more to come: an excellent recipe. P.S. Recall an adage (sorry, not exact wording) to the effect that a man who is a good dancer can do everything that matters well….


  17. Happy New Year! Looking to more *ooofing* in 2014. I read this post in 2013 but had to stop to watch sons2 &3 light off fireworks. A gift to son3 for his 13th birthday from his unmarried, no children uncle. The ones at 6:00pm ( midnight UK time) where pretty good but midnight here and _ 26 F they where not lighting so well.

    What a lovely fantasy, I hoped I danced well since I don’t have a clue. Listening to Depeche Mode right now, as poor Mr. 70 is at work, but came home for about 10 minutes at midnight, to rush off again, I think he had a call to go to.


    • We unmarried no children aunts/uncles go to special sections/shops for all the most obnoxious, dangerous and completely unforgivable gifts: I’d apologize on his behalf, but I have been guilty myself on certain occasions. However, no one can top my (married w/2 kids, too!) uncle’s Xmas gift to me as little girl of obnoxious chirping-like-a-bird tree ornament (one note, over and over and….) a great novelty at the time. Won’t say how old I am, just know, ornament still works perfectly when taken out & used every year (for all of 10 seconds!). My mother was both wise & crafty: knew I MUST play with it, hated it. Fine: we plug it in once, now, don’t you want to go hunt for Xmas presents? (oldest child in family almost 14 yrs older than me: I didn’t stand a chance!)


  18. Great job, Guylty. Thank you for including me in your lovely fantasy- I’ve just finished watching the New Year’s Day concert by the Vienna Philharmonic, and they played a number of lovely waltzes, so I have very appropriate music running around in my head as I picture this, even though I can’t dance for peanuts.
    Looking forward to many more interesting ooofs in 2014- all the best to you and yours!


    • Katharine – a pleasure :-). I wanted to include everyone, but I failed miserably… I was in a hurry, writing my post while simultaneously celebrating NYE… Multitasking is not my forte.
      You listened to the Neujahrskonzert????????? Katharine! In Australia???? How cool is that??? It was part of my childhood back home – listening to the concert on telly with my grandparents. Sadly, I haven’t got satellite TV and can’t watch it here in Ireland. Happy new year to you!


      • The concert airs every year here on SBS- our multicultural channel. We’ve watched it quite a few times now, and my older son is a keen classical music follower, so it’s great to watch together.


    • KatharineD I just got done watching the concert on PBS, my station airs it twice and I watch the night one. Been watching for so long that I don’t know how long for sure. It is a must watch. I was thinking of this *ooof* during the Blue Danube, such a pretty waltz. I also like the Radetzky March, and always get to hear both of them in the encore.


      • Katie- I thought this year’s concert was great- Daniel Barenboim revealed himself as quite a character. I like conductors who aren’t too stuffy, and not afraid to let go and have a bit of fun with the role. Tales From The Vienna Woods was my favourite this year.


  19. Round two…WP and I are having a tiff! I think your theory regarding how the gender of the photographer impacts the outcome of the shoot demands *much* more research! :). (I wonder if there is a similar result in interviews). Fantastic ficlet!!


    • That theory can only put to the test through empirical research. I’ll do the female photographer’s view. Have a few male photographer friends at hand to do the male perspective. Could possibly rope in a couple of gay photographer friends as another test group. This could be a major poject in gender-based theory. It’s going to rock the world… 😉


      • Willing to do much… In order to be a mere go-fer (haha auto-correct changed from gi-frr, er, go-fer, typos worse by second, to ‘go-grr’,) oh, mercy, mercy,….ROFL!!! NOW AC trying to change it to gi-get, can I possibly hope it will go through alphabet until reaches ‘guy-get’? (howls of laughter frighten neighbors, children & small animals; on second thought, adult neighbors probably have long considered me…, children preoccupied unless it’s Halloween & animals know I’m a softie) ….. on sidelines( probably not useful in RL for anything else. Back to negotiation for position as trash can liner operator ( less taxing, more time for ogling, discreetly, of course): what do I need to do to make it happen? Shameless (and completely accurate & truthful) flattery of your ability: only reason it’s not already done is that I can’t type fast enough and my typos take LOTD, er, LOTS of eduting,, I mean editing, editing, eefdi, efd, eduting,, ficin fixing — pray for my computer to be fixed soon. Typing on this phone is gonna give me a stroke.:-P And that will be bafd.


        • LOL – AC is just wonderful, almost like Freudian slips. I think the Army needs a guy-get (or even a Guy-get?) – if you want to facilitate anything, you can reach me here. I’ll make space in my schedule for this project any time…


          • Am certain that he was lurking in back of MY mind somewhere (once encountered quite unforgettable, n’est-ce pas?) cannot vouch for mind or otherwise or Auto-Correct. Most willing to volunteer for any crumbs you might be gracious enough to let fall my way (although cannot help finding idea first in line for tentative position, if ever open, of ‘Guy-get(ter)’ [all due to infernal, er, blessed device of AC] vastly amusing…. Possible to waste much time in considering ‘Sir Guy meets modern world (& women)…..


            • There’s a cool fic that has Guy transported into modern day London. “The Adventures Continue” – http://fedoralady.livejournal.com/34032.html NC-17, beware 😉


              • So sorry for late reply! Library (WiFi) closed before I got there and …one of those days! Thanks for the tip, will definitely check it out; have enjoyed the few I have been able to dip into here & there. Early NY resolution to stop lurking & express appreciation for people’s work: tech less than cooperative. Pleasant visions of Sir Guy “motivating” phone (open rebellion) and computer (malingering)….Now that I think about it, there are several things around here that he could help with — better put away the breakables, though! Thanks again =)


  20. *ooof* ! Lovely ficlet, thank you very much Guylty 🙂 I would love to dance with you all,someday…even without our Prince from a fairytale.
    I wish to you and to all well-wishers Happy New Year!
    Viel Glück, Guylty !


  21. Thanks Guylty for this wonderful *ooof*. It’s interesting to read more about this shot and the way you see it.
    Oh and what a lovely dream, us ladies all dancing with the Man. There is def quite a fuss and buzz. You’re right, I would look a bit regretful when I’ve to let him go…. (sorry, a bit greedy and possessive tonight!! 😉 )


    • The whole dance scenario is delightful. It kind of reminds me of the day and age when dancing was the only way for people to get close and personal with people from the other gender. Old-fashioned and respectful. A nice fantasy (that I forgot to write myself into *hahahaha*)


  22. Lovely ficlet Guylty, and thank you for including me! This is probably the closest I will ever come to dancing with Mr A ( a good thing too, as I am a bit uncoordinated at the best of times, so heaven knows how I might be in the arms of RA) so it’s a lovely treat.

    Although I agree that this photoshoot is not so popular within the Army, it is the one that I absolutely could not resist- and am now the proud owner of that copy of Esquire. I’ve turned my nose up at Thorin in Empire magazine which I could have got in my local supermarket but went to great lengths to get this. What can I say- I love a man in a tux. And I love the superior, disinterested look on his face. Treat ’em mean, keep ’em keen! It’s the same thing I loved about Guy. I wouldn’t like it in RL but, Oh my goodness, in works in my fantasies!


    • You had to be in there Bolly, of course!! And I don’t think coordination will be much of an issue in the capable hands of Mr A. I firmly believe that a good dancer will make his (untrained) dancer dance well, too!
      I had the issue of Esquire magazine in my hands, too, but then was too stingy to buy it, I must admit. Possibly also because I am not a fan of formally dressed RA. I have to agree with you on the Sir Guy-aloofness, though – it’s such a wonderful (imaginary) challenge that a woman just can’t resist…


  23. Wonderful *ooof* as usual Guylty, and since I didn’t get to read this until New Year’s Day, the ficlet was a lovely way to start the new year. I was thrilled to see my name amongst those who have the pleasure of dancing with the divine Mr. A *sigh* it has given me a fantasy to hang a few dreams on for a long time to come. Thank you! I wish you (and all here) all the very best for a happy, healthy and successful 2014. 🙂


    • There is no half-time to good fantasies, Mezz, so New Year’s Day is as good a time to read the ficlet as any. – I like that dancing fantasy very much. It’s innocent and sweet. Plus – you don’t *have* to talk if you have suddenly lost the ability to speak… Happy new year to you! x


  24. Blessings be upon you, Guylty! SUCH a lovely idea, and so very kind of you to mention me when you had so many more deserving friends to think of first (I’m VERY honored!) And, as the family says, I’ll be there with bells on…which would add something, I’m sure! I’ve been humming a waltz all day (although, as has been noted, the evil fairy of RL would introduce all kinds of ugly & unpleasant things, like my need for dance lessons {not ugly or unpleasant themselves} just the fact that I REALLY need them, period, and that, even with them, my usual ability to create disaster when I move — one of my true talents could bring the FDNY and an ambulance crew or two, so… Back to the lessons, hmmm?: (while I would prefer them from RA [no offense], I’d probably be less distracted, and it’d safer for all involved if I took lessons [teacher’s advice after last class: don’t attempt to dance, ever] before I ever got near RA (even in fantasy world—hate to be cause of damage to anyone, at least, when not INTENDING to… Where was I? Ah, yes, trying to imagine if the poor man would be dancing or weightlifting (newest workout craze: risk your life BUT not need to go to gym for a month!) by time “armed” with adequate safety equipment necessary to waltz with me (if last dance partner’s attitude was both accurate & truthful: sorry to say, likely a tad polite). Steel toe caps on shoes (tough to get in dress shoes, maybe just some form of boot or Kevlar… Let’s be safe, even shin guards (come to think of it a helmet and mouth-guard (think what that dental work cost! and I couldn’t stand to be a reason for less smiling, though….never mind)) just to be on the safe side, better have some shoulder-pads and chest & back protection, if there’s glass & bottles around (and we did have champagne out, didn’t we?) Well, hell. Now, not only can he not actually move a single step, but we can’t even see him or those beautiful clothes under all that *#$@%! Drat. Here we go again. For everyone’s safety (and to allow this party to take place without it inspiring a disaster movie) I’ll be the one sitting at the bar without moving THE WHOLE blinking TIME, drinking from the bottle and talking to myself. Ignore my expression. I’ll just be cranky ’cause I was hoping that, this being a fantasy, I’d suddenly discover a one-time ability to tango. And I’d be good.


    • LOL – now, there is another ficlet in your comment. Somehow your description of the armoured RA brought up the image of Thorin in my head. The steel toe boots, probably. Can you imagine *him* dancing??? Not quite, I suppose.


      • (facetious) Thorin dancing….not w/o a weapon in (@ least) one hand, but I’d feel a lot more confident of not doing any damage to his feet if he was wearing those boots (but, I have a thing for boots, although the dwarf ones didn’t really hit it quite right- maybe they’ll grow on me). Yeah, the mental picture of how to protect the RA from “dancing disaster area me” did basically amount to semi-modern armor LOL! ( And armor has its own mental pix, too…) Thanks BTW for magnificent couture whistled up w/ nary a fairy godmother in sight (you notice I didn’t even get started on THAT set of problems….!) AH, back to Thorin (seriously this time): I’d bet he’d be QUITE the dancer @ the right place & time. General fighting & weapons training focuses (& always has) on balanced muscle development (r/t the “bulky, muscle-bound” form that is often portrayed in movies), aerobic endurance, emphasizing coordination, flexibility, balance & timing. (Sound anything like dancing? No doubt–Whatever else you might be thinking of is not part of the comment AND I RUTHLESSLY WEEDED IT OUT SO QUIT ENCOURAGING ME (Day 2 of 2014 & look what hsppened w/both. Ahem. No doubt for a reason!) T. WAS born & raised to become a king (nobility oblige and royalty seems condemned…) [and Erebor wasn’t shabby; if nothing else, dealing so often w/ Men & Elves (and Tolkien depicted M, E & Dwarves all enjoying music, if tastes did vary) the Dwarves would have ‘entertained’ w/their equivalent of the hospitality of Rivendell’s Elves ( and may have been just as underappreciated…) ] So, [oh, just send me to the naughty corner permanently] I figure Thorin could dance in (& out of) his armor QUITE nicely. Now I’m going to go pay to see one version of it; let’s all hope I don’t embarrass myself too badly in public (I seem to save it all for you, friends; feel warm & fuzzy yet?)


  25. Awwwwwww, that ficlet is SO cute!!! Thanks Guylty
    I hope all of you had such a wonderful night for real – even if RA wasn’t around for a dance 😉


  26. […] This Cinderella will go to the ball! […]


  27. […] this is my favourite shot by Mezibov. Not the rakish profile, not the classy b/w symmetry, and not the grumpy desolation of Thorin. I love this despite it not being a close-up which would […]


  28. […] will glow from the image. It will stand out even more than it might do in a shot such as Getz Mezibov’s staircase image of RA in the classy, stringently aesthetic Art Deco setting of the Town Hall Hotel in London. However, […]


  29. […] in which he creates a strong three-dimensionality of his subjects and the locations. ooof  ooof  ooof ooof […]


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