Happy 44th birthday Richard Armitage! Comment to generate a donation to ChildLine

Richard Armitage, holding signed jeroboam of Taittinger, Summer 2014.

Is this bottle of the bubbly big enough to share with all the fans? Richard Armitage, holding signed jeroboam of Taittinger, Summer 2014.

So, a little late, because today was the last day of advance registration, but no less heartily felt, since it is now August 22nd in London, I want to express my best wishes to Richard Armitage on the occasion of his 44th birthday! You’re not getting older, you’re getting a patina! (or something).

As in each of the last years, in honor of Armitage Day, I will give a donation for each individual comment left on this post, whether from a new commentator, lurker, or veteran of the website. This year the donation will be US $0.44 per Armitage’s request, and the donation will to go ChildLine, one of the organizations Richard Armitage has included in his JustGiving endorsements.

Be aware:

  • Of my general feelings about charity (since I’ve been doing this for a while now).
  • One comment per participant, please!
  • I reserve the right to determine what constitutes an individual participant is (please, no multiple IP addresses this year [sorry, salakonn!] and no gaming with false email addresses). I will publish a list of all the comments that I counted at the end of the event and a total of the donation.
  • The offer is valid until I close comments on this post, which will probably be sometime late Saturday or early Sunday morning my time (U.S. East Coast).
  • Should participation become overwhelming, I reserve the right to make the donation in installments, but I will publish the receipts on the blog so you can see that your comments generated the expected result.
  • This is solely something for “fan fun” — I will publish a message on the JustGiving page as I always have, but I am not planning to send any message to Richard Armitage by Twitter or other means. This is something I do because I enjoy talking with fellow fans and celebrating Richard Armitage’s birthday with YOU.

So, comment away. You can just say “hi,” but if you want something to write about — how would you spend a perfect birthday with Richard Armitage?


~ by Servetus on August 22, 2015.

64 Responses to “Happy 44th birthday Richard Armitage! Comment to generate a donation to ChildLine”

  1. I’m first!! Yay for me. Thanks for doing this, serv, great idea


  2. Chronia Polla Mr. Armitage!!


  3. Happy Birthday Richard Armitage! Thank you for sharing an incredible year of accomplishments with us! Thank you Servetus for facilitating my little part in the birthday celebration.


  4. Yay! Thanks so much for doing this again this year! ❤


  5. Happy, happy, joy, joy! Have a delightful b-day, dear Mr. A! Thanks for your contribution, Serv. ❤


  6. What a great year you have had, Richard! Happy Birthday and thanks to Servetus for helping us join in the celebration.


  7. Since he mentioned that he likes DIY projects, I’d offer to hand him the tools, and join in a DIY project, then order pizza and relax with a few beers and who knows….


  8. Happy Birthday Mr. Armitage! I wish you all the best for the upcoming year , a good and stable health ( you’ll need it in this business). May your personal and professional dreams come true! Furthermore always lots of chocolate and real friends to enjoy your special day!


  9. His birthday or mine? 😀 If his, I would love to join him in doing something he’s always wanted to do. Thanks so much for your donation! X


  10. Thanks so much for doing this and I wish Richard a wonderful birthday and all the best always!


  11. Bon anniversaire Monsieur Armitage !


  12. Servetus, thank you for your iniciative. Greetings!
    BTW, HBday for the birthday boy 😉


  13. Thanks for doing this Serv. 🙂
    Happy, happy Birthday Mr. A!!! Hope you are enjoying your down time (i think, since you’ve been mumm about your activities) & good luck with your upcoming roles! I look forward to seeing them all & really been impressed by your Dolarhyde/Great Red DRAGON!!!


  14. Happy B-day Richard! Servetus thanks for your generosity and for putting this together again!


  15. Ah, Mrs. A, your baby boy brings us SUCH joy! Here’s to a happy happy birthday!!!


  16. Perfect birthday with Richard Armitage? Outdoor adventures — hiking, rock climbing, kayaking, that kind of thing — somewhere green and gorgeous, followed by a comfort food dinner someplace cozy, and then maybe some Shakespeare in the Park.

    Thanks, as always, for doing this, Serv. 🙂


  17. Thanks for doing this, Serv!

    Happy 4Xth, dear Richard! Slainte! Hope you are having a blast doing what makes you happy. 😊


  18. Reblogged this on Well, There You Go … and commented:

    Generate a donation — just by saying “Hi”. Or maybe sending wishes to the birthday boy. OR … well, check out the rest of Serv’s post for a neat idea. 😀 (My thinking cap is on … chuckle)


  19. What a great idea. Happy birthday from the Toronto airport. Thank you RA for keeping us and our imaginations fired up. I have never had so much fun spontaneously combustnig on a regular basis.


  20. Hello! I’ve just got to let you know. ’cause I wonder where you are, and I wonder what you do. Are you somewhere feeling lonely or is someone loving you ?


  21. Hey, Armitage! Happy 44th. Hope you’re doing something fun and maybe, a little bad. And thanks to Servetus for providing this annual shindig & the contribution.


  22. Happy 44th birthday, Richard – so many great things have happened since the cupcake and the play and stuff :’) Thanks for the donation.


  23. Thanks Serv! This is a fantastic idea. And happy birthday to Mr. A, as I wrote in the letter, you are still defined as young adult by Oxford English Dictionary!!!


  24. Happy birthday dear chameleonic Mr. A! Rejoice Armitageworld!


  25. […] all Serv’s […]


  26. In bed, ’nuff said. 🙂


  27. Thanks for doing this, Serv! Childline is a wonderful cause 🙂 Happy birthday to Richard!


  28. My perfect dinner date with Richard would be a lovely dinner in a nice pub with lots of Pinot Noir and chocolate ice cream- and maybe a nice filet mignon!


  29. Thank you for doing this, Servetus! And happy birthday to the most handsome man on the planet (IMHO)!
    Perfect birthday? A picnic in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park, up near Clingman’s Dome, with sandwiches, fresh fruit, & a bottle of Biltmore Estate wine.


  30. Love this idea. Somehow missed it last year… I think I was in imminent London departure mode, but maybe I would have broken out of my lurking if I’d seen it. As to spending a perfect birthday with RA… well, I always have a thousand questions I’d like to ask, in a friendly, lighthearted conversational manner. Over a nice glass of wine (or several) and somewhere with a breathtaking view. And a cheese platter. That would be my birthday wish… doubt it would be his. =) LOL


  31. Happy 44th Birthday Mr A! May you be blessed with that which brings your heart the most joy on your special day! Thank you Serv for your generosity 😊


  32. I hope Richard has a great birthday doing something he wants. Thanks again Servtus!


  33. I’d just like to say HI & comment to do my part to help a great cause. I’d also like to wish Richard a very Happy Birthday, much love & happiness & continued success. Thank you, Richard for sharing the wonderful gift of your talent with us. 🙂


  34. Hi. 😀

    Schön, dass du das wieder machst, Serv.


  35. Happy Birthday RA… Radiant Archangel !!!


  36. Prima Idee Serv! Mein perfekter Tag mit ihm? Hauptbestandteil: reden, fragen, reden, fragen, reden, fragen, bis alles, alles geklärt ist. Der Rest ergibt sich 😀


  37. Thank you, Serv 🙂
    Sto lat, Rysiu!!!


  38. Your are lovely and generous! Blessings!


  39. Thank you for doing this. 🙂


  40. What a lovely idea! Thank you for doing this, Serv. I am adding my birthday wishes for RA here, too, because I do not have time to post today myself.


  41. Thanks for doing this again S 🙂 i love your way of throwing a b-day party and thanks for the generosity 🙂
    Happy birthday to himself!
    I’m a bit stumped on the perfect day just because i could only imagine from my side what would be fun but can’t actually imagine what is fun in his book… Let’s put it this way, whatever he is doing i wish him to have as much exhilarating fun and emotion in his day as i did watching him live on stage and listening to his voice talk fascinatingly about it; if he ends up feeling about his day the way i felt about that, he’ll have a great day and it would make me happy if he had that kind of joy which he brought to me 🙂


  42. Thanks for the initiative, Sev 🙂 Happy birthday from the Philippines, Mr. Armitage!


  43. Wishing you joy on your birthday, Mr. Armitage.

    Let me see, as the bashfulest fangirl on the planet, it’d have to be at a distance, (say a few thousand miles) but knowing he was having the time of his life. I’ve managed the first half of this at least!

    Thanks for this, Servetus.


  44. Happy Birthday to Richard, who I hope will be having a lovely relaxing day on some isolated beach, though I guess he won’t be skinny dipping, alas 😉
    Maybe he could just laze around in the shallows… 🙂

    Thanks for doing this, Servetus 🙂


  45. I hope Richard has a wonderful birthday. Sto lat, Rysiu!
    Many thanks for doing this, Servetus!


  46. Happy Birthday, Richard Armitage! Thank you for sharing your incredible gifts with all of us. You certainly deserve an Emmy for your work on Hannibal. Wishing you a year full of beauty and grace. Xoxo


  47. Happy birthday, Richard; I hope you are enjoying your day! Thank you for everything you have done this year and made your Armitage Army even bigger XD. May you have lot of success in following projects! 😀
    Thank you, Servetus, for this! :*


  48. Hope he and all of you are having a wonderful day, birthday or not!


  49. How would I spend a perfect birthday with Richard Armitage?
    I think I’ll let Lou Reed answer this for me:

    Just a perfect day … Drink sangria in the park
    And then later, when it gets dark … We go home

    Just a perfect day … Feed animals in the zoo
    Then later a movie, too … And then home

    Oh, it’s such a perfect day, I’m glad I spent it with you
    Oh, such a perfect day, You just keep me hanging on
    You just keep me hanging on

    Just a perfect day … Problems all left alone
    Weekenders on our own … It’s such fun

    Just a perfect day … You made me forget myself
    I thought I was someone else … Someone good

    Oh, it’s such a perfect day, I’m glad I spent it with you
    Oh, such a perfect day, You just keep me hanging on
    You just keep me hanging on

    You’re going to reap just what you sow
    You’re going to reap just what you sow
    You’re going to reap just what you sow
    You’re going to reap just what you sow


  50. I want to tell you that Richard has been the inspiration behind my birthday celebration this year. Next month I am heading to New York it will be the longest flight I have ever made, and every time I have a little quake I repeat his words ‘if you don’t do a little thing that frightens you are not truly ‘living’ .


  51. Happy birthday Richard Armitage! Big hug for him and for you Serv, for this great idea! ❤


  52. What a lovely idea! Happy B’day to Mr.A


  53. Happy birthday and many happy returns to Mr. A and many thanks to you Serv for doing this again!!!!


  54. Wishing Mr A a very, very happy birthday.
    Thank you, Serv, for this 😘


  55. Happy Birthday, Richard! May all your efforts be rewarded in the coming years.


  56. Thank you for doing this, Servetus! Happy birthday Richard Armitage!


  57. This is a great initiative and this time I wish to participate. There are more then two years now since I’ve been following your blog, but I never dared to comment. I think this is a good occasion to break the ice. I never thought of celebrating a birthday – his or mine – with Richard, but what I enjoy in real life is my family – hubby and kids- congratulating me in the morning because it’s RA’s birthday 🙂 He is my one and only, he unleashed energies and feelings in me that I never would have thought I was capable of in my 40’s. I wish both you and him all the best for the future!


  58. Happy birthday and best wishes to Richard Armitage. Thanks for your generosity, Serv.


  59. I’d love to just talk with him while eating dinner somewhere.


  60. Happy Birthday, Richard. By way of variety, just enjoy being youself today…. 😉


  61. Happy birthday!!! Have a wonderful year ahead.


  62. How would I spend a perfect birthday with Richard Armitage? Easy, by doing whatever he wants. That’s what birthdays are for. Thank you, Mr. A, for a year of wonderful performances. I hope you’ve had a happy birthday surrounded by people who make you laugh and love you back.


  63. Thanks to all who commented — comments are now closed. Total forthcoming soon.


  64. Donation of $28.64 for 61 comments has been left at ChildLine! Thanks to you all.


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