Richard Armitage at the movies: How about some headcanon?

In this Thursday, June 26, 2013 photo, British actor Richard Armitage poses for the photographer at the Old Vic theatre in London. The British actor, who played dwarf warrior Thorin Oakenshield in Peter Jackson's "Hobbit" trilogy, stars at London's Old Vic Theatre as John Proctor, the decent man in a world gone mad at the center of "The Crucible," Arthur Miller's modern classic about the Salem witch trials. (AP Photo/Lefteris Pitarakis)

Richard Armitage poses for the photographer at the Old Vic theatre in London, Thursday, June 26, 2013. (AP Photo/Lefteris Pitarakis)

This is another exercise in headcanon. We’ve done this before: headcanon on Richard Armitage as sleeper, and headcanon on what we’d fight about with him.

Going off to the cinema on Thursday night to see Alice Through the Looking Glass, I found myself musing on the Armitage’s movie-going MO. These are some things I remember: he enjoys blockbusters and animated films (guilty pleasures); he joked that he missed his scene in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace; he has seen Rabbit Hole and liked Miles Teller in it; he occasionally will see films like Into the Storm if he needs to relax or space out (which implies he also enjoys serious films which he would see if in a better mood); he probably saw Prometheus; he enjoyed Interstellar and appreciated Twelve Years a Slave; he recommended Ex Machina; there is reason to think that he’s familiar with some of the great German films of the last fifteen years or so such as Downfall (Der Untergang) and The Lives of Others (Das Leben der Anderen). He doesn’t himself really enjoy rom-coms; seeing a scary film makes him walk faster on the way home; he doesn’t care for horror. There are probably more details I’ve forgotten.

So here are some questions:

–When does he decide to go? — How often? –How does he pick a film? –Favorite kind of film? –Prefers to go by himself or with others?–3D for everything in 3D or not? –Popcorn, soda, or other concessions? Theater with chairside food service? –Where does he sit in the theater? Premium or gimmick chairs? –Talking during the film, ok or not? –Cuddling during the film, ok or not? –Credit watcher or no? –If he goes with others, lengthy conversations about the film? –Straight home, or out for a drink?

This is my headcanon — Armitage is a self-confessed moody guy (and I believe him), which I think would make him a last minute decider on any social or entertainment question that permits it. While he is aware in general of movies he wants to see, he rarely schedules himself far in advance to see one. The exception is when he’s visiting his nephew, which is also the main time that he springs for 3D, mostly avoiding it otherwise as a pointless expense unless the word on a film is particularly good or if it’s an IMAX must-see that requires planning.

Since he lives in a city with a lot of art film theaters and museums with film series, he keeps abreast of this stuff casually but not maniacally (though he will make an effort to see the Oscar nominees if he hasn’t seen them). He goes once or twice a week if he’s not working. He enjoys both the solitude of a matinee and the feeling of watching a film in a big crowd. He has favorite theaters and theaters he avoids. He usually decides to go within two hours or less of the start of the film, which means that on occasion he squeaks in at the last second. This protects him against his conflict (frugality vs oral fixation) over the trip past the concessions stand, where he never buys himself a soda but always thinks about popcorn or candy and decides against it 95% of the time. Late arrival means that he doesn’t always get to pick his favorite seat, which is in the center of the theater or toward the back on the aisle (due to his long legs. No chair loungers or vibrating chairs). Picks film based on mood but he most enjoys science fiction, “concept” film, film with impressive visual effects including IMAX, drama, or film with subtle, suppressed emotion. He will go to experimental films or film festivals if he’s in the right mood. Very occasionally he will cry while watching a film but only very occasionally. He also likes to watch classics but is open to doing that at home on his television. He doesn’t watch film on his phone because it interferes with the grandeur of the visual experience. He tends to get lost in the film (or at least hopes to), but since he’s been on movie sets himself he thinks much more while watching than he used to about how the film was made.

Ideally he goes alone or with one other person, someone with whom he can talk about the movie later. He will go out in larger groups (couples) but would rather not see a film he’s really interested in with a group. He’s a no interruptions kind of guy, so he holds it if he has to go during the film, he doesn’t go to a restaurant cinema, he doesn’t talk during the film, doesn’t use his phone, might hold hands if he can do so without being distracted, but definitely would not neck or grope. He doesn’t leave films early, even ones he doesn’t like. He does not fidget, but if he feels the desire to do so he suppresses it. When other people are noisy, however, he can’t bring himself to “shush” them, either. He definitely watches the credits, particularly if it’s a studio he worked with, to see if he recognizes any names, but not with tons of attention. Since he’s been more well-known, he follows whatever method of leaving the theater that best allows him to avoid detection. If he’s gone with a friend and the movie is worth discussion, he’ll go out for a drink afterwards to talk about it, but he enjoys the feeling of illusion or catharsis that a good film leaves and so typically doesn’t schedule big social events for after film watching.

Obviously I made this all up based on my perceptions about what I know about him — that’s what headcanon is. Everyone has his/her own.

So, have at it: how does Armitage go to the movies? What it would be like to go to a movie with Richard Armitage?

~ by Servetus on May 29, 2016.

25 Responses to “Richard Armitage at the movies: How about some headcanon?”

  1. Frankly I’ve lent minimal neurons on this and now am castigating myself for having been so shallow-minded. Love where your brain takes us. Please continue to extrapolate for the unimaginative like me, and I thank you for the journey, Serv.

    A mostly quiet and appreciative fan,



    • After a night’s contemplation (read: sleep), I wonder about his capacity for watching and rewatching a performance, particularly one of the suppressed emotion variety though this could apply to an adventure with sufficient character development. Does he immerse himself into the audience experience with the first viewing then find himself returning to the theater to consider how he might treat a role? Or would curiosity and downtime between shoots lead him to search out source material on which to ruminate? I’m leaning towards the latter, imagining him in a living room chair with reading glasses he allows no one to photograph on him and his index finger slowly stroking his upper lip…hmmm. Excuse me as I return to my contemplation now…. :0)

      Thank you!


      • I definitely he think he would see a movie more than once if it intrigued him enough — and do more reading / research!

        And yeah, how could you not think about this really important question??? 🙂


  2. Your headcanon is really thoughtful, and I can definitely imagine Richard being like you describe him! I’m going to see Alice Through the Looking Glass tomorrow – alone, which means I’ll definitely have some time to think about how it would be to see a movie with Richard … Man, I will be sitting in the foyer and grinning like an idiot. I would certainly buy candies to share with him 🙂
    I totally agree with you that Richard would be a “no interruptions” kind of guy in the cinema, quiet, attentive and also thinking about the production/filming itself – mostly out of respect, for he knows how it is to be “on the other side” of the movie.
    But did you have to mention that some movies can also make him cry? Now I have the image of Richard sitting in front of the screen and making a face like John Thornton in the “Look back at me” scene … sniffs
    But thank you for sharing your thoughts, they are really really good! I hope you enjoy Alice 🙂


    • I liked Alice (see review) but I won’t pay to see it again. He was fantastic in it.

      I don’t think he cries often. Just very, very occasionally.


  3. i really love your Richard Armitage at the movie blog, i agree with everything, but i think Mr. Richard Armitage has a dark side(he might not admit it, but he does). He is a great actor, true gentleman, very nice to everybody he meets, but sometimes being like this can take its toll. I have a feeling he likes movies like Silence of the Lambs( not really gory but something that messes with your mind). i am glad that he can go to the movies and plays/theater to watch and enjoy the show without people bothering him and he can just be him, but sometimes i think he goes so he can watch and imagine himself in certain parts(example: Mr. Richard Armitage imagining himself as Dr. Hannibal Lecter and doing things to people that got on his nerves since he was little,teenager, adult) that way when he goes in public, he will be nice and not angry because he got all his anger out in the movies,play/theaters.


  4. Serv, your head cannon is awesomely detailed because you remember so much he has said re: movies. I remember two things. He liked Jimmy Stewart (which means he did not see his movies in theaters) and he might like to direct someday. Oh, and the not liking horror bit. So here is mine: he seldom goes to movies. He streams them or does pay per view at home, where he can relax and drink red wine while enjoying some popcorn (oops, I don’t know if he likes popcorn). He doesn’t have a media room because his apartment is too small, but he has a fabulous big screen TV. He invites me over to watch a movie if I agree to cook dinner. Which I don’t, so we get Chinese food delivered. We then cuddle on the couch while watching a horror movie I insist on watching (so he can get scared and cling to me for comfort). After some serious clinging and comforting, we engage in some enjoyable romantic activity (which will be left to everyone’s head cannon re: what that would be like. 🙂


    • I’d forgotten about Stewart, but yes, he did say that. Now my wheels are churning … but not as hard as your heart is pumping after this little fantasy! 🙂


  5. I would take him to some sort of French art house film that is somewhat disturbing and has intense music as a background score. I would insist on sitting in the back row with him, away from everyone else. I would share red licorice with him and annoy and disturb him by groping him as much as possible. Since I don’t know him, I can’t say what he would do, but that’s a full report on what I would do!
    I am sure there would never be a second movie date, after my atrocious behaviour! 🙂


  6. You never know unless you try, right? 🙂 (And there is something a tiny bit deviant about him buried under all that British proper exterior, don’t you think? )


  7. Oh I just noticed your typo now, Serv and I am so immature I simply cannot stop laughing!!!


  8. You know, I can see him being just like this. And hey, the right romcom with the right person he might enjoy after all! 🙂


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