I’ve missed you so, Richard Armitage

CarlyQ said it and it’s true — I’ve missed you so much. Strange thing to say when you’re so often in my thoughts, when I write something at least tangentially related to you so many times a week. But I have.

When I became a fan, you’d just finished Robin Hood and Spooks 8. The next two pieces I saw you in were Strike Back and Spooks 9. Yes, there were voice projects in between, but for such a physical actor as you, voice can never be enough to convey your skills.

Then you disappeared into the wilds of New Zealand. And when you emerged the next roles I saw you in: a comic-book villain, a dwarf. Don’t get me wrong: I love Thorin Oakenshield; he’s currently the role you’ve played that occupies the most of my thoughts. But that was followed by Gary, the tornado survivor, a man with more capacity to hang on in a strong wind than communicate easily with the people around him.

A huge reprieve: John Proctor. For the months where all the talk was of Hannibal, I had Proctor on almost constant repeat. Even so: An archetype. Larger than life.

And then 2015: nothing. A serial killer. A show I haven’t yet been able to bring myself to rewatch. 2016: a fairy-tale king.

A girl can’t live forever on pictures. Although you do take a fantastic picture.

And last night I watched the first two episodes of Berlin Station twice, and I fell in love with Daniel Miller and you all over again.


Now I realize: because Daniel Miller felt like someone was coming home. It felt like you’d been away forever. The human you. The everyman. The character experiencing something like normal emotions. The character without prosthetics or colossal painted-on tattoos or superhuman capacities.

The actor who wasn’t relying on weirdness (no matter how tastefully done: Butoh!) or playing front of a green screen and waiting for the scene to be CGI’d in behind him.

It felt like you were missing.

The actor. Working for yourself. Since you’re acting in German now: Ohne Schnick-Schnack. Schnörkellos. Schlicht.

I’ve missed you so.


Welcome back.

~ by Servetus on September 9, 2016.

23 Responses to “I’ve missed you so, Richard Armitage”

  1. Lovely. Hope I have time to watch those episodes soon. Still have work to do tonight.
    Haven’t been able to bring myself to watch Hannibal or the fairy tale king. Wasn’t all that into the Into the Storm character, although I appreciated the physical strength shown and thought it was a decent disaster flick.
    Looking forward to the BS episodes and Brain on Fire.


  2. My feelings exactly!


  3. You express exactly my feelings. Thanks for sharing. Watching the two episodes was like an unexpected birthday present for me. Now I hope there will be a possibility to watch BS here in France


  4. So nicely said, Servetus, it just moved me to tears…
    First 2 episodes of BS are terrific. Going to rewatch it on week-end, and not once 🙂


  5. Definitiv. Ohne Schnickschnack, schnörkellos, schlicht. Danke! That’s it! What an overwhelmingly simple truth.Tears are welling……..
    Indeed it was a very long time.
    Though I may not forget that I’ve actually “met” Chop last November. However he felt like such a fleeting impression. More or less from the minute I’ve left the cinema in Leeds, I fiercely tried to keep him in my mind more clearly. There were so many things I believe I hadn’t caught or apprehended well enough. (Ok, I know I’m not allowed to complain about this. 😉 At least I’ve seen the film.)


    • yeah, there were human roles in there but most of us haven’t seen them — so I suppose that fits here, too, that they released this to the whole world and we can all enjoy it.


  6. Sev. as always expressed so well. Tis’ good to have “him” back and I thank you for always having such a wonderful insightful way of stating it.


  7. I agree. He even looked at the cat with affection! Lol!


  8. Und auf diese “schlichte” und wunderbare Weise kann er so VIEL ausdrücken… Er ist wirklich ein Guter 🙂
    Aber ich muss zugeben, dass er sich in bester Gesellschaft befindet. Die Serie ist von großer Qualität und macht richtig viel Spaß (wenn er Deutsch spricht, kann ich kaum an mich halten).
    Weihnachten im September. 🙂 🙂 ❤


    • Yes — aesthetically much higher quality and provocative with its visual techniques (not just smearing blood all over everything)


  9. What a wonderful post Servetus!!!
    I am still shaking my head about this in disbelief but I am so happy we all were able to watch Daniel Miller in action!!!


  10. Lovely. Now, I’m definitely going to make an effort to watch “Berlin Station”.


  11. Maximus, the very name you’d expect kids who live around Prenzlauer Berg or Friedrichshain to have these days. 😂


  12. Was so nice to see RA on screen again and definitely not the same as Lucas, spy games yes, but definitely different. my he does look good. Great to have him back. <sigh.>


  13. […] impossible to tell if some things I reacted to as missteps I really enjoyed him in this film; I am into anything that gets him playing normal human beings; at times his practice of emotion works with extreme effectiveness; at times I query whether […]


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