Richard Armitage tangentially related

Links to articles that had some connection to Richard Armitage or his career, at least in my mind. There were a lot again, all of a sudden.

Collateral attractions / degrees of separation:

Berlin Station:

  • re: Brad Winters’ apparent view that it’s okay to free Germany from the legacy of the past, a short article about how exactly the AfD (model for the PfD) seeks to do that. Note that this speech was held at the Kyffhäuser — the mythological resting place of Frederick Barbarossa, a medieval Holy Roman Emperor (a German), known as one of the most important of the medieval kaisers, said to be not dead but only sleeping, waiting to help his nation out in its hour of greatest need. (Note that so far no one has noticed this happening.) This location is not coincidental. A monument was built there by the nineteenth century German imperialists, then co-opted by the Nazis. And I have to tell you — in 1997 I went there on an excursion with the German research group I worked with — we were actually to see the Tübke Peasants War mural in Bad Frankenhausen, but the profs really wanted to make this slight detour. The profs who led the group were talking enthusiastically about their boyhood trips to the monument in the 30s and 40s — precisely when it was a Nazi stronghold. Yes — this is what “taking back history” means to the AfD — a revival of Blut and Boden, Nazi race thinking, and all the horrors associated with those things. If you want to know why I’m repelled by Winters’ thinking about shades of grey in Berlin Station 2, this article gives a good sense of the reasons that his interview should have shocked us all. The right wing of the AfD holds its annual meeting there because they want to send a message.
  • What’s actually happening in the US Department of State. (Hint: it’s the appointment of zany conspiracy theory ambassadors) Remember the prospective US ambassador to Germany hasn’t even been nominated by the administration yet. The US embassy is being run by the chargé d’affaires.

Fan life:

Professional stuff:

  • The Triump of the Quiet Style. On the eclipse of the theatrical writing style used by Mike Bartlett, with the rapid-fire dialogue. I actually think Armitage might be better off, in terms of his core acting skills, with the quiet style (although he did well with the tempo of the Bartlett piece as well).
  • On the relationship of acting to sexual harassment, one of the better commentaries I’ve read on this topic: “In the arts, professionalism can be interpreted as a sort of inauthenticity, and those who can’t control themselves are seen as more ‘instinctive’. To be dangerous is to be artistically daring, particularly for men. Sometimes I wonder if being in the ‘feelings business’ pushes weak men to over-compensate with swearing, stunts and sexual conquest. [¶] … ‘Showbusiness’, ‘the casting couch’ – the phrases have a grubby glamour. And what gets hidden is that there are personal vulnerabilities and emotional truths disclosed in artistic work, and those can’t help but be bonding. There’s a sort of mental mating that can spill over. But that’s not what we’re discussing. We’re talking about power, the abuse of power, the power of abuse. But if we’re not honest about what this gets mixed in with, we can’t expose the problem.”

~ by Servetus on November 9, 2017.

6 Responses to “Richard Armitage tangentially related”

  1. the commentary on ‘outing’ Kevin Spacey was really good and thought provoking. I especially like this line: “Closeted men are hard to trust, because you can’t ever be sure which side of their fears you are on”


  2. Thank you for some very interesting and informative articles.


  3. Danke für Deine wirklich tolle Zusammenstellung!
    Was mir natürlich besonders ins Auge springt, ist der Absatz über den Kyffhäuser usw. Es war schon immer unsäglich, wie sich Nazis und sämtliche Imperialisten und Großreich-Phantasten deutsche Sagen, Mythen und Märchen des Mittelalters (oder sogar noch früher…) einverleibt und umgedeutet haben, um sich eine Legitimation geschichtlicher, ideologischer oder gar kultureller Art zu geben. Oder man denke nur an gewisse Ausdrücke in der deutschen Sprache! Einfach widerlich!
    Geradezu obszön sind aber die Reden und Handlung der Nazis der jetzigen Generation! Sind das Tests und Versuche, wie weit sie gehen können? Es scheint so; doch es weht ihnen ein starker Wind entgegen – schließlich sind “wir” nicht “ihr” Volk, wie man an den Reaktionen und Widerreden in der Öffentlichkeit sehen kann.
    Hier findet eine doppelte oder sogar dreifache Umdeutung und Sichtweise der Geschichte statt. Mir scheint fast, wir müssen uns unsere Vergangenheit von den Rechten (oder auch anderen Populisten) zurückholen – und nicht umgekehrt!
    Mir liegt noch so viel auf der Seele, doch ich höre besser auf. Ich wünsche noch allen einen schönen Abend!


    • As you probably noticed, the Kyffhäuser location really bothered the hell out of me. I wonder if they think that the people who remember the history of that location are all dead and so they can prance up there and attract crowds to go with them who don’t really understand where they are standing? It does seem like a test to see how far they can go.

      I think you’re right about claiming history back away from the far-Right. I observe something similar going on the US today, and it is something I never even thought about: the way that popular film romanticized the US Civil War and the Lost Cause so that people now actually think that is a historically tenable POV. Key in this the film “Gone with the Wind.” It’s one of my own Erinnerungsorte, because of what Scarlett O’Hara says in the last scene, “I’ll think about it tomorrow,” but other people have taken away very different lessons from the film — while we weren’t watching. Horrible.


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