Richard Armitage fans finally get their rom-com?

My off the cuff reaction: tell us again about how you never do anything for the money, Mr. Armitage.

~ by Servetus on January 11, 2018.

100 Responses to “Richard Armitage fans finally get their rom-com?”

  1. “Artmiage” Army? Sign me up!
    No idea how good the material is, but at least it’s something contemporary. I really have had enough of all the “classic” material…


    • Keeping mind that what he does is his business, I can’t think of anything positive to say about this project.

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      • Ooops. Aha. Ok, I have never heard of the book. Pulp?


      • It could be sexy.


        • Those books are all in our library. Maybe I’ll check one out as a precautionary measure. One of my issues with much American romance fiction is that it’s not very sexy, despite its constant preoccupation with sex.

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          • I thought of selecting one. I figure we can get through it in a few hours. I’m looking for suggestions – if I’m only going to read one.


            • LOL. OK, I just looked again. Nine of her books are in the library, and there are waiting lists for eight. The only one that’s on shelf is “Nights with Him” (2014). The synopsis is below. If I can find it in its right place tomorrow when I go to the lib, I’ll read that one.

              “Jack Sullivan is a Sex Toy Mogul. An extremely eligible bachelor in New York, he’s the full package, right down to his full package. Hell, this man could be the model for one of the toys his company, Joy Delivered, peddles. Instead, he’s the powerful and successful CEO and he’s got commitment issues a mile-long after the tragic way his relationship with his fiancée ended. He’s looking for a way to erase the pain and that arrives in the form of Michelle Milo. From her pencil skirts to her high heels, she’s his perfect fantasy, especially since she has no idea who he is the night they meet at a hotel bar. He doesn’t have a clue either that she’s the brilliant psychologist his sister has arranged for him to see to help him get over his past. She’s simply the stunning woman he takes to bed that night and delivers many Os of joy too. His touch helps her forget that other man. When he shows up at her office door the next day, there’s no way in hell she’s going to treat him after they’ve slept together. Jack isn’t willing to let go of the first woman he’s felt anything for in years so he proposes a deal – share her nights with him for thirty days. At the end of one month of exquisite pleasure, they walk away, having helped each other move on from their haunted pasts. But soon, all those nights threaten to turn into days as the lines between lust and matters of the heart start to blur. Can two people so terribly afraid of love truly fall head over heels?””


              • “Jack Sullivan is a Sex Toy Mogul….” You have to be KIDDING me! This is a howl. Definitely going to get the Audible thing for sure now. If this is even true. I just can’t believe this. I’m flabbergasted. This is too funny. This has to be a joke, right? RA is NOT really doing this. I’m laughing. This can’t be real.

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        • We have fan fic for that already 😆

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  2. I…have no words. I…just. WTF?


  3. They must have been wrong in the date. It´s not 1st of April today, is it?

    Liked by 4 people

    • No — and they took my planned joke for 2018! 🙂

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      • Spielverderber 😬


        • It would have been good because no one would have believed it. Ah well, 2017-18 seems to be a period of news reports no one would believe if they weren’t true.


          • Wäre nur zu toppen mit dem Gerücht, dass er die S- und U-Bahn-Durchsagen im Öffentlichen Nahverkehr einer beliebigen bundesdeutschen Großstadt einspricht. „Auguststrasse“ ist meines Wissens aber keine Haltestelle. 😂

            Liked by 2 people

            • Noch nicht, könnte man aber einrichten 😉. Und im Gegensatz zu obigem Werk würde ich diese Ansagen zu gern hören und dafür sogar Extrarunden fahren.

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              • Er könnte die Ansage für Verspätungen übernehmen. 🙂


                • Meine Güte, sexy Verspätungen…… meine Vorstellungskraft treibt Blüten….. 😂😂😂


                  • Ich sehe die Nachrichtenmeldung schon vor mir: Die Verkehrsbetriebe konnten ihr Pünktlichkeitsziel in diesem Jahr nicht erreichen.
                    Nach Befragungen von Fahrzeugführern könnte dies darauf zurückzuführen sein, dass verstärkt Frauen jeden Alters versuchen, mit allen Mitteln Verspätungen herbeizuführen. Die Hintergründe dieses Phänomens sind noch nicht bekannt.

                    Liked by 2 people

  4. Sigh.

    Part of me wants to be cynical and say “Really, Richard, really? This is what you’re doing?”

    Part of me wonders if maybe he’s under contract to Audible and was urged (pushed ?) by them to do it, given that they know most of his fans are female.

    But the tired, ancient-feeling adult in me thinks sometimes a job is just a job & a means of keeping the bills paid. And everyone has, at one time or another, probably taken a job, not because it was fulfilling, but because the money was decent & we had bills to pay or wanted that little extra cushion.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh, no doubt. I just wish then he wouldn’t say “I never do anything for money.” I mean: I know it’s false, I’m an adult, I know that means “money is never the only reason I do something,” etc.

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  5. A Goodreads review loves “his flirty dirty words in an English accent or in French. Ooh-freakin-la-la!” Geez. I like some chick-lit, but romance I could live without.


    • Dirty words, huh? Will we be allowed to tweet them, or not? Maybe he will have the opportunity to make some more dick jokes 🙂

      Yeah, no need for romance here, either.

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    • What? He’s already done it?! I was hoping this would be one of those prematurely announced project that falls through. If it is already done, I totally understand why he didn’t announce it himself. It’s one thing reading steamy fan fiction about one of his characters but it’s another thing listening to him actually doing steamy romance fiction. This is just too weird.

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      • Sounds like — it’s supposed to come out in Feb, I think.

        I hadn’t thought about that — the possibility that the author’s fantasies will mess up mine. That’s a real bummer.

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        • Maybe he’s a secret Harlequin Romance novel reader. Maybe he’s doing research for a role as a Romance fiction writer involved in a murder mystery or something….yes….I can spin this in my mind……all better now.

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          • Ugh – the more I think about it the more I’m probably going to listen to it. The curiosity factor alone is starting to set in.

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            • you talked yourself into it!

              I need to listen to Dr Jekyll before I do anything else. I want to listen to the Martian Invasion one, too, and at least try out Wolverine. The other ones (Auschwitz and this one) are low priority for me. That is, unless you listen to it and you’re like, if you don’t listen to this you’ll be left out! #peerpressure

              Liked by 2 people

      • I think the review is actually just about the ebook, not the audiobook itself. It sounds like she’s commenting on the character, not the narrator. But regardless, it does sound like he’s committed, since it’s on Audible as a pre-order.

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  6. Es heißt ja, dass man vorsichtig damit sein soll, was man sich wünscht. Ich wollte wirklich gerne etwas Modernes, etwas Romantisches… etwas mit Tiefgang.
    Allein das Titelbild ist schon so gruselig, da fällt es schwer zuversichtlich zu sein.
    Vielleicht denkt er, dass es dem allgemeinen Zuschauer nicht auffällt, was er “nebenbei” so vorliest. Rechnungen müssen bezahlt werden und ein gewisser Lebensstil erfordert ein gewisses Einkommen.


  7. Helt ærligt!
    Alright, I’ve got to stay positive here.
    + lust
    + voice
    + “Kopfkino”
    It’s going to be very enjoyable, I’m sure, but not for the train commute 😉

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  8. Ätsch!!! Tee-hee!!! 😛 That’s what we get because we were complaining for sooooo long. 😛 Our dear man has answered our fervent pleas!! That’s his way of sticking out his tongue: you really wanted it, now you get it., deal with it (there will be hell to pay!!!!! 😀 😉 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Wow, die Vorurteile gegenüber Romance sind, gelinge gesagt, ein bisschen schockierend. (Fast) jede Art von Literatur hat ihre Daseinsberechtigung und nach 36 Stunden David Copperfield bin ich tatsächlich gespannt auf etwas Zeitgenössisches, was sich vielleicht “leichter” hören lässt.


  10. Had to come back and read everybody else’s opinions on this.
    Dear God, Richard! What have you done??
    And as one of the writers of some of that fanfiction, I’d die if he ever reads any of it as an audiobook. Much less if he’s actually read read any of it. Especially since he’s been the object of much of it. Not all, mind you, just most, even if I haven’t named names.😬

    Liked by 2 people

    • This comes up so often (what do celebs think of their fan fiction?) and I always think: they are not the audience for it. Amanda Abbington was on a tear about this a few years ago — fans shouldn’t write fanfic about Martin Freeman because his kids could see it. All I could think is: they wouldn’t come upon it accidentally, it’s not in the top 10 search results, and I’m pretty sure the average kid would not want to read fictional stories about his/her parent having sex, and would close the window.


  11. I think we will have an opportunity to answer a burning question: what does a man with a really sexy voice sound like when he is having sex?

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  12. Maybe he loves romance, albeit he has more a kind of Barbara Cartland vibe.

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  13. Left-field thought – did RA announce he won’t be tweeting for a while because he didn’t want to be around when the Wanderlust news broke??? 😁
    (Just kidding.)

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    • Es würde zu ihm passen, wenn er solch einer Diskussion lieber diskret aus dem Wege gehen würde. (Wobei ich ihm wirklich wünsche, dass mit seiner Mutter bald wieder alles gut ist.)
      Dieser Titel hat mich übrigens zuerst absolut verwirrt. Er klingt so unglaublich deutsch, dass ich zuerst dachte, das muss ein Scherz sein. Zusammen mit dem Foto erinnerte er mich dann an diese Groschenromane, die eine liebe ältere Verwandte von mir früher immer verschlungen hat (stapelweise: Alpenglühen). Da steigt frau ja direkt die Röte in die Wangen.

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      • Ja, ich meinte das auch nicht wirklich ernst. Ich denke auch, dass es bei seiner angekündigten Funkstille nur um die gegenwärtige Sorge um seine Mutter geht. (Das Ignorieren von “Wanderlust” nur ein Bonus haha).
        Der Titel ist in der Tat sehr deutsch… Die englische Sprache hat da leider nichts Entsprechendes zu bieten. Am nahesten kommt noch “Itchy Feet”, aber das klingt dann doch allzu sehr nach Fußpilz. Nicht sexy…
        Ich kenne weder die Autorin noch die Romanreihe, aber nach dem, was Servetus und unsere amerikanischen Schwestern hier bisher geschrieben haben, klingt es so, als lägst du mit “Groschenroman” ziemlich richtig. Wobei die moderne Variante wohl noch etwas schlüpfriger rüberkommt als die Gänseblümchen-Belletristik a la “Alpenglühen”. Ich habe per se nichts gegen solche etwas heißer zur Sache gehenden Romane. Braucht man manchmal auch; befriedigt gewisse Bedürfnisse. Aber ehrlich gesagt decke ich sowas normalerweise mit Fan Fiction ab, die nicht nur kostenlos, sondern oftmals qualitativ auch wirklich sehr gut ist… Ist schon seeeeehr interessant, dass sich Herr A in dieses Genre hervorwagt. Da fragt man sich schon im Voraus, was er gedacht hat, als er das vorlesen musste höhö

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        • Linguee behauptet, dass “wanderlust” im Englischen “Fernweh” bedeutet. Hatte das Wort einfach mal der Neugier halber eingegeben, da “lust” ja tatsächlich auch im Englischen vorkommt hust.
          Ja, diese Groschenromane waren tatsächlich sehr unschuldig. Aus rein “wissenschaftlichen” Gründen habe ich ein oder zwei davon gelesen, man muss sich ja informieren…
          Das hier scheint eine andere Liga zu sein und ich bin gespannt, was darüber erzählt werden wird. Wenn ich mir RA in seinen bisherigen Interviews so vorstelle, kann ich ihn überhaupt nicht mit diesem Genre zusammen bringen. Meinst du, dass er das vorher gut überlegt hat… Stell dir vor, er war zu beschäftigt oder zu abgelenkt, hat jemandem vertraut, zugesagt und beim Lesen entdeckt… höhö
          Ach du gute Güte!

          Liked by 2 people

    • I had a similar thought: that this is awfully convenient, apart from the obvious question of his family life.

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  14. Haha! Well I DO consume the trashy stuff on a regular basis and apparently I have 5 of her titles in my audible library, 3 of which I have listened to… I’m excited! crawls under a rock and hides … LOL

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  15. […] as the comments on a previous post reveal, I think the problem here potentially goes beyond whether it’s arousing in itself to hear […]


  16. […] of the news is already in full swing over at me+richard and Armitage Agonistes. Miss Guylty is currently trying hard to keep an open mind. I’ve […]


  17. […] Richard Armitage fans finally get their rom-com? (published January 11, 2018). Announcement of the Wanderlust project, and the most highly ranked […]


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