Richard Armitage tangentially related

[reminder that Vulture links may be paywalled depending on how often you visit the site]

Kudos for Armitage:

Current projects:

Past projects:

Mulubinba wakes up her blog:

Long-time fans will remember Mulubinba, the main (maybe the only?) Armitage blogger in the southern hemisphere, and one of the bloggers from the first-gen blogs (i.e., she was already there when I started). She’s got new posts for the first time in over a year.

Things Armitage has said:

Collateral attractions:

Industry issues:

Things we’ve talked about:

Stuff that interested me that I can’t talk about on my RL FB:

~ by Servetus on December 19, 2018.

10 Responses to “Richard Armitage tangentially related”

  1. Thank you for the mention, Serv! I’ve been enjoying a binge read of your posts over the past few days ….lots to catch up on.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Seems like the tumblr article hasn’t added the latest post from the staff:
    Other than that i guess it’s still weird. They pretty much rolled out this policy without looking into the details and nuances. I still have no idea why the flagged my drawing of Mindy Kaling in her golden dress from Ocean’s 8 lol. So far, tumblr artists seem badly affected by it especially if that was their only or main platform to present their work. I know how hard it is to build up your experience and portfolio only to find it dismantled in a matter of seconds. I just hope they find other places to show their work.


    • Thanks for the link; I didn’t know that either.

      It’s such a Catch-22 — the platforms let you build your audience more easily, but no protection for the content and it can all be gone in one mouseclick. You have my sympathies.


  3. Just adding that I was interested in weighted blankets increasing in popularity. As the article you reference states – they work really well for children with autism. Our problem at the moment is the temperature and high humidity …. not conducive use of blankets of any kind.


    • Yeah — our house was supercooled this summer — the stroke apparently killed dad’s temperature regulation. For the first month it was cooled to 60F in the house (which is a major bummer, I have to say, given how cold our winters are). So it was really comfy under that heavy cover.

      I thought it was interesting that people say it’s like being hugged. I don’t really like being hugged, but the insight that it keeps one from moving and leads to a more restful sleep that way resonated with me. I’ve always been an “active sleeper.”


  4. Thank you for the link love.
    And great compilation today. So glad you notified me about Mulubinba’s reemergence as I never get notifications from that platform, yet like to read what M has been up to. And then the revelation that Billiepops is based on the same island as I am. How come I never knew that? grins Anyway, a new follow.
    On the automatic photoshopping in the latest version of the iPhone – as a photographer I can only say: HORRIBLE! I don’t really have anything against photoshopping/retouching/filtering – it’s part of the photographic process and has always been, even in the days of film photography. The difference here is, that the photographer now doesn’t seem to have any choice in the matter anymore. Retouching has become automatic and is not a deliberate decision by the photographer. That is what I would object to. (Other than that I am glad that you linked to the article – we can be pretty sure now that Mr A owns the shiniest, newest iPhone X there is grins)


    • It shows up in my RSS — I don’t think she has a push notification option.

      I’m not even a photographer, but the thought that the phone would decide what picture I want of myself is entirely abhorrent. No thank you! Yes, I’m sometimes disappointed that something I photograph doesn’t look the way I see it myself, but this would seem to exacerbate rather than alleviate the problem.

      And yes, I’m sure he upgraded to the latest one. Why not, if you have the money. I also read an article this wee about how we’re reaching peak smartphone — the newest models aren’t going to be significantly improved on for some time.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. 🙂 trop de choses sue des sujets très divers. C’est trop intéressant à lire. Il faut que je prennes + de temps… Merci pour ce travail de débroussaillage, “cette recherche de roses jaunes très rares dans la haie”

    Liked by 1 person

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