Richard Armitage words may revive

I’m copping to it: I’m teaching an introductory philosophy course in the three-week term starting on Monday. I just gave the students an online briefing on how philosophy uses words differently than we do in everyday speech, and this example occurred to me. Hmmmm.

Richard Armitage as Lucas North in Spooks 7.1.

~ by Servetus on January 5, 2019.

13 Responses to “Richard Armitage words may revive”

  1. Good one. Lucas , being an agent, had to act and he did it marvelously. Daniel no.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Does your choice of picture illustrate Lucas as an agent who regained his capacity to act?

    Liked by 3 people

  3. 🙂 J’attends avec impatience votre alphabet de la philosophie. I look forward to your philosophy alphabet A for agent B for bliss, beatitude, C for chaos, cognition, F for dogma, dialectic, E for ethics, existence…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Very clever 😂. And apt. And I love your choice of illustration!

    Liked by 3 people

  5. I‘d love to attend that philosophy course! Sadly, I‘m too far away… Happy New Year, everyone!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I want to register me in this RA philosophy cours. Where is the list?
    So after three seasons of each ,Spooks and Berlin Station, we can compare who are the better spies or rather actors…..

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Ooo yes please, a revival would be great! Love that pic of Lucas…

    Liked by 3 people

  8. yes, please more Armitage words!!!
    and: I’m not sure if this is alright to put in the comments, but radio station fm4’s “head-cineast”, presenter Christian Fuchs is looking forward to “the lodge” no mention of RA though…Christian Fuchs: “Große Hoffnungen darf man auch in den neuen Gänsehautstreifen des österreichischen Regieduos Veronika Franz und Severin Fiala setzen. Nach dem im schönsten Sinn verstörenden Psychodrama „Ich seh, ich seh“ haben die beiden nun ihre erste internationale Produktion gedreht, coproduziert von den legendären Hammer Studios. „The Lodge“ arbeitet sich wieder an meinem Lieblingsgenre, dem gespenstischen Psychothriller ab. Die tolle Riley Keough wird in einem abgelegenen Wochenendhaus mit dem Hass konfrontiert, den die Kinder ihres neuen Freundes mit sich herumtragen. Nach dem renommierten Sundance Festival, wo der Film demnächst seine Weltpremiere feiert, wissen wir mehr.” I can translate it another day, if you want…

    Liked by 1 person

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