So he did keep it / buy it #richardarmitage

~ by Servetus on March 18, 2019.

43 Responses to “So he did keep it / buy it #richardarmitage”

  1. Wow! His post is so cool!

    Liked by 5 people

  2. Yeah, I’m doing some spring cleaning myself. hehe


  3. I can’t stop smiling, this has made my day!

    Liked by 7 people

  4. I think I’d have to rank these as his best Tweets ever. Hell yes I want to know what’s lurking in the back of your closet, Richard lol! I know he needs to promote himself too, but posting this kind of stuff is waaaay more fun. Do you think he’s had some kind of revelation since RDC5?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. They are keepers, Richard.
    I like that he keeps memoribilia. So do I. Only I can’t fit what I wore in 2006 anymore😜

    Liked by 2 people

  6. It’s wonderful seeing him in the costumes . He is one and the same person, after all – it’s difficult to believe sometimes. I wonder if he is thinking of auctioning them, perhaps for charity – two RH costumes, one NS script …

    Liked by 1 person

  7. i don;t think i’ve ever woken up on a Monday morning with a bigger smile on my face ever tbh. It’s perfect Armitage. Funny, cute, handsome, thoughtful and well…that tongue!

    Liked by 6 people

  8. OMG, what a great duo of photos (and trio of tweets) to wake up to. There is so much great about this – I mean, ok, first of all GUY!!! But then the funny faces. That’s just what I want to see him do on Social Media. Selfies with a meaningful albeit funny twist. And then the tweet about NS – that’s basically a letter directly to his fans, isn’t it? (With three kisses 😍). Also, it’s adorable that he keeps all these mementos. And lastly – I can’t believe it’s coincidence that he is finding old shtuff right now; has he permanently moved back to England?

    Liked by 7 people

    • Or maybe the stuff is stashed at his Dads? But I would be behind him moving back to UK too!

      Liked by 3 people

    • someone pointed out to me that the anniversary of his mother’s birthday fell this weekend, so maybe he was home, clearing stuff out. I initially thought “in England,” although the time would have been the middle of the night there. Maybe drunk posting.

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      • It’s today as per the Loros website.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Hoffentlich war er nicht betrunken, denn dann wird er vielleicht verunsichert reagieren und das alles wieder löschen und das wäre wirklich sehr, sehr schade.


      • it was only midnight and we know he quite often stays up late and he looks pretty bright eyed and bushy tailed to drunken tortoise eye lids

        Liked by 1 person

        • I’m not arguing in either direction, except to say (as I expressed elsewhere) that there are a lot of things that make it plausible that he was drinking, including his own past statements about his drinking. You don’t have to be drunk to enjoy the benefits of lowered inhibitions, and you don’t have to look drunk to be drunk. I don’t care either way, but it is a plausible scenario.


          • i disagree about what people look like when they’d consumed alcohol-its a massive muscle relaxant which changes peoples features significantly.


            • Not really. Maybe if they don’t drink much. I grew up with, and live with, an alcoholic. There’s only one way to tell if he’s drunk and it’s not his face.


  9. 🎂 🎯 🚰

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Was für ein Anblick! Ich bin irgendwie ganz gerührt.
    In den letzten Wochen hatte ich viel um die Ohren und habe hier leider viel verpasst. Da war die Freude groß, als ich diese Tweets sah. Er scheint die beiden Serien in guter Erinnerung zu haben und generell in gelöster Stimmung zu sein. So kann das weiter gehn. ❤


    • I’m honestly surprised by how beloved these two selfies seem to be. But I certainly hope all is well with him.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Worüber ich mich freue ist eher der Gedanke, dass er diese Erinnerungsstücke behalten, wieder gefunden und sogar angezogen hat uuuund dann diese Tatsache auch noch mit uns geteilt hat.
        Es gibt sicher Bilder von ihm, die mir besser gefallen, aber… na ja, ich hoffe einfach, dass es ihm gut geht und dass er das auf diese Weise einfach unterstreichen wollte.

        Liked by 3 people

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