If you think #stayathome doesn’t matter

Found out today that the horrible illness my “boss” (the department chair at one of the campuses I teach at) had was COVID-19. Her boyfriend, who had the same thing, had a diagnostic test and the results were positive for the virus. About a month later, now, She describes herself as “doing fine” and her boyfriend as still showing slight symptoms.

I taught my last class on Mar 5 and the university left for Spring Break on the 6th. She and her boyfriend live in different cities, and she saw him on the evening of Mar 6. She was asymptomatic until the 20th. We had an emergency second week of Spring Break and then returned to fully online class delivery on the 23rd.

Her and my office doors are about six feet apart, and she and I and two other people all use the same bathroom at work (it’s hidden in such an odd place that you wouldn’t know it was there unless your office was immediately adjacent). If we had come back as scheduled, or even come back F2F after the second week, she would surely have infected me without even knowing she was sick.

~ by Servetus on April 3, 2020.

39 Responses to “If you think #stayathome doesn’t matter”

  1. Glad you are safe, and glad your boss and her BF seem to be recovering.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow. Too close for comfort. Glad they are recovering.


  3. Glad you’re home safe!

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  4. Good lord, Serv! That was a close call. Glad you’re safe!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Indeed, and I would have said I was being very careful at work — not touching public surfaces, etc. Just goes to show we can’t control other people’s exposure.


  5. Glad that you are safe which in turn makes your dad safe. My husband just this week had to chew out some boys for playing football up at the school ( they in returned where little brats. Just wondering where the parents are). He also had to chew out one of are junk dealers( retired teacher who’s wife is a LPN) in town for selling something to a guy over Facebook, who came from Appleton to get it. He also said at this point nothing much they can do about other that chew people out. He was pretty mad at the end of his work week. So far we have no cases in our county and with all the older people that live here it would be nice to keep it that way.
    Stay Safe!


    • Ridiculous that someone would put their community at risk that way — Appleton is now ranked 98% for epidemic probability and where you are is more like 9%. Honestly they should blockade the county borders to all but long haul truckers.


      • My husband has said we should and even told the sheriff we should but he said oh no we can’t do that. Well yes he could as the sheriff. Like my husband said local governments don’t think that they have the power to make decisions and are looking to others to do it for them. Still can’t believe that the Spring Elections have not been pushed back at least a month or more.


        • Sure!
          In France, the first round of municipal elections has not been canceled or postponed. Result: the assessors are getting sick for 5 to 6 days and now it’s the turn of the families of the voters. . The election night of Sunday March 15, 2020 may have been fatal to three mayors, those of Saint-Brice-Courcelles (Marne), Beurey-Bauguay (Côte-d’Or) and Saint-Nabor (Bas-Rhin) died , after having been present in the polling stations of their commune.
          The patient curve cannot fall.


        • I am incensed about the election — we should go out and vote but the legislators won’t drag their asses to Madison to do the same. Assholes. Dad and I both voted absentee (I ordered the ballots on the same day that I bought the first phase of the emergency supplies) but it’s criminal and you know all the old people will go out and do it.


          • I think the spread of the virus will ramp up after the election. You can’t keep older people from going out and about much less tell them they should stay home instead of voting. I hate to say we kind of didn’t think about this well and by the time we did (2 weeks ago) I felt it was to late. Our mail even if it’s from out town goes to the Twin Cities then comes back again, has been known to take a week, so we decided not to go out and be safe. It took 1 week for my absentee ballot to come when my husband ran for sheriff not sure if it was the mail or our town clerk. We will get an absentee ballot for our special congressional vote on May 12th. My husband said today that we should just absentee ballots for any election for the rest of the year. I did remind him that the city was going to have all these people coming into city hall on Tuesday, he will use the garage to get into the police department or just stay in the car.

            Liked by 1 person

  6. Wow! Very scary! I hope you and your family stay well!


  7. So sorry!
    I am with you in that battle. Since yesterday, I am in some same situation. Nobody could have the control on everybody else and on our tiredness . Have to wait for 3 to 20 days for the symptoms to appear or not… Wear a mask upon your nose and mouth to protect your entourage! We shall have a thought to each other, all day long for a while.


    • I hope you’ll be okay. I bet that virus is scared of you and runs in the other direction!


      • Me too! For both of us…
        Servetus, you were right and then my neighbour doctor too: saying all of us will be or/not ill and spread the virus with full (or not) awareness ( or non) accepts.

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Oh, gosh! Stay well, Serv.


  9. Whoa. As you said in your headline – everybody staytheeffathome!

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  10. OMG! I’m glad you’re ok and they are recovering!

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  11. Close call for you, Servetus. I’m glad to read that your boss and her boyfriend are recovering.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. There have been three deaths in my county — found out this morning that one was the father of a classmate. His wife was not able to speak to him for the last three days before he died — they never said goodbye. He was in the ground within 12 hours, without a congregation at his funeral. Please, everyone, stay inside.

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  13. Some fool in my apartment building decided to post on our building’s facebook page that he and his roommate were leaving to go and stay with family for two weeks. They needed someone to water their plants while gone. No one seemed to offered. I posted that he should stay home and not go and visit family cause he could unknowingly bring them something. They replied that they had been quarantined for two weeks. Their flight attendants. I said that is didn’t matter they could still bring the virus with them and they should just stay home, can’t hide from the virus. They deleted what I had written. My neighbour later texted me that this guy was an idiot. He had once posted on the facebook group asked how to change a lightbulb. I kid you not. This morning when I went out with me dog to the unofficial dog area I saw him filming me from his balcony with his phone. Not sure what he plans on doing with such intel. Probably trying to shame me for going outside. It’s too stupid not to be funny. Hope you are doing well and not going to crazy.

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    • I saw today that AA had a hundred flight attendants test positive for Coronavirus. I hope they stayed home and didn’t distribute video of you walking your dog!


  14. Dear S, that is really scary and hope you can stay safe and get out as little as possible, though it seems to become increasingly challenging to get supplies and everything without going out and brushing against other people. Hope there is some assistance and help locally to help you deal with that so you can limit your trips outside. Fully understand the worries.
    Hope you can stay sane and ge through this as best possible and may having a bit of outside space and garden to escape into be of comfort if the weather improves. Sending you best of thoughts today. As several people have said and somehow although it’s logical i do find it helpful when other people keep saying it too, including the Chief Rabbi : this too will pass and we will meet again’ Hugs and Chag Sameach.

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    • I hope you’re well too. Thanks for the good wishes. I too think we will get outside eventually — just not as soon as many people seem to think. Wishing you a blessed Orthodox Easter in advance. I hope your dad is well / safe.

      Liked by 1 person

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