There’s an (incompetent) coup attempt going on in the US

I don’t fucking know what to say anymore.

~ by Servetus on January 6, 2021.

52 Responses to “There’s an (incompetent) coup attempt going on in the US”

  1. Those who incited this, including, especially, Trump, have to be held accountable somehow. What remedies and penalties are available, I don’t know, but there has to be something. We worried about violence, but I never thought they would successfully storm the Capitol, and some asshole would be sitting in Nancy Pelosi’s chair with his feet on her desk.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I don’t know how the Capitol Police aren’t in collusion here. If these rioters had been African American they would have been swept from the plaza the second they arrived. The police’s apparent decision not to do that points the finger right straight at them, too.

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      • I agree. It may be just the fact of the overwhelming numbers.Some were taking selfies with the “demonstrators,” ( to easily identify them later? Not sure. Maybe the cops were scared because they were out numbered. There clearly was not, and still is not, a sufficient law enforcement presence. Even now, there doesn’t seem to be arrests happening.


        • I was just looking at CNN — they are reporting that the mob outnumbers the law enforcement. I mean — this is now two hours later. They can’t get mobilized in two hours?

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      • ‘Where are the police/?’ was exactly my thought. This is America, If the rioters had been African Americans there would have been immediately the National Guard, tanks, helicopters, Exocet missiles … The incitement must have been well-planned.

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  2. I can’t believe what I’m seeing…

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    • NBC News just called the second Georgia Senate race for Ossoff, incidentally. I’m lecturing on the nature of reality at the moment. A philosopher would probably say this is some kind of insane reaction to reality.

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      • Ah, that is good about Ossoff!
        Nature of reality… very apt when looking at the US right now where there are very clearly different realities at play.

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        • in the “Allegory of the Cave,” the people in the cave kill the philosopher. That may be what we’re seeing right now — a flatout refusal to deal with reality.

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      • Although I’ve lived in Paris over 50 years I’m still a concerned American and can’t believe what I’m seeing on CNN +NBC+BBC— just overwhelmingly heart broken & disgusted. And 13 more days to go. Never thought I’d live to see domestic terrorists Storm the Capital. Just shameful. Thank god Georgia went BLUE!!!


        • This seems to have woken a few people up — Rand Paul just said he would not vote against certifying state electoral votes, for insistence — but it may not be the right people.

          It’s chilling.


  3. This is utterly shocking. I am sure the entire attack has been carefully planned. The longer I watch the more I feel they wanted those powerful and symbolic images (“We are more powerful than the senate“). There must have been a lot of help and support from inside the capitol. I have just seen a video clip of a policeman allowing one of the terrorists to take a selfie with him… To me this is a strong and direct threat to the black community amongst others.

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    • And if the WH leadership apart fom the president had any conscience at all, they would now invoke the 25th Amendment and get rid of Trump before he can self-pardon himself for all the charges he is like to incur for his behavior today.

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  4. Have you seen Trumps message? It’s ridiculous!
    I am speechless….


  5. Wtf… 😳🙄🤬


  6. Speechless.


    • When my social media feeds started exploding like made, I was so stunned I had to reread a lot of it three times before I got what was going on.

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  7. Holy crap. That is all I can say. We are looking at it from up here with our mouths open.

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  8. I just read that a source close to the WH said the WH is in contact with the “protestors,” who plan to stay in the senate chamber all night. WTF!


  9. I can’t believe it. What a dismantlement of democratic values.
    And still two weeks?


  10. Unbelievable scenes. And we thought 2020 was shit… I hardly dare go to bed now, for fear what is happening overnight. If I believed, I’d be praying for America now.

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    • Historians talk about the “long nineteenth century” lasting from 1789 to 1914. This is long 2020, let’s hope it ends in two weeks.

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      • Or before that, re 25th amendment per your comment below!


        • I suspect it won’t happen, b/c there would never be enough support for it in the House of Representatives (they would need 290 votes, and we saw last night that the House GOP just won’t vote against party, no matter how important the issue).

          I don’t know what to wish for just b/c really, the entire Cabinet should resign. But if they did that, there’d be two weeks of severe international vulnerability for the US and I don’t want that, either.


          • Looks like you are right. Even with Pelosi calling for the amendment or an impeachment, nothing is happening. I don’t know what is more dangerous – allowing Trump to stay (and in reach of an arsenal of weapons that could destroy the whole world), or ousting him now and risk violent uprising. It is clear, however, that the responsibility lies with the enablers of Trump. Rats!

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            • I’m starting to think more violence is inevitable. At least the social media companies seem to have woken up now (when it’s too late), but I fear the elected representatives never will.

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  11. Speculation in my FB feed that the 25th Amendment has been invoked. I wonder if it’s not wishful thinking.


  12. Disbelief. I mean the US is supposed to defend democracy. How could this happen unless this attempt coup d’etat is supported by someone high up. So, yeah, WTF!


    • He’s a stupid narcissistic idiot — but it was amazing to me last night how cynical the GOP congressmen were. All they see is opportunity for themselves.

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  13. I’m horrified. And I can’t believe that more wasn’t done to keep them out of the Capitol (and to get them out again). Like many people say, imagine this had been POC. If I was religious I would pray for nor more violence and a safe transition now. But to have this guy in the White House for two more weeks is really scary. I hope they do something.


  14. […] Relief and joy, that’s been my reaction, when I haven’t been worried as hell about what’s been going on in the political world or my personal life. Relief about Biden; joy about Harris. Relief that the last presidency is over […]

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