Account from someone who met Richard Armitage last night.


But what kind of cereal DO you eat, Mr. Armitage? 🙂

~ by Servetus on July 14, 2013.

91 Responses to “Account from someone who met Richard Armitage last night.”

  1. Probably something horribly healthy like all-bran or maybe porridge. One of which I can’t eat and the other I won’t! Lol!


    • I love oatmeal (US for porridge) but it makes me sleepy. Cereal is not my favorite breakfast choice, honestly. I wonder if he’s ever tried Bircher-müsli?


      • I eat oats just not made up into porridge. I love cereal…currently have Oatiflakes (looks like bran flakes but made with oats) or Rice Krispies. I always fancied trying Bircher muesli but have never got round to making it. Most bought muesli here has wheat in it to bulk it out so I can’t have it.


  2. That is hilarious! Clearly, what brand of deodorant he’s wearing is *much* more important! 🙂


  3. it may not be the most thought-provoking question, but there are many of us who would be interested in the answer 🙂 (I just finished a bowl of “Honey-Nut Cheerios” myself *laughs* )


  4. He eats porridge, right? There’s only a few choices of cereal in Europe, nothing like the long aisle of cereal boxes we pass in US grocery stores !

    I love these younger-generation accounts for their evident excitement and open honesty. You have to smile, because we all know the feeling…


    • I have to say that you’re right as far as cereal on the continent although that is changing rapidly but in the UK we have a vast array of sugary rubbish, muesli, granola, and all sorts of other stuff. No idea if it’s as much as the US but it’s a whole aisle in the giant supermarket I go to 🙂


    • my perception squares with kathrynruthd. Many more choices in England than in Germany.


      • Yeah, true. The huns are more into eating bread, rolls, toast for breakfast, with cheese, cold cuts etc.
        I’d venture that Armitage is a healthy breakfaster – porridge (maybe even with salt, seeing that he’s from the North of England?), fruit and yoghurt, weetabix?
        Can’t believe I am discussing this – Armitage’s taste in cereal??? Dafuq? Obsession has obviously reached a new unhealthy level *getsupandstirsupapotofporridge*


        • Someone reminded me on twitter that he eats microwaved eggs for breakfast, or stated that he did in 2010 🙂


          • Dis-gus-ting. Just like pasta with mayonnaise, dinner or not… Clearly, Armitage is not a gourmet.


            • I’m with you on this one. It doesn’t take that much longer to scramble an egg in a pan and the results are so much better. However, microwave=less mess, and I can sympathize with that.


              • Yeah, I shouldn’t be talking. If I were living on my own (like I am for a few days at the mo) I wouldn’t *ever* cook. Or eat, actually, apart from fruit. And all because I am a lazy housewife…


                • Cooking for one always seems like such a chore to me. I’ll bust my ass to make a great meal for someone else but if it’s just me, no fuss, no mess, no hassle are the operative words … I’ll eat my fancy meals in restaurants.


                  • OT…speaking of meals – I’m making avgolemono this week…do you want some?


                    • In one word: YES. I can come over. You don’t need to clean.


                    • What is avgolemono? Can you put it in a parcel and send one to me?? *pushingmyluck* 😉


                    • It is a Greek soup – literally, Egg-lemon soup. So yummy – a silky, lemony broth with orzo – doesn’t really travel well I imagine 😉


                    • Ha! I knew it had something to do with you having dug in Greece (although my hunch was Turkey) Will check that out when I am going home next week – lots of Greek restaurants in Germany.


                    • As if…I at least need to shovel a path to the table 🙂 I’ll email you.


                  • Same for me. I live alone and hardly cook, but I am a very good chef, I can arrange wonderful meal and cakes (my specialities)… but for me… 😦
                    And about pasta and mayonnaise: in Italy is a very common summer dish. Cold pasta “al dente”, mayonnaise and everything you like. Is a very refreshing dish, a complete meal very useful in hot days. If you don’t like mayonnaise you can use a good olive extra-virgin oil. But in Italy we have totally different meal routine: we don’t do breakfast, we have a full lunch and then a late dinner.
                    Cereals are slowly but permanently take a position here also, mainly for children and women with diet mania. Usually we take “caffellatte” in the morning, with some buiscuits and then we do a good breakfast at 10 with cappuccino and croissant!
                    I know, I know, we Italian are weird… 😉


                    • I *loved* “second breakfast” when I was working in Italy! Although, sitting on the side of a hill in Umbria, there wasn’t much for hot beverages, the bakery was divine 🙂


                    • ah, Umbria is a very good region for food! And yes, Italian bakery is great! Glad you remember it with pleasure 🙂


              • I don’t know…he’s a lovely man and all, but he’s still a man – what are the odds he covers that bowl of eggs in the mic? (or are my in house men an coverless anomoly?)


        • I`m a muesli-loving HUN myself. During the last years German taste has chaged a lot. You can get muesli in so many variations. Bircher muesli without sugar and yoghurt instead of milk is very delicious. Never tried the English porridge so far, but will give it a go next time visiting London.


          • Yeah, you are right, of course, Ute – I was generalising. I used to eat cornflakes and oats for breakfast in the 80s, so cereals are definitely established in the Fazerland. Since living in the Brit Isles, I have become a porridge girl. Yummmmmmmmmm, and healthy too. It’s just that “Haferschleim” (literally: oat slime) doesn’t sound quite as appetising in German…


            • you could call them Hafergrütze (I always thought Haferschleim was an intentional / sarcastic pejorative, not the actual word)


              • Not that appetizing either. I think it is the association with sickness that makes porridge hard to stomach for Germans. Traditionally it is something you are given when your stomach is upset… Unfair assiciation. Porridge with cream and honey is quite delish…


                • I hate “Haferschleim” since I was forced to eat it with crushed bananas in my childhood. My former husband and my daughters loved it, so he had to cook it and I always left the room when they were eating. The smell and the colour of it was so disgusting. But I´ll definitely give the porridge a try next week. Accompanied by my daughter she´d eat it if I can´t bring myself to it (I´m so brave 🙂 )


                  • Sahne und Honig, Ute! Dann hat das Ganze einen luxuriösen Unterton. And don’t forget to remember that Richard likes it – just imagine how the soft, warm, creamy porridge lingers on his tongue and slides down his throat, making his adam’s apple bob… *UNF* There, that should do it 😀


                    • OK, I´d eat buckets of porridge if I get the chance to watch RA sitting opposite me and eating his portion. Maybe he could do it with a fork (naughty thoughts on “Haferschleim”) ? 🙂


  5. Maybe I’m being a bit of a biddy but it’s kinda rude to make a comment like that to another fan over a lighthearted question such as that. It kind of leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I, for one, am obnoxious enough that I will tweet it the next time we have a chance to tweet him questions and I will just die if someone “professional” asks him that question. Let’s see if he says, ‘I’m not answering that, that’s stupid.’ LOL. I’ve been in a *mood* lately, so I may just be easily offended at the moment.


    • yeah, I think it will be a theme of discussion for some time.

      as far as whether it’s rude — yes, probably it is, or at least questionable. I’m not at the level of being offended by it, but it’s unusually direct for him. More evidence of his feelings about the red carpet thing, I guess.


      • I suspect no one should put too fine a point on it…I’m not saying that the fan account is inaccurate, but flustered fans have been known to blur or unconciously redact details…what could have been him musing about an unexpectedly random question was remembered slightly differently. The use of “stupid” in reference to a fan is unusually strong…as you say.


      • I’m wondering whether that’s RA’s way of reacting to being flummoxed by such a strange question. When you think how little time people get to interact with actors on the red carpet it really is an odd choice to throw his way.


        • Guessing — I wasn’t there — it was a question intended to get his attention because it was so strange / irrelevant. And it sounds like it accomplished that.


          • If that’s the case, I guess we can be thankful for Richard’s sake that they picked a pretty benign question to be random with. The possibilities could have gone well down hill from there!!


    • the other thing — we don’t know the tone of what he said or what expression was on his face when he said this …


    • He might have been saying it in a humorous way, and that would have to do with his expression and tone, and we don’t have that, not everyone understands his sense of humor or realizes he’s joking. Plus, the effect of seeing him in person zaps your brain cells, and the rest of you as well, at least momentarily, and memory is not always 100% reliable 🙂


  6. That was quite funny- the poor girl was worked up enough anyway at the prospect of meeting RA (OMG OMG!!!) and then to be handed such a random non sequitur- no wonder she was dumbstruck. Never seen Richard photographed from quite that angle before!


  7. He eats his Wheaties. Gotta stay strong for the fangirls! 😀


  8. I really needed some lightheartedness this morning, and this provided it. Thanks again, Mr. Armitage, thanks again, fellow fans!


  9. I even learned how to cook porridge in the microwave because of RA. (Thank you, Traxy !) And I must say, I cleaned my microwave often enough by now to confess, I am not the best of porridge cooks or the best one to handle a microwave. Though I must admit, I won’t touch his salmon recipe or what was the other one he mentioned lately 😉


    • I can really assure you both recipe are very good. Pasta tuna & mayonnaise is great (you can use cold rice if you prefer). We call it “Insalata di pasta/riso” or Pasta/Riso Freddo. (Pasta Salad, Cold Pasta/Rice). And I think that the salmon recipe was ok, even if I don’t remember well now, but I thought it was ok when I read it. But then, he was living alone, working long hours… I can hardly imagine how he could even have the strenght to prepare himself a meal.


      • I really love rice, tuna and tomato salad (even works wonderfully with ketchup, though otherwise I am not a k-fanatic, but here it really works perfectly) and some other ingredients like onions, etc. Just think for the mayonnaise variation you need to really be able to burn a lot of calories 😉
        Salmon is entirely my fault, not the fault of RA’s recipe. I just had a work place where the next place to eat lunch nearly always had something with salmon and I just overdid it. So it was high time to quit my work there, as I could not stand salmon any longer ;o)


    • I ate envelopes of microwave oatmeal all through grad school. I don’t do it anymore because I try for a high protein breakfast but it was a quick way to have a cooked breakfast (which we Americans are a bit emotionally dependent on, many of us, anyway 🙂 )


      • Warm breakfast just is such a strange idea for me being well centered on the continent ;o) The only hot thing is a lovely cup of coffee to start the day or some slices of freshly toasted bread, Hmmmh…. 😉
        For breakfast normally rolls or bread and some nice homemade Marmelade – I know I should call it jam 😉 – or one of the many varieties of Wurst, which make it impossible for me to become a vegetarian, while otherwise I would have no problem at all.
        I can’t even imagine what envelopes of oatmeal are. I must go and search for them 😉


  10. I recall that interview reference to micro porridge! (I grew up on porridge – frosted flakes strictly embargoed) First thought for Mr. A was any form of muesli/mixed natural cereals.With raisins. But, as he appears to have a high metabolic rate, did he breakfast on steak and eggs/toast while training for Strike Back/Thorin? Yikes.


  11. Wow, the number of comments generated by what he might eat for breakfast! Imagine if they had had the nerve to ask ‘boxers or briefs’ or ‘right or left side of the bed’ or ‘favorite sex toy’. Just to think of a few


    • 😆


    • Oh my, I´d never dare to ask that questions, but die to know 🙂 Love this threat, usually I don´t care much about food since I´m on my own. And all the naughty thoughts besides of it (wonder what comes up to my mind when having eggs next time). It´s Monday morning and seems to get hot in here, but not because of the fine sunny weather


    • LOL!


  12. Loving this thread. The more meta it gets, the better it gets.
    “Micro porridge” — guaranteed to be a hearty chow-down for actors and quantum physicists alike!


  13. LOL! Seriously, what kind of cereal?!?! Yes, Richard, that WAS a stupid question.


  14. I think he’s got us ALL psyched! What was the “good” question he didn’t answer by sending us off on this mad cereal trail? Perhaps the cereal question’s his way of deflecting a “good” question he doesn’t want to answer!


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