Varia and on blogging at the moment

Just some stuff, not a comprehensive review, written in no particular order, to clean up my Armitage brain and my email inbox, which feel totally verzettelt at the moment:

  • Win a copy of Lords of the North at RAFrenzy’s! A great opportunity for anyone who’s been worried about the expense, additional transaction fees, using your credit card number overseas, etc., etc.
  • Saw at Life of Wylie on Friday the various cast and plot news about Spooks 10. I’m still not to the point that I’d go through the gymnastics to watch it illegally as I did for Spooks 9 (of which, I’d like to point out, I do now own a legal copy), but the inclusion of Lara Pulver, who I really liked in Robin Hood, and the fact that it will be reduced to six episodes (so is not such a large time commitment) mean that I am likely to watch it when it becomes available on Netflix. (Sadly for me, at least, Sophia Myles appears to be leaving.) Honestly, as someone who both really dislikes extended tension and also hates spoilers, it’s going to be nice not to be worried about accidentally picking up a spoiler if it happens. See, Mr. Armitage’s departure from Spooks definitely has at least that benefit.
  • A new author with a new Guy of Gisborne fic that involves an OC and time travel: “A California Girl in Nottingham’s Court,” at wattpad.
  • Is this another first chapter of a potentially sweet story? Love how Guy is written here.
  • As with everyone else, I’m sure, my insides are turning liquid to the beat of HeathRA’s “Sexy Back 3.”
  • Violet’s beard website is just so much fun to play with, especially on days when you think you can’t take it anymore, when you can just click a few times for some beardy goodness. (Not for facial hair haters.) Check it out. Imagine rubbing your face against Mr. Armitage’s cheeks. I did. My favorite picture is probably the one of him sleeping on the leaves.
  • Hope everyone’s aware of khandy’s John Porter fic, “Absolution.” Now that she’s writing her own original fiction I imagine there’ll be less time for fanfic, but I still love the fanfic.

Probably regular readers of this blog have noticed I’ve been struggling a bit to keep up my personal commitment to post every day, even if just a little. On top of my work, the reason for that’s been two-fold: one thing is that the last ten days have been another anniversary phase for the troublesome events of the last year; the other is that I’ll be leaving this job on June 1 and the logistics of the transition are starting to occupy my time and energy. In particular I need to move out of both an apartment and an office and either ship those things cross country or put them in storage here, tasks that are weighing heavily on my energy at the moment. The result has been that I don’t manage to comment as much on my own blog as I’d like, and I haven’t been present as much on those of others. In the attempt to prioritize, because writing this blog has been so essential to my own emotional health, writing my own posts has been my first choice when I have available time, and other things go by the wayside. I’m sending a plea to fellow bloggers and regular commentators here to understand that my frequent inability to go everywhere and comment everywhere I’d like is not a reflection on them, only on my own issues of the moment.

As a short term suggestion: I know it can be frustrating to flip over to blogs that don’t update as anticipated, and that it can cause you to stop reading. For this reason, I encourage you to add “me + richard armitage” to your RSS feed or newsreader so you don’t come over here repeatedly looking for stuff that hasn’t appeared, and for the same reason, if you comment, to check the box that sends you emails of new comments. My schedule is such that I’ll usually be updating in the evening rather than during the day. I also point you to the many resources in my sidebar — on any given day, several of the other bloggers are sure to have written or posted something.

I really have no idea what I’m doing IRL after June 1st — I’m not kidding — but, barring unanticipated catastrophe beyond unemployment, I do plan to continue writing this blog. I’ve got pages and pages of notes for posts. One of the things I anticipate being able to do in June, at least, a month that I’m “taking off” to visit family, get enough sleep, and look specifically at my future employment goals, is return to the more detailed writing and commenting of the past year. For now, my plan is to continue to post at least once a day if it doesn’t become completely impossible. My current timeframe for continuing to write this blog extends to the premiere of the first part of “The Hobbit,” whenever that happens.

So. Thanks for your patience, and for continuing to read. You guys are an important lifeline for me.

~ by Servetus on April 3, 2011.

20 Responses to “Varia and on blogging at the moment”

  1. Best wishes in your time of transition, servetus. I subscribed to your blog for the same reasons you mention: so I can visit when there are new posts and if my time allows. I applaud you for posting as often as you do… I don’t have time to comment every time but I do like to read your postings.


  2. Servetus,

    You are in a time of transition and I do believe we all understand that, and appreciate whatever time you choose to devote to the blog.
    I have some RL going on myself, so I empathize. You know i wish you all the best. Thanks for taking the time to update us on fan fics, blogs and vids. 😀 I hope June proves to be a good time of family, rest, respite and reflection–things we all need.

    Frankly, not having to worry about what happens with Spooks is a welcome load off my shoulders. Edge of the seat every week is one thing; being depressed and appalled after watching every week is quite another. 😉


  3. Wishing you all the best in this period of change Servetus. As much as I love reading your blog, which helps with my RL stuff, I’m sure everyone understands that you must focus on your decisions and all the elements that this transition will entail. So, don’t worry about us. We’ll appreciate anything you do.

    As for Khandy’s fanfic – a hearty second on that one. I highly recommend reading it. I’m eagerly awaiting the next chapter. And thanks for the other suggestions. I love discovering new fanfic.

    And HeathRA, if you are reading this, I LOVE Sexy Back 3 (even if, when I started watching it I was not a big fan of this song or Justin Timberlake). It is such a fantastic video, the choice of shots is superb and impeccably integrated with the music. It’s even making me become a fan of this song (no mean feat). Thank you thank you thank you. When I need a quick fix of gorgeousness à la RA, I start it up.


  4. Servetus, like your other regulars I wish you well as you transition to what comes next. Whatever that is, I hope it has unforeseen joys in store for you. We do appreciate your (astoundingly!) regular and detailed posts and comments, but we also understand that you have quite a few stressors piled on IRL right at the moment. As calexora said, don’t worry about us.

    If I may recommend a diversion in the meantime, there is a lovely new N&S fic taking shape at


  5. All the best to you, Servetus! I hope all works out as it is best for you! Though I am not always commenting, I am always reading your posts. Do not worry because of a regular schedule. I am subscribed and am always eagerly awaiting a new message saying another of your always thoughtful and thought provoking posts has arrived.


    • Exactly what CDoart said! ^^ Posting daily is a big task, and I personally wouldn’t expect it from anyone. Well, okay, maybe from bloggers whose majority of posts consist of two or three sentences, but not from someone who write as much as you do. 🙂

      If I wasn’t using Google Reader for my RSS feeds (other feed readers available), I wouldn’t be reading blogs as often as I do, because it would be impossible to keep up with them all! It’s a great tool – all the blogs you follow in one place, and you instantly see if there are new posts made. Brilliant!


  6. So, here I am on Servetus’s blog burdening you ladies with my problem; the problem of ageing women. I’m asking for your advice if Servetus will allow this post as it may be disgusting to you youngsters. My problem is: I need a lover. As you know, I’ll be 70 this August and my sex drive is worse than it was at 16. Although I am old in years, I am in good shape ( a conditioning, trainer, execizer ) and in tip=top shape, better than I’ve ever been. I do push-ups, leg-overs, feed cattle, mow 15 acres, etc. My hair is the same color it ever was naturally, I have no wrinkles, and my legs are to be envied by show-girls. I guess my biggest problem is that I was raised as a middle-class girl who does not run after men. However, when I was building my new and lovely house, I couldn’t stop watching (and now dreaming about) the men who framed the inside of the house. It was summer and they took their shirts off. I can still see those broad backs covered with sweat; the hammers hanging off their broad leather belts, the jeans snug over their lovely bums. I see the lovely sojer-boys in town in their super-wonderful uniforms and have to stop and watch. Arghhhhh!!! I want to bring them home.

    So, young ladies, what is an old girl to do? I screwed my courage to the sticking point last month and went fishing in a local bar. What I was looking for was a John Standring type, but what found me was Gandalf…not interested. I sat at the bar and ordered a G&T and before it got to me I felt a warm presence on my left side asking if he could buy me a drink. I looked up and sure enough, Gandalf. No thank you! G&T came and there was another warm presence on my left asking if he could buy me a drink. Well, this time it was danny devito type. Oh, Goodness, no thanks.

    So, what is an old woman to do for a lover? Suggestions please. I find myself wondering how the Grim Reaper is hung. With my luch the Grim Reaper business has become equal opportunity for women and the GR who comes for me will be a female.

    I mean really am I to go to the creamatorium without a lover??? Well, maybe there will be a big angel assigned to me. On the other hand, I wonder about the devil. Hmmmmm.

    All those old ladies in the nursing homes. You just don’t know how horrible it is to be old and ugly (dead meat) and have desires worse than ever. HELP


    • Oh marylou!! How you made me laugh even though it isn’t really a laughing matter!! Being a 73 year old widow I can understand EXACTLY where you are coming from. I thought by this time in my life that such a thing as a sex-drive would long ago have driven off into the sunset, but I think the opposite has happened! Why IS that? If I’m honest, and I truly hope I always am, I have to say that The Armitage Effect has had a lot to do with it and I don’t mean anything bad or smutty when I say that. I think when I see him he has made me realize that even at my age it is still possible to have feelings, I can see a good looking guy and still appreciate what I am looking at. “Looking” is the crucial word for me as I don’t seem to be interested in the “touch” side of that “look but don’t touch” saying. I really don’t think I will ever get married again even though I have been a widow for over 9 years now. I am enjoying my life as it is, my independence, my ability to come and go as I please, plus all the wonderful new friends I have made over the last 6 or 7 years. I can also really indulge in this fascination I have with all thing Richard Armitage with no-one to say I shouldn’t or dictate how much time I spend in doing so. It is very liberating I can tell you! Sadly I am obviously not physically in the same great shape as you are due to my arthritis, but I have to say I wouldn’t mind having a male friend who would JUST be a friend to go for drives, eat out, go to the symphony or movie’s with, etc, then each return to our separate homes. I may be wrong but I doubt if many men would be into that! I never learned to drive myself which was a big mistake, so being with someone who could travel with me would be great. I do know of one or two who have met and married their husband/wives through on-line dating and they weren’t young by any stretch of the imagination. I’m thankful that I did have one great love in my life and can’t honestly see that happening again for me. When you get to be my age you really don’t want another old guy to look after and much younger guys wouldn’t be interested. But as some have said, “Never say never”!! So thank you for being so courageous in posting this. Hang in there! You never know, love might just be round the corner or perhaps just a click away!!


  7. No need to regret not responding more to commenters. I have no idea how you’ve managed to maintain a demanding career while keeping up a most thought-inspiring and perceptive site this long. As with Mr. A, you have no obligation to us, and we HOPE the blog will go on… rather more inspiring then C. Dion. Somehow, things work out. Had a few few career and personal life transitions, too.

    Haven’t been commenting much this week (to the relief of all 😀 ) as Spring is sprunging, with all the clear-up of winter, yes, even in suburbia, and all the upcoming selection and interviewing of contractors for necessary house maintenence/upgrading and other RL things that intrude on the life of the imagination. And obsessions…

    Committed two hours to The Borgias tonight. No spoiler comments, as I think Canada is actually receiving it first in N.A., as the production is joint Canadian European. But in raptures over the cinematography and COSTUMES!!

    All is well and all will be well with you, servetus.


  8. marylou!! Brave comments! The only advice i can suggest is have you thought about signing up to an online dating site? I believe they are very popular these days.


    • Marylou says what a lot of people think but aren’t brave enough to voice. I think Kap might be onto something with the online dating. It couldn’t hurt to give it a shot.


      With you on The Borgias. I actually watched it twice to enjoy the visual feast!


  9. @Angie, you did have access to it! Wasn’t sure about the U.S. It is here on Bravo. Yes, the visuals are too much for one viewing. Sensory overload. Glimmers of substance to come. Good script.


  10. I missed it! well, actually by the time I saw it was playing on TV there was over an hour done, so I’m hoping they’ll show it again (as they often do with big series).

    Also, little titbit about our Mr. A for those who are not checking Rob Kazinski’s twitter. He wrote late last night (Monday NZ time): “17.5 hour day, exhausted and ready to do it all again tomorrow.”. I guess Mr. A is hard at it!!


  11. Servetus, I’d like to echo all the other posters in wishing you all the best. We are all thinking of you in this period of change and hope that it brings you what you want for your future. We shall continue to enjoy your blog whenever you have time to update it.

    Oh, and Angie, I couldn’t agree more about the relief of not having to worry about what is happening in Spooks!

    Am thoroughly enjoying khandy’s Absolution but – having just read Truce – I have to keep reminding myself that in this fic Layla and John are not together …


  12. Woohah! You found my little, beardy site! Pictures say more than words. I reckon it´s very consoling to play with these pics. I plan to upload more beardy pics (with braids).

    Seriously, was impreesed by your daily blogging. I couldn´t do it. Your RSS sugggestion is a good thing. I ought to apply that on my blog as well. You could consider changing your daily posting to weekly, but like you said it offers an outlet, so I don´t see you doing that. Maybe twitter? Short thoughts? Multitasking is all and well, until you have to keep more plates in the air then you can handle. Hope you find new employment and a space to live soon.


  13. Servetus, I have loved being initiated into new items of knowledge in your posts and by your amusing and creative posters. This blogg is buzzing and will continue to attract readers as long as you wish to keep writing. I’ll be thinking of you as you branch out into a new existence and wishing you all the best. RL is particularly brutal at present, but every time I think that I can’t spend any more time reading or exchanging views in the RA-cyberworld, I return, panting. I can’t exist without my fix!


  14. Servetus, I wish you all the best during this period of change. I hope that the upcoming changes will bring you to much happiness and joy, which I wish you with all my heart.
    I must admit that your blog was one of the first, which “discovered” when I was looking for understanding of myself in the topic: my admiration for Mr A. Thanks, that you “opened the door” among other things to the magnificent world of fanfics, vids and other sites bloggers. This allows me to feel less alienated, knowing that somewhere there are other people who as much as me (and maybe even more) love RA.
    No matter how often you write posts I certainly will read them, because they always learn something new


  15. Servetus, I’d just like to echo what others have said and send you every good wish during this period of change. I sincerely hope that the changes will bring you happinness and I will be thinking of you as you embark on your new phase. May it all work out as you wish.

    Your blog was, I think, the first I discovered. Though I visit the forums, this is a much different milieu. I’ve loved reading the posts and knowing there are other people who love RA.I’m not totally mad, as a woman’ of a certain age,’ after all.

    I must tell you that I have loved acquiring new knowledge both from your amusing, thoughtful and also very creative posts and the responses they generate. I comment rarely- there are many who visit here who are far more eloquent than I am and they have usually said it for me- but I love to look in when I can andam always pleased to see another of your thought-provoking posts.

    I’m sure your blog will continue to attract and you should not worry about a regular schedule. You have commented that this blog has been an essential for your emotional well being- please, never let it become a millstone round your neck through giving yourself shcedules that a time in your life does not permit you to fulfil. I am sure those who follow your blog will enjoy your updates when you have the time. RL does not allow me to look in as regularly as I might like but I do have that thing that notifies me when there is a new post and I keep it in my inbox until I have had chance to catch up. For sure I will continue to follow your posts. As Ania comments, I learn something new, so I thank you for that.


  16. Dear Servetus, After all the wonderful things that have been said above there is little for me to add to these sentiments. I have always been blown away by your incredible intelligence and your amazing ability to do in-depth analyses on such diverse topics. I too will continue to visit your blog as it has changed my life. I feel I have learned a lot but above all have met such wonderful people here whom I now count as friends. Changes are not always the easiest things to go through, so the very best of good wishes to you in whatever life has in store for you. Above all I wish you love and peace in your life.


  17. Dear Servetus,
    There is nothing that I can add to what has been said above. I also have had some change in RL and as a result have not been able to be as involved in reading blogs as I was, and I am not even writing a blog. Still, I will always try to make time to go to some blogs though, and yours is always the first one that I go to. I have been enjoying your posts and the discussions immensly.
    Good luck with your transition, and I wish you a great period of reflection and many great opportunities to follow up on.


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