Thank you.

FINALLY: Before going I need to thank all of those who have have read, commented, and sent messages for their support during a really difficult phase of my life. I don’t know how I’d have managed the last month without Armitagemania, and you. You may think, “oh, it’s just a comment,” but really, being able to look here day after day, and have your support, was as much of a lifeline as writing has been. I’m not sure what will happen now, but it would have been hard to have have gotten this far without you.

Beautiful Armitage.

Richard Armitage as Ian Macalwain in Ultimate Force. Source:


Judiang says I’m supposed to write something really enigmatic here and generate 400 comments. Snort. In any case, I am leaving comments open. Have no idea what you’ll say, but as fitzg says, the inmates are now in charge of the asylum. We can start with how beautiful Mr. Armitage is in the above still. Yum. Or: I’ve been thinking lately I should do an “ask the blogger” post. Any questions you want to ask me? I’m not guaranteeing I’ll answer, but if you do want to ask something, please don’t hesitate.

~ by Servetus on June 16, 2011.

89 Responses to “Thank you.”

  1. Does this mean you’ll be offline for a while or will you be checking in/posting from the road? Safe journey by the way and do let us know how you are doing.


    • I didn’t know when I wrote this, honestly. I can see now I left some confusion in people’s minds.


  2. I don’t know what all is going on with you health-wise, but I do know there is nothing more tumultuous than wondering what the hell is going on with your body. I have been dealing with the same for,the past 8 months, but nothing near as to what you are going through.

    Just know we got your back. We are sisters/brothers at arms.


    • Thanks, RRB. The health problems aren’t so much with me (I have some minor ongoing issues), but with my parents. I appreciate so much the idea of you guys in a commando troop at my back!


  3. As RavenRoseBeetle said: We got your back! This may be the end of one chapter of your life, but there will be many more exciting adventures ahead of you. And for all that you have given us in this blog, the least we can do is give you some support in these difficult times… The RA Army is with you! Have a great journey, be safe and enjoy RA’s velvet voice as your companion! x


    • I’m grateful for your confidence.

      And Mr. Armitage was such a wonderful companion in the car. Really, he should record his voice and sell copies of it. Oh, wait, it was the copy of his voice I was with in the car, not him 🙂


  4. Safe travels. Hang in there. The midwest ain’t that bad lots of corn and fried cheese. We are here for you.


  5. I lived in the midwest for 10 years and found the folks nice (you betcha!)
    Since Wisconsin produced a gem like you, Servetus, and my husband’s beloved Packers, it’s gotta be a great place. 😀

    You’ve given us so much. Thank YOU. I can see how Laura (?) felt the need to go visit the good captain and strip off her shirt. The sexy boy next door.


    • Well, lately people would point out a few negative Wisconsin products, I think. It’s an odd place — birthplace of the GOP and of significant progressive politicians, for instance. Joe McCarthy and Russ Feingold were / are both native Wisconsinites.


      • Well, everything isn’t always so rosy here in Alabama, either. Every place has its pros and cons, things you are proud of and things you would like to see disappear.


  6. Safe travels – enjoy everything you meet in the territory ahead.


  7. Need a reversal! Thank YOU – your blog has been very interesting and enjoyable for me! Good luck!


  8. That is indeed a beautiful picture of our fave actor. 🙂 I am imagining you driving with one of Richard’s audiobooks in your car stereo. Here’s my question, what kind of car do you drive? Pretty lame question, but it helps to picture you better. Maybe you told us the answer to that already on your last trip, but I forgot.
    I hope you enjoy being back in your own stomping grounds. I am sure Wisconsin can use someone like you. Why should Texas have been so lucky?


    • 2005 grey Ford Taurus. I think I put a picture of a similar car on the blog last August.

      Gosh, the way I am feeling today — I haven’t felt this much joy since, well, probably since Mr. Armitage was cast in the Hobbit.


  9. My question, to be answered or not, is, why is that photo at the BAFTAs your favorite RL photo? I meant to ask you when you posted it but have been too busy to do more than read your posts, which I’ve enjoyed. Have a safe trip. I’m thinking of the end of “Say Anything” when John Cusack says taking off is the hardest part of flying.:)


    • That would be my question too. It is hard to have a favourite one of him as I love so many of them but I believe that this picture is it for me. Sometimes when I look at it (and I confess I do that daily) I cover up the lower part of his face and just look at his eyes. Somehow it just intensifies how I feel about the way he looks in it and how very beautiful he is. I have NEVER described any other man thus, I assure you!


      • Daisy and Teuchter, the answer to this is kind of long, but do be assured I plan to write about it as soon as I can. I drafted a post about this when the photo appeared and then neglected it, so it’s already underway.


        • Oooooh! Excited already to see what your answer will be 🙂 Please don’t worry about how long it might take you to do it as I know it will be worth reading when you’re finished!


  10. I’m new to the neighborhood, but I appreciate the generosity you express here and wish you the very best luck in your search for the right thing to do next.


  11. Vaya con Dios, Dr. S.

    It’ve had a thought about the future: it has sounded as though your office was your home, where you most felt comfortable, where you could relax and be yourself most fully. You4 description of it made it sound a bit like the place John Porter lived before he re-joined his unit, though I am sure that it actually was much, much nicer. What I’ve been thinking: when you’re able to, make a home for you and for John Porter. For Calvinists, creating pleasant surroundings for someone else is much easier than creating one for oneself. I hope you will be able to make a home you take pleasure in sometime in the near future., even in nothing more than a room Here’s a thought: make it a place that John Porter could relax in, a place where there are at least a few things you feel to be beautiful, a place where there are reminders of your accomplishments. Think about whether you or he would like to sit and read, and if there should be a comfortable chair and good light for reading. Make it a place where flowers would not look incongruous, a place John Porter would like to wake up in, a place that told him “This can be your home. Isn’t it pleasant?” You will be the main recipient of the kindness and love you put into creating a home for him, but there is nothing wrong with that. You certainly deserve a base where you feel truly relaxed and where you can remember all you have done and accomplished in your life.


    • Oh, dear. I meant that your home sounded a bit like his place–not your office.


    • Another former academic, this was a really intriguing suggestion. You definitely have me on target here, and I thought about this topic for several hundred miles. I think I’m going to make a separate post out of this, as it’s a creative way to use a fantasy that could be really productive. Thanks so much.


  12. Dear Servetus, I think you a kindred spirit, albeit a virtual one and have every confidence that you’ll soar, whatever you choose to do 🙂


  13. Servetus, you may know this Gaelic blessing? But if not …

    May the road rise up to meet you,
    May the wind be always at your back.
    May the sun shine warm upon your face, the rains fall soft upon your fields,
    And until we meet again,
    May God hold you in the palm of His hand.


  14. Dear Doctor, all best wishes for the future! 🙂

    (Oh, and I know I am being selfish, but I hope you’ll continue blogging. There’s not a day I don’t visit here, several times a day!)


  15. Have a safe and enjoyable trip!


  16. RA and his beautiful blue eyes! Thank you for the pic Servetus. Have a safe trip and take some time to just rest and enjoy life for a while.


  17. Servetus, I don’t know if “before I leave” means you are going offline but if you are, I hope it is only temporary.That may be selfish but I visit here now, every day if time allows me to get online and I would like to say Thank you to you for your amazing blog- it’s so thoughtful, interesting, brave and honest. You have given me much. My question, to you would be the same as I see from a couple of thers because I am very intrigued to know just what it is that makes that photo of RA at the BAFTAs your favourite RL photo? I ‘ve fbund it impossible to have a favourite, RL or role-wise, so I’d love to know.

    Until we ‘meet ‘again, safe journey.


    • I apologize for creating that impression — it was just while I drove from Texas to Wisconsin. Thanks for the kind words!


  18. There’s a song in Brazil, spoken in a circle of women, when they say goodbye, they sing: The circle closes, but does not end, which the love of Goodness remains in us. Happy meet, happy travel to a happy re-encounter, sisters. It is very beautiful, thousands of feminine voices singing, I think our little community RA can also sing it for you!!
    Ana Cris


  19. Love the Gaelic blessing! And adore the Brazilian goodbye song…would LOVE to hear it sung!!! (Got a link by any chance, Ana? 🙂 And then of course, there’s the good old stand-by, “On the Road Again” by the slightly nasal and a bit flat, Willie Nelson. Which reminds me of Willie and Kim singing “Love Me Like a Song”…I’m wandering, so I’ll just dedicate the next song to you Serv. The one that’s next on my playlist, King George singing, “Amarillo by Morning” (feel free to sub in whatever town you’re headed for!)

    About that pic up above…never saw it before. I don’t usually like younger pics of RA, but this one is the exception. Takes my breath! Which makes me think of Eva Cassidy’s “You Take My Breath Away”! Sigh…seems I’m on a music jag today! Humming along in honor of you gals. That’s right…blaming it on all y’all.


    • On the road again 🙂 hmmm, I like country music more than I used to but haven’t quite gotten into Willie Nelson yet. He has a checked rep where I come from.

      One thing I loved about this pic was the position of the lips. You could see almost what it would be like if Armitage ever decided to pout. Very sexy.


      • Yeah, well Willie has a worse rep than that in my book! But then I would have to say that many MANY singer/actors/whatever have bad reps. Hubs loves him so I indulge him once in a while but I still argue that he sings flat. ANd thru his nose. Now Wayland improves Willie considerably…ok, that is argueable. But when Willie sings w/Kim…I have to admit, I do like it. No I love it.

        I’ll bet Mrs. Armitage (the mama) can tell stories about that pout! Glad to see you again, Serv!


        • Someone on a Hobbit discussion board was asking whether Mr. Armitage’s mum had pictures from when he was an elf in the Hobbit while at school and there was some comment that if she does she’d better keep them under wraps if she hopes to preserve her relationship with her son 🙂


          • LOL! Can’t you just imagine Richard’s blush and the embarrassed smile crossing his face if those surfaced? Although–they might not be any funnier than the hobbit spoof video with the dwafs for the fundraiser. I still love those whoo-whoos and the fist pumps. How can you NOT like this guy?


            • We’ll learn that his ears were even more proportionally large in comparison to his face when he was a teenager 🙂


  20. Servetus: safe journey. My crystal ball says that you will find your skills and talents are greatly valued outside academia. I hope your future brings you everything you could wish.

    My question would be, “What role would you like to see RA play?” We know that his own answer would be Richard III, and I’m sure we’d all love that.

    My answers would be Lancelot in a King Arthur adaptation, Snape in a Harry Potter remake, and Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights. Not that I like Heathcliff, but I think RA would bring something amazing to the role.

    Sadly all those stories have had an outing recently and may not be done again for a while. Any suggestions?


    • Frenz and Angie both liked the idea of him as Atticus Finch in “To Kill a Mockingbird,” and I would love that. I thought about an answer to this question on the road for a good long time and didn’t come to a conclusion. Though as I spent some time listening to Quebecois music I was thinking he would make a good voyageur. Red scarf and flashing teeth, anyone?


      • Benny and I watched TKAM recently and yes, I was imagining Richard as the wise and courageous smalltown lawyer, Atticus. Gregory Peck was wonderful but I would love to see what Mr. A would bring to the role.
        He would make a spectacular voyageur, too. 😀
        Fitzg’s suggestion of William Monk from the Anne Perry books is another fav of mine–and I would really love to see him play Nicholas Brisbaine from the Lady Julia Grey mysteries. Tall, dark, athletic body like a Greek god, Nicholas is an enigmatic inquiry agent who is half Scots and half Gypsy, who can box with the best of them and play the violin so beautifully he makes women want to weep and swoon . . . and he’d get to wear a cravat. And sideburns. @Rob, where are you, girl? 😉


  21. Dear servetus,
    I wish you the best of journeys and a felicitous re-connection with the homeland, before journeying on. It has been the greatest pleasure this past year, to encounter me + richard, and I join the ever-growing community in the hope that you will return to it.

    In response to LostinaGoodbook, apart from Richard III – mr wishes would be John of Gaunt, please. Or William Monk. I seem to be stuck in history or costumes. They’re just interesting, complex characters… (will try to get with the 21st C)

    But all the very best, servetus. I think you’re irreplaceable; however, the future is yours to decide. You know we are here if needed.


  22. Have a safe journey. The true journey has begun in more ways than one.


  23. From the road: I’M NOT QUITTING! Ford Taurus. Will write about the picture. Thanks for the many kind comments, to which I will reply when I get there. NOT QUITTING!


  24. Can’t you just picture Servetus zooming along, listening to Willy Nelson”s On the Road Again? No I couldn’t either. But see, she’s not quitting!

    But she’s left us in charge with open comments; we can take over the asylum!

    C’mon gang, I’m sure we can get something interesting going here before she checks in again. ;D


  25. Dear Servetus,

    Please be carefull while traveling towards the next step in your life.
    Thank you so much for your blog and all the wonderful hours spent in our “little community”!

    Take care


  26. Don’t worry Servetus……you’ll be fine! Nothing happens without a reason.
    Set yourself free, don’t look back and let life guide you. Embrace this adventure and be aware of all the new possibilities on your way. One day you WILL find the right place (work etc.) where you can be Your True Self again. Then you’ll inspire other people with your unique talent and feel totally reborn.

    And that’s the reason why, in favour of the most important role of his life….as the real Richard Crispin Armitage, I’d ask Richard not to neglect his private life, because as a spiritual and emotional balanced (hu)man wíth a fulfilling personal (love) life, it will be much easier to intuitively make the right (workrelated) choices and live a gratifying life. His unique energetic talent to inspire and awaken the soul of others, especially now when our chaotic world is going through tremendous changes, is a powerful and precious gift which IMO is infinite and much more worthy than any award or Oscar!

    Much Love


    • Great comment, Anne Neville — I sometimes want to warn him not to get so caught up in all that he forgets to pause and reflect. That would be really condescending of me, but it’s a huge danger. I hope he finds at least some time during the Hobbit hiatus to do some R & R.


      • That is a fantastic comment, Anne. I hope he remembers it is important to have downtime, to have Richard time, to simply “be.” We all need the time to catch our breath, to observe the world around us, to think about what really matters in life. I am older than he is, so maybe I could get away with warning him– 😉


  27. Have a safe journey Brave Girl
    I’m glad you’re not quitting.
    My best wishes for you


  28. Ha! Ha! Professor is out of sight!!! Spitballs anyone? Paper airplane sailing? How about fantasies of Servetus meeting up with Armitage on her trip north? I’ll start and you all can add on:
    Big thunderstorm over Kansas City. Plane taking Armitage to NZ grounded to wait out storm. Servetus passing through KC at same time Armitage there. Servetus stops for breakfast at local diner and sits at counter on one of two empty stools. Armitage walks in and takes the stool next to Servetus. Servetus spills coffee on her shirt. Armitage wipes it off. They begin conversing. Seems there is a cotton mill museum in town similar to the one in N&S. Armitage & Servetus agree to see it together. They finish breakfast and Servetus takes Armitage to her car for trip to cotton museum…what happens next, ladies????????


    • Servetus shovels the front seat of her car free from maps, CDs, and the boxes with the Armitage audiobooks in them. Armitage blushes and says, I didn’t realize you knew who I am. Now I’ve ruined my rep by wiping the coffee off of your shirt. Servetus says, I lived to have your hands touch my breasts, even through this ratty t-shirt I am wearing. Instead of the museum, let’s repair to the local Motel 6. Armitage runs away screaming. End of story 🙂


      • LOL!!!!


      • Servetus. that is not the end of the story as I thought it. I had the two of you driving to Wisconsin together. RA and your Dad spending a lot of time fishing and being silent. RA then asks you to accompany him to NZ as he can’t live without you. You decline as you find RA to be “very boring indeed.” One thing you did find out was how he holds a tea cup. I am so glad you are enjoying life again in Wisconsin.


        • Oh marylou!! Surely you jest my dear!! We could see that Geraldine didn’t find HER accountant the least bit boring and I doubt if Servetus would either!! 😀 I’m JUST as positive he wouldn’t be in RL either as anyone who has ever spoken to him can surely testify! 🙂 Lol re the teacup holding!


          • Teuchter, surely I do NOT jest, my dear. I think RA on screen to be the most interesting man on this planet and all other planets suns moons and stars. I also think RA off screen is a workaholic who would have little time for a real wife as opposed to the screen women he mesmerizes (along with us). And, as Servetus points out he misses apostrophes and treats tea cups abysmilly.


            • @ML, now that’s funny!!! Missed apostrophes and tea cup abuse…that’s my idea of a crummy husband too. Bwahahahaha!!!


              • Yeah, NB, can you just imagine his big hands on your grandmother’s tiny Aynsley tea cups? …his big hands…OMG, I should not go there…his big…oh dear. I have to stop now.


            • I guess must agree to disagree 🙂 Regardless of the missed apostrophies and how abysmally he treats teacups (inclined to do the same thing myself, I’m afraid!) I’m still holding on to the hope that one day in the not too distant future he will indeed have a wife and in spite of the fact that I have never met the man nor ever likely to do so, I doubt he would treat his wife in anything other than a loving and respectful way. I think that is just the way he was brought up by all accounts. I know I’m MUCH too touchy for my own good when it comes to him being criticized, which is rather ridiculous I know, given the fact that he is a grown man and more than capable of standing up for himself!! So I’ll just end my side of this discussion right there if I may. I’m SO non-confrontational – even in jest!! 🙂


            • I think he’d need a wife who was very independent and interested in leading her own life to some extent separate from his as necessary while he was immersed in his own projects.


              • sounds like you, servetus. independent, able to care for yourself and richard and the bairns. Armitage immersed in the stage and servetus immersed in ancient religions especially the anti-trinitarians. perfect, then if he happened to work too much, you would be too busy to notice. When he wanted time with you, you would be able to drop the old stuff and be with him.


                • I don’t think I would be a good partner for him 🙂 as from my perspective he seems too much like me. I also don’t think absent fathers are good for kids (and there are different ways of being absent). But I am sure he’ll find the perfect person! 🙂


        • Do you think he fishes?

          No one in this household drinks tea 🙂 Tomorrow I’ll be going on a shopping expedition (both for myself, and because I’ll be housekeeping while I am here).


          • RA fishes when your Dad fishes. Blue Gil are pretty bony what did you do with them? I’d get about one small strip each and saute them. Were 48 enough for dinner?


            • It’s one of my dad’s biggest disappointments that I never had a boyfriend as an adult who likes to fish. But perhaps Mr. Armitage enjoys the silence 🙂

              We froze the bluegill. There’s probably a meal there for us three, but they’ll keep going out for them.


  29. I am so glad that you are not quitting with the blog. Safe travels and I can hardly wait until you’re back.


  30. I echo the sentiment expressed by Jael. I cannot thank you enough for all your blogs. You have carried me over many a rough patch and i hope you are finding the strength and support to get through yours. Much love.


  31. My high school History teacher said: “Without roots, the tree will die. Our roots is History.”

    Someone else said: “To raise kids, is to give them roots and wings.”

    I truly realized it once I came back in my hometown after our journey “on the other side of the pond”. Back to my roots to take a new height!

    I only hope for you to find your new flight after re-connecting to your own roots.

    Take care.


  32. […] I’m headed for another big personal disruption this month (so what else is new? chaos is my new normal), but I’m hoping for minimal disruption to the blog, as writing it still remains my main emotional anchoring activity. I’m wrestling with how much to say about the change, for various reasons, including some signs that a bit more anonymity might be a good thing. No need for concern about me, though — it’s all good. At least I think that about fifty percent of the time! And as tense as I am at moments, I’m in a much better place than I was in June, when your comments, support, and prayers helped me out so much. […]


  33. […] in June I got this suggestion about  thinking about what kind of home John Porter would like to have, as a …. Now I’m in a position to realize this, as I’ll start looking for a studio / efficiency […]


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