Even now, I just want some Armitage

Below I’m just dribbling, drooling: if you want some actual content today, go over and see fitzg’s guest piece at judiang’s Confessions of a Watcher.]


Richard Armitage as, we presume, John Bateman in a publicity photo for series 9 of Spooks. Worth enlarging. Source: RichardArmitageNet.com

I used to justify my Armitagemania in terms of the suffering I was experiencing. Exhausting job, rough day housekeeping, deep inner dissatisfaction with the world, career difficulties.

Today wasn’t one of those days. Not that everything in my life’s suddenly turned perfect, but I’m a lot happier now than I was just a few months ago, sometimes so much happier that I don’t recognize myself.

My previous theory of Armitage addiction suggested that it was a coping mechanism. If that’s true, it should be abating now that I’m coping with less, no?

Except that it’s not. I feel like it’s kicking up into another phase. The fantasies are just as intense as they were before, though they are starting to change in substance and content, and I’ve now got 30,000 words of a fanfic in draft. It’s not great literature; it seems mostly like another therapeutic fic; I’ll never be able to publish it, even on the web. But I wake up every morning burning to write.

And I still want my Armitage. I still wake up and I want to see any number of things.

I want to see Lucas North reel from Marlin’s suicide:

I want to see Mr. Thornton struggle to balance his values and his affections:

I want to see John Porter let go of Katie after he helps her out of the rescue helicopter:

I want to see Guy tell his sister why he gave her to Squire Thornton:

I want to see John Standring decide to throw his future in with Carol’s:

Sometimes I want to see the modest, even sheepish actor:

And sometimes I just want to see Armitage. Just plain, beautiful Armitage.

Screencap of Richard Armitage from 3rd The Hobbit video production blog. Also worth enlarging. Source: RichardArmitageNet.com

~ by Servetus on September 13, 2011.

41 Responses to “Even now, I just want some Armitage”

  1. Wish I had an Armitage today. Sure would be nice to turn to when I need comfort. *Sigh*

    BTW, I love him best when we get glimpses of the real RA…as you said, just plain, beautiful Armitage.


  2. Since I have had more free time on my hands (hey, benefits of being unemployed!) I have been watching more Armitage the last few days. After I kept crying in spurts during the second half of N&S today I wasn’t sure it was such a good idea. Think I am just really emotional lately.

    I love the fact I truly admire the brilliant, versatile actor but I also adore the sweet, generous, modest, shy, funny, gentlemanly soul behind all those marvelous performances. Doesn’t hurt that he is also beautiful look at.


    • I was thinking while watching that clip how much the score does for some of these scenes. I watched N&S a lot, obsessively, at my lowest point. I think one of its functions is to legitimate extreme emotion. That’s not all bad.


      • It had been a while since I had watched it, and I think recent developments along with, as you say, the very haunting and expressive score does stir things up inside a person. Also seeing everyone around Mrs. Hale as she breathed her last breath brought back memories of my mother’s passing, and that got to me. I am a very tender-hearted person, and especially so now.

        I was watching my own Monet video the other day and the Yo-Yo Ma tune and visuals had me crying, too. *blushes*


        • There’s a time for tears, right, just like there’s a time for joy?


          • To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heavens. . . . a time to weep, and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance . . . from Ecclesiastes Chapter 3

            One of my favorite passages.

            I think I am in that time to weep and mourn. But the time for laughter and dancing will surely come, too.


  3. Glad to hear you are happier these days 🙂


  4. I would love for him to be in a really sweet, romantic, happy ending movie. Its what I need right now and truly something that is missing from his repertoire! #justasking


    • I know what you mean, Ann Marie, about needing such a project from him right about now. The closest thing to your description is the two-part VOD Christmas special.

      Yes, he ends up with Margaret in that fabulously romantic train station scene in N&S, but what she puts him through on the journey there!

      I found myself today wanting to shake her until her teeth rattled and say, “He is a good, honorable, decent man, who is good to his family, he’s crazy about you AND he’s gorgeous! Wake up and smell the coffee, sister!”

      As for everything else–well, not-such-happy endings. ‘Cause his character is usually dead. 😦

      Hoping in the future he will make a film “all about love.” I see no reason he can’t be in a variety of roles, as Colin Firth has done. I mean, the guy is the best at brooding, hands down–but you need a break every now and again!


      • I’m really looking forward to an “all about love” film where he gets the girl, is seen through all of it and doesn’t die. Don’t think that’s too much to ask.


    • I’d be up for that, too. Some requited love for a change, as opposed to the unrequited kine 🙂


  5. Thankyou for those two priceless words: “worth enlarging”.


  6. Don’t you find there are days in your life when you really, really, need him? Just when you think that you can cope for perhaps a part of a day or even a day focusing on RL then you find yourself HAVING to look at a video he is in or even a picture. I felt somewhat melancholic today for some reason – probably because I was tired and had to cope with some unexpected situations – I found I had to seek him out.

    Thank you Servetus for the first picture – totally worth enlarging ! Gasp!! Also for these little video clips. The “Marlin” episode is a favourite because of how he looked in that episode! Almost too beautiful for words! His legs seemed to go on forever under that great pea-coat 🙂 It made me cringe when he licked his lips though and Marlin’s “blood” was on them. I found myself saying to him, “Don’t to do it!!” I also found his slow relinquishing of Katy’s hand very emotional after what they had experienced together.

    I’m with the “all about love” brigade! Pleeeaase PTB!! Let it happen! I have seen so many romantic movies and after watching them have said to myself. “Mr A would have played that part SO much better.” His talents shine through no matter what role he plays.


    • Perhaps the fake blood was raspberry juice?


    • In the right role with the right co-star in the right movie romance, he would be absolutely irresistible. Well, I find him that way in anything, pretty much, But I do prefer a solid, witty script and a talented co-star with whom there is no need to manufacture chemistry–what a delight that would be for all of us. Well, a girl can dream . . .


  7. Good to hear you are happier now! .-D


  8. The ravenblack sadness of the first photo always gets to me. Looking at it makes me feel alright about not refusing to re-watch series 9. It would break my heart all over again.


    • There is bleakness and despair in that gaze for me. I haven’t been able to re-watch Spooks 9 yet, either. I can manage to get through some of the vids and look at some stills, and that’s about it. For my slideshow fanvids, I almost exclusively draw from S7 and 8.


  9. I meant ” about refusing to re-watch”. See, what it does to me? 😦


    • I know the feeling Nietzsche, I have started watching Spooks 9 again and have stalled at episode 3, am finding it very difficult to continue, knowing the heartbreaking scenes that are to come.


      • Basically it’s as if you are asking yourself, “Why should I put myself through the hearbreak and torture–again?” I completely understand, Mezz.


        • Angie, I keep telling myself I need to move on, get over it, it’s just a tv show! After all, I am denying myself the opportunity of watching Richard’s superb portrayal of an unravelling Lucas. But I love the heroic, loyal, strong and beautiful Lucas character so much, it is heartbreaking to watch “John Bateman” take over.


          • AND – it is completely unbelievable (unless something like multiple personality disorder really exists, which I doubt). “If I had met you first, Harry!” Goodness, we are humans, not grey geese.


  10. What terrific images! Cannot see enough! I do love all his characters (though Paul is bottom of the list) – but I always come back to Lucas….


  11. For a change from Richard’s darker pieces, the love, joy and open-heartedness of his Monet always make me feel good. And Harry Kennedy. We definitely need more feelgood RA, would love,love,love to see him in another romantic period piece. Something by Georgette Heyer would be a dream come true. Venetia comes to mind for a start, he would be perfect as Damerel.


    • Just looking at stills of Richard as Monet makes me smile. He was so incandescent in that role. And Harry, oh, my, what an absolute sweetie our Harry is!


    • Oh Mezz!! I am SO in agreement with you!! I keep re-reading Venetia as well as listening to the audiobook and each time I do, I just “see” Richard as Damerel not to mention hearing that amazing voice! 😀 He would be sooooo perfect for the role – not merely in the looks department but the whole character of the man. *Sigh* 🙂 LOVED the scene in the barn where he takes away the ladder when she goes up into the loft to rescue the kittens and she has to jump down into his arms!! *Swoons madly* And of course it does have a happy ending as this time he gets the girl. Now who would we like to see as Venetia? Maybe Lucy Griffiths so he finally gets “Marion”? I think she could play the feisty Venetia rather well! 🙂


      • Teuchter, that’s one of my favourite scenes! And near the end, when Damerel says to Venetia, “My love, my heart, my dear delight,” in that divine voice, my own heart starts to race and I feel all shivery inside. To see it played out on screen with RA……..bliss! Who to play Venetia? Mmmmm, will have to think about that.
        I have just finished listening to A Convenient Marriage in the car, very clever and funny. I must look like an idiot driving along giggling to myself. Richard absolutely nails Horatia’s stammer.


  12. Serv, I need more RA in my life these days! When I have my “RA breaks” (like a coffee break, only a jolt of RA instead of caffeine), I’ve had a moment of “me” time and then feel ready to take care of everyone else again. 🙂


  13. As much as you all, I would love to see him in a romantic movie, without being injured or killed, and getting the girl in the end. What a gift would be for us, if he take a break from bad guys and action men for a while! I’m not complaining, love him in any role. But it’s too much pressure if we subscribed a petition? (don’t shoot me, just kidding!)


  14. Nat, I’m having an RA break now (home from work for lunch, 46 more minutes to myself).

    About the SB vid, I never have understood why that soldier stopped John from going with Katie. Any ideas?


    • Usually with ambulance situations, they don’t let passengers accompany them. We don’t see what they are carrying Katie off to but I am assuming it’s an ambulance of some sort. I speak from personal experience with my parents. So that is what I always assumed.


      • Good point Angie! I’ve had “ambulance experiences” too so I think you are probably correct. I don’t think Katie wanted to let go of him either and who could blame her! 😀 I’d love to hear what some other actresses have to say about acting with him. Lucky things! 🙂 We can only imagine. 😦


      • I’m sure you’re right, Ang. Now it makes perfect sense. I should have known, as I also have a lot of ambulance experience due to my parents.


        • We got to be on a first name basis with the ambulance people and the ER staff, which is something I would have preferred not to be the case. ; )


          • I used to joke with my friends that the only good thing about calling the EMTs (as they are referred to here) is that half a dozen hot guys would show up. It was like Alec Track was in my parent’s living room.


  15. […] Phase two or something. One explanation for Happy Armitagemania? […]


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