Last night’s Armitage dream

Friday night to Saturday morning. I slept really late on Saturday morning and this was the last dream — after the alarm had gone and I had shut it off. Various things in this dream make me think it is somehow about my ex-SO and/or my relationship with Germany, so apologies to non-Germans for any German insider baseball here.


Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten, Hamburg

In the dream, I am Richard Armitage’s friend, and he’s staying in the Vier Jahreszeiten. I’ve never stayed in this hotel, but it’s in one of the most well-known parts of the city, I’ve walked past it several times and admired the Art Deco building, and I did eat a delicious fish dinner in the Grill there once, by invitation of a very generous mentor of my ex-SO. I’m not in the habit of frequenting places like this, otherwise, and I’m not appropriately dressed for the events that take place in the dream, and in the dream, I am aware of this.

In the late afternoon, as the sun is setting, I’m walking along the Jungfernstieg toward the hotel, where we’re going to meet for dinner. I’m talking to him on my old Siemens Handy, which I bought in 2003. He’s urging me to hurry up and get there, and I’m balking because there’s a book I need to order. I’ve just been to an antiquarian bookstore right near there and picked up a few items that I had reserved but the store didn’t have the book I was looking for: It’s a book called “Das Außen” [The Outside] by a Chinese writer, a dissident, who’s made an asylum application in Germany. Armitage is telling me he’s hungry, and I’m saying that I’m not in Germany that often anymore and I need to try to get the details on this book so I can order it in time to pick it up before I leave for the United States. By this point I’m at the lobby of the hotel, and I tell him I’m just going to sit in the Grill for a minute and try to figure out the title of the book so I can call the bookstore. He tells me to call him when I’m ready to come up.

The Grill of the Vier Jahreszeiten, Hamburg.

[I doubt the Grill of the Vier Jahreszeiten has wifi. It’s a really traditional hotel. Also, I can’t imagine guests in the Grill use their laptops there — it would be really rude.] I sit down in the Grill, order a drink, and try to figure out what the deal is with this book. The waiter notices me struggling and notices that I’m an American and he informs me rather imperiously that my problem is probably the “ß” in the title — my foreign computer doesn’t have the character. I tell him it does, but I’m confused with the new spelling rules about whether you still use “ß” to write “außen.” The waiter tells me he finished school before the new rules went into effect. [Note: you do still write “außen” with “ß” in Germany (though not in Switzerland), but this problem is one that every search engine is now constructed to address anyway.] I search my computer for a half hour and can’t find the book or figure it out.

I decide to give up and go upstairs, except that my Handy has somehow erased Armitage’s number. I go to the reception desk of the hotel and ask them to call his room for me. They insist that no Richard Armitage is staying at the hotel. I tell them I’m his friend, and that I have a secret code. I ruffle through my bag to find it, except I can’t. They won’t help me get in touch with him and then they suggest, politely, that it’s time for me to go. I get outside, and night has fallen over the Jungfernstieg.

End of dream.

~ by Servetus on December 10, 2011.

24 Responses to “Last night’s Armitage dream”

  1. Dreams always end at the worst possible moment. You know he was upstairs in bed waiting for you to show up. That’s why he kept urging you to give up the book search and get up there.


  2. Oh dear Servetus, sounds like a nightmare to me- lol!!!
    Perhaps part 2 might come later in the week, lets hope so!


    • I woke up feeling seriously disoriented, but I think that had something to do with where the dream played out. I don’t remember being upset about Armitage in the dream, but rather about not being able to figure out the book thing. It’s a bit like the dream I had where he appeared to be suggesting we should have sex and I ignored him, back in the spring …


      • YOU WHAT!!!
        I hate that feeling of disorientation, after dreaming.

        I had a spectacular dream about him in Sept this year, very vivid. Not much since I’m sad to say, just little film clips as I call them!!


      • Ok Serv,
        After my initial shock at your dream refusal to Mr. A. regarding “having sex”, it occurred to me that you might be waiting until he wanted to “make love” with you. If so, Brava.
        Holiday Cheers! Grati ;->


        • here’s the link: and what I wrote at the time:

          The dream omits what happens at dinner and the action resumes afterwards, when we are again all in this lounge where we’ll be socializing with each other for the length of the shoot. Gradually the actresses and actors all pair off and leave the lounge. I perceive that they are all leaving to have sex with each other. At some point I am alone in the lounge and then Richard Armitage is also there in his The Hobbit press conference guise: bushy brown hair and beard, jeans and short sleeve button front shirt. The lounge is littered with all kinds of things the actors and actresses have left there — books and garments and empty dishes and cups and scripts and so on. I say to Armitage, who already seems to know who I am, without self-introduction or preface, “what a mess, I have to clean this up.” Armitage says, “don’t you want to run lines together before tomorrow?” and I say, “I don’t think I was ever sent the last iteration of the script,” and I start picking stuff up from the lounge. I realize that much of the stuff I am picking up is my own: my favorite Norwegian sweater, purchased in 1999, turned inside out, a blue silk blouse I had in grad school but haven’t seen in years, a cheap gray fleece hoodie I just bought at Walmart two weeks ago. “I have to get this stuff picked up or I won’t be able to think.” Armitage looks like he’s about to say something, but …

          … the scene shifts and I am walking out of the hotel.

          Interesting that both of these dreams took place in hotels, I had forgotten that.

          For me, usually having sex with someone in a dream is not especially sexy — or rather, it means some kind of unresolved conflict. I often have sex with my coworkers in my dreams after bad days at work.


          • This actually sounds as if it has similarities to the book dream. Before you can get together with RA, assuming he represents your emotional/creative side (and acting together suggests creativity) you have stuff to do. In this case, literally, baggage to deal with. Could old clothes represent your past? How does it feel to you – is this stuff annoying you and getting in the way of what you really want? Or are you using these trivial jobs (ordering a book, tidying a room) to put off something possibly wonderful, but also possibly challenging or scary? Or just unknown – you don’t know the script? Again, only you can know if this is on the right track!


            • Thanks, Lost, and I’m sorry for leaving this comment here unresponded so long. I am trying to figure it out, too — is the dream a msg to get this stuff out of the way finally, or a warning that if I don’t just abandon it and go for the gusto, I’ll get bogged down in details?


  3. If the book represents your intellectual side, and RA your emotional side, could it be that you are putting your emotional life on hold for your intellectual life? What does Germany represent for you? Was it a time when you had both in balance? I’m only guessing here, only you can know what significance each element of your dream holds for you.


    • Wow, I like this interpretation and all these questions!! 🙂


    • This is really helpful, LostinaGoodBook. I’m indeed about to do something IRL that could be seen as putting my emotional life on hold for my intellectual life, and I’m dreading it.

      Germany is really complex for me, I originally thought this dream was playing there because I was wondering whether and how much I’m missing it (haven’t been since August 2010, which is an unbelievably long time for me), but I hadn’t thought about the valence of balance issues. Since I just wrote a letter to a grad student about how balance is essential, this is a really compelling reading.


    • I agree, great questions.


  4. Hi:
    a) What an irony: looking for a book called “The Ouside”, you put “yourself” outside!
    b) How many impediments! The missing letter,the new spelling rules, the erased tel no,the password at the reception desk. (Remember Notting Hill, the film ? You could have tried Mr. Thorin Oakenshield, maybe? ; )


    • Great observation. (And I should have said it’s a book that doesn’t exist IRL, either, not only in my dream.)

      I think the detail about reception must have been created by my thinking about Notting Hill yesterday — I wouldn’t know that otherwise. Can you imagine someone registering under Thorin Oakenshield? 🙂


      • Actually no.You are right: too long a name to work as a desguise.What about Heinz Kruger? Captain America? Guy of Gisbourne ? John Porter!


  5. May it have any meaning, that you put RA quite close to Al Delarmy? ;o)

    I am sorry that you could not get to RA. That must really have been a nightmare, though I think he has a different meaning in your life than a direct contact with him as person. I agree with the interpretations already posted, that he is the representation of your emotional and creative side.


  6. […] Previous Armitage dreams in which Armitage appears as Armitage: first (recurring) ; second ; third (recurring) ; fourth ; fifth. […]


  7. […] in which Armitage appears as Armitage: first (recurring) ; second ; third (recurring) ; fourth ; fifth; […]


  8. […] in which Armitage appears as Armitage: first (recurring) ; second ; third (recurring) ; fourth ; fifth; sixth; seventh. It’s striking that four of seven of those dreams involved hotel rooms […]


  9. […] dreamt of Richard Armitage as Armitage: first (recurring) ; second ; third (recurring) ; fourth ; fifth; sixth; seventh; eighth; […]


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