Richard Armitage + white asparagus: Monday night’s dream

Here’s the list of previous times I’ve dreamt of Richard Armitage as Armitage: first (recurring) ; second ; third (recurring) ; fourth ; fifth; sixth; seventh; eighth; ninth.

I’m assuming this dream has some bearing on my as yet unarticulated reaction to the extended edition extras for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, as well as, possibly, the scramble for tickets to the Hobbit live event next Monday.


In my dream, I am working in the film crew for The Hobbit. I’m wearing jeans, my favorite Rockport boots, and my old red Norwegian sweater under a fairly thick jacket. The weather is cold, and I walk into some kind of canteen or barroom where cast and crew are eating together. I don’t know any of the people but I feel like I belong here or I am doing something normal when I walk into the room. To my right, I see Richard Armitage, dressed as Thorin, from the back. He’s seated at a high counter or bar along with others. As I walk in, he’s stretching his right arm over the shoulder of the person seated next to him, who’s getting up to leave. The room is very crowded; all of the seats at the bar and in the room itself are taken. In the corner, there’s a metal food service cart with a bunch of different levels. I go straight there, grab a plate, stoop slightly, and see two of my favorite foods on the cart: long white steamed asparagus stalks covered in a sort of tapenade that smells like puttanesca sauce, and steamed broccoli in a lemon anchovy cream sauce. The food looks and smells so good! I look at it for a moment, and then take a serving utensil and put several portions of each of these on my plate. For a good long time in the dream, I am completely focused on seeing, smelling, and serving myself the vegetables. When the plate is full I straighten up and glance in Thorin’s / Richard Armitage’s direction. His left profile is just barely visible from where I’m standing, but he turns his head to the right where someone new is sitting down next to him and I don’t see his expression at all. In the dream, I have no reaction to him. I walk out of the room with my plate of vegetables. Dream ends.

~ by Servetus on October 31, 2013.

49 Responses to “Richard Armitage + white asparagus: Monday night’s dream”

  1. I know it’s probably not supposed to be funny, but the ending made me laugh. you’re more excited by the food than Richard 🙂 the most recent dream I had of Richard concerned him having a calculator and getting ready to settle down to do accounting of some sort. as I was on my way over to sit down beside him I realized what he was doing and I thought, “well so much for that…” and continued walking, because I’m horrible at math *laughs*


    • the dream didn’t have any sort of emotional valence at all — I didn’t feel anything. I wondered a bit if it were (a) a goodbye dream or (b) resulting from guilt that I’ve been feeling about my response to the Hobbit live event stuff — I don’t know why I should feel guilty, really, because my Armitagemania is about other things. Anyway, those are pretty much my two or two of my favorite vegetables … 🙂


      • there are a lot of things everyone gets in a tizzy over that I don’t *shrugs* as we’ve stated before, fangirling is a personal thing 🙂 sometimes I feel like cuddling up with my laptop and just shutting all of the fandom noise out, but that doesn’t mean I’m unaffected. it just takes certain things (like the audition 😉 ) to get me excited enough to show it. what we do, it’s a way of life really, we incorporate him into our everyday thoughts so often that it becomes something that just *is*. that’s not to say that we don’t feel, because we certainly do, but over time it’s just something that settles in.


        • I don’t disagree with that, and I certainly don’t need permission to fangirl the way I want — this blog kind of stands for that issue and I’ve taken a lot of hassle over it. I record this because the dream meant something to me and I know this, not least because I remembered it for long enough to get around to writing it down. I’m speculating in my mind as to what.

          The point of this blog is kind of that my thoughts are not something that “just is.” They’re an index of transformations I’m experiencing that I’m trying to understand.


          • I was just referring to your mention of possibly feeling guilty for not feeling a certain way. so I shared the example of how fangirl-feelings can often ebb and flow like a tide and how I’ve (and others I’ve known) come to terms with it; maybe you can relate to that, maybe not. I was not suggesting that you dismiss your feelings or stop trying to grow in which every way you feel you need to 🙂


            • I really don’t think you understand what I mean when I say that I am feeling guilt, my fault for not writing that into my comment, so let’s just drop it.


  2. My dream actually is this one: In RL I work as an accountant, occasionally in international companies. One day the manager of our German subsidiray tells me we´ll get a visit from the English headquarters. And I think “uuuh,an account from the mainboard and my manager wants me to keep him calm”. The next day ( the flight of the special accountant is delayed) , there is
    finally a knock on my office door “I`m Harry Jasper Kennedy and we have to talk about your figures”. Ahem, a faint is coming to me, so he holds me with his strong arms and asks me where the next restaurant serving a good “Pinot Noir” is. End.
    Any valence in it? No, but it gives me some pleasure, so I think it´s okay.


    • Any Armitage fantasy is okay for any reason. IMO. That’s the kind of accountant I want coming to my office, for sure.


  3. uuh sorry ,I meant “subsidiary” and “accountant from the mainboard”


  4. Maybe sometimes an asparagus is not just an asparagus?


    • LMAO. Yeah, asparagus definitely has a certain connotation in a lot of circles, doesn’t it? That did cross my mind.


  5. Damn, I’d just like to have a dream with Richard in it really. Never happens.


    • I had more or less stopped remembering my dreams until after Armitagemania hit (I probably wasn’t sleeping enough and that was part of it). For a long time, though, when he appeared in my dreams he was yelling at me.


  6. It’s interesting that he’s the only person in the packed room that you noticed yet you ‘felt’ nothing. I don’t think you had ‘no reaction’ simply because, you noted him, what he was wearing, where his arm was, that the person next to him was leaving, where he was looking and that you couldn’t see his expression. How is that no reaction? Interesting.


    • ok, NICE. You’re right that feeling nothing and having no reaction are not quite the same thing. Looking at it now, I felt like I belonged in the room but I also didn’t see anyone I knew who waved me over to a table or anything. I felt comfortable walking in and out.

      Something that I also note looking at this again is that I notice that someone is leaving but I don’t make any effort to go sit in that position next to him (I’m focused on lunch in the dream). That’s what made me think that this was somehow about the Hobbit event, that I’m not making any effort to go to it …

      In the dream it seems perfectly normal that I’d see him in profile but that it wouldn’t cause an emotional reaction — I’m probably about a yard away from him at most when that happens.


      • The lack of emotion is really interesting, to me. To me, that usually signals disinterest. In this case that is immediately offset by how you noticed him in the crowded room. To walk past with no physical reaction or emotional blip. ESPECIALLY if he was dressed like Thorin. (that could just be this week, month, year, 3 year)


  7. And you said you felt comfortable and like you belonged….You know where he is but you’re not falling over yourself to get to him. He’s surrounded by people and you don’t care. You’re hungry, maybe an extra long shift, you need to feed yourself and he can wait. But more than that, he doesn’t even ping the emotions, why? Better things to do? Not interested in the mob scene? Know he’ll be home later and not concerned? Interesting that you didn’t even note a baseline emotion like, glad it was lunch, glad to see him, just reported, went to lunch, he was there, (incredibly detailed lunch description) yes, he was still there when I left. The end.


    • note also — I don’t usually dream in that much detail about food unless I’m about to make a big meal in my actual life.


  8. Are you making a big meal?


  9. curiouser and curiouser…


  10. A good-bye dream , if it means good-bye to Richard Armitage, sounds pretty serious for you. Your recent posts don’t seem to be going in that direction. Anyway, someone else left the canteen before you did. What’s at least as interesting as the presence of Richard Armitage, is how much food you took -several servings of each favorite vegetable. You were being good to yourself, either nourishing yourself or pampering – or both.
    So, maybe you can give more thought to that – how can you be good to yourself.


    • yeah, I wondered it if was an “I don’t care” dream but that is not the direction Armitagemania is going — I like the point that CarlyQ brought out that he was there and I wasn’t drawn to him or repelled. He was there. I was free of my in real life strongly felt need to flee Richard Armitage.

      I’m definitely going to eat some broccoli soon. The intense feeling I had about that broccoli suggests I am not eating enough, lol.


  11. Now, if that had been my dream, I would have interpreted it as nightmare. You might know why ;o)
    But as it is yours, perhaps something close to heaven?
    Feeling naturally belonging in his surrounding and getting the best food ever, without any kind of burden or heaviness or insecurity or forced proximity or …


    • Well, I love veggies, too, but …LOL! Perhaps because veggies have a connotation with health and doing the right thing for oneself, this signified that Richard is a means to an end–the goal in the dream was healthy nourishment for you, not interacting with Richard/Thorin, though he was part of the scenario. Symbolic of “Richard as a means of healing/being and feeling good about yourself”?


    • yeah, a sort of natural relationship with all of those things.


  12. If anything, your post made me hungry and wanting to try that white asparagus recipe. And believe me, if in my dream I was faced with two of my favorite foods, or at least dishes that I like/love, I won’t be paying attention to anything or anyone else, even if it’s Richard dressed as Thorin.

    Interestingly because you seem to have kinda tied it in with your reaction or non-reaction to Monday’s live event, at least to me it doesn’t necessarily have to mean you’re stepping away from Armitagemania, merely focusing your attention to the reasons why you’re doing so. It could mean focusing on other things that you value in your real life (again, this could be because I also want to search out those recipes for myself) at this very moment, things or people or activities that bring comfort to you in a way that Armitagemania doesn’t.

    But then that’s just me looking into my cracked crystal ball using my own way of interpreting dreams…


    • oh, and my favorite way to eat white asparagus is here, this is the way I always recommend people eat it:

      OT: The only white asparagus recipe

      I remember thinking very distinctly when the whole Twitter thing started, “let the madness begin” and having a peculiar reaction to that. Also, my feelings about the extended edition extras have been strange. All in all my sympathetic nervous system has been overreacting, if anything — so it might also have been a wishful thinking dream — if I had my way, this is the way I’d be around Richard Armitage / Armitage news. More interested in broccoli.


      • Thank you for that recipe! My ex was an Italian-American chef, hence I left the cooking to him for he insisted that even he could make my Filipino cooking better. But it left me feeling sorely inadequate in the kitchen – unless I’m cooking Thai food, for some reason. But I love asparagus and didn’t know about the white asparagus makes your pee smell weird thing, though that is good to know 🙂

        I was like you a week ago, saying I was going to go in hibernation for all 7 weeks (hasn’t worked, has it, Perry?). I haven’t even seen all of the special features after that first time. But I’ve solved that fear of being sucked into the Armitagemania vortex at least starting tomorrow. I’m doing NaNoWriMo, even if it kills me. I’m sure that will keep me distracted from Mr. A though not necessarily from the muse he inspires. 🙂


  13. I’m pretty sure that this, minus the garlic plus a few teaspoonsful of cream, was what was on the broccoli, b/c I had read a recipe shortly before going to bed. It was actually the gravy ingredients for a panfried chicken dish.

    1 teaspoon coarse kosher salt
    Freshly ground black pepper
    6 garlic cloves, smashed and peeled
    1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
    5 anchovy fillets
    2 tablespoons drained capers, patted dry
    1 large pinch chile flakes
    1 lemon, halved
    Fresh chopped parsley, for serving

    The garlic was definitely on the asparagus in the dream. The sauce on the asparagus was crushed tomatoes, kalamata olives, garlic, and olive oil. Not a real puttanesca but like one.

    I am scaring myself here a little.


  14. I´m sorry but the ending made me laugh. How lucky that you dream RA!


  15. Still waiting for that dream with Richard, well maybe I do but don’t wake up from REM sleep. I have had only one dream with someone that was known, from the musical world and sat in my bedroom and sang me a song that I had only heard sung once and very low volume. That was this summer. What my class told me was that most the time are dreams are pretty dull, so if anyone has a gReAt one that’s gReAt.

    Never had white asparagus before, but just had my favorite salmon dish that has green asparagus this week.


    • I do think most dreams are not memorable, that’s why we forget them …

      love green asparagus, too, it grows in my folks’ backyard.


  16. OMG you had me at white asparagus *drool* RA is just the bonus


  17. Those are pretty sexy vegetable dishes, I’d say. Anyone who has ever tried to plant and grow asparagus knows that it takes extra time and more work to get the first harvest. . . then with the white asparagus, there’s that covering it up, keeping it in the dark so it doesn’t turn green. (Where I live, people love to find wild asparagus along the roadsides because it takes way less effort to harvest.)

    Anyway, if I had to interpret this dream using my own intuition (for sheer entertainment’s sake, of course), I’d bring up that you were focused on covering up with regards to your own clothing and RA being rather covered up in that Thorin get up. . . and maybe you are just deep down craving a “springtime” (note the vegetable choices and flavors) when folks will be less covered up – by coats and costumes?


    • broccoli’s kind of a pain, too, with all the worms.

      I could definitely use a metaphorical spring!

      Thanks for the comment and welcome.


      • Thank you, Servetus. Asparagus definitely sexier than broccoli, although the lemon cream sauce did sex it up a bit. You never did eat those vegetables in that dream, did you? Just enjoyed them using all of your senses except for taste. . . Now, some might start wondering what RA tastes like, haha!


        • Emma, the reason your posts are moderated is that you are commenting from an IP address that has been blocked for problematic comments in the past. Feel free to send me some kind of proof that you are not a sockpuppet for “Lily.” Otherwise, the posts will remain on moderation.


          • Servetus, what kind of proof is needed? I am confused by this. Thanks!


            • You’re writing from an IP address from which someone wrote earlier this year who left a problematic comment. That person identified herself as “Lily.” When I wrote to ask about the comment, the email address did not work. A problematic comment + a non-working email address are two primary characteristics of a troll. I left a comment on the post where the original comment from Lily was left, asking Lily to contact me again about the comment. Lily never replied. I blocked Lily’s nonworking email address and Lily’s IP. You are writing from Lily’s IP. This makes you look like a sockpuppet, unless you have an explanation.


  18. Servetus, please feel free to e-mail me (or not e-mail me as I figure you are busy also – and you may not feel it worth your time). I do not check my e-mail daily nor do I “play” online daily due to my other responsibilities. I do not mind my comments being moderated. Your writing here has made you vulnerable, and the nature of the “civilized” world is not so civilized. I understand at least that much.


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