Meeting Mr. Armitage in Fleet Farm

Previous Armitage dreams in which Armitage appears as Armitage: first (recurring) ; second ; third (recurring) ; fourth ; fifth; sixth.

[Thursday night to Friday morning waking dream, last night to this morning. I’m attributing something of the reason I had it to the intensity of the response to the second trailer for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. I have been in the Fleet Farm store dozens of times in my life, but in the members’ club mentioned only once, during new faculty orientation.]

I’m at a reception on the upper floor of the Fleet Farm at the western edge of the next city over from where my parents live. I had never known there is an upper floor and throughout the dream, I keep feeling surprised it’s there. The interior of the upper floor of the store is furnished in the style of the members’ club located inside the football stadium housed on the campus of my last job — a style that doesn’t really fit with the Fleet Farm aesthetic. As the dream opens, I am in the room, attending a party or reception, and it’s the opening event or prelude to some kind of competition. About seven other people are involved in the competition.

The beginning of the dream is about a puzzle that we have to solve in order to find out where the next morning’s first competition event is being held. All of us are sitting together on folding chairs arranged around a round banquet table with a white tablecloth on top, and an event organizer comes around and gives us all folders with information about the competition. In the dream I can see their faces but don’t recognize any of them, and as I write this I can’t remember any of their faces except that there are both men and women and there are black- (in particular, a black guy in a tan corduroy jacket with big, clunky buttons) and brown-skinned people at the table. People start reading through the information, which includes a lot of one-sided, black-and-white handouts stapled together, and a level of chatter arises amongst the competitors, although I can’t remember what we were talking about. At some point I realize that my left hand is covered with some kind of white gauze bandage, and I flip it palms up, and in looking at the handout in my hand and at my gauze-covered palm, I realize that is where the clue will be.

As I become occupied by my hand, I lose track of what the other people are doing, and decide to try to unravel the bandage. This feels like it takes a long time, although there isn’t any wound under it and I don’t feel any pain and don’t feel like there’s any particular rush. It’s not clear why it’s so hard to take the bandage off except that the last little piece doesn’t want to come, but as I unwrap that layer I notice that there are some long, thin scraps of paper folded up under the bandage next to my hand — three or four of them. I look in the folder and I realize from the handout that I need to unravel those scraps. Still, I fiddle with the bandage for awhile before I decide just to pull the scraps out from under it. When I pull them out, they are blank, but this doesn’t fill me with any emotion in the dream. I think, “Oh, they’re blank.”

At the same time that I have this thought, it just pops into my head that the next morning’s events are going to be at the hotel / performing arts complex downtown. I look down at the folder and on top of it is a brochure for the hotel (that wasn’t there before), but again I have no reaction to this at all in the dream. And just as I realize this, everyone around me starts clapping loudly and someone announces that I’ve solved the puzzle. People come up to me and pat me on the back, and I look around the table and realize that the other competitors are still working.

Someone comes up to the table and urges me to join a sort of cocktail party that’s going on around the margins room, centered around the kind of tall table like the ones usually at a German stand-up reception. Food and drink are available and I see other people at the reception (who I again don’t recognize) eating and drinking but I’m not hungry or thirsty and don’t have any. The person who draws me over to the reception brings me a bottle of water and I stand at the edge of a group at one of the tables, and it’s here that I meet Richard Armitage.

Armitage is definitely Armitage; however, he has the Percy Courtenay hair, brown, medium-toned, and a little long/floppy. He’s clean-shaven. He is a bit oddly dressed, with a dark sports jacket and a white oxford shirt, but pants in a synthetic knit, tiny houndstooth check that I would associate with the 1970s in the U.S., executed in black, red, and calfshit brown tones. I recognize that he’s Richard Armitage but don’t associate anything with that, either any emotion. I’m not even sure I know he’s an actor in this dream, or my crush — he’s just one of the people at the party, but I recognize him. We’re in a group of people talking aimlessly about business in the Valley and who knows who, although I can’t remember what we’re saying. Gradually the people drop away and it’s just me and Armitage. I excuse myself from him politely and go to the margin of the room where I’ve left my backpack and laptop case.

Someone’s gone through my stuff and made a mess but I feel no sense of anxiety about this; I just pick it up and and try to repack all the stuff in the laptop case, except that it needs to be folded and wound correctly and it doesn’t want to fit in the case, so after a few minutes I just plop it all in the case and cram the top down and try to zip it. At this point I notice Richard Armitage watching me. He spreads his legs and sits down cross-legged a foot or two away while I’m doing the cramming and zipping, and at this point I notice that he has kind of a tummy and orange socks, and that the slacks he has on are too short, but I also notice that he a charming smile and very white teeth. He has one of the folders from the competition in hand and starts chatting about it. I don’t talk to him but turn my attention back to the cramming and zipping. I then sling everything over my shoulders and smile at him and make to exit the room, but he draws me back over to one of the tall tables and starts a conversation with me.

It’s a conversation about being successful, although I don’t remember the beginning of it. He has an English accent in his speech. At some point he says, “It’s really about being in the right place at the right time. You know, I have a friend who’s a pro” and I think he’s going to say “golfer” but he says “jeweler” and then goes on to say, “and it is really just about being there at the right time to observe that parade, so to speak.” I nod, because this seems like a really great life lesson, and then resume my path out of the room. He asks me, “aren’t you going to take your folder?” I look back at the table and the folder is still there. I say, “No, I already know where the hotel is.”

Alarm goes off. I wake up and feel happy, like it was a good dream.

~ by Servetus on September 21, 2012.

73 Responses to “Meeting Mr. Armitage in Fleet Farm”

  1. Love reading about RA dreams.


  2. Trousers that are too short with orange socks? The trousers alone would be enough to put me off were it not Mr Armitage wearing them 😉

    My dreams are all nightmares at the moment…generally anxious nightmares rather than sheer terror…I wouldn’t mind if RA turned up in them occasionally but so far he hasn’t seen fit to visit!


  3. Orange socks? Seriously? Can’t picture RA wearing orange socks! 🙂 I must have had a strong reaction to the trailer too because I had a Hobbit related dream last night. I was queueing for a ticket for the Hungarian premiere of The Hobbit. I remember I was at the cinema very early in order to secure a place in one of the first rows. Then suddenly I was watching the film but I couldn’t see the screen very well from where I sat so I decided to find a better seat. And to my horror there were so many empty rows and seats! My heart sank..I felt so anxious but was telling myself it doesn’t mean anything if the film flops in Hungary, in other countries it might still be a success..Then during the interval I saw Peter Jackson accompanied by a group of actors from the film. Richard was not among them, in fact I didn’t recognize anybody from the real cast, (there was only one familiar face, the guy who ‘almost’ slept with Alona in ‘Between the Sheets’ and is also in GoT but as far as I’m aware has nothing to do with the Hobbit movies! How did he get into my Hobbit dream I have no idea!). Peter Jackson looked very friendly and relaxed so I approached him for an autograph and not only did he sign my leaflet but also drew a fantastic picture for me in like 5 seconds. I can’t remember what he drew but I was mightily impressed and thought wow this guy is a genius! I asked him about the poor attendance and whether it worried him but he just smiled enigmatically.And that was about it. It was so vivid! No Richard but the next best thing- Sir Peter!!


    • This is a kind of a neat dream. I’m glad the actors came to Hungary!


      • Yes, it was mostly a neat dream with only a slight hint of anxiety (fear of failure at the box office..). Would have been even better if the “real cast” showed up but hey, I shouldn’t complain as I’ve been having a lot of nightmares lately (like Kathrynruthd), so this was all the more special and surprising! And Sir Peter was such a darling! Bless his heart.


        • so he’s not trying to harm fans at all. Good to know 🙂


          • No…He’s a sweetheart. I have developed a bit of a crush on him! 🙂


            • I love that he could obviously care less about his hair. That is my life goal.


              • Obviously he has more important things to worry about than his hair! LOL! I also love his cardigans. And his adorable accent. And the sparkle in his eyes. 🙂 PJ seems so accessible and normal and funny, that I might even be able to overcome my shyness and have a proper chat with him in the right circumstances. In RL and not only in a dream! 🙂


                • OK, embarrassing secret — I long to have a job that lets me dress like Peter Jackson every single day.


                  • how come that you seemingly enjoy RA in well-tailored suits with a perfect fit???? You’ve even found an awful lot of wonderfully excessive words to write about excactly that….?? 😉


  4. Fleet farm lol….that is all i have to say about that. Hehehehe


    • it occurred to me after I titled that post that maybe someone would think I had actually run into him in a hardware store. Don’t know if Michigan has Fleet Farm but the other side of the Midwest from Lake Michigan does. 🙂


      • Yep they do in MN & WI. And of course there is always Farm & Fleet. I think that was what we had were I went to college…ah good times lol


      • Is all the orange related to the Fleet Farm itself? I am very familiar with the sea of orange at the FF…living in that state across the Midwestern pond from MI. :). I’m amazed at the level of detail that you can remember! I know that I’ve dreamed of RA, usually in one or another character, but I can nvever remember details.


        • yeah, I think Fleet Farm ends up being the location of the dream because of all the orange in its iconography, which establishes a connection to Armitage’s socks and another element of the dream; the question is just what Fleet Farm means, then — what is the connection between an area that is “home” for me (or some version of that) and the place I used to work, for instance.

          re: dreams — I saw a Jungian therapist for two years and she trained me to keep a notebook at the bedside for the purpose of recording dreams that seemed especially vivid in any way. (I don’t write down the dreams where I’m answering email.)


          • 🙂 I imagine those are common as dirt. Dream analysis is totally elusive to me…everything seems so random, yet isn’t. It’s fascinating…I’m surprised that I haven’t had a recurrence of a long standing tornado dream with all of the chatter around Black Sky. But then again we’ve had such a quiet tornado season…ironically enough.


            • yes, sadly. Sometimes I even see the Microsoft screen.

              I don’t know what dreams mean but I take them more seriously now.

              No tornadoes: Jas Rangoon is praying against them, that’s why 🙂


              • I hope she keeps them at bay 🙂 We had one last year that was a bit too close for comfort, and I have no desire to spend any additional time in my basement this year…I might feel obligated to clean it!


          • Servetus, you don’t have a tip what all the e-mail dreams mean? I lately solve my e-mail answers in most of the dreams I remember. It is quite useful, as usually I solve difficult answers I have to write and remember the solution in the morning, so that I often can write it down immediately after getting up. I should not hesitate with writing it down and usually do so before breakfast, as later I forget the solution and it is hard to get it back again.
            I am clueless, what your dream could mean, but I am glad it made a good overall impression on you. Orange socks would be a bit difficult for me to swallow, though RA even could make that work ;o) In general, I do like orange, though not in any kind of political connection or on men.
            You remain remarkably calm while being watched and observed by RA ;o) Brave Servetus !


            • I never learn anything from those dreams. I’m just answering email. I see the computer screen, I type. I assume it’s because I spend too much time answering email during the day. I’m glad if you can use them creatively!


  5. Hi Serv,
    Hmmm. Don’t know what the dream means, but the socks made me think of BTS. Ha!
    When I lived in MN, they had Piggly Wiggly’s Ha! We do have a Farm & Fleet in our town.
    Pleasant dReAms for this evening. Cheers! Grati ;->


  6. […] myself from directing ridicule or inappropriate self-hate at myself in reality. I further attribute last night’s dream to this flareup. Judit had one […]


  7. Hi Servetus!:) hmmm..”Fleet Farm”… Could you be so kind and explain what it is?
    PS:…and what does it mean “pro”?. I’m jeweler but I don’t know if I’m or I want to be ” pro jeweler”? 😉


  8. One Wisconsin girl to another Wisconsin girl do you know if Fleet Farm has Toyland starting in the fall time like Farm and Fleet has each year? Can’t wait for the Hobbit Legos to come out. I hopefully will know since son 3 gets the Lego Magazine . I have told the boys I would not steal Thorin. I do have to laugh meeting Richard Armitage at Fleet Farm. That’s my kind of dream, oh I forgot I don’t dream Richard. Rats! Any dream would do.


    • Good grief…how many of us are there here?! :). Toyland at FF usually opens in October…the books should be coming out shortly.

      @Joanna, Fleet Farm is a super sized store for all of your farming and outdoor needs…from fishing lures to equine vitamins :). Not to mention clothing, electronics, small appliances. A kind of “if they don’t have it, you don’t need it” store. Hmmm, I strangely feel a trip to FF in my immediate future…can’t let that bounty go untapped. 😉


      • I’m aware of two others besides you guys. Wisconsin loves Richard Armitage!

        Fleet Farm: esp hunting needs, licenses, camo gear. I’m usually there to get something for someone else but I have also bought backpacking gear there. My main association with it is that they sell tires, and so the whole store smells really strongly of rubber.


      • Thank you Obscura and Servetus!…well, it looks like my favorite kind of store 🙂 as we say in my country “Szwarc mydło i powidło”-in translation and without any rhyme 😉 it means “Yosef soap and Fruit butter”, one hundred and one oddments.


    • you probably need to get an extra Thorin.

      Meeting Richard Armitage at Fleet Farm? Wonder if you’d encounter him in the “blaze orange men’s sportwear aisle”? Or in the plumbing supplies?


  9. I would pay to see that! How do you think he’d do tackling the “up nort hay” accent?


    • You will be unsurprised that I have devoted some time to pondering this question. I think it would not be the easiest choose for him, because most of his native long vowels are diphthongs (as opposed to the Scandinavian and Germanic long vowels, which are purer, and have had a big influence in the northern part of WI and MI). Listen to somebody from Green Bay say “sorry” some time or “no” and you’ll get an idea of what I mean.

      Still if he did it, I’d probably swoon!


  10. No kidding! I’ve been exposed to it most of my life, but I have a really hard time replicating the super strong variety…I will do some on the ground study today at an obligatory family gathering of my Fox Valley cousins. It sounds soooo yokel to me, but hearing that silky voice say, “hey ‘der” would likely buckle my knees too!


  11. People from Wisconsin have taste. In my case watching Wisconsin PBS for the pass 15 years and all those British shows well that pretty much all I watch just add BBC A on there too now.
    Now where would you met Richard in FF, well I think maybe automotive but the blaze orange would be funny I would need a pair of sunglasses. We just got done with homecoming week and at the school building that I work (support staff) one class was blaze orange for the day.
    I really never give to much thought to Richard having an American accent, but that goes for all British actors. I just love that British accent. But to hear him say up north or going up north might be nice. When I was in basic training for the Army National Guard a girl from Texas told me I sounded Like I was from Wisconsin, up till then (I was 17) I didn’t think I had an accent. Sorry so long winded.


    • Don’t get me wrong…I’m Wisconsin born and bred. I’ve lived all over the country and came back here to raise my family. I talk to people all the time who are big fans of British tv via PBS, but I think we are well camouflaged behind all of the Packer and cheesehead stuff that has become synonymous with WI. That said…Go Pack! My grad school friends always gently rib me about my WI accent…I didn’t think I had one either :). I too would much prefer to hear RA speak in his native accent, but it would be fun to hear him go through a regional smorgasbord of American accents the way he does the various British ones in Cbeebies and the audiobooks.


      • People were astounded in the summer of 2011 about how well stocked my local library was with Richard Armitage’s work — b/c people in WI do consume BBC via PBS. I’ve always thought of Wisconsinites as civil, well educated, cooperative people who have a few crazy preoccupations. That’s of course the rosy picture (alcohol consumption would be another piece of it.)

        When I went to college (on another border of the U.S.) people teased me about my accent and so I lost most of it on purpose.


        • Having a strong regional accent certainly isn’t a blessing in higher academics. I tried pretty hard to lose mine and was successful when out of the area, but I do notice it creeping back.


          • mine comes back, strangely, when I’m in Germany and speaking English. I don’t have the pressure of other people’s voices on my pronunciation there, I guess.


    • fishing lures?


  12. I told my husband that if I were to land that particular fish (as if!) I wasn’t throwing it back. He could have a freebie at his discretion. I begin to believe that there is something seriously wrong with me 🙂


    • my parents have that arrangement. Mom gets Michael Douglas and dad gets Angie Dickinson. I think it works because the chances are vanishingly small.


  13. My Wisconsin accent is here to stay most likely, other that out of the state for short periods of time it has been my home for 42 years. I would love to go and live in England, but I don’t see that happening or any time soon. My best friend in England has a very heavy accent and at first it took some time to get use to. We are more use to the London accent or Queens English. I do like the Yorkshire accent also.


    • honestly there’s no good reason to try to lose it — even if people make fun of one occasionally. There’s prejudice against certain accents in the U.S., but it’s silly.


  14. I don’t think I could, I had a speech problem as a child. My dad thought like his parents that children where to be seen and not heard. My grandparents where both born in 1884 and my dad in 1923.Hugh age gaps there.


    • really — I deduce that you’re my age, so your father was an “old dad,” relatively speaking, even for that time.


  15. I don’t know why but your dream gives me the creeps. Percy’s hair maybe ? Or his orange socks maybe ? 🙂


  16. I am 42 and my dad was 47 when I was born, my mom was not young either 34 at that time and I was her first and only. It was a very weird childhood. When kids say there parents never understand I don’t think mind ever did. Maybe my mom a little but never my dad.


  17. My dad’s ideas on raising children are not the same as mine that is for sure. My dad’s gotten after my youngest for picking up my jacket of all things, because it was not his . My mom views where much better, but he ruled the house.


  18. […] appears as Armitage: first (recurring) ; second ; third (recurring) ; fourth ; fifth; sixth; seventh. It’s striking that four of seven of those dreams involved hotel rooms somehow. So does this […]


  19. […] Armitage as Armitage: first (recurring) ; second ; third (recurring) ; fourth ; fifth; sixth; seventh; eighth; […]


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