Merry Christmas, Richard Armitage! Merry Christmas, Armitageworld!

He came through, as always: Richard Armitage’s Christmas message to fans, posted by the indefatigable Annette at!

Mr. Armitage — should you be peeking — I can’t say how grateful I am that you still make the time for this. It means a lot to us. I’m so glad to know you’re well, and to hear you sounding so pleased!

As for the holiday: If you need some Christmas cheer, and / or a reminder of the source of Christians’ hopes, I recommend the Lessons and Carols Service from Kings College Cambridge, broadcast earlier this afternoon. Listen here. I also recommend Bach, which always makes me think of my German friends.

Gaudete! I’ll be doing the Servetus family Christmas this year. This event is not easy for any of us, so I’d ask for your prayers for my parents as they struggle with their convictions and feelings.

Servetus will be back with more Chanukkah and most importantly — more Richard Armitage! — after tomorrow — St Stephens, Boxing Day, Zweiter Weihnachtstag.

Meanwhile, I ask again: can we warm up someone else’s day today?

My Richard Armitage Chanukkah vid, if you missed it (grin):


It’s that time of year again: a point at which we think about the needs of others in the midst of gratitude for the gifts we have received. Here’s a link to Mr. Armitage’s recommended charities at JustGiving and a link to Act!onAid, a child sponsorship organization for which he recorded a voiceover in December 2010. In 2011, Mr. Armitage also participated in fundraising efforts for Christchurch Earthquake Appeal. You can also generate a donation by doing any or Book Depository shopping that you do for the holidays via, or or shopping via, as these fansites both donate earned commission to charities that Armitage has endorsed. Fans have also donated in honor of Armitage to Oxfam International.


~ by Servetus on December 24, 2011.

32 Responses to “Merry Christmas, Richard Armitage! Merry Christmas, Armitageworld!”

  1. Happy Channukah, Serv!
    Loved the spinning dreidel and the spinning Armitages in your video!
    Holiday Cheers! Grati ;->


  2. Servetus, I wish you a very peaceful and loving holiday/time. Whatever convictions you or your loved ones may be working through, I wish for you and them many blessings.


  3. Dearest darling Servetus,

    I give thanks that I discovered your blog and that you discovered my fiction. It’s been a delightful, insightful, informative and thought-provoking ride. Blessings and prayers for your family Christmas and go all, Merry Christmas and happy holidays however you may celebrate!

    And isn’t that Richard Armitage just the nicest guy? How can we NOT love him.


  4. Thanks for reposting your Richard Armitage Chanukkah vid. Indeed I almost missed it earlier and then I saw a link on phylly3’s blog. 🙂 It’s a fantastical delight!


  5. First and foremost, happy holidays everyone may peace and joy be yours in ridiculous abundance. Dear Sev, thank you for sharing your talents with us and all the hard work you put into your blog. Even tho, I haven’t been commenting, I have been reading on the L. It has been a nice diversion from crazy work sched and extended in-law visit Lord have mercy, if I hear one more antidote about my perfect, natural birthing, house building, home schooling, sister in law. Who’s genius child doesn’t eat sugar or watch TV. Fav quote from MIL as she is showing me a pic of said SIL,”Look she barely looks pregnant, just a tiny baby bump.” Good Gwad, someone pass me the wine STAT!!!!

    Mr. Armitage, I am so proud of you! I know it sounds strange, but I am. You inspire us all in different ways, and it isn’t just bec you have a fine a$$ either. By sharing your light with the world, you make us all shine a bit brigher. I do hope you are enjoying your work on The Hobbit. It sure looks like hard work, but rewarding too. No? And what is a few typos, between friends. Between you and me, I never noticed . Nice to know you read what we write *wink* *wink*.

    Dear Sev, as for pulling your nieces out of school to go to the movies, I am sure it was a holiday highlight for them. It is so good for the little ones to have their Auntie there with them, esp around the holidays.

    Much love & many blessings


    • if they were struggling in school, I’d feel differently, but they’re not, thankfully 🙂

      Hope you survived the holidays with generous application of wine as necessary, @Rob, despite the loss of your local team yesterday to my local team. Seriously, thanks for being around here, whether from the El or anywhere else. You are a major light in my life.


  6. Like

  7. Dear Servet and Friends

    Happy Channukah, Merry Christmas and a new year of great peace and happiness!


  8. Dear Servetus, ich wünsche Dir ein schönes Weihnachtfest, however you are going to celebrate it. I decided to spend today and tomorrow with myself as amongst other things I feel extremely exhausted and enjoy it immensely not to meet somebody’s expectations (only mine and they are the worst!! LOL !!!) Right now I enjoy the “Festival of the Nine Lessons and Carols” of King’s College Cambridge on BBC 4 you mentioned above. Beautiful!
    The day was anyway cheered up with a special treatment from our “dear friend” in the early morning (thanks to his jet lag!!). Is it possible that he every now and then reads your “Armitage anatomy lessons”? Wouldn’t that be something??
    And isn’t it hilarious that he mentioned the typos? (better don’t look at mine.. Uhh). Fragen über Fragen…
    BTW I would like to consider myself a German friend…(not only due to Bach 🙂 )


    • Natürlich bist Du eine deutsche Freundin 🙂 Ich denke spezifisch an die Familie von meinem X, die große Bach-fans sind. Nach 10 Jahren kann ich das Weihnachtsoratorium fast auswendig 🙂

      Hope you had a great day. Holidays in solitude are the best!


  9. Happy holidays and a wonderful Chanukkah to you, Servetus. I strangely thought about you and your believes and struggles most during todays Christmas celebrations. I hope all goes well with your family and that you will have a lovely time!


  10. “Hypothalamusesl! (Hypothalami?)”, oh my: You guys are definetly fond of anatomy!!
    Although one of the things I like best in science fictions films are the things and technology suggested/created in them, what might happen if we could watch a film in ourselves? Would they be films or dreams?
    (Richard Armitage as a forecaster/visionary might be a nice topic for discussion, huh?)

    In Brazil, the most important day of Christmas is not – believe me, Christmas day, but Christmas Eve, at least for children. On Christmas Eve we have a very late supper, some people go to Midnight Mass and presents are exchanged! It means lot of fun, and delicious food!
    This year, from RA’s birthday cake thread – we are having “Sacher Tarte”! And it looks beautiful!

    I know it is winter there and snowy, but not here! After an unusually cold year we are having very hot summer days, with refreshing ( so far) summer rains. It’s been perfect! It’s vacation time, and the beginning of a sequence of festivities that will go up to Carnival (When I first watched ” North and South” !)
    These joyful days made me think of a song, that I would like to share with you all although it’s not a Brazilian song. It was written, in Spanish, by Chilean composer Violeta Parra, and the version I prefer is the one by Argentinian singer Mercedes Sosa: “Gracias a la vida”



  11. Oops. Wrong nick name, the post with the song, is by me, Bibiana!.


    • now we know what color your hair is 🙂

      Xmas Eve is also the big moment in German and many German-American families. Love that you had Sachertorte!

      Thanks for the link — and best wishes for the New Year!


  12. Happy Channukah! Merry Christmas, and all serenity. (I do love that Channukah vid!)


  13. Feliz Navidad- Merry Christmas – Happy Holidays – Happy Channukah Everyone!


  14. Dear Servetus. Happy Channukah! Merry Christmas! Wishing you a happy and prosperous New Year!(I really like your Channukah vid)


  15. Christmas Day is all but over here, and as much as I always enjoy the time with my family, today has been imbued with the extra delight brought about by reading the message from Richard last night. As much as I hoped there would be one, I thought he would be much too busy and tired, and I would’ve understood. That he took the time to do so, and acknowledges and appreciates our support makes me love him even more. He truly is the most wonderful, thoughtful and sweet man.

    I hope everyone enjoys their festive celebrations!! 🙂


  16. Dear Servetus, as in these parts it’s Boxing Day, I would like to wish you Happy Holidays none the less.

    And Mr Armitage still manages to surprise me with his kindness. Especially considering he’s just touched down from a long haul flight, though jet lag is a major pain so I can commiserate with the “in the middle of the night, still awake, so might as well do something productive”-mode. He’s good one, that’s for sure.


    • Chanukkah lasts for two more days 🙂

      I thought this was really nice of him, too. I figured he was tired and *maybe* we’d hear from him in the days between the years.


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