He’s alive, we can see him from the front, and he still has the beard. Servetus is jubilant.

Look at all the links on RichardArmitageNet.com.

The beard is even beardier and beautifuller than ever. Thanks to Sir Ian McKellen for doing the thing that provides this immense pleasure.

~ by Servetus on June 23, 2012.

60 Responses to “He’s alive, we can see him from the front, and he still has the beard. Servetus is jubilant.”

  1. Guh…we’re ALL 14 again! Joy oh Joy!


  2. I am as giddy as a schoolgirl. Heck, I don’t think I was this giddy when I WAS a schoolgirl. Seriously, he looks just wonderful. Glowing with health. And we can see those hairy forearms I love so much. 😉


  3. Isn’t Richard lovely the way he has his arm around the shoulders of those 2 lucky ladies?

    And it’s also lovely to see that the whole crew was there to support Sir Ian



  4. Angie, did you see what Servetus said bout Comic Con? squeeeee


  5. Finally we can see him!!! he look so good and happy, these image made my day


  6. Oh, my heart is thumping away…Yeah Angie, those forearms are extremely tempting!!


  7. Geez, it is like he just keeps getting more and more gorgeous. He is a picture of health. Strong arms, nice glow, smiling eyes, beautiful physique, etc. I don’t know how I will stand the pleasure that awaits me once he starts the PR for TH.


  8. Love it! And I swear his forearms are twice the size they used to be in N&S.


    • they are huge. Even bigger than they got for Strike Back. Bet he could win an arm-wrestling match with Peter Firth now.


  9. Cannot keep away of noticing that he’s in the last row and in the periphery of every group posing, again. I was desperately trying to catch sight of him among lying bodies – tough forensics – found him again on the verge of visibility and recognisability.


    • Indeed. Apropos: You might pop over to Frenz’s blog.


      • Does that video work for you, Servetus? I just get a big space in the middle of that post.


        • There is another video from a different angle, posted by WhatSheepDo on YouTube. You can see Richard a bit better when he is lying down. Starts at about 5:40 mark.


          • Hi Snoozie…now there’s this big white square in your comment where I suppose you put a link to the vid?

            I can’t understand what’s happening with my PC. Every time I try clicking on the “play” arrow in the video Frenz uploaded to YouTube, I get the “An error occurred. Try again later”.



            • Weird. Did you try to reboot your PC? Otherwise, maybe just go to YouTube directly and do a search for Ian McKellen on Stage, or look for WhatSheepDo videos (?)


              • The same is happening to most youtube vids on my notebook.I think it may have to do with the latest firefox update. When I use IE it’s no problem. Have you tried to watch with another browser?


    • But of course he’ll be at the back, and on the periphery, it’s just Richard being Richard! 🙂 That’s the way he likes it! 🙂


      • Exactly, Judit…why are people even commenting about it so much again? Surely they must know by now that it’s perfectly natural for Richard to move to where he’s less conspicuous?


        and he is a gentleman, after all,

        and I don’t think he’s “rocking from side to side” as one person or more have stated, any more than is Jimmy Nesbitt or quite a few others. They are trying to see around and over others standing in front of them and maybe even to hear Sir Ian better.

        And, no, I’m not in APM, just being logical


        • If he was pushing himself to the front and trying to hog the stage, then I’d be worried because that would NOT be typical RA behavior. The whole standing in the back thing doesn’t bother me, other than it’s harder to get a good look at all that male beauty. 😉


          • Oh, I knoooow, Angie 😉 and what a beauty Richard is, indeed. 🙂

            Ahhh, now people must see just why I’ve been following his career for 13 years! I was born with the GTG (good taste gene), after all 😉


          • I agree. If he would start behaving differently people would probably say that fame has corrupted him and he’s becoming big-headed and isn’t sweet Richard any more.


      • Exactly my thoughts. There he is standing in the background trying not to be noticed.


  10. Servetus,thank you!!!!! My hands are shaking with excitement, I can hardly type! 🙂


  11. Ladies who is THAT guy? Really. Who IS he? Wow.


  12. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


  13. He looks soooo good!!! I hope he’s still sporting the beard at Comic Con.


  14. I’m offline for a few days and come back to this. OMG, can he be any more gorgeous, radiant, compelling, yes, ALL THAT.


  15. Yippeeeeee, the video’s up there above now 🙂

    Maybe the gremlins got into my PC earlier on 🙂

    Now, I’ll go watch this one (after I check to see if the video is showing up in Frenz’ post this time).

    Thank you

    (PS. finally got YouTube to co-operate and let me watch the other video from Ali’s site online – only watched it 10 times so far!!)


  16. Presumably, he gathered not too much money…but:)…in the coming year:)..
    Ohhh..Servetus..*sigh*..why I am so happy?


  17. I’m in heaven!


    • So am I…Servetus uses a word such as “beautifuller”!


      • it’s a Germanism. In German all the comparatives are formed according to the same rule, there’s no question of “beautifuller” or “more beautiful,” it would always be the former 🙂


  18. Looks like RA’s still rocking that brown-haired, boy-next-door look. He also looks like he’s aged some, but it looks good on him. I like a more mature looking man. And he is certainly looking mighty manly with that beard.


    • above all, he’s almost completely unretouched and unmadeup. And I agree, he doesn’t need to tlook like a boy for me.


  19. […] and Pace stood close to each other at the Wellington theater benefit Ian McKellen in June 2012. I was more pleased that Armitage had his beard on. That was the last night that I ever thought mom was even temporarily […]


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