Richard Armitage Legenda 74: Stuff worth reading

[Legenda offers a brief, non-inclusive index of stuff about Richard Armitage that I noticed and enjoyed since the last episode. It doesn’t usually include materials presented on the major fansites, which I love dearly, but which are linked in the sidebar. Because I always forget or just miss stuff, please add additional pieces of interest via link in the comments.]


  • Group read of North & South continues at My Sort of Bloke. Ch. 10.
  • #ArmitageWatch starts #ThorinWatch today. Details here.

Richard Armitage Archive

Richard Armitage-related fanfic

  • via MorrighansMuse: Playazindaback, “Taking the Piste.” Lucas North / Spooks / AU (post-series 8). A snowboarder gives North as good as Armitage gave it to snowboarders last week.
  • Gratiana Lovelace, “A Lady’s Nightly Vigil of Love.” Someone comes to visit Guy of Gisborne and comfort him as he sleeps.

Richard Armitage-related RPF and sexy fanfic

  • At RAucous: Ch. 3 and conclusion of “New York, New York.” Seriously hot. And it looks like there could be a sequel …
  • At Archive of Our Own: St_Germaine, “Echoes.” Ghosts, RPF and implied slash. Read warnings before opening.
  • Also Archive of Our Own, also St_Germaine, “Flipside.” RPF, explicit, slash. Armitage + McTavish. Hot, but as always, read warnings.
  • At, Oakenstruck, “A woman out of this world.” Explicit, slash. Thorin, Thranduil and female reader.

tumblr_mkvctdQjeb1r3pnzio1_1280Source: Richard Armitage Confessions


OT, collateral attractions and stuff I think about

~ by Servetus on April 13, 2013.

19 Responses to “Richard Armitage Legenda 74: Stuff worth reading”

  1. Thank you for mentioning my fanfic “Taking the Piste.” I love your legenda posts!!


    • you’re very welcome. I loved Glorreiche Kartoffel. You had me right there 🙂


    • @AwkCeleb, I DEMAND that you produce more fanfiction!!! I just love your irreverent humor! I loved the reference to Romansh and also the scene with the little Swiss child pointing at Iain Glen’s character laughing and laughing.

      But speaking of Iain Glen, I just saw him and Nicola Walker (Ruth?) in a trailer for a show called “Prisoner’s Wives” – apparently Jonas Armstrong is also in this show? Egads. 😉


  2. 😀 thanks again! X


  3. Thanks for the mentions :). That article on historians and capitalism turned up on my desk this week too…we have a topical article fairy in our office suite.


    • Now that I read the Times so much less I get more exasperated about things it says are “new.” I remember the exact point at which i said to myself, hmmm, my western civ survey needs to be about capitalism and not about the state and if I was thinking that (whose head is completely somewhere else in a scholarly sense) you can bet that smarter heads were already on it. The first dissertations about Enron started appearing two years ago already … but again, a nice summary for people who don’t have to care about these things professionally.


  4. Thank you for the link to my post! Very much appreciated always. Thanks for your comments, also very much appreciated.


  5. Incidentally, a very real recorded announcement I hear often to explain delays here in London is “Train is delayed due to ‘passenger under the train’. We are sorry for this delay.” I always think, ‘What the??’

    In Chicago, this would be rephrased to “Train is delayed due to Passenger Action” leaving one to wonder what ‘action’ the passenger has taken…. 😉


    • In Germany, you’d hear only that the train was delayed and “wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis” (we request your understanding) or possibly “wegen Passagiere auf der Fahrbahn” (due to passengers on the track) and then after a half hour or hour delay, you’d hear a euphemism that everyone knows means a suicide attempt.


      • ‘Passengers on the track’, I can understand. But ‘passenger under the train’? And this is an automated announcement!


        • That it’s automated doesn’t surprise me at all. I read the statistics on the number of people who throw themselves under trains in Germany several years ago and seem to remember that it’s more than one per day nationwide. They’re not all successful.


  6. As it was somehow a Guy-of-Gisbourne week on this blog I would so much like to spread the word of a fanfiction of Hosmond, called „Love is a wound“ which she now also publishes on Wattpad:
    It isn’t new (yep, maybe quite well-known to older GoG-fans!) for it was already released some years ago at DF and under her name HJCrane at C19, but as there are so many new followers in the fandom who prob never have heard of it, I really recommend this truly nerve-wrecking story. Obviously not that many readers at Wattpad have found this story so far which is a great pity, Re-reading it for the second time (still a stunner), being confronted with an eminently intolerable Guy, yet one starts to care about him (and he drives you nuts, promised!) from the very first second you encounter him (yeah, one gets challenged a lot !!) Enjoy!


    • I love that one, too, linda60, and didn’t know she was on wattpad. She’s a true inspiRAtion for would-be romance authors in the Armitage Army. I love the scene where Guy finally has sex with the heroine … especially the way she words it at the end.


  7. Meaning, again I have to get to that part fast as can….


  8. […] a brief, non-inclusive index of stuff about Richard Armitage that I noticed and enjoyed since the last episode. It doesn’t usually include materials presented on the major fansites, which I love dearly, […]


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