Richard Armitage / live fan event / question — if this is to end in fire we will all burn together

Screen shot 2013-11-04 at 5.34.34 PM Screen shot 2013-11-04 at 5.34.29 PM Screen shot 2013-11-04 at 5.34.23 PM Screen shot 2013-11-04 at 5.34.18 PM Screen shot 2013-11-04 at 5.34.14 PM Screen shot 2013-11-04 at 5.34.08 PM Screen shot 2013-11-04 at 5.34.03 PM Screen shot 2013-11-04 at 5.33.56 PM Screen shot 2013-11-04 at 5.33.51 PM Screen shot 2013-11-04 at 5.33.46 PM Screen shot 2013-11-04 at 5.33.45 PM Screen shot 2013-11-04 at 5.33.39 PM Screen shot 2013-11-04 at 5.33.32 PM Screen shot 2013-11-04 at 5.33.27 PM Screen shot 2013-11-04 at 5.33.12 PM Screen shot 2013-11-04 at 5.31.59 PM

~ by Servetus on November 4, 2013.

20 Responses to “Richard Armitage / live fan event / question — if this is to end in fire we will all burn together”

  1. How on earth can you do screen caps so quickly! Thank you!


    • I’m live capping, i.e., off the screen. Poor quality but instantaneous. I managed to capture the whole stream, as well, but the file is so large …


  2. What Micra said. Thank you Serv 🙂 * sigh* He is so beautiful!
    ( another leather jacket? 😉 )


  3. Thanks for the screen caps Servetus. Wasn’t able to watch the live stream so these are great taster.


  4. He knows just how to destroy us with one line, doesn’t he? 😀


    • Contrary to Anderson Cooper’s comment, I’d be fine with that quote during a date. I loved how his voice dropped an octave when he said it, and I probably wouldn’t notice the actual words being uttered!


  5. So handsome… Great line about burning together. Kind of ironic considering how his fans all burn together or him, lol.


  6. Thanks, Serv, I didn’t get to see live stream, so loving these caps. 😀


    • I know you made a trip to a better data connection, so I’m sorry to hear that, but really all the best bits have been recorded, captured, distributed, etc. so you didn’t miss much except the instantaneous quality of it.


  7. It is a great line isn’t it and then to see the actual footage with that line in it was amazing. Thanks Serv.


  8. Man, you are a fast worker. Thanks. I loved the way he delivered that line about the fire. Sigh.


  9. You are fast! I love the screencaps Serv; thank you for sharing them. I used an HDMI cable to watch the event on my large TV screen. It was the first time I had ever seen Richard as himself on my big screen. Wow…..


  10. Was that it? Just one question for each actor? Anderson Cooper had the most camera time, besides Mr. Jackson (for obvious reasons). Ok, Richard had a „sexy“ one!! LOL


  11. Yes, I was a bit disappointed with the lack of questions in that direction but had to remind myself that this wasn’t about Richard. It was about The Hobbit. This is where you really envied those people in N.Y. because they got to look at him for more than an hour and we saw him for what, maybe 5 min? Still it was a lovely 5 mins. LOL


  12. Love the caps! and thanks for the reblog!


    • thanks for the capture 🙂

      I finally sat my *ss down and figure out how to do that, but the file is huge! like 5gb! No time to edit to night. But I’m making progress. If my father knew I was doing this kind of thing he’d laugh his head off.


  13. Wait a minute, what’s this sexy line y’all are talking about?


  14. OMG- so glad I got to see this!!! And yes, I was V jealous of the NYC live audience!


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