More Richard Armitage in rehearsal for The Crucible

Seen at Old Vic Theater on FB.


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~ by Servetus on June 16, 2014.

33 Responses to “More Richard Armitage in rehearsal for The Crucible”

  1. Guh. That is all.


  2. Reblogged this on the armitage effect and commented:
    More!!!! guh


  3. Oh wow! What a great sneak peek at rehearsal.


  4. Im deutschen RA-Board wurde gescherzt, ob er vielleicht zu den Proben joggt. – Und jetzt diese Hose?! gg

    So tolle Bilder … Wenn man wenigstens auf eine DVD hoffen könnte … Aber es sieht wohl eher schlecht aus. seufz


  5. WOW! Looks very promising!!


  6. I am leaving the Internet so I can actually write something today — these pics are TOO MUCH.


  7. Das ist entschieden zuviel für meine Nerven. Erst Fußball und dann diese Bilder. Warum MUSS er immer so aussehen, dass einem die Knie wegknicken? faint


  8. chokes back a sob , oh my word , oh my , crumbs , ooer and Im going to be sitting so close to the stage ,…..there are no words , thinks IM going to need ample tissues to soak up the tears (and the drool ) !!!!!And wow ,does Richard look good ..and , think I might have to book a second date ….


  9. ah soddit , hes done it again ..Im armitaged !


    • You say it – armitaged! He looks really focussed and serious, but he rocks that look. Love it.


  10. FFS.


  11. Wow!


  12. mmm … yum! 🙂


  13. I am late to photo party and now, after seeing these pics and the others, how can I not go to THIS? How can I not see THIS? I think I might be forced to go, even if Mr. Jones will tease me unmercifully about my “boyfriend”. I will drown him in my drool in revenge.


    • you’re not the only one who had that reaction — not by a long shot. Line of fangirls now recounting their pennies to see if they can’t manage it somehow just got longer by dozens, hundreds.


  14. As RA has said many times, he is a Method Actor and he certainly looks in John Proctor mode in these images. I wonder what he’s like to live with at the moment?


    • I’m not sure where you get that from. He consistently either brushes that label off or says he’s not really a Method actor (“I’m a concentrating actor,” “I’m marinading in the part”). That said, anyone who does a job like this may have a hard time leaving it behind at night.


      • That’s what I was thinking—that while others have given him the appellation of Method actor, he’s always shied away from being identified as such. But a man who dreams the dreams of his characters and so thoroughly, effectively inhabits his roles, is one who must surely sometimes feel burdened with their angst. I hope it never gets too overwhelming for our fella.


        • I imagine it’s not as bad as years of Thorin Oakenshield, fwiw.


          • NTM three series of Sir Guy and “going around with a face like thunder.” And what he went through with the downfall of Lucas. This may seem almost like a walk in the park compared to the length of time he’s spent in the head of some of his characters.


  15. At least we now have an answer to the question that came up some time ago. The actors (incl RA!) still needed their textbooks during this rehearsals, and didn’t know all their lines by heart since the very beginning. 😉


    • so Richard Armitage isn’t perfect — it looks like from his t-shirt though that the pictures were taken on two different occasions? So maybe he learned them eventually.


      • Probably by now. Doubtlessly until the 21st!! Isn’t it comforting to glimpse leasttways something that in addition doesn’t make him appear even more superhuman than he already seems to be! (In our adoring eyes that is! 😉 )


        • I’ve been wondering if he’s had time to do his laundry lately 🙂


          • The actors get almost all their rehearsal/training clothes (hopefully not always all their underwear!!! (“rolling my eyes”)) laundered by those colleagues, who work in the costume department. For the rest of the time he can manage with some of his leather jackets!! LOL Thus maybe he’s lucky and doesn’t have to bother with such mundane things. OTOH this would give one the badly needed grounding. (MPOV)


            • wow, that’s a nice perk!

              This is the man who didn’t want to be pissing in his wetsuit during the filming of the Hobbit barrel scenes, which gives me the impression that he does his utmost not to create unusual burdens for colleagues.


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