You are good, too, for when I feel silent

cruciblera2Richard Armitage as John Proctor in The Crucible, promotional poster.


The paradox of needing to speak and having to keep my own counsel, it repeats itself in so many arenas of my life. I am quite voluble, it seems, depending on the context. Sometimes I need a model for silence. John Proctor is not that model, he works hard but he stands up for himself, he defends his situation, he stands, he speaks. But with head bowed, humble, there’s a stillness. Weariness, humility, perhaps. He can teach me, too, to guard my silence, to let it overcome me, to let it, in the end, to put me to sleep.

~ by Servetus on August 28, 2014.

11 Responses to “You are good, too, for when I feel silent”

  1. Beautifully put Seretus, please say a small prayer for me as I travel to London frm Audtralia this Sunday will see TC on 3/9


  2. Beautifully expressed and came at the right time for me now.

    My problem has been that I don’t speak out enough for my own self care, especially around aggressive personalities. That is changing but so is my silence which is more mindful and serves me well for my own strength and when I can speak out it is has more power.


  3. Sometimes it’s good to guard ones’ silence. To be quiet, silent. It can a serve us better occasionally.
    But, that said, I also believe in standing up for one self, particularly in the face of injustice.


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