Seeing The Battle of the Five Armies: Which frame rate will you enjoy this time?

tlkIt’s funny — buying tickets, I didn’t even ask myself the frame rate question this time around, although we were really occupied by it two years ago (and even last year). Here’s TORn’s guide to the different possibilities. I just looked at my ticket reservations and they say only IMAX 3-D. I’m sticking with these reservations, though — will track down the HFR later, if necessary.

~ by Servetus on November 16, 2014.

21 Responses to “Seeing The Battle of the Five Armies: Which frame rate will you enjoy this time?”

  1. HFR for me every time…without it I would be unable to watch in 3D and the experience of Middle-earth in 3D is simply too wonderful to miss.


  2. For me it is always a torture: either we will see it IMAX 3D but dubbed in Russian (can you imagine Richard speaking with sombody else’s voice?) or in English but 2D. For the first part they even dubbed the song! With Richard’s own voice it is like watching a different movie.


    • I can’t even imagine what it would be like without The Voice. German film is that way, too — you have to look for a theater that’s showing the original with subtitles.


    • In Italy too, they dubbed Misty Mountains and it made me cringe. Luckily, Richard’s dub-actor (Mr. Fabrizio Pucci) has an amazing deep and vibrant voice, so it’s not such a punishment. However, original is better!


  3. I really don’t know – no info on my ticket… just 3D/OV. I’ve read the books so many times and watched LofR every year in English so I’m with Olga, I don’t like it dubbed in German – it feels so wrong.


  4. 2D. 3D is useless to me – I’m legally blind in one eye, so there is no real field of depth – and the fast stuff (like Bombur fighting out of the barrel) is a blur to me.


  5. I’ll surely go for the regular 2D. I have some issues with my auditory brainstem that makes me “incompatible” with 3D since it creates a sort of imbalance and ultimately can cause heavy vertigoes (I spent a whole week in hospital after seeing Avatar… It was, is and will be my single 3D movie)


    • uch, that’s horrible. No more 3D for you!

      Back when I was researching 3D to write about it the first time I read somewhere that 10 percent of the human population has some organic issue that prevents them from watching 3D films effectively or enjoyably — here’s the demonstration.


  6. 3D/IMAX here. Not sure if the two previous were in HFR.
    We discussed this, actually, last year with DOS, because none of us really registered any 3D, but we paid for it and wore the glasses.
    No matter what, we’ll opt for 3D/IMAX again this year.


    • I’ve got to get on top of this — registration period is kicking my butt and I’m getting behind on my fangirl planning …


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