So — curses — I bought the Hannibal series 1 DVDs

I’m a bit annoyed with myself.

~ by Servetus on January 18, 2015.

50 Responses to “So — curses — I bought the Hannibal series 1 DVDs”

  1. You are a braver woman than I am, Gunga Din. I’m such a wuss.


    • I don’t think the people who aren’t rushing to see it are wusses. On the contrary. Like I said, I’m a bit annoyed with myself. We’ll see what happens. 🙂


  2. Don’t be. It could be good. Red Dragon as a book is! Went through it in one day, thoroughly drawn in. Looking forward to hearing what you make of it!


    • Sigh. I hate books like that … but I believe you. Well see 🙂


      • Without giving too much away I will just say that I found there was hardly any gore in the book! And my gore tolerance levels are so low that I couldn’t get through the Hannibal trailers. It’s mainly psychology!


    • Me, too–I have to rely on you guys since I know myself well enough to know I will NOT be watching past episodes or reading the book.


    • Admittedly, from a literary perspective it’s hard to see how it could be worse than the novel of Strike Back.


      • No idea, never attempted Chris Ryan. But my caveat is, that I went at it from the perspective of a visually inclined audience. As such, the film/series will get much closer to me, emotionally, than the book. But after reading the book I now feel equipped to watch RD. Not the preceding seasons of Hannibal, though…


  3. Just started watching via one of the Tumblr blogs that has links to each episode. I watched the first ep a couple of nights ago, then realized I need to watch these on the weekend, during the day, when it’s still light out! 🙂


    • yeah, don’t ask me where I’m going to watch them. I can’t do it at work or at home, it will probably have to be in my café when there are lots of people around.


      • Great idea, watching it in a public place! 🙂 I am enjoying the episodes so far; while they are very suspenseful, they are visually stunning and the technique of storytelling is very unique. And the acting is excellent. I am getting used to the level of creepiness (not sure if that’s good or bad?); after all, I have watched American Horror Story, though in the same manner: DVR’d it to watch during the day!


        • my students were always trying to talk me into American Horror Story — lol. Especially the one with the witches.


  4. LOL. I was wondering how long it would take.


    • In general I can’t not be a curious person. Also, homo sum nihil humani a me alienum puto is a motto of mine. But nonetheless. Still annoyed 🙂


  5. I certainly won’t be catching up on previous seasons – if I watch any of it at all it will just be for RA – but after what Guylty has said I might try the book.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I would recommend that as a strategy of slow approach to the material. After reading the book I feel much better equipped to attempt the visualization of it – if anything because I now know when to expect potential creepiness/gore and thus be able to tale precautions…


  6. I read the book years ago,but I’m with Guylty, I really enjoyed it. It is not a gore-fest, and does a great job of not allowing you to stop reading. I am glad you caved rather quickly,Serv. Looking forward to a review from you. Don’t be annoyed with yourself. You are watching it for all of us.


  7. And remember, if yo don’t want to buy the seasons to watch them, you can probably check the Hannibal DVDs out at you local public library.


    • Thanks for the comment and welcome. Yeah, you’re probably right, although I would have to get a library card. I didn’t pay much for this set; I think $10.


  8. I’ve watched the first two episodes so far. I think it’s really well done and visually stunning.


  9. Most library cards are free or just a dollar or so. That was how I decided to check out his is pre-Crucible work before I bought everything on Amazon (I’m a late arrival to the Armitage Adoration party).


    • Yeah, it would be free. The problem would be finding times when I could actually go to it. I’ve been thinking about doing this so I could get free e-books access, but I haven’t found a time in two weeks when they were open that I could have gone (except lunch time, and then I have to risk not being able to find a place to park when I come back).


  10. Actually I think this is a good move Servetus. As you seem to have a similar dislike of violence to mine, you can be my official taster ( pardon the pun).

    We were talking over my horror at this casting during a family dinner and all my children think this is a good move for Armitage. Having said that, only one has actually seen Hannibal and she gave up after a couple of episodes. Mr Bolly made the point that as the TV is generally so behind here, I can sit back and let my American and UK based friends risk vicarious trauma before I have to make a decision about whether to watch it.

    So you will be taking one for the team.


  11. If you have Amazon Prime you can stream the first season for free. I bought the second season of Hannibal on DVD the day after Thanksgiving for $8. I love the series and was very disappointed to hear about the delay in airing season 3. I know there was talk about the clothes RA would wear for BOTFA premieres. Some people were not to keen on the plaid suits he had worn in the past. All I could think of were the suits Hannibal wears in the series and how “European” he looks and he is so stunning in them.


    • I cancelled prime as part of the downward mobility plan, because it was a constant temptation to sin (why not buy a book, if delivery is free?). The thing is that the way I like to watch vid for fan purposes usually doesn’t correspond well with streaming, either. I don’t mind having the DVDs and I can probably resell them if I don’t keep them.


  12. Alrighty then! Onward and upwards! Hard to think of missing a great performance, I know. I’m anticipating the discussion. Still at the kiddies table, myself. Book and episode and topic just too much for me – I know myself too well.


  13. The title of this post totally tickled my funny bone.


  14. I’ve watched 6 episodes, I watch them on my commute (by train). I’m enjoying it! It’s absorbing. I didn’t have to shell out extra though as I can get them on Sky Plus/Sky Go (UK) which I already subscribed to.


  15. So you’re mad at yourself for buying the dvds, I’m mad at myself for buying and reading the book. There you go!
    This is normally not my kind of genre, but the book very well written, and I read the 500+ pages in two days while trying to correct exam papers and looking after my 9-5 job at the same time. I couldn’t put it down.
    I was completely drawn in, and I’m certain our man will bring FD to life in a way that’ll emphasize the vulnerability, insecurity, psychological damage and sexiness of this character.


  16. I have caved as well and downloaded Hannibal series 1 and 2. Took me a few days but I have finally dared to watch the first 2 episodes. Yikes! I really do like Hugh Dancy, though, which was an extra selling point for me. Always have liked him from when I saw him as David Copperfield and Daniel Deronda. And he has good taste in women, he’s married to Claire Danes. 🙂


    • I knew Hugh Dancy’s father slightly (he is a philosophy professor, by now possibly emeritus, and taught at one of the campuses where I was a faculty member) and my students were always hoping that they would see Hugh wandering the campus sometime (as far as I know, he was never spotted there, though)


      • Ha, nice!


        • Rumor had it that girls signed up for his classes in disproportionate numbers …


          • Hahaha! That’s silly… I hope they understood about the moral particularist philosophy that is his specialty – apparently he was on Craig Ferguson some years back talking about it! Clip can be found on YouTube, I just watched it!


            • I did not know that. But moral particularism was a hard sell in Texas. Then again, I suspect that most students in those classes didn’t really understand what their professors were talking about; that department had a rep for being obscure.


  17. I said I wasn’t going to do it.I did it.Watched season 1 and last 3 episodes of season 2.Then watched Red Dragon,now on to Manhunter.Not that gory.I will watch season 3.I’m hooked,Richard should be great in this.


  18. I’m 6 episodes in. You must give it a go – it’s very watchable and very good. I’m in it for the long haul!


  19. I’m curious to read your thoughts on the series. Look forward to those posts.


  20. […] I’ve had the Hannibal series 1 DVDs in my bag for — ten days now? And the book is here now, too. I keep looking at them and not opening them. I will. But staring at them for several days while avoiding opening them has definitely forced me to think more deeply about my problems with this project and the reasons I keep seesawing back and forth, in a way that’s bugging me — one minute cold to it; the next, intrigued. […]


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