Another brief interjection

Spent a lot of time writing today but didn’t finish any of it. So a brief note. Here’s the Picture of the Day from Richard Armitage Net:

It’s a screencap from the trailer being used to advertise the Spooks 9 DVDs. It’s a really sweet picture of him when seen in still — and a sort of unusual facial expression. So then you go over the look at the trailer (click on the Richard Armitage Net link above for instructions — it’s a video on the site) and you watch it to see what the expression means.

You know what I think? I think it’s slight embarrassment at being a pitchman.

I did preorder the DVDs nonetheless. I know that many of you won’t, but I feel the obligation somehow.

~ by Servetus on November 28, 2010.

168 Responses to “Another brief interjection”

  1. Oh, I ordered the blasted things. See how in the bag I am for Richard. LOL! I’ve seen that expression before, and I’m wondering if he was embarrassed when he expressed it. Interesting thought.


    • It’s a sort of combination of a charming “isn’t this ridiculous” with “can’t believe I am doing this”, I think.


      • Oh yes but MY GOODNESS the still is HOT! *needs to rush outside and lay down in the snow*


      • I think I may recognise that expression and I believe your analysis is correct.(Hello, I’m a spooks fan, recent reader of your blog and first time poster.) A bit of background: Firstly, (and please excuse the forthcoming generalisations and vernacular) there’s an expectation in Britain that one is self deprecating about one’s achievements. Secondly, there’s a common culture of “taking the mick” out of each other and one of the many unwritten reasons to do this, is if someone is exhibiting behaviour that could be interpreted as “flash” / “showing off” / or being “a bit Hollywood”. Certainly, filming a trailer could be deemed to fall within this category and so I would guess that just off camera is a (grinning, eyebrows raised) friend / colleague of Richard’s with whom he is sharing the understanding that filming the trailer is eminently “p@ss-takeable” and hence the expression of embarrassment and not fully concealed mirth


        • @InNottm,

          Thanks for that input. It makes perfect sense, especially in light of other comments RA has made, i.e., not wanting to make an ostentatious display when he bought his new hardtop convertible. We Americans had a chuckle over that one, as we know all too many people who would be showing off a flashy new vehicle at the drop of a hat.


        • Peter Firth is a real tease and I can imagine him just out of sight grimacing madly and trying to put Richard off his stride. Richard probably gets teased for being the one who get lumbered with most of the publicity jobs! And yes, it just wouldn’t do to be regarded as a “luvvie” by one’s mates! 🙂


          • I figured it was practical joker Peter, too. Although in my heart of hearts I love to imagine Hermione standing over there with that little v-shaped Ros smile. “Oh, Mister Movie Star now, are we??” If anybody could take the piss out of you, it would be Ros. *grin*
            I missed Hermione so much. If she’d been there, I could also imagine Ros saying, “Bollocks! This whole John Bateman story is the biggest load of sh**e I’ve ever heard! And wake up, Lucas, this Maya is almost as vacant and expressionless as the Boston Belle!” LOL


            • HN / Ros: me too. I wanted them to get together.


              • Me, too. So I had to do it with TAC. And reunite them in Sloth Fiction 7. *grin* I love that photo of them with Lucas in his “Pete” guise, looking down at her . . . *sigh*


          • He probably gets a lot of teasing.


        • InNottm?! In Nottingham? For real? Another RA fan dwelling in this miserable town? Yay! 😀


        • InNottm: thanks for the comment and welcome. Of course, I’m always grateful to be affirmed, but thanks for the reminder that this kind of behavior is not as accustomed for artists in the UK as it would be here in the US. I think the embarrassment is cute.


  2. I’m still holding out.
    After watching the series, I canceled my pre-order and gave the series a poor rating (NOT Richard, mind you, but the series) on AmazonUK. I fear they really burned their bridges with me this time.

    And it frankly bugs the heck of me they are using sweet Richard as the carrot to dangle to try to get those less than thrilled with series 9 to order it. “Oh, lookie, Ladies, the gorgeous Richard wants you to order these DVDs, you know you can’t resist it!”
    Oh, really?
    I think he is embarrassed and that makes me feel really bad for him.

    If I feel I have to watch part of THAT series again, I can watch here on the laptop. Will I change my mind? Well, unless there are some REALLY fantastic extras on that DVD, I don’t think so.

    I do think he looks very handsome in the snippet–which, of course, also works in TPTB’s favor. Yes, I know, I am growing increasingly cynical in certain ways.


    • Well, he’s the next Big Thing, isn’t he? Frankly, you took all the words right out of my mouth, like usual. 🙂


      • Are you sure you and I aren’t secretly the same person, Pi?


        It reminds me of when an actor becomes well-known for a hit role and then they dredge up work from the past where they had fairly small roles, slap their names and photos on the front of the DVDa and re-pitch them as “starring” so-and-so.
        Once the Next Big Thing does hit it big, I’m expecting “UF: The Collector’s Edition” with Captain Ian front and center . . . and “This Year’s Love” with Smug Man at Party smirking out at us.


        • There already is a UF Collector’s edition, I think — I think I own it. 🙂

          I noticed recently that the DVD collection of Barchester Towers is advertised with “Alan Rickman’s breakout role” or something like that. In that case it’s apparently true.


        • It already heppened. Just look at This Year’s Love page on IMDB…


          • Oh, lordie, they didn’t waste any time. Amazing that an actor whose character doesn’t even have a name is now listed second billing . . . LOL


            • Of course, they cleverly arranged all actors in alphabetical order, bit players or not, so naturally someone named “Armitage” would float to the top . . .


        • if you and pi are the same person, angie, you either have strong IT skills or good at bilocating 🙂


          • Heehee, I have terrible IT skills but I have often needed to be two places at one time. I need a clone. Or a personal assistant.


            • I feel like all the overoccupied people in the world should go on strike. Seriously, they could employ three people to do what I get done — and I could get some sleep.


      • though he does have the grace to be embarrassed about it 🙂


    • yeah, the dangling the gorgeous Armitage aspect was really blatant, and planned from the beginning apparently since it was filmed on set.


      • Bothers me, bothers me, bothers me. Also just realized I bought two sets of Spooks 7 DVDs-gave one as a gift-and NEVER downloaded that series, so I have decided my conscience is clear and am off the hook. Perhaps I have retreated to the Dark Side.


    • I think it’s great that you refuse to take the bait then, however, tempting it might be. Don’t like it, don’t buy it. We shan’t be their puppets. 😉 This has got nothing to do with RA of course.


      • And that’s it, Riv. I feel as if I have been well and truly treated as a puppet, a marionette with them pulling my strings. I adore Richard; I think he’s swell. And I like to think if I explained my reasons behind my decision to HIM, he’d understand (I don’t really give a toss what TPTB think about any of this). Nothing against him or his performance. But why should I spend my rather hard-earned money on something I find so completely and utterly painful to watch and ultimately so unsatisfying?


      • Riv, just wanted to say thanks for the comment and welcome to the site.


  3. My OCD is coming out. I must have a complete set of his tour of Spooks. 😀


  4. I will purchase them when they come out over here because it is still part of his body of work and I want it in my collection. I still remember what I went through to get everything I could of Daniel Day-Lewis’s body of work and my admiration of his work pales in comparison to my appreciation of Richard and his work.


    • Fellow Daniel Day lover here! That’s who RA eclipsed. I first saw him in Room With A View, but it was The Unbearable Lightness of Being that put me over the edge. Oh my. In the Name of the Father is probably in my top 10 or top 15 at least.


      • @RAFrenzy,

        My Beautiful Laundrette is a favorite of mine and have you ever seen Stars and Bars which I believe takes place in the old South? The Age of Innocence is one of my top favorites along with My Left Foot, In the Name of the Father, Room with a View and Last of the Mohicans (still one of my all time favorite soundtracks).

        Now I want to go watch all of these again.


        • Fellow DDL admirer here!! though I don’t owe any of his works. It’s tough picking a fave. I most check out Stars and Bars you mention.


        • I have seen everything on your list by Stars and Bars. Have to check that out. I own several of his works: In the Name of the Father, My Left Foot, Age of Innocence, Gangs of New York, Last of the Mohicans, and Room with a View. We might own more, but I can’t remember.


      • Bet you’ve never seen My Brother Jonathan though. My introduction to DDL.


    • That’s 50% of the reason for me — needing to own all of his work. Though I have the illegal copies, obviously. See below.


  5. I’ve never collected all of anything by anybody before–when I say my feelings about RA are something really unusual for me, I do mean it–so maybe in part that is why I feel as if I can live without Spooks 9.
    I do have pretty much everything else.
    I recall all too well my feelings of desperation and anxiety needing to watch each ep of 9 as soon as possible, and those painful feelings only getting worse as the series continued.

    And ultimately feeling so betrayed, manipulated and distraught. I know, I know, I shouldn’t care so darned much. I don’t blame Richard a bit; just don’t feel like helping to line the pockets of anyone remotely connected to creating this debacle.

    You systematically destroy a favorite character of mine, don’t expect me to support you.
    I don’t expect anyone to agree or support my thoughts, just expressing how I honestly feel. I love Richard and the original Lucas North; hate, hate, hate Spooks 9.

    Anyway, I would rather put the money toward a plane ticket to see him perform live. Priorities, you know. I will quite kvetching now.


    • Angie, I’m not a collector either. I was just teasing about the OCD. This is the first time I’ve followed anyone’s career like this, and I daresay I’m a one guy girl, so this will be my only fangurl experience. Thank heaven.

      You described my feeling well about the successive episodes. I couldn’t stop myself from watching, but it was painful. The only one I really loved was Ep 6.


      • I honestly can’t remember which one was Ep 6. I think I am trying to pretty much forget it all, Frenz. ):
        Everything except how good he looked. As someone remarked, the badder he got, the tighter the clothes. Tight clothes + RA = YUM.
        Will someone please make a shallow and gratuitous vid of S9’s sexy Lucas moments (and I don’t necessarily mean we need to include Moody Mannequin Maya, either) to help wash the pain away? Maybe Heather can incorporate them into Sexyback 3?

        I think if was as gaga about another actor as I am about RA, hubby would think I’d gone round the bend and was suffering from a severe midlife crisis.


      • That was the one with Ortiz, right?


        • Yep. Loved her and was surprised to find out she’s English. She did a great job. There was more chemistry with her in their short time together than there was with Maya combined.


          • I think he does better with women in challenging roles over against his role (N&S, RH) than women in compliant ones (Spooks 8 and 9, SB). Just an off the cuff thought. It may be that women in challenging roles are just scripted better, and that helps him make the scenes better.


          • Yeah, more chemistry with the punk genius than with Maya or Sarah. As for not having chemistry with more passive characters, well, there’s a difference between being less combative a personality re the character, and just being a dull, emotionless, soulless lump–or in Danni’s case in SB, completely underwritten.

            And there was chemistry there, in my opinion. More in that one fantasy scene than in anything with Sarah or Maya. Maybe having some decently written and cast female characters of varying types would help.


            • It strikes me that well-written female characters are sometimes hard to come by . . . and then if the casting and direction are not up to par, well–there you go.


    • I am with you Angie, I have never been anybody’s fangurl, so this is probably a once in a lifetime for me. And it was the same for me with the eps as well… every ep of S9 I hoped that now Lucas’true colors would shine through, but the storyline became more horrible every time. I may decide to buy S 9 at some point in time for completeness sake, but not right away, only if it has come down in proce. Or, I may not buy it. As the weeks pass Lucas is re-emerging in my mind, and JB is becoming just a bad dream. I would like to keep it that way 🙂

      By the way, I looooved your last installment of sloth fic 🙂


      • Thank you for the shout-out for Sloth Fic, Elisabet. Took me long enough to get that chappie written, but I think it was worth it for the readers. *grin*

        I really, really doubt, especially at this stage of my life, I will feel about any other actor the way I do Richard, Elisabet. Which is perhaps why the whole thing with Lucas/John ended up cutting me to the core and turned me right off Spooks.

        I am trying to forget the whole sorry experience as well; so why would I want to buy something that is going to bring it back up? I believe that smacks of masochism to purposely put yourself through such pain.

        I experience enough physical pain every day of my life that is to some degree unavoidable, why add in emotional/mental anguish as well if it can be avoided?

        And if I’m not going to actually WATCH it, it’s going to end up being a rather expensive dust collector for a house that already has too many . . . I’m being practical here.

        I had every intention of buying this before the series ran. Now, sadly–no. Yes, one day, well into the future, if the price drops considerably, and I am in a more charitable mood–but not now.

        I’m glad someone understands, anyway. And thanks again for the shout-out.


        • Oh yes, I DO understand! I have rewatched the eps once, right after airing, but I am not sure I will ever rewatch episode 7 and 8 again.

          And your hard work on sloth fic is very much appreciated!!!!
          Take care, Angie.


  6. Wow! This is really good! Thanks!


  7. Poor guy. He ain’t seen nothing yet! Good catch!

    Oddly, I rarely watch anything outside of his acting, unless he’s talking about his work, like on DVD. So far, I haven’t seen the snippet.


    • It may be wise to take this approach. It’s easier to look at him objectively as an artist when you don’t have to look at what a nice guy he appears to be.


  8. I think this shows RA’s work ethic — when he gets poor scripts, he does the best he can with them. After filming, he promotes the work as best he can. That’s part of being gracious and polite and being a good worker that gets more work. Personally, I admire that, and I hope he gets more work for me to enjoy. But I agree that he looks a little uncomfortable.


    • Thanks for the comment, b6ft, and welcome. I agree with you — he has always done more than his bit to do serious promotion, and that is part of why this is so odd — because it’s not really his style. I found myself wondering if he were annoyed at having to get out of character in order to do this little bit.


    • @b6ft, I also admire his work ethic. Quite simply he’s a class act.


  9. Now that I’ve really looked at the clip, it does seem like embarrassment. When he looked down as he was speaking about the the DVD, that was a dead giveaway.


    • Yep, don’t think our lad is particularly enjoying shilling for Spooks.


      • Also, there’s a different between talking to reporters or interviewers about one’s work as a means of promoting something, vs doing something that’s solely a promotion to get people to buy it. We don’t see his face when he’s doing car ads or whatever — maybe he looks like that then, too.


  10. On a slightly related note, doesn’t he look rather tanned? Or maybe that’s makeup from filming.


    • I think it’s makeup and to some degree, the lighting. Can’t say I have ever seem him truly tanned that I can recall.


    • agree: makeup? the lighting on Spooks is always so harsh. They probably have to slather on layers of tan just to make him look pale 🙂


      • I’d probably look like one of the Walking Dead in Andrew Lincoln’s new show under that unforgiving lighting without tons of George Hamilton Toast #2, and he’s almost as fair as I am.
        Yep, makeup, definitely.


        • Is he good? Have I asked you this already? How’s his accent?


          • I have only gotten to see a couple of the eps, but yes, I would say he’s doing a good job in the role, Servetus. It’s a departure from what he’s done in the past.
            I noticed a couple of little slips with the accent–but then I was probably paying much closer attention than many viewers would–but think he’s doing a credible job with it.
            I much prefer his southern accent than the one employed by the guy who plays Vampire Bill in True Blood (who is also English and playing a southerner).
            Andrew is getting good reviews from the critics and was also named one of the top ten hottest zombie fighters in movies or television on one site *grin* So Collinson is doing just fine, it seems.


            • Good, I like Lincoln. Loved him (cough) in Love Actually.

              My favorite local cinema (the one where they bring food and booze to the table) airs it every week and I’ve been jealous that it’s not an Armitage product.


  11. He has a Harry Kennedy look about him in this screencap. Will have to watch it in context however. I will be ordering S9 at some stage but I need to get S8 first … that’s on my Xmas list :).


  12. I’m such a cheapskate. I bought my S8 used. LOL! Works great. 😀


  13. I just can’t get over how gorgeous he looks in that trailer. Blimey…!!

    In a cheapskate too. I only just got Spooks 7 coz they reduced the price again once 8 was out. I keep checking the price of RH but still not low enough to tempt me, and yes I do check the second hand prices too.


  14. @kaprekar: I was also struck by his gorgeousness in this trailer. It almost tempted me to order the dvd! I like this picture. I think Richard looks relaxed and a tad mischievous!


  15. I think he’s trying to look serious and not laugh.

    Yep, I’ve pre-ordered S9. Can’t help it, must have all of them.


  16. I am asking Santa for LOTN instead. That being said, I don’t own the season 7 or 8. On a side note, the man is aging like a fine fine wine. He is getting better looking with age! What kind of deal he is making with the devil, I know not, but I think it is cruel and unfair that men getting better looking with age and us gilrs just age. 🙂


    • yeah, he actually looks younger now than he did in Cold Feet.


    • Perhaps there is a portrait in an attic somewhere in Leceistershire?
      Seriously, he is aging extremely well. Wonder if he ever does facials?

      I think he’s going to be an absolutely beautiful and very distinguished older man.


      • And speaking of aging well–not–I watched the 2009 movie “Red Riding-1974” last night on Sundance. Sean Bean was in it. Sean looks—well, less than Sharpe these days. Sorry, couldn’t resist. Terrible bags under his eyes. RA looks like a frisky pup compared to Bean. I just checked and Sean is a year older than me. I suddenly feel I am holding up better than I thought LOL (Sorry, Sean). It seems like RA leads a pretty healthy lifestyle–heck, how he not and keep up with this intense work schedule?–and I think that helps, along with being genetically blessed. Such great skin!!


        • Bean is not aging well and perhaps past his prime for looks but he still commands stellar performances. He was a natural from the start! Sharpe in shirtsleeves could possibly inspired the P&P Darcy scene!


          • No criticism of Sean’s acting intended, Iz–he was marvelously creepy in this particular role and he’s always dependably good.
            And I still love him as Sharpe, too.
            But we’d been talking of how well, how graciously Mr. A is aging and Sean seemed a rather good example of an actor who is not–all men don’t age well, it seems. ( ;
            It has shifted him more from leading man candidate to more of character actor realm.


            • Of course, he’s also an “old” man of 51, so there is a considerable age gap there between RA and Sean. I compare him to my hubby of the same age and Spouse is holding up quite well *grin*


      • his skin texture cries out “moisturize me”


        • I remember him saying in an interview once that he was a bit metrosexual about moisturizing due to some psoriasis issues. So perhaps he slathers the lotion on all over.
          Something’s doing the trick.


  17. Thank you for this post and picture! I also had the feeling that he seemed quite embarrassed, when I watched the video. I wondered how far they were with filming Spooks 9 then and if his embarrassment had anything to do with the storyline. My overactive pondering again ;o)
    I have to buy “Spooks 9” now if I like it or not. I (quite illegally) downloaded the parts. I have sworn to myself not to do such a thing when I do not intend to pay royalties to the rights owners in some way. So I am bound and obliged to buy the DVD’s now.


    • embarrassment w/storyline: wonder that, too.

      And you’ve expressed the other 50% of my feeling of needing to buy the stuff — I don’t think I should get it for free. I have extremely mixed feelings about the way that rights are organized in terms of profit arrangements, but I do think I owe the people who made this something for my viewing experience.


      • Without that obligation, I think I would have left out the DVD’s. At the moment I just cannot re-watch series 9. I saw each episode twice immediately when they came out. But for now, I even have problems watching Spooks at all.


        • I can only manage to get through fanvids with Spooks clips right now, and none from S9. I have no desire to revisit Spooks at present.


    • @CDoart,

      That’s the main reason I’m buying this series. If I download it, I buy it. That simple for me really.


  18. He’d better prepare himself for more of these embarrassing moments, because this is just the beginning.

    I definitely would not want to trade places.


    • Me either. It’s another argument for making the effort to get to the UK for The Rover, because given the need to advertise, his willingness to be so sweet in public as he has been may necessarily abate.


      • Is that code for him being aloof as a means of survival now that he’s starting to hit the big time?


        • Yeah, I think.

          I was recently watching some video on youtube of Alan Rickman dealing with red carpet spectators and it made me sad. Seems like if you’re nice to one person, you invite the wrong kind of attention, so you have to be shut down to protect yourself. It would be sad not to see that beautiful smile on the red carpet.


          • I have to pose this question–

            We clearly worry about losing that special relationship he has with his fans.
            So should we wish all this wasn’t happening for him, the Captain America role, The Hobbit–should we be wishing he would stay in British television, take whatever roles he can get there and on stage, play it safe, perhaps, play characters we all like and approve of, stay under the radar and stay “our” RA, even if he doesn’t find it particularly satisfying and fulfilling?

            It’s not going to be easy, making this transition to what could be major stardom, and no, I wouldn’t want to be under the glare of the spotlights and the scrutiny of the media as he may be–but isn’t he old enough, mature enough and savvy enough to have some idea of what lies before him?

            I tend to be terribly protective of him, but I also acknowledge he didn’t just fall off the turnip truck.


            • My answer to that is no. Admiring his work and being supportive of him does not give us ownership over him. I admit that it’ll be sad if we lose that special relationship with him when Hollywood comes knocking. But I am also incredibly proud of him for choosing to go down this route. Maybe he would need to do more promotional stints and make promotional videos like these, but I do believe that he will carry himself the same way he did previously in interviews. It’s a good thing that he only became famous in his 30s, it humbled him a whole lot and it shows. That and probably also the way he was brought up.

              When the time comes for him to step back from his fans when it gets too overwhelming, we should accept it and let it be. We can think of his foray into films as a way to open more doors to display his talents . His decision to go back on stage convinced me that he wouldn’t conform and be yet another Hollywood star. 🙂


              • Exactly so, Riv. I think we can safely say Richard is not just a brilliant actor and marvelous to gaze upon, but an intelligent and insightful man when it comes to making decisions about his career. He’s been through the lean years, the struggles, the rejections, and it’s matured him and, as you say, humbled him. He also seems to have been beautifully reared by his parents. I’d say he has a good head on those broad and beautiful shoulders.

                I think we need to put more faith in RA to make the decisions necessary for him to maintain the life, the privacy, the sanity, he needs. If that means more backing off, more aloofness, then we have to accept it and not whinge about it.

                And I am with you, Riv. I don’t think he is ever going to fall into the typical Hollywood star mold. I’ve always believed him a breed apart, and think that will remain so.

                And I dearly hope many, many more wonderful opportunities come his way.


            • Perhaps that’s not the right question to ask. You propose a black/white, all or nothing scenario. If anything, I would want things to evolve organically, integrally.

              I do agree he is no dummy. He’s been though a lot. And to reach for such heights requires overriding ambition and drive. Which is rather interesting considering he has said that he had no “blind faith” in his talent.


              • I think there must have been quite a lot of drive and ambition there to strike out at age 17 when most kids (at least here in the US) still haven’t got a clue as to what they want to do with their lives to pursue this dream, and to keep at it in the face of less-than-stellar success year after year.

                SOMETHING kept him going.

                Perhaps there was more faith in himself than he thinks?

                Heck, I don’t know.

                I just think we all sound like a bunch of clucking mother hens sometimes. And the chick probably wants some breathing room.


                • We have to be a little careful rhetorically here — one way that ambitious people often talk about themselves is as if they had little ambition, or that important things in their lives happened by chance.


                  • Do you think it also falls back into that “mustn’t seem as if I’m patting myself on the back or putting myself forward” English reticence?
                    Yes, he’s ambitious (which isn’t a dirty word, if your aspirations are honest, legal and ethical) but does he feel uncomfortable talking about it?


            • We should wish him success. I just also wish him a way to navigate success that allows him to remain both happy and true to himself.


      • You know when he is working a charity event, doing promos for a show or working the red carpet I do not this his polite behavior is forced or a put on. Even thou he is working, I think he is being genuine.

        @ Riv HJ is a very very very distant second for me. 🙂


        • I think he is a naturally polite and gracious individual. I think those qualities are part and parcel of him and not just a put on. While RA may not love posing for photos sometimes, in terms of his interaction with fans on the red carpet, signing autographs, etc., I see warmth in his eyes and smile that I don’t think are forced.

          Rather fond of Hugh Jackman as well.( ; Seems to have been able to maintain a happy family life along with a flourishing career in a variety of roles. And he can sing and dance, too!


        • I just hope he can keep the warmth in his eyes, that’s all.


      • The Rover doesn’t seem to be happening on very short notice, the company has replied that the play is in early development. So we can save a bit, before we splurge. 😉

        And you know, I think his aloofness may gradually be more prominent, but he’s never been an (over)sharer to begin with. He’s always been gracious, kind and quick witted, especially when things get a bit too personal to his liking, but always kept his cards close to his chest.

        I have been wondering what he must be thinking about his future with the impending fame and global exposure. He has about 2 years where he can still, relatively, fly under the radar and do his thing. After that it remains to be seen what the impact will be. It must be a very odd position to be in.


        • Yes, it must be. I am quite interested to see what other projects he would take on within the two years before his impending fame. That would give us some clue about it.


        • It’s not like anything he’s quite faced before, is it? yes, there was the hoopla over North & South, but that was primarily confined to the UK initially . . . this is going to be a worldwide audience. A daunting prospect in some ways . . .

          And I agree with CC, he is a very private person. I rather like the way he handily deflects certain interviewers who are trying to get more personal info. I say more power to him.


          • Having said that, if I ever got the chance to interview him, I might have to tease him–just a bit. I’d love to make him laugh out loud.


            • I think most of the people who interview him are not very smart. Donald Stephenson is one exception.


              • I have to agree, Servetus. Sometimes they come across as total airheads, frankly. Often not terribly well-prepared and sometimes simply seeming to go through the motions of the interview with little real interest.
                That bothers me– not just because it’s Richard, for crying out loud, and there’s so much to be interested in, but as a journalist myself. I think some of them, as far as the telly people go, were definitely hired more for their looks than their interviewing skills . . . and some of the newspaper writers are just downright lazy.

                I know they’re busy but there is also a wealth of info right at their fingertips and they don’t take advantage of it. Oh, get off your soap box, Ang, and go to bed.


  19. Of course he will handle his impending success with the same grace and humility that he had handled his career thus far.(Look at celebrities like Hugh Jackman). I wouldn’t expect any less from him. I think it is healthy for him to draw some sort of line between himself and his fans… to have healthy boundaries is so important.

    And as @Angie pointed out, he is a grown mature man, not some teen out of drama school. We are a funny lot, a few weeks ago we were all bemoaning the fact he wasn’t getting choice roles. Now we are worried that celebrity will ruin him. 🙂


    • @Rob Incidentally, Hugh Jackman takes second place after RA for me, lol. 😉


    • We just don’t ever seem to be happy, do we? I thought of Vasey asking about “the leper . . .” and Guy’s rumbled reply. “Whinging as usual.” LOL


      • Perhaps we’re just worried. The unknown and all that. It doesn’t help that he keeps his cards close to his chest. The man is a quick study. Alas.


        • Will the real Richard Armitage please stand up?


          • Time to go to bed and hope I don’t dream of my sister electrocuting my cat again. Now THAT was worrisome.


          • Do we really want to know the “real” Richard Armitage? Really?


            • Do we? Would some of our lovely illusions be shattered, our glorious bubbles burst?

              Maybe we prefer our man shrouded in a certain amount of mystery, separate from our mundane lives . . .

              Something to ponder . . .
              Anyway, I like what I know of him, and that’s enough for me, I think.


            • Oooh, ooh, ooh, here (imagine me with my hand up). I’ll fess up that I want to know the real Richard Armitage. No question about it. I would love to know who he is and what drives him just like I would love to know the real Hemingway or the real Shakespeare. But I’ve got about as much chance of knowing the real RA as I do those two. LOL!


              • Sometimes I sincerely wish I could time travel and meet some of these people–Shakespeare, Eleanor Roosevelt, the real Monet, Da Vinci, Louisa May Alcott, Jane Austen, et al.–how interesting that would be.

                Truthfully, I would personally like to get to know Richard as a friend. Perhaps if I did, I would get over this fangirl crush after being able to relate to him on a sort of everyday basis. Maybe I would find out he picks his nose or–something.

                Then again, I might become more hopelessly besotted.
                Who knows? As you say, Frenz, the chances are slim to none anyway!


                • Someone described him as ”the friend that I have not met”, and I found that a really nice description. I would also like to get to know him as a friend, especially since he helps me reflect on my own life through the roles that he plays and how he plays them. There is so much in those that resonate with me on a certain level. I can’t be anything but curious how and why that is.


                  • Richard has a lot of personal qualities that I can relate to–he’s an artistic soul; basically shy and retiring but with a good and sometimes naughty of sense of humor; close to his family, whom he enjoys spoiling when he can; loves books; cares about the details of his work and wants to get it right, tries to polite and well-mannered . . . we seem to share the same tastes in movies, books and television (and from what I know, music).

                    And his personality reminds me of my own dear husband, who happens to be my best friend. So why wouldn’t I want someone like RA as a friend?

                    And yes, his performances have touched my life in very special, personal ways and helped carry me through some difficult times. I would like for him to know I appreciate that.

                    I don’t want to gush over him or attack him or embarrass him or stalk him; I would just like to sit down over a cup of tea or coffee and have a good, relaxed chinwag.

                    We can all dream, can’t we?


                    • Well, judging by the goofs I made in the above, I can plead Lortab and sleeplessness due to pain LOL Been working from home the last two days.


                    • I’m sorry that you are in so much pain. And yes, we definitely can dream!
                      From some of the interviews I really get a sense that he has a wonderful sense of humor, and I also love that 🙂


                    • Thanks again, Elisabet. Our weather has been really rainy and blustery and nasty for two days, and these storm seasons moving through play merry hell with my FMS and arthritis. Things should improve soon . . . and yes, dreams are just fine. And I do love his wry, dry sense of humor. Again, reminds me of my hubby, who can make me smile when I am feeling my worst.


                  • me too, Elisabet


                • I believe he stated at some point that he picks his nose 🙂 not that that would stop me from being his friend. Might me less eager to shake his hand.


            • Yes I would. But then again I just want to know & understand what motivates someone to do and act a certain way, especially if I think they’re interesting.

              And that person can be anyone, not just Richard Armitage.


              • CC, that’s why I love doing interviews and writing feature stories for our magazine/newspapers–getting to know what motives an interesting person, what makes them tick, what interests and influences them. As you say, those feelings can apply to anyone who intrigues us, not just RA.
                And it’s a treat when I can share a story and someone who “Knows” that individual says, “Well, I never knew THAT about so-and-so . . .”
                Every life has a story to tell.


              • Agree, CC.


        • Alas? Oh, c’mon, pi, you know that’s one of the things you adore about him. Might be the most important thing.


          • okay, so let’s flip this q’s around a bit–say if you discovered something about him that totally turned you off. what would THAT something be?


            • Phew, that’s a tough one because there are so many things that could turn me off. The first one that came to mind is preening. If I found out that he really does preen, and not just for a photo shoot to promote a show, um, yeah, I would be put off by that.


            • If I discovered he was an abusive personality. Not just physically, but mentally or emotionally towards those close to him. I haven’t seen any evidence of that, but that would certainly me off.

              If he turned out to be a snob.

              If he were very narcissistic, and, as RAF said, does a lot of preening and posing away from that required by his work.

              If he actually does smoke heavily simply because I am allergic to tobacco, and that would be a problem being in his presence for any length of time. Every once in a while, I can live with (it was hell having two parents who smoked when I was child. Imagine being in an enclosed car on a cold/rainy day).

              If he doesn’t have a sense of humor about himself and turns out to take himself, as opposed to his work, very seriously. That turns me off.

              Drug addiction.


            • I am finding this whole thread hysterical…:)


              • Somewhere in London, where I believe it is currently in the wee hours of the morning, an Actor suddenly awakes.
                He finds his elfin ears are oddly burning.
                Raking back his dishevelled dark hair, the Actor sits up in bed and crinkles his brow.

                “That–was a very strange dream,” he thinks. “Women from around the world trying to figure out what I could do/be to turn them off.”

                He smiles, a slightly lop-sided one.
                “Maybe-if I go back to sleep soon, I’ll dream the rest of it and figure out how to get the Barmy Army out of my hair.”

                “Speaking of hair . . .” The actor gingerly pats the back of his head with a wry expression.

                “Suppose my bald spot growing is one of their turn-offs. Oh, it’s not easy being an Obsession.”

                He yawns, wiggles his amazingly handsome toes,and snuggles back under the covers as he cuddles a small stuffed bear to his chest.

                “Night again, Pudsey . . .”


                • Exactly Angie, Exactly! And in there is the thought, “I better get something else out there for them to focus on, left to their own devices things get out of hand.”


                  • Wouldn’t be surprised if he drops hints to the ETT people to do more Tweeting . . . anything to keep those crazy women occupied for a while.
                    My husband say he feels sincerely sorry for Richard sometimes, and I so do I.


                • Hahaha, the Barmy Army 🙂 That was funny!


              • Me too. I can already imagine him thinking if he ever reads this, ‘ah thank you ladies, now I know what should be done. To preen or be dull, hmm, decisions decisions…’


                • Are y’all saying I should not only write Sloth Fic with the ChaRActers, but–what would we call it?–fic featuring an Actor who shall remain anonymous who has a plethora of panting, pondering, persnickety females obsessing over his every move?

                  Hmmmmmm . . . . It has potential.


        • good point, pi.


    • Not ruin him. Make him unhappy.


  20. Good catch, Servetus, he really seems a bit apologetic somehow.


  21. He’s never going to read this. LOL!

    Seriously, it’s a new day and not like it was when he had a very close relationship with the fans in cyber world, and a lot of that has to do with the fact that the guy is busy. If he has time to read our nonsense, then he has super powers.


    • Agreed. If he can squeeze in time to cruise all the blogs, forums and websites devoted to him, he IS the British version of Super Man.
      Captain Britannia. Da-da-DUHM! (wouldn’t he look nice in those spandex tights, though . . .)


      • He doesn’t, he said so himself many times, I meant it as a joke, I guess sarcasm is harder to convey through print.

        I’ve read that he leaves us to it so we don’t feel restricted with what we say. That and also he doesn’t want our opinions and dislikes for certain roles to affect the choices he makes, something like that, which I think is great. I would like him to decide his career choices without having to consider whether we would like it or not.


    • I think it’s as good as excluded that he can find time to read these comments. I imagine that someone in his agents’ office occasionally scans the internet to see how his reception is coming along, but I am not especially worried about what I say getting back to him.


  22. […] this, an amusing discussion emerged in the comments to a previous post under the question of "what could you find out about Richard Armitage that would turn you off?" Just more proof that "me + richard armitage" readers are often very intuitive thinkers who grasp […]


  23. […] Armitage as self-conscious shill for the Spooks 9 DVD edition. Source: […]


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